8,739 research outputs found

    Diffraction in the semiclassical description of mesoscopic devices

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    In pseudo integrable systems diffractive scattering caused by wedges and impurities can be described within the framework of Geometric Theory of Diffraction (GDT) in a way similar to the one used in the Periodic Orbit Theory of Diffraction (POTD). We derive formulas expressing the reflection and transition matrix elements for one and many diffractive points and apply it for impurity and wedge diffraction. Diffraction can cause backscattering in situations, where usual semiclassical backscattering is absent causing an erodation of ideal conductance steps. The length of diffractive periodic orbits and diffractive loops can be detected in the power spectrum of the reflection matrix elements. The tail of the power spectrum shows 1/l1/2\sim 1/l^{1/2} decay due to impurity scattering and 1/l3/2\sim 1/l^{3/2} decay due to wedge scattering. We think this is a universal sign of the presence of diffractive scattering in pseudo integrable waveguides.Comment: 18 pages, Latex , ep

    A2 Toda theory in reduced WZNW framework and the representations of the W algebra

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    Using the reduced WZNW formulation we analyse the classical WW orbit content of the space of classical solutions of the A2A_2 Toda theory. We define the quantized Toda field as a periodic primary field of the WW algebra satisfying the quantized equations of motion. We show that this local operator can be constructed consistently only in a Hilbert space consisting of the representations corresponding to the minimal models of the WW algebra.Comment: 38 page

    Multifractal Network Generator

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    We introduce a new approach to constructing networks with realistic features. Our method, in spite of its conceptual simplicity (it has only two parameters) is capable of generating a wide variety of network types with prescribed statistical properties, e.g., with degree- or clustering coefficient distributions of various, very different forms. In turn, these graphs can be used to test hypotheses, or, as models of actual data. The method is based on a mapping between suitably chosen singular measures defined on the unit square and sparse infinite networks. Such a mapping has the great potential of allowing for graph theoretical results for a variety of network topologies. The main idea of our approach is to go to the infinite limit of the singular measure and the size of the corresponding graph simultaneously. A very unique feature of this construction is that the complexity of the generated network is increasing with the size. We present analytic expressions derived from the parameters of the -- to be iterated-- initial generating measure for such major characteristics of graphs as their degree, clustering coefficient and assortativity coefficient distributions. The optimal parameters of the generating measure are determined from a simple simulated annealing process. Thus, the present work provides a tool for researchers from a variety of fields (such as biology, computer science, biology, or complex systems) enabling them to create a versatile model of their network data.Comment: Preprint. Final version appeared in PNAS

    SUSY sine-Gordon theory as a perturbed conformal field theory and finite size effects

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    We consider SUSY sine-Gordon theory in the framework of perturbed conformal field theory. Using an argument from Zamolodchikov, we obtain the vacuum structure and the kink adjacency diagram of the theory, which is cross-checked against the exact S-matrix prediction, first-order perturbed conformal field theory (PCFT), the NLIE method and truncated conformal space approach. We provide evidence for consistency between the usual Lagrangian description and PCFT on the one hand, and between PCFT, NLIE and a massgap formula conjectured by Baseilhac and Fateev, on the other. In addition, we extend the NLIE description to all the vacua of the theory. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Scaling function in AdS/CFT from the O(6) sigma model

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    Asymptotic behavior of the anomalous dimensions of Wilson operators with high spin and twist is governed in planar N=4 SYM theory by the scaling function which coincides at strong coupling with the energy density of a two-dimensional bosonic O(6) sigma model. We calculate this function by combining the two-loop correction to the energy density for the O(n) model with two-loop correction to the mass gap determined by the all-loop Bethe ansatz in N=4 SYM theory. The result is in agreement with the prediction coming from the thermodynamical limit of the quantum string Bethe ansatz equations, but disagrees with the two-loop stringy corrections to the folded spinning string solution.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Kepler observations of A-F pre-main sequence stars in Upper Scorpius: Discovery of six new δ\delta~Scuti and one γ\gamma~Doradus stars

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    We present light curves and periodograms for 27 stars in the young Upper Scorpius association (age=11±111 \pm 1\,Myr) obtained with the Kepler spacecraft. This association is only the second stellar grouping to host several pulsating pre-main sequence (PMS) stars which have been observed from space. From an analysis of the periodograms, we identify six δ\delta~Scuti variables and one γ\gamma~Doradus star. These are most likely PMS stars or else very close to the zero-age main sequence. Four of the δ\delta~Scuti variables were observed in short-cadence mode, which allows us to resolve the entire frequency spectrum. For these four stars, we are able to infer some qualitative information concerning their ages. For the remaining two δ\delta~Scuti stars, only long-cadence data are available, which means that some of the frequencies are likely to be aliases. One of the stars appears to be a rotational variable in a hierarchical triple system. This is a particularly important object, as it allows the possibility of an accurate mass determination when radial velocity observations become available. We also report on new high-resolution echelle spectra obtained for some of the stars of our sample.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    Study of BsB_{s} oscillations

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    This document contains two ALEPH Reports on three different analyses of BsB_{s} oscillations, based on the statistics collected by the ALEPH experiment during 1991-1995. BsB_{s} mesons are fully reconstructed in several hadronic decay channels, yielding a small sample of candidates with excellent decay length and momentum reconstruction. Semileptonic decays with a fully recontructed DsD_{s} meson yield larger statistics with equally high BsB_{s} purity, but somewhat degraded momentum resolution. Inclusive semileptonic decays of b hadrons yield the highest sensitivity to BsB_{s} oscillations, due to the much higher statistics. The combination of the above three with the other ALEPH analyses gives a limit of Δms>10.7\Delta m_{s} > 10.7 ps1^{-1} at 95% C.L. with a sensitivity equal to 13.113.1 ps1^{-1}

    Massive black hole factories: Supermassive and quasi-star formation in primordial halos

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    Supermassive stars and quasi-stars (massive stars with a central black hole) are both considered as potential progenitors for the formation of supermassive black holes. They are expected to form from rapidly accreting protostars in massive primordial halos. We explore how long rapidly accreting protostars remain on the Hayashi track, implying large protostellar radii and weak accretion luminosity feedback. We assess the potential role of energy production in the nuclear core, and determine what regulates the evolution of such protostars into quasi-stars or supermassive stars. We follow the contraction of characteristic mass scales in rapidly accreting protostars, and infer the timescales for them to reach nuclear densities. We compare the characteristic timescales for nuclear burning with those for which the extended protostellar envelope can be maintained. We find that the extended envelope can be maintained up to protostellar masses of 3.6x10^8 \dot{m}^3 solar, where \dot{m} denotes the accretion rate in solar masses per year. We expect the nuclear core to exhaust its hydrogen content in 7x10^6 yrs. If accretion rates \dot{m}>>0.14 can still be maintained at this point, a black hole may form within the accreting envelope, leading to a quasi-star. Alternatively, the accreting object will gravitationally contract to become a main-sequence supermassive star. Due to the limited gas reservoir in dark matter halos with 10^7 solar masses, the accretion rate onto the central object may drop at late times, implying the formation of supermassive stars as the typical outcome of direct collapse. However, if high accretion rates are maintained, a quasi-star with an interior black hole may form.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A&A. Comments are welcom

    Track Momentum Discrimination Using Cluster Width in Silicon Strip Sensors for SLHC

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    The cluster width of a particle crossing a silicon strip (mini strip) detector can be exploited to measure its transverse momentum when the strips are parallel to the B field. This suggests the discrimination of the clusters widths to filter the majority of low momentum particles. Once performed directly on the detectors, such discrimination can be used both for low level trigger (L1) and for data reduction. This approach is discussed in the context of a first level trigger based on the Tracker for SLHC. The quality of the measurements and their discrimination capability are discussed with respect to the geometry of the sensors and to the detectors layout. Electronics issues and constraints are also reviewed

    SiGMa: Simple Greedy Matching for Aligning Large Knowledge Bases

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    The Internet has enabled the creation of a growing number of large-scale knowledge bases in a variety of domains containing complementary information. Tools for automatically aligning these knowledge bases would make it possible to unify many sources of structured knowledge and answer complex queries. However, the efficient alignment of large-scale knowledge bases still poses a considerable challenge. Here, we present Simple Greedy Matching (SiGMa), a simple algorithm for aligning knowledge bases with millions of entities and facts. SiGMa is an iterative propagation algorithm which leverages both the structural information from the relationship graph as well as flexible similarity measures between entity properties in a greedy local search, thus making it scalable. Despite its greedy nature, our experiments indicate that SiGMa can efficiently match some of the world's largest knowledge bases with high precision. We provide additional experiments on benchmark datasets which demonstrate that SiGMa can outperform state-of-the-art approaches both in accuracy and efficiency.Comment: 10 pages + 2 pages appendix; 5 figures -- initial preprin