3,522 research outputs found
Archaeological manifestations of empire: Assyrias imprint on Southeastern Anatolia
pre-printOne of the most enduring problems for the study of ancient empires is the fact that material correlates indicative of imperial integration are often difficult to define in the archaeological record. This situation results in part from two factors that distinguish empires from other less complex political formations. First, the military and administrative structures that integrate otherwise diverse areas into a single imperial system vary considerably in their nature and intensity, and second, such systems are often superimposed over existing political, economic, and social structures, thus altering existing systems in ways which may or may not be visible in the archaeological record. Thus the archaeological manifestations of empire may be far more diverse than those of less complex polities. This article explores how the material correlates of Assyrian imperialism are manifest in the archaeological record by analyzing and combining archaeological and textual data from the Mesopotamian Iron Age (ca. 1100-600 B.C.) in southeastern Anatolia. It suggests that imperial integration affects the archaeological record in significant and identifiable ways by illuminating three overarching themes that are characteristic of Assyrian imperialism: the establishment of agricultural colonies in newly annexed regions; the use or enforcement of buffer zones between frontier provinces and hostile neighbors; and the discontiguous nature of Assyrian imperial control
Yukari dicle arkeolojik arastirma projesi (UTARP): kenan tepenin kulturel tarihinin on sentezi
Journal ArticleBu raporun amaci Guneydogu Tiirkiye'de, Ilisu Baraji bolgesinde onemli bir arkeolqjik yerle§me olan Kenan Tepe'nin kiiltiir tarihi hakkindaki bugiinkii bilgimizi ozetlemektir (§ekil 1). Bu sentezin biiyiik boliimii Yukan Dicle Arkeolojik Ara§tirma Projesi (UTARP) iiyelerinin 2001 yazinda yiiriittiikleri ara§tirmaya dayanir, ancak 2000 kazi sezonunda kazilmis, olan veriler de kullanilmi§tir. Raporda, verilerin detayli tarifleri yer almaz. Bu bilgiler icin okuyuculanmizi diger UTARP raporlanna yonlendirmekteyiz (Parker et al. 2002a, 2002b, 2003a, 2003b). 2001 yazindaki ara§tirma 21 Haziran - 24 Agustos tarihleri arasinda yapildi. UTARP iiyeleri yerle§menin yedi ayn bolgesinde operasyonlar yonettiler (§ekil 2). A alaninda, gecen yil ba§lattigimiz 2 x 25 m'lik basamak acmada (acma A 2) kazilara devam ettik; bu arada Utah Universitesi'nden bir grup antropolog 2 x 10 m'lik bir seri acma a§arak Kenan Tepe'nin gee donem mezarligini (A 3 - A 7) ara§tirdilar. Biz B alaninda (B 4) 10 x 10 m'lik yeni bir acma actik. C alaninda iki tane yeni 10 x 10 m'lik a§ma acjtik (C 3 ve C 4) ve gecen yil kazdigimiz 5 x 5 m'lik iki a§mada (C 1 ve C 2) kazilara devam ettik. D alaninda gegen yil ba§latilan iki acma 5 x 10 m'ye geni§letildi (D 4 ve D 5).
Yukari dicle arkeolojik arastirma ppojesi (UTARP) kenan tepe 2000 yiki calismalari raporu
Journal ArticleBu rapor, Giineydogu Anadolu'da Diyarbakir ili iginde yer alan Kenan Tepe'nin ilk kazi mevsimi olan 2000 yih gali§malan hakkinda kisaca bilgi verme amacini ta§imaktadir. ilk kazi mevsiminin amaci yerle§menin kronolojisini, Kenan Tepe'de bulunan degi§ik donemlere ait yerle§melerin niteligi ve dogasini belirlemekti. Amacimizi, sorunlan ortaya koyarak ve olu§turdugumuz varsayimlari sinayarak bu dogrultuda be§ ile yedi yil siirmesi planlanan kazinin stratejisini saptamak olarak agiklayabiliriz. Kenan Tepe, Bismil ilgesinin yakla§ik 15 km dogusunda, Diyarbakir-Batman karayolunun hemen yakimnda, Dicle Nehri'ne dogru, Yukan Dicle Havzasi'mn geni§ vadisine bakan kiregtasi kayaliklann uzerinde yer almaktadir (§ekil 1). Kenan Tepe'deki gah§malar Temmuz 2000 yilinin ortalannda ba§layip Agustos sonunda sona ermi§tir. Bu yilki gali§malarda 2 x 25 m boyutlannda basamakli bir agma ile ba§layarak 5 x 5 m'lik on tane agma agtik, iig tane derin sondaj kazdik ve yerle§mede alti alanda iki kesit temizledik (A-F alanlan, §ekil 2)
Yukarı Dicle Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi (UTARP) boztepe vuzey arastirmasi ve kazilari, talavas, tepe yontemli yuzey arastirmasi, 1999 on rapor
Journal ArticleBoztepe sit alani, Giineydogu Anadolu'da, Diyarbakir ili, Bismil ilce merkezinin 8 km dogusunda yeralir (§ekil 1 ve 2). Bugiinkii haliyle Boztepe kiicuk ve goreceli olarak aleak bir hoyiiktiir. Bazi yerlerde kiiltiir tabakalan 4 m derinlige ula§masina kar§in, hoyiigiin on goriinumiinii cevredeki tepelerden ve kivnmli araziden ayirmak 90k gucttir. Boztepe'de arkeolojik ara§tirmalar 1999 yih Temmuz ayi ba§inda, hoyiigiin iki farkh boliimiinde, dort adet 5x5 m'lik acma ile ba§lami§tir\ Sezon sonu itiban ile bu sayi onbir acmaya ve iki sondaja yiikselmi§tir (§ekil 3). Aym zamanda, Boztepe'de ve hemen yakininda bulunan Talava§ Tepe'de geni§ caph yiizey ara§tirmasi yapilmi§tir (Bkz. §ekil 2 ve a§agisi). Burada, bu calis,malann sonuclannin bir on raporu sunulmaktadir
The upper Tigris archaeological research project: a final report from the 1999 field season
pre-printDuring the summer of 1999 members of the Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP) conducted archaeological excavations and surveys at two sites in the upper Tigris river region of southeastern Turkey. This article presents the results of that research. At the site of Boztepe excavations yielded four Halaf period burials, all of which contained grave goods, and an Iron Age house dated by C14 to the Assyrian Imperial period. Intensive surveys at Talava^ Tepe and Boztepe have refined the chronology and size of both sites. Although the exposures of the Halaf period are very small, these data add important insights into Halaf mortuary practices, while evidence from both Boztepe and Talava? Tepe supplements our understanding of the upper Tigris river region during the Iron Age
The early second millennium ceramic assemblage from Kenan Tepe, Southeastern Turkey: a preliminary assessment
pre-printIn the initial survey of the upper Tigris river valley the authors o f the survey report concluded that ‘either this portion o f the Tigris basin was bypassed entirely by Middle Bronze Age development attested to elsewhere or, more likely, it is characterised by a thus far unreported and unrecognised assemblage* (Algaze et al. 1991: 183). Recent research by members of the Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP) at the site o f Kenan Tepe confirms the latter hypothesis, that the early second millennium in this area is marked by a regionally distinct material culture assemblage that is influenced by ceramic traditions in upper Mesopotamia and other material culture traditions in Anatolia. This article outlines our initial assessment of these data including an analysis of the ceramic corpus, architecture, archaeobotany, small finds and carbon-14, and places these data in a regional context. We conclude by speculating that the inhabitants of Kenan Tepe may have participated in interaction spheres that linked the upper Tigris river region to greater Mesopotamia and Anatolia
Conceptual design of an orbital propellant transfer experiment. Volume 2: Study results
The OTV configurations, operations and requirements planned for the period from the 1980's to the 1990's were reviewed and a propellant transfer experiment was designed that would support the needs of these advanced OTV operational concepts. An overall integrated propellant management technology plan for all NASA centers was developed. The preliminary cost estimate (for planning purposes only) is 31.8 M is for shuttle user costs
Unsung heroes: who supports social work students on placement?
Since the introduction of the three year degree programme in 2003, social work education has undergone a number of significant changes. The time students spend on placement has been increased to two hundred days, and the range of placement opportunities and the way in which these placements have been configured has significantly diversified. A consistent feature over the years, however, has been the presence of a Practice Educator (PE) who has guided, assessed and taught the student whilst on placement. Unsurprisingly, the role of the PE and the pivotal relationship they have with the student has been explored in the past and features in social work literature.
This paper, however, concentrates on a range of other relationships which are of significance in providing support to students on placement. In particular it draws on research to discuss the role of the university contact tutor, the place of the wider team in which the student is sited, and the support offered by family, friends and others.
Placements and the work undertaken by PE’s will continue to be integral to the delivery of social work education. It is, however, essential to recognise and value the often over looked role of others in providing support to students on placement
Role of unfolded proteins in lung disease.
The lungs are exposed to a range of environmental toxins (including cigarette smoke, air pollution, asbestos) and pathogens (bacterial, viral and fungal), and most respiratory diseases are associated with local or systemic hypoxia. All of these adverse factors can trigger endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. The ER is a key intracellular site for synthesis of secretory and membrane proteins, regulating their folding, assembly into complexes, transport and degradation. Accumulation of misfolded proteins within the lumen results in ER stress, which activates the unfolded protein response (UPR). Effectors of the UPR temporarily reduce protein synthesis, while enhancing degradation of misfolded proteins and increasing the folding capacity of the ER. If successful, homeostasis is restored and protein synthesis resumes, but if ER stress persists, cell death pathways are activated. ER stress and the resulting UPR occur in a range of pulmonary insults and the outcome plays an important role in many respiratory diseases. The UPR is triggered in the airway of patients with several respiratory diseases and in corresponding experimental models. ER stress has been implicated in the initiation and progression of pulmonary fibrosis, and evidence is accumulating suggesting that ER stress occurs in obstructive lung diseases (particularly in asthma), in pulmonary infections (some viral infections and in the setting of the cystic fibrosis airway) and in lung cancer. While a number of small molecule inhibitors have been used to interrogate the role of the UPR in disease models, many of these tools have complex and off-target effects, hence additional evidence (eg, from genetic manipulation) may be required to support conclusions based on the impact of such pharmacological agents. Aberrant activation of the UPR may be linked to disease pathogenesis and progression, but at present, our understanding of the context-specific and disease-specific mechanisms linking these processes is incomplete. Despite this, the ability of the UPR to defend against ER stress and influence a range of respiratory diseases is becoming increasingly evident, and the UPR is therefore attracting attention as a prospective target for therapeutic intervention strategies
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