55 research outputs found

    Scintimammography with 99mTc-MIBI and magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of breast cancer

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    This study was performed to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile (99mTc-MIBI) scintimammography (SMM) and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with breast masses, using the histological findings as the gold standard. Forty-five consecutive patients with a breast lesion, detected by self-examination, physical examination or screening mammography, underwent SMM and MRI. In 38 cases (84.5%), the histopathology was malignant; the breast cancers ranged from 3 to 100 mm in diameter (mean 22 mm). In the overall patient group, MRI showed a slightly higher sensitivity than SMM (92% vs 84%), but SMM showed a better specificity: 71% vs 42%. The accuracy was 82% and 84% for SMM and MRI respectively. To evaluate the influence of lesion size on the results, patients with lesions ≤20 mm and ≤15 mm were examined. In patients with lesions ≤20 mm, the sensitivity of SMM and MRI decreased to 64% and 82% respectively, while SMM again displayed considerably better specificity: 83% vs 50% for MRI. The accuracy of SMM and MRI was 64% and 82% respectively. In patients with lesions ≤15 mm, SMM again showed better specificity (75% vs 50%), while MRI displayed better sensitivity and accuracy (sensitivity, 81% vs 62%; accuracy, 75% vs 65%). In this study the specificity of SMM in patients with breast lesions was thus superior to that of MRI. The combination of SMM and MRI may be used in those patients with equivocal findings at mammography and ultrasound to reduce the number of unnecessary surgical biopsies

    Trattamento funerario differenziale di neonati di epoca tardo-romana. Le deposizioni di infanti e cani a Peltuinum.

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    È indubbio che la ricostruzione delle caratteristiche demografiche delle popolazioni antiche trovi il suo maggiore ostacolo nella sottostima degli scheletri infantili recuperati dai contesti cimiteriali. Mentre i modelli di riferimento prevedono, infatti, una mortalità nei primi anni di vita superiore al 30% dei decessi totali nelle popolazioni pre-industriali, gli scavi di necropoli raramente restituiscono tali proporzioni. Fattori casuali, quali il minor grado di mineralizzazione dello scheletro in accrescimento, processi post-deposizionali, scavi e recuperi parziali del materiale scheletrico, sono oggi ritenuti marginali; molto più credito viene attribuito invece a scelte culturali che implicano trattamenti differenziali - sia nelle modalità che nei luoghi - degli infanti rispetto al resto della popolazione. Nell' ambito della ricerca sulla città romana di Peltuinum (AQ), i recenti scavi del teatro forniscono nuove ed interessanti indicazioni in tale senso. I pozzetti antistanti il muro del pulpitum , connessi al sistema di funzionamento del sipario, hanno restituito numerosi resti di feti e neonati umani, in associazione a resti di cani e di altra fauna.The symbolic value of water as a vector to the prenatal life or deities drives the choice to bury the bodies in underground environments. It can therefore be assumed that the disused wells of the theater have been considered the most suitable place for infants burial in a rural area. Thus, the particularity of the deposition and the high concentration of perinatal deaths, are likely connected to cultural practices, involving a differential treatment of infants, in association with an high risk of mortality at birt

    Hyperglycemia and Physical Impairment in Frail Hypertensive Older Adults

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    Background: Frailty is a multidimensional condition typical of elders. Frail older adults have a high risk of functional decline, hospitalization, and mortality. Hypertension is one of the most common comorbidities in elders. Hyperglycemia (HG) is frequently observed in frail older adults, and represents an independent predictor of worst outcomes, with or without diabetes mellitus (DM). We aimed at investigating the impact of HG on physical impairment in frailty. Methods: We studied consecutive older adults with frailty and hypertension at the ASL (local health unit of the Italian Ministry of Health) of Avellino, Italy, from March 2021 to September 2021. Exclusion criteria were: age <65 years, no frailty, no hypertension, left ventricular ejection fraction <25%, previous myocardial infarction, previous primary percutaneous coronary intervention and/or coronary artery bypass grafting. Blood glucose, Hb1Ac, and creatinine were measured in all patients. Physical frailty was assessed applying the Fried Criteria; we performed a 5-meter gait speed (5mGS) test in all patients. Results: 149 frail hypertensive older adults were enrolled in the study, of which 82 had normoglycemia (NG), and 67 had HG. We observed a significantly slower 5mGS in the HG group compared to the NG group (0.52 ± 0.1 vs. 0.69 ± 0.06; p<0.001). Moreover, we found a strong and significant correlation between 5mGS and glycemia (r: 0.833; p<0.001). A multivariable linear regression analysis using 5mGS as a dependent variable revealed a significant independent association with glycemia (p<0.001) after adjusting for likely confounders. Conclusions: HG drives physical impairment in frail hypertensive older adults independently of DM

    Programa intensivo ERASMUS: TOPCART. Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (memoria de actividades 2010-2011)

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    [EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):● LDGP_inv_002: "Intensive Program ERASMUS: TOPCART. Geometric Documentation of the Heritage (administrative and academic documentation)", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9906[ES] Los datos de este registro provienen de la una actividad académica que también aparece descrita en el repositorio y desde donde se puede acceder a otros trabajos relacionados con el Monasterio:● LDGP_inv_002: "Programa intensivo ERASMUS: TOPCART. Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (documentación administrativa y académica)", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9906[EN] The main objective this project is looking for is the exchange of practical methodologies, in topics related with the measure and representation of heritage, between teachers and specially students from different countries. For the achievement of this aim we expect the participation of a group of about 30 students and 8 lecturers from Germany, Italy, Greece, Lithuania and Spain.Activities will be focused on the development of concrete projects in documentation of heritage, specifically in the San Prudencio Monastery (La Rioja, Spain). In this site, digital techniques for the acquisition of geometric information from GPS equipment, surveying total stations, laser scanner and photogrammetry systems, will be put into practice.Obtained data will be processed as follows: first of all, they will be documented by adding necessary metadata in order to ensure their use in the future, then, they will be treated to obtain cartographic representations and virtual models which can be distributed on the Internet.As results we expect: metric data of the monument, graphic models for difussion and collaboration partnertships.[ES] El objetivo principal que se persigue en este proyecto es el intercambio de metodológico práctico, en materias afines a la medida y la representación del patrimonio, entre profesores y fundamentalmente alumnos, de diferentes países. Para la consecución de este fin se espera la participación de un grupo de aproximadamente 25 alumnos y 8 profesores de (Alemania, Italia, Grecia, Lituania y España).Las actividades se centrarán en el desarrollo de proyectos concretos de documentación de elementos patrimoniales, en concreto el apartado práctico se desarrollará en el Monasterio de San Prudencio (La Rioja, España). En el se aplicarán técnicas digitales de registro de información geométrica, constituidas por receptores GPS, estaciones totales topográficas, escáneres láser y sistemas fotogramétricos.Los datos obtenidos serán tratados de la siguiente manera: en primer lugar serán documentados, mediante la adición de la metainformación necesaria para garantizar su utilidad a lo largo del tiempo, seguidamente serán procesados con el fin de obtener las representaciones cartográficas y modelos virtuales de representación que puedan ser difundidas por medio de Internet.Como resultados se pretenden: un conjunto de registros métricos del momento de la intervención, modelos gráficos de difusión y finalmente relaciones de colaboración interpersonal e interinstitucional.European Commission, DG Education and Culture (Erasmus 2009-1-ES1-ERAIP-0013, 2010-1-ES1-ERA10-0024); Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos (OAPEE); Gobierno de La Rioja (Spain); Universidad de La Rioja; Clavijo City Council; Logroño City Council; Ilustre Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos en Topografía (Delegación de La Rioja)[ES] Memoria de proyecto (PDF) [es el último fichero de la lista, el enlace directo es https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/10810/7053/1053/ldgp_mem011-1_Clavijo_SanPrudencio.pdf] + 11 imágenes de la visita preliminar en abril de 2009, en formato JPEG + 19 nubes de puntos en formato txt (comprimido en ZIP junto a un fichero de metadatos y una imagen que sirve de croquis y que también se presenta suelta) + 27 fotografías tomadas desde un helicóptero radicontrolado en 2011 por el grupo H (JPEG) + 18 fotografías métricas del edificio en forma de -L- tomadas desde el Sur + 13 fotografías métricas del edificio en forma de -L- tomadas desde el Este + 95 fotografías métricas del interior del edificio en forma de -L- (JPEG) + 35 fotografías métricas tomadas desde el cerro que se encuentra al sur (JPEG) + 8 fotografías métricas que forman 4 pares estereoscópicos (2 del grupo B y 2 del grupo D) (JPEG) + 183 fotografías métricas que forman 91 tripletas (grupos B, C y D) (JPEG). [NOTA: este registro no está cerrado, se irán incorporando nuevos materiales de forma progresiva][EN] General report (PDF) [it is the last file of the list, the direct link is https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/10810/7053/1053/ldgp_mem011-1_Clavijo_SanPrudencio.pdf] + 11 pictures taken during the preliminary visit in April 2009 (JPEG format) + 19 point clouds in plain text (compressed in a ZIP file together with a file with metadata and an image PNG as sketch, these image are also presented on their own) + 27 photographs taken from a remote-controlled helicopter for the group H in 2011(JPEG) + 18 metric pictures of the L-shaped building taken from the South (JPEG) + 13 metric pictures of the L-shaped building taken from the East (JPEG) + 95 metric pictures of the inside part of the L-shaped building (JPEG) + 35 metric photographs taken from the hill opposite in the Southern + 8 metric photographs in four stereopairs (2 from group B and 2 from group D) (JPEG) + 183 metric photographs arranged in 91 triplets from groups B, C and D (JPEG). [NOTE: this record is not closed, more data will be uploaded progressively

    Un monumento funerario romano in area vestina. Analisi e confronti

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    Il monumento funerario di Peltuinum si trova a 100 m di distanza dalla porta occidentale della città romana, lungo l'antica via Claudia Nova. A causa delle attività della spoliazione e del degrado causato dagli agenti atmosferici, i suoi resti consistono solo nel nucleo di cemento: il layout piano volumetrico, tuttavia, permette l'attribuzione alla tipologia di "torre tombe", diffusa in Italia centrale tra il I secolo aC e il secolo dC II L'analisi diretta dei resti permette di proporre una serie di ipotesi ricostruttiva e di correlare la sua realizzazione con la storia del centro monumentale della città romana

    The Domus of Apuleius at Ostia Antica: a Private Space in a central point of Public Life

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    The domus of Apuleio is placed in the II Regio of Ostia Antica (II VIII,5), in a central point of the colony's public life. It is an important example of transformation from a sacred space into a private one and of a constant relationship between public and private use. The domus was build indeed during the II a.D. on the north-east side of the Quattro Tempietti Repubblicani, a sacred area delimited on the south by the urban decumano massimo, easterly by the theatre and the Piazzale delle Corporazioni, northerly by the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere and westerly by the Grandi Horrea. The domus occupied a particular section of the original temenos of the Quattro Tempietti which was this way covered and defunctionalized. The little space and the architectural preexistences influenced the planimetrical development of the domus, which was build with a unusual L's form. The literary, stratigraphical and archaeological studies, helped by the 3D reconstruction of the monument, allowed to make light on the continuous interaction, both in structural and urbanistic terms, between the domus and the private life inside and the sector of the Quattro Tempietti and the Theatre outside. These interactions are mainly expressed by the presence of restructuring phases, proved by the presence of various kinds of masonry, different elevations of the ground level and changed routes, which affected the entire area. Clear examples for this state are the various openings linking the domus, the sacred area and the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere and the inclusion of the domus in the system of distance of the theater, being aligned with the aditus maximus scene. These and other factors have made it possible to relate the private life that took place within the domus with the public life on the outside

    Dati per una nuova lettura dell'area dei Quattro Tempietti e della Domus di Apuleio nel loro rapporto con il teatro di Ostia antica

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    Il settore preso in esame si colloca nella Regio II di Ostia ed è delimitato a sud dal cd. Decumano Massimo, ad est dal Teatro e dal Piazzale delle Corporazioni, a nord da un’area non scavata di cui non è noto il potenziale archeologico e ad ovest dal complesso dei Grandi Horrea: il nucleo principale è costituito dai Quattro Tempietti Repubblicani e dal piazzale ad essi antistante, da un complesso di tabernae affacciate verso il Decumano, dalla Domus di Apuleio, ubicata nell’angolo Nord-Est, dal Mitreo delle Sette Sfere e da un presunto impianto industriale posto nel settore occidentale. Si tratta di una delle aree più antiche della colonia ostiense, ma anche una delle più complesse in quanto, in uno spazio ristretto e ben delimitato, si giustappongono una serie di edifici con pianta e funzioni differenti, i cui rapporti, sia in termini strutturali che cronologici, non risultano di facile lettura. Strutture di tecniche edilizie varie e con piani di spiccato posti a quote non omogenee, che testimoniano una frequentazione dell’area dall’età repubblicana a quella tardo antica, si mostrano infatti ora in una visione sincronica che non lascia presagire l’antico sviluppo planovolumetrico dei singoli monumenti. L’analisi autoptica dei resti, il rilevamento tramite le moderne tecnologie di fotogrammetria e 3d laser scanning survey, integrato, per le parti oggi interrate, con la documentazione redatta da Italo Gismondi agli inizi del ‘900, e l’interpretazione dei dati raccolti nei giornali di scavo hanno permesso di giungere ad un’analisi complessiva dell’area, nelle sue varie fasi edilizie, e di delineare l’impatto che il lavori di costruzione e di ristrutturazione del teatro ebbero, sia da un punto di vista urbanistico che architettonico, su questo settore della città

    La ripresa degli scavi al Castellazzo di Taneto: note preliminari su una struttura fortificata Altomedievale nel Regno Italico

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    In Late-Antiquity several cities became small villages and then disappeared in Italy. As for the Regio Octava, this situation is evident if we compare Pliny’s list of the cities in Aemilia (first century AD) with that of the early-medieval dioceses: 12/24 cities disappeared. Tannetum is one of those centres and the “Tannetum archaeological project’ (Sapienza Università di Roma in collaboration with Syddansk Universitet of Odense) aim is the historical reconstruction of the evolution of Enza River district, Po Valley (RE, Italy). In 2017 a defensive structure was excavated in a place named “Castellazzo”. This area had been surveyed in the Fifties, but these excavations failed to solve the historical enigma of what this fortress was or how old may it be. The 2017 survey revealed some new fundamental clues fot the datation of the structure and new data about the building tecnique and constructive phases. This seems to be one of the oldest castles in the area: a c14 analysis date it at the IX Century. This study addresses the origin of this building to the policy uncertainty of Italy in that period more than to the “barbarian invasions” that took place only some decades later


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    Abstract Background and Aims Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a common finding in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Indeed, CKD represents a relevant risk factor for developing dementia and MCI. Cholinesterase inhibitors, such as rivastigmine, are among the few drugs approved for the treatment of dementia and MCI. Rivastigmine is also used to treat vascular dementia because it protects subcortical brain structures. Data are scanty regarding the use of rivastigmine in CKD patients with MCI and are much needed to guide the therapy for MCI in this cohort of patients. Method This retrospective case-control study compared the effects of rivastigmine on cognitive functions in MCI patients with CKD (stage III-IV; n= 20) and without CKD (n=21, control group), comparable for the extent of cognitive impairment (indexed by Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MoCA), age (range 18-65 years), gender, weight, and comorbidities. Patients under treatment with rivastigmine and with a baseline MoCA score available were included in the study. Exclusion criteria were ictus, psychiatric or other neurological conditions, heart failure, liver failure, severe obesity, anemia, electrolyte disorders, cancer, dialysis, and other severe comorbidities. Laboratory test data (glycemia, cholesterol, hemoglobin, proteinuria, creatinine) were used to characterize the two populations. MCI was defined as a MoCA score between 21-26. The cognitive screening was available at baseline (before treatment) and during a follow-up in a range of three-six months after the start of the treatment. CKD was defined by eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73m2. Results The follow-up timing for cognitive screening was not statistically different between the two cohorts. The control group (MCI without CKD) showed a small, significant improvement in the MoCA score after treatment (baseline MoCA: 22.9±0.5, follow-up MoCA: 23.5±0.5, p=0.02, t-test for paired data). At variance, the MCI-CKD group showed a significant improvement in the MoCA score (baseline MoCA=23±0.4, follow-up MoCA=24.3±0.4, p<0.05). Accordingly, the extent of improvement of MoCA score after rivastigmine was inversely correlated to the eGFR (r = -0.23). Conclusion A significant improvement in MoCA score accompanied treatment with rivastigmine in the CKD group. More extensive population studies are needed to verify the greater efficacy of Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in this population