45,755 research outputs found

    The induced representations of Brauer algebra and the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of SO(n)

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    Induced representations of Brauer algebra Df(n)D_{f}(n) from Sf1×Sf2S_{f_{1}}\times S_{f_{2}} with f1+f2=ff_{1}+f_{2}=f are discussed. The induction coefficients (IDCs) or the outer-product reduction coefficients (ORCs) of Sf1×Sf2↑Df(n)S_{f_{1}}\times S_{f_{2}}\uparrow D_{f}(n) with f≤4f\leq 4 up to a normalization factor are derived by using the linear equation method. Weyl tableaus for the corresponding Gel'fand basis of SO(n) are defined. The assimilation method for obtaining CG coefficients of SO(n) in the Gel'fand basis for no modification rule involved couplings from IDCs of Brauer algebra are proposed. Some isoscalar factors of SO(n)⊃SO(n−1)SO(n)\supset SO(n-1) for the resulting irrep [λ1, λ2, λ3, λ4,0˙][\lambda_{1},~\lambda_{2},~ \lambda_{3},~\lambda_{4},\dot{0}] with $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{4}\lambda_{i}\leq .Comment: 48 pages latex, submitted to Journal of Phys.

    High-Fidelity Archeointensity Results for the Late Neolithic Period From Central China

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    Archeomagnetism focuses on exploring high-resolution variations of the geomagnetic field over hundreds to thousands of years. In this study, we carried out a comprehensive study of chronology, absolute and relative paleointensity on a late Neolithic site in central China. Ages of the samples are constrained to be ~3,500–3,000 BCE, a period when available paleointensity data are sparse. We present a total of 64 high-fidelity absolute paleointensities, demonstrating the field varied quickly from ~55 to ~90 ZAm2 between ~3,500–3,000 BCE. Our results record a new archeomagnetic jerk around 3,300 BCE, which is probably non-dipolar origin. The new results provide robust constraints on global geomagnetic models. We calculated a revised Chinese archeointensity reference curve for future application. The variations of absolute and relative paleointensity versus depth show good consistency, reinforcing the reliability of our results. This new attempt of combining absolute and relative paleointenstiy provides a useful tool for future archeomagnetic research

    Nodeless superconductivity in Ir1−x_{1-x}Ptx_xTe2_2 with strong spin-orbital coupling

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    The thermal conductivity κ\kappa of superconductor Ir1−x_{1-x}Ptx_{x}Te2_2 (xx = 0.05) single crystal with strong spin-orbital coupling was measured down to 50 mK. The residual linear term κ0/T\kappa_0/T is negligible in zero magnetic field. In low magnetic field, κ0/T\kappa_0/T shows a slow field dependence. These results demonstrate that the superconducting gap of Ir1−x_{1-x}Ptx_{x}Te2_2 is nodeless, and the pairing symmetry is likely conventional s-wave, despite the existence of strong spin-orbital coupling and a quantum critical point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Clerocidin selectively modifies the gyrase-DNA gate to induce irreversible and reversible DNA damage

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    Clerocidin (CL), a microbial diterpenoid, reacts with DNA via its epoxide group and stimulates DNA cleavage by type II DNA topoisomerases. The molecular basis of CL action is poorly understood. We establish by genetic means that CL targets DNA gyrase in the gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, and promotes gyrase-dependent single- and double-stranded DNA cleavage in vitro. CL-stimulated DNA breakage exhibited a strong preference for guanine preceding the scission site (-1 position). Mutagenesis of -1 guanines to A, C or T abrogated CL cleavage at a strong pBR322 site. Surprisingly, for double-strand breaks, scission on one strand consistently involved a modified (piperidine-labile) guanine and was not reversed by heat, salt or EDTA, whereas complementary strand scission occurred at a piperidine-stable -1 nt and was reversed by EDTA. CL did not induce cleavage by a mutant gyrase (GyrA G79A) identified here in CL-resistant pneumococci. Indeed, mutations at G79 and at the neighbouring S81 residue in the GyrA breakage-reunion domain discriminated poisoning by CL from that of antibacterial quinolones. The results suggest a novel mechanism of enzyme inhibition in which the -1 nt at the gyrase-DNA gate exhibit different CL reactivities to produce both irreversible and reversible DNA damage

    Superconducting screening on different length scales in high-quality bulk MgB2 superconductor

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    High quality bulk MgB2 exhibit a structure of voids and agglomeration of crystals on different length-scales. Because of this, the superconducting currents percolate between the voids in the ensuing structure. Magnetic measurements reveal that the superconducting currents circulate on at least three different length-scales, of ~1 micrometre, ~10 micrometre and whole of the sample (~millimetre). Each of these screenings contributes to the measured irreversible magnetic moment (Dm). The analysis of the field dependence of Dm for samples of subsequently decreasing size showed that the critical current obtained using the simple critical state model is erroneous. This leads to the artefact of the sample size-dependent critical current and irreversibility field. Our data analysis enables the separation of the contribution of each of the screening currents to Dm. The field dependence of each of the currents follows a stretched exponential form. The currents flowing around whole of the sample give a dominant contribution to Dm in the intermediate fields (1T < H < 4T at 20K) and they can be used to obtain the value of Jc from critical state model, which corresponds to the transport Jc

    Tunneling into Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: Coulomb Blockade and Fano Resonance

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    Tunneling spectroscopy measurements of single tunnel junctions formed between multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and a normal metal are reported. Intrinsic Coulomb interactions in the MWNTs give rise to a strong zero-bias suppression of a tunneling density of states (TDOS) that can be fitted numerically to the environmental quantum-fluctuation (EQF) theory. An asymmetric conductance anomaly near zero bias is found at low temperatures and interpreted as Fano resonance in the strong tunneling regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Amelioration of normothermic canine liver ischemia with prostacyclin.

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    A model of hepatic ischemia was developed in dogs using a pump-driven splanchnic-to-jugular vein bypass during crossclamping of the portal triad. An LD50 was established with three hours of ischemia. PGI2 given for one hour before the ischemic insult ameliorated the ischemic injury and increased survival
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