24 research outputs found

    Effect of prothioconazole-based fungicides on Fusarium head blight, grain yield and deoxynivalenol accumulation in wheat under field conditions

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    The effect of triazole-based treatments on Fusarium head blight (FHB), grain yields and the accumulation of deoxynivalenol (DON) in harvested wheat kernels was evaluated by means of twenty multi-site field experiments performed during five consecutive growing seasons (from 2004‒2005 to 2008‒2009) in Italy. Fungicide treatments were carried out on different cultivars of common wheat (cv. Serio, Blasco, Genio and Savio) and durum wheat (cv. Orobel, Saragolla, San Carlo, Levante, Duilio, Karur and Derrik) after artificial inoculation with a mixture of toxigenic Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum strains. The application of fungicides containing prothioconazole (Proline® or Prosaro®) at the beginning of anthesis (BBCH 61) resulted in a consistent reduction of FHB disease severity (by between 39 and 93%) and DON levels in wheat kernels (by between 40 and 91%) and increased wheat yields (from 0.4 to 5.6 t ha-1, average 2.2 t ha-1), as compared to the untreated/inoculated control. Fungicides containing tebuconazole (Folicur® SE) and cyproconazole plus prochloraz (Tiptor® Xcell) showed a reduced effectiveness compared with prothioconazole-based treatments. All fungicide treatments were more effective in reducing DON and increasing grain yields of common wheat than durum wheat. Results showed that the application of fungicides containing prothioconazole at the beginning of anthesis provided a strong reduction of FHB disease, allowing both an increase in grain yields and a considerable reduction of DON content in wheat kernels

    Survey of the main causal agents of fusarium head blight of durum wheat around Bologna, northern Italy

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    Several Fusarium species and Microdochium nivale are involved in fusarium head blight (FHB), which in Italy has been constantly present on wheat since 1995. This study was carried out from 1995 to 2007 on FHB-infected durum wheat heads collected in the Bologna countryside, Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy. The most frequent Fusarium species found were: Fusarium graminearum (32.1%), F. culmorum (25.2%) and F. poae (17.8%), while F. avenaceum and M. nivale occurred discontinuously. Other Fusarium species were also found, but only sporadically. It is important to identify and characterize the main species involved in the FHB syndrome for this will help us to establish control strategies that will contain the disease and the content of mycotoxins in food and animal feed

    Degradation dynamics and dissipation kinetics of an imidazole fungicide (Prochloraz) in aqueous medium of varying pH

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    Laboratory degradation studies were performed in water at pH 4.0, 7.0 and 9.2 using Prochloraz (450 EC) formulation at the concentration of 1.0 (T1) and 2.0 (T2) µg/mL. Water samples collected on 0 (2 h), 3, 7, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 days after treatments were processed for residue analysis of Prochloraz by HPLC-UV detector. In 60 days, dissipation was 89.1–90.5% at pH 4.0, 84.1–88.2% at pH 7.0, and 92.4–93.8% at pH 9.2 in both treatments. The results indicate that at pH 7.0 the degradation of Prochloraz was much slower as compared to other two. Between pH 4.0 and 9.2 the degradation of compound is little faster at pH 9.2. The half-life periods observed were 18.35 and 19.17 days at pH 4.0, 22.6 and 25.1 days at pH 7.0 and 15.8 and 16.6 days at pH 9.2 at T1 and T2 doses respectively

    Transcription-driven genome organization::A model for chromosome structure and the regulation of gene expression tested through simulations

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    Current models for the folding of the human genome see a hierarchy stretching down from chromosome territories, through A/B compartments and topologically-associating domains (TADs), to contact domains stabilized by cohesin and CTCF. However, molecular mechanisms underlying this folding, and the way folding affects transcriptional activity, remain obscure. Here we review physical principles driving proteins bound to long polymers into clusters surrounded by loops, and present a parsimonious yet comprehensive model for the way the organization determines function. We argue that clusters of active RNA polymerases and their transcription factors are major architectural features; then, contact domains, TADs and compartments just reflect one or more loops and clusters. We suggest tethering a gene close to a cluster containing appropriate factors—a transcription factory—increases the firing frequency, and offer solutions to many current puzzles concerning the actions of enhancers, super-enhancers, boundaries and eQTLs (expression quantitative trait loci). As a result, the activity of any gene is directly influenced by the activity of other transcription units around it in 3D space, and this is supported by Brownian-dynamics simulations of transcription factors binding to cognate sites on long polymers

    Analisi di interazione tra la linea Metro C e le Mura Aureliane: il caso del pozzo multifunzionale di Porta Asinaria

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    La tesi ha natura sperimentale ed è mirata alla valutazione, attraverso l’uso di un programma agli elementi finiti tridimensionale, dell’interazione tra lo scavo del pozzo di introduzione scudi e le Mura Aureliane adiacenti a Porta Asinaria, a Roma. La prima parte della tesi si è concentrata sulla caratterizzazione geotecnica, a partire dai dati ricavati dalle campagne d’indagine eseguite nel tempo. Una volta effettuata la caratterizzazione geotecnica si è passati alla calibrazione del modello costitutivo per il terreno; si è scelto di adottare un legame costitutivo elasto-plastico incrudente, l’Hardening Soil Model with Small Strain Stiffness. Si è quindi passati alla definizione geometrica e dei materiali, utilizzando i rilievi strutturali e topografici, e alla conseguente definizione dei parametri del modello costitutivo adottato per la muratura e per il nucleo interno. In questo caso è stato adottato il modello di Mohr-Coulomb. La geometria globale è stata infine importata dal programma di calcolo PLAXIS 3D a partire da un modello tridimensionale realizzato con il programma Autocad Civil 3D. L'analisi agli elementi finiti ha valutato la realizzazione di diverse configurazioni possibili riguardanti la modellazione del pozzo e di eventuali opere di mitigazione degli effetti, quali lo sbancamento a tergo delle Mura e il successivo rinterro, a scavo ultimato. Si è inoltre analizzata l’influenza provocata da un possibile degrado della muratura. In ultimo sono stati analizzati e commentati i risultati di ciascun’analisi eseguita, in termini di stati deformativi e tensionali, ponendo l’attenzione sulle differenze di comportamento rilevate nelle diverse configurazioni adottate

    Cloud Computing and the New EU General Data Protection Regulation

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    Disclosing personal data for a purpose not known by data subjects is a practice that the 2018 European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is supposed to prevent. This article gives an overview of the major aspects of GDPR related to provision, use, and maintenance of cloud services and technologies

    Experimental measurement and Monte Carlo assessment of Argon-41 production in a PET cyclotron facility

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    In a medical cyclotron facility, 41Ar (t1/2 = 109.34 m) is produced by the activation of air due to the neutron flux during irradiation, according to the 40Ar(n,\u3b3)41Ar reaction; this is particularly relevant in widely diffused high beam current cyclotrons for the production of PET radionuclides. While theoretical estimations of the 41Ar production have been published, no data are available on direct experimental measurements for a biomedical cyclotron. In this work, we describe a sampling methodology and report the results of an extensive measurement campaign. Furthermore, the experimental results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations performed with the FLUKA code. To measure 41Ar activity, air samples were taken inside the cyclotron bunker in sealed Marinelli beakers, during the routine production of 18F with a 16.5 MeV GE-PETtrace cyclotron; this sampling thus reproduces a situation of absence of air changes. Samples analysis was performed in a gamma-ray spectrometry system equipped with HPGe detector. Monte Carlo assessment of the 41Ar saturation yield was performed directly using the standard FLUKA score RESNUCLE, and off-line by the convolution of neutron fluence with cross section data. The average 41Ar saturation yield per one liter of air of 41Ar, measured in gamma-ray spectrometry, resulted to be 3.0 \ub1 0.6 Bq/\u3bcA*dm3 while simulations gave a result of 6.9 \ub1 0.3 Bq/\u3bcA*dm3 in the direct assessment and 6.92 \ub1 0.22 Bq/\u3bcA*dm3 by the convolution neutron fluence-to-cross section


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    Mostra di arte contemporanea "Icaro" del pittore Gianfranco Goberti tenutasi presso il Sistema Museale d'Ateneo (Unife) dal 09/09/2014 al 25/09/2014

    Caratterizzazione biomolecolare di ceppi di Fusarium spp. isolati da seme di Eruca sativa e Diplotaxis spp.

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    Recenti infezioni a carico di rucola coltivata e selvatica in Italia sono state causate da Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. raphani. Considerando che i miceti riferibili alla specie F. oxysporum sono agenti di deperimenti o marciumi radicali su centinaia di ospiti vegetali, distinti sulla base di risposte ospite specifiche in formae speciales e che la specie è ubiquitaria e cosmopolita, risulta difficile effettuare una identificazione tempestiva e certa con il solo approccio morfologico. L’esatta identificazione degli agenti causali è punto cruciale nella valutazione della sanità delle sementi e nella gestione di questa problematica. Nel presente lavoro sono stati analizzati 39 lotti di semente, di cui 31 di rucola selvatica e 8 di rucola coltivata, su substrato semiselettivo (Komada’s medium) per la ricerca di Fusarium spp. Da questi lotti sono stati reperiti 24 isolati, che, unitamente a 2 ceppi di riferimento, sono stati saggiati biologicamente tramite prove di patogenicità differenziali in ambiente controllato e caratterizzati molecolarmente sulla base dello studio dei geni ITS e EF-1. Nessun isolato da seme, analizzato in questa indagine, risulta appartenere a F. oxysporum f. sp. raphani e la maggioranza dei ceppi fungini isolati appartiene a Gibberella fujikuroi Complex