4,266 research outputs found

    Chemical abundances and properties of the ionized gas in NGC 1705

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    We obtained [O III] narrow-band imaging and multi-slit MXU spectroscopy of the blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy NGC 1705 with FORS2@VLT to derive chemical abundances of PNe and H II regions and, more in general, to characterize the properties of the ionized gas. The auroral [O III]\lambda4363 line was detected in all but one of the eleven analyzed regions, allowing for a direct estimate of their electron temperature. The only object for which the [O III]\lambda4363 line was not detected is a possible low-ionization PN, the only one detected in our data. For all the other regions, we derived the abundances of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Neon, Sulfur and Argon out to ~ 1 kpc from the galaxy center. We detect for the first time in NGC 1705 a negative radial gradient in the oxygen metallicity of -0.24 \pm 0.08 dex kpc^{-1}. The element abundances are all consistent with values reported in the literature for other samples of dwarf irregular and blue compact dwarf galaxies. However, the average (central) oxygen abundance, 12 + log(O/H)=7.96 \pm 0.04, is ~0.26 dex lower than previous literature estimates for NGC 1705 based on the [O III]\lambda4363 line. From classical emission-line diagnostic diagrams, we exclude a major contribution from shock excitation. On the other hand, the radial behavior of the emission line ratios is consistent with the progressive dilution of radiation with increasing distance from the center of NGC 1705. This suggests that the strongest starburst located within the central \sim150 pc is responsible for the ionization of the gas out to at least \sim1 kpc. The gradual dilution of the radiation with increasing distance from the center reflects the gradual and continuous transition from the highly ionized H II regions in the proximity of the major starburst into the diffuse ionized gas.Comment: Accepted for publication on A

    Oxygen and silicon abundances in Cygnus OB2: Chemical homogeneity in a sample of OB slow rotators

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    Cygnus OB2 is a rich OB association in the Galaxy which has experienced intense star formation in the last 20-25 Myr. Its stellar population shows a correlation between age and Galactic longitude. Exploring the chemical composition of its stellar content we will be able to check the degree of homogeneity of the natal molecular cloud and possible effects of self-enrichment processes. Our aim is to determine silicon and oxygen abundances for a sample of eight early-type slow rotators in Cygnus OB2 in order to check possible inhomogeneities across the whole association and whether there exists a correlation of chemical composition with Galactic longitude. We have performed a spectroscopic analysis of a sample of late O and early B stars with low rotational velocity, which have been chosen so as to cover the whole association area. We have carried out an analysis based on equivalent widths of metal lines, the wings of the H Balmer lines and FASTWIND stellar atmosphere models to determine their stellar fundamental parameters as well as the silicon and oxygen surface abundances. We derive a rather homogeneous distribution of silicon and oxygen abundances across the region, with average values of 12+log(Si/H)=7.53±\pm0.08 dex and 12+log(O/H)=8.65±\pm0.12 dex. We find a homogeneous chemical composition in Cygnus OB2 with no clear evidence for significant chemical self-enrichment, despite indications of strong stellar winds and possible supernovae during the history of the region. Comparison with different scenarios of chemical enrichment by stellar winds and supernovae point to star forming efficiencies not significantly above 10%. The degree of homogeneity that we find is consistent with the observed Milky Way oxygen gradient based on HII regions. We also find that the oxygen scatter within Cygnus OB2 is at least of the same order than among HII regions at similar Galactocentric distance.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    PPAK Wide-field Integral Field Spectroscopy of NGC 628: I. The largest spectroscopic mosaic on a single galaxy

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    We present a wide-field IFS survey on the nearby face-on Sbc galaxy NGC 628, comprising 11094 individual spectra, covering a nearly circular field-of-view of ~6 arcmin in diameter, with a sampling of ~2.7 arcsec per spectrum in the optical wavelength range (3700--7000 AA). This galaxy is part of the PPAK IFS Nearby Galaxies Survey, (PINGS, Rosales-Ortega et al. 2009). To our knowledge, this is the widest spectroscopic survey ever made in a single nearby galaxy. A detailed flux calibration was applied, granting a spectrophotometric accuracy of \sim\,0.2 mag. The age of the stellar populations shows a negative gradient from the inner (older) to the outer (younger) regions. We found an inversion of this gradient in the central ~1 kpc region, where a somewhat younger stellar population is present within a ring at this radius. This structure is associated with a circumnuclear star-forming region at ~ 500 pc, also found in similar spiral galaxies. From the study of the integrated and spatially resolved ionized gas we found a moderate SFR of ~ 2.4 Msun yr1^{-1}. The oxygen abundance shows a a clear gradient of higher metallicity values from the inner part to the outer part of the galaxy, with a mean value of 12~+~log(O/H) ~ 8.7. At some specific regions of the galaxy, the spatially resolved distribution of the physical properties show some level of structure, suggesting real point-to-point variations within an individual \hh region. Our results are consistent with an inside-out growth scheme, with stronger star formation at the outer regions, and with evolved stellar populations in the inner ones.Comment: 31 pages, 22 Figuras, Accepted for Publishing in MNRAS (corrected PDF

    Collapse of a semiflexible polymer in poor solvent

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    We investigate the dynamics and the pathways of the collapse of a single, semiflexible polymer in a poor solvent via 3-D Brownian Dynamics simulations. Earlier work indicates that the condensation of semiflexible polymers generically proceeds via a cascade through metastable racquet-shaped, long-lived intermediates towards the stable torus state. We investigate the rate of decay of uncollapsed states, analyze the preferential pathways of condensation, and describe likelihood and lifespan of the different metastable states. The simulation are performed with a bead-stiff spring model with excluded volume interaction and exponentially decaying attractive potential. The semiflexible chain collapse is studied as functions of the three relevant length scales of the phenomenon, i.e., the total chain length LL, the persistence length LpL_p and the condensation length L0=kBTLp/u0L_0 = \sqrt{k_B T L_p/u_0}, where u0u_0 is a measure of the attractive potential per unit length. Two dimensionless ratios, L/LpL/L_p and L0/LpL_0/L_p, suffice to describe the decay rate of uncollapsed states, which appears to scale as (L/Lp)1/3(L0/Lp)(L/L_p)^{1/3} (L_0/L_p). The condensation sequence is described in terms of the time series of the well separated energy levels associated with each metastable collapsed state. The collapsed states are described quantitatively through the spatial correlation of tangent vectors along the chain. We also compare the results obtained with a locally inextensible bead-rod chain and with a phantom bead-spring model. Finally, we show preliminary results on the effects of steady shear flow on the kinetics of collapse.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    PNe and H II regions in the starburst irregular galaxy NGC 4449 from LBT MODS data

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    We present deep 3500-10000 A˚\AA spectra of H II regions and planetary nebulae (PNe) in the starburst irregular galaxy NGC 4449, acquired with the Multi Object Double Spectrograph at the Large Binocular Telescope. Using the "direct" method, we derived the abundance of He, N, O, Ne, Ar, and S in six H II regions and in four PNe in NGC 4449. This is the first case of PNe studied in a starburst irregular outside the Local Group. Our H II region and PN sample extends over a galacto-centric distance range of \approx2 kpc and spans \approx0.2 dex in oxygen abundance, with average values of 12+log(O/H)=8.37±0.0512+\log(O/H)=8.37 \pm 0.05 and 8.3±0.18.3 \pm 0.1 for H II regions and PNe, respectively. PNe and H II regions exhibit similar oxygen abundances in the galacto-centric distance range of overlap, while PNe appear more than \sim1 dex enhanced in nitrogen with respect to H II regions. The latter result is the natural consequence of N being mostly synthesized in intermediate-mass stars and brought to the stellar surface during dredge-up episodes. On the other hand, the similarity in O abundance between H II regions and PNe suggests that NGC 4449' s interstellar medium has been poorly enriched in α\alpha elements since the progenitors of the PNe were formed. Finally, our data reveal the presence of a negative oxygen gradient for both H II regions and PNe, whilst nitrogen does not exhibit any significant radial trend. We ascribe the (unexpected) nitrogen behaviour as due to local N enrichment by the conspicuous Wolf-Rayet population in NGC 4449.Comment: Accepted for publication on Ap

    The Birth-Cluster of the Galactic Luminous Blue Variable WRA751

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    We present the results of NTT/VLT UBV imaging of a 260 square arcmin region containing the Galactic Luminous Blue Variable WRA751, in search for its birth-cluster, i.e. a cluster of young and massive stars spatially and physically associated with it. On the basis of the classical reddening-free parameter Q, we have identified a sample of 24 early-type stars with colours typical of spectral types earlier than B3. Interestingly, these stars are clustered within a radius of 1 arcmin from WRA751, corresponding to about 1% of the imaged field. These stars tightly distribute around (B-V) = 1.67, which in turn defines a mean extinction A(V) = 6.1 mag. The 5 brighter (V > 16.2) and bluer (Q < -0.9) stars of the sample have been subsequently observed with FORS1 and classified as 3 late O- and 2 early B- stars. The absence of stars earlier than O8 indicates an age of the cluster older than 4 Myr, although it could be due to an incomplete sampling of the upper end of the main sequence. Nevertheless, the detection of OB stars of class I certainly indicates an age of a few million years. At an assumed distance of 6 kpc, we estimate a cluster radius of 3.4 pc and a total mass of 2200 solar masses. Our discovery is only the second known instance of a Galactic Luminous Blue Variable associated with its birth-cluster.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted by A&

    IMF and [Na/Fe] abundance ratios from optical and NIR Spectral Features in Early-type Galaxies

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    We present a joint analysis of the four most prominent sodium-sensitive features (NaD, NaI8190, NaI1.14, and NaI2.21), in the optical and Near-Infrared spectral range, of two nearby, massive (sigma~300km/s), early-type galaxies (named XSG1 and XSG2). Our analysis relies on deep VLT/X-Shooter long-slit spectra, along with newly developed stellar population models, allowing for [Na/Fe] variations, up to 1.2dex, over a wide range of age, total metallicity, and IMF slope. The new models show that the response of the Na-dependent spectral indices to [Na/Fe] is stronger when the IMF is bottom heavier. For the first time, we are able to match all four Na features in the central regions of massive early-type galaxies, finding an overabundance of [Na/Fe], in the range 0.5-0.7dex, and a bottom-heavy IMF. Therefore, individual abundance variations cannot be fully responsible for the trends of gravity-sensitive indices, strengthening the case towards a non-universal IMF. Given current limitations of theoretical atmosphere models, our [Na/Fe] estimates should be taken as upper limits. For XSG1, where line strengths are measured out to 0.8Re, the radial trend of [Na/Fe] is similar to [Mg/Fe] and [C/Fe], being constant out to 0.5Re, and decreasing by 0.2-0.3dex at 0.8Re, without any clear correlation with local metallicity. Such a result seems to be in contrast with the predicted increase of Na nucleosynthetic yields from AGB stars and TypeII SNe. For XSG1, the Na-inferred IMF radial profile is consistent, within the errors, with that derived from TiO features and the Wing-Ford band, presented in a recent paper.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure, accepted for publication in MNRAS. The new Na-enhanced models will be available soon at http://miles.iac.es