16 research outputs found

    Environment and health in children day care centers

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    This project addresses a set of common clinical problems in the context of children attending day care centres. It is common sense that children get sick more often as soon as they start attending a day care centre on a daily basis and this is particularly true for some groups at risk, as wheezing infants and wheezing pre-school childreninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A ladder type structure: Rubidium diphenylacetate diphenylacetic acid

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    A new rubidium complex, rubidium diphenylacetate diphenylacetic acid has been synthesised and characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction: triclinic, P 1ˉ\bar{1} with a=7.437(3) , b=12.377(4) , c=14.384(3) , a=107.08(2), ß=103.67(2), ?=96.95(3), Mr=508.93, V=1203.6(6) 3, Z=2. The diphenylacetic molecules bridge the metallic ions forming an infinite ladder structure. Two strong hydrogen bonds link the organic moieties

    Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction in a dog: case report

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    Intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a rare disorder that affects gastrointestinal propulsion. It may be secondary to several pathological conditions or it may develop without a known cause. A 1.2 year-old intact Pug bitch had a history of vomiting and constipation, which were followed by diarrhea and distended abdomen. Hypomotility and dilation of the small intestine, which was filled with gas, were observed during laparotomy. Histologically, full thickness biopsy specimens demonstrated a severe loss and degeneration of leiomyocytes in the inner and outer muscular layers of the intestinal wall, whereas there was a marked hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells in the lamina propria, and extremely thickened muscularis mucosae arranged in bundles oriented in different directions with marked hypertrophy and hyperplasia of leiomyocytes. Distribution of leiomyocytes was further characterized by immunohistochemistry. These findings support the diagnosis of intestinal pseudo-obstruction in a Pug, associated with degeneration and loss of leiomyocytes in the muscular layer

    Níveis de suplementação na terminação de novilhos Nelore em pastagens: aspectos econômicos Supplementation levels in finishing of Nelore steers on pastures: economic aspects

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    Objetivou-se avaliar as respostas econômicas de novilhos Nelore em terminação à suplementação em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha no Sudoeste da Bahia. O experimento foi desenvolvido no período de agosto a novembro de 2006 em uma área de 52,0 hectares, dividida em oito piquetes de aproximadamente 6,5 hectares. Testaram-se quatro níveis de suplementação com concentrado (controle, 0,3; 0,6 e 0,9% do peso vivo do animal) em comparação à suplementação com sal mineral. Os níveis de suplementação elevaram a quantidade de carne produzida por hectare. A curva de crescimento da receita é menos acentuada que a dos custos, o que resulta em achatamento do lucro de acordo com os níveis de suplementação estudados. Os melhores resultados biológicos obtidos com elevados níveis de suplemento não são economicamente sustentáveis, em decorrência do aumento do custo de produção, no entanto, níveis de suplementação inferiores a 0,3% do peso vivo na fase de terminação são viáveis e têm potencial econômico.<br>In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the economic responses of finishing Nellore steers to supplementation of Brachiaria brizantha pastures in southwestern Bahia. The experiment was developed from August to November 2006 in a 52-ha area divided in eight pickets of approximately 6.5 hectares each. It was tested four levels of concentrate supplementation (control, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9% of the body weight of animal) compared to supplementation with mineral salt. Supplementation levels raised the amount of meat produced per hectare. The curve of revenue growth is less sharp than the cost growth curve, resulting in a flattening of profit according to levels of the studied supplementation. The best biological results obtained from high levels of supplements are not economically sustainable because of the increase in the production cost, however, supplementation levels lower than 0.3% of body weight in the finishing phase are feasible and they are potentially economical