637 research outputs found

    Development of 3D-Printed Orthopedic Insoles for Patients with Diabetes and Evaluation with Electronic Pressure Sensors

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    The correct distribution of loads on foot, known as plantar pressures, is a relevant parameter for evaluating the evolution of some diseases. Anomalies can lead to pain and discomfort in other body parts. Diabetes changes foot tissues and compromises biomechanics, resulting in ulcers and, eventually, amputation. Customized insoles allow the redistribution of plantar pressures and are a complementary strategy to diabetes management. Nowadays, scanning and 3D printing technology can generate faster and more accurate customized insoles opening new opportunities for local medical device development. This study reports the development of 3D-printed insoles using two polymers, thermoplastic polyether-polyurethane and thermoplastic polyurethane polyester-based polymer, and the evaluation of plantar pressure distribution in walk trials using a clinical protocol and low-cost electronic system. The two 3D-printed insoles performed as well as a standard insole. No significant difference was found in average peak pressure distribution. The digital manufacturing workflow of customized insoles can be implemented in middle-income countries. Three-dimensionally printed insoles have the potential for diabetes management, and further material evaluations are needed before using them in health facilities.Revisión por pare

    Development of 3D-Printed Orthopedic Insoles for Patients with Diabetes and Evaluation with Electronic Pressure Sensors

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    "The correct distribution of loads on foot, known as plantar pressures, is a relevant parameter for evaluating the evolution of some diseases. Anomalies can lead to pain and discomfort in other body parts. Diabetes changes foot tissues and compromises biomechanics, resulting in ulcers and, eventually, amputation. Customized insoles allow the redistribution of plantar pressures and are a complementary strategy to diabetes management. Nowadays, scanning and 3D printing technology can generate faster and more accurate customized insoles opening new opportunities for local medical device development. This study reports the development of 3D-printed insoles using two polymers, thermoplastic polyether-polyurethane and thermoplastic polyurethane polyester-based polymer, and the evaluation of plantar pressure distribution in walk trials using a clinical protocol and low-cost electronic system. The two 3D-printed insoles performed as well as a standard insole. No significant difference was found in average peak pressure distribution. The digital manufacturing workflow of customized insoles can be implemented in middle-income countries. Three-dimensionally printed insoles have the potential for diabetes management, and further material evaluations are needed before using them in health facilities.

    Development of 3D-Printed Orthopedic Insoles for Patients with Diabetes and Evaluation with Electronic Pressure Sensors

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    "The correct distribution of loads on foot, known as plantar pressures, is a relevant parameter for evaluating the evolution of some diseases. Anomalies can lead to pain and discomfort in other body parts. Diabetes changes foot tissues and compromises biomechanics, resulting in ulcers and, eventually, amputation. Customized insoles allow the redistribution of plantar pressures and are a complementary strategy to diabetes management. Nowadays, scanning and 3D printing technology can generate faster and more accurate customized insoles opening new opportunities for local medical device development. This study reports the development of 3D-printed insoles using two polymers, thermoplastic polyether-polyurethane and thermoplastic polyurethane polyester-based polymer, and the evaluation of plantar pressure distribution in walk trials using a clinical protocol and low-cost electronic system. The two 3D-printed insoles performed as well as a standard insole. No significant difference was found in average peak pressure distribution. The digital manufacturing workflow of customized insoles can be implemented in middle-income countries. Three-dimensionally printed insoles have the potential for diabetes management, and further material evaluations are needed before using them in health facilities.

    Substantially Burdened, Substantially in Conflict, or Substantially Unneeded? A Discussion of Abdulhaseeb v. Calbone

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    El presente proyecto de sistema de información se desarrolló en la Municipalidad Provincial de Contanama - Ucayali con la finalidad de evaluar a la población contamanina la capacidad lectora y así todas las habilidades mentales y psicológicas que presentan la sociedad y demás discapacidades intelectuales y motrices, para que posteriormente con la ayuda de un sistema inteligente ellos puedan potenciar todas las habilidades con las que tienen y a su vez puedan desarrollar nuevas, así pues puedan mejorar su calidad de vida para que puedan tener una participación más activa en la sociedad. Dentro del presente proyecto se encontraran todos los lineamientos necesarios que se usaron para el análisis y desarrollo del mismo, tal es el caso de la metodología PM Book para el desarrollo del análisis respectivo con sus respectivos formatos y estándares. También dentro de este trabajo se detalla el funcionamiento de cada uno de los módulos con los que cuenta el sistema inteligente para que pueda ser más entendible tanto para los usuarios del sistema principalmente y aquellos lectores interesados en el tema. También se podrán encontrar las respectivas conclusiones y apreciaciones finales de quien desarrollo el presente proyecto, así mismo también se podrán encontrar los respectivos anexos y referencias bibliográficas en las que se basó este proyecto

    Acute dengue virus 2 infection in Gabonese patients is associated with an early innate immune response, including strong interferon alpha production

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dengue is now a leading cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the tropics. We conducted the first <it>ex vivo </it>study of dengue fever (DF) in African patients infected during the first Gabonese dengue virus 2 (DENV-2) outbreak in 2007, in order to investigate cytokine production, including the antiviral cytokine IFN-α, reported to be a potent inhibitor of DENV replication <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Levels of 50 cytokines, chemokines and growth factors were measured in plasma from 36 patients with DENV-2 infection, and in uninfected controls, using Luminex multiplex technology. The results were interpreted according to the day of sampling after symptom onset. PBMC from six patients were also studied for T lymphocyte cell surface marker expression by flow cytometry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Acute DENV-2 infection elicited high levels of several pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and IL-17), chemokines (MIF, RANTES, IP-10 and MCP-1) and growth factors (G-CSF, GM-CSF and VEGF-A). We also observed high levels of IFN-α for the first time in adult DF patients, and CD4+ and CD8+ T cell activation at symptom onset.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Acute DENV-2 infection in African patients elicits a strong innate response involving IFN-α production, as well as an adaptive immune response.</p

    Visualising COVID-19 Research

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    The world has seen in 2020 an unprecedented global outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, a new strain of coronavirus, causing the COVID-19 pandemic, and radically changing our lives and work conditions. Many scientists are working tirelessly to find a treatment and a possible vaccine. Furthermore, governments, scientific institutions and companies are acting quickly to make resources available, including funds and the opening of large-volume data repositories, to accelerate innovation and discovery aimed at solving this pandemic. In this paper, we develop a novel automated theme-based visualisation method, combining advanced data modelling of large corpora, information mapping and trend analysis, to provide a top-down and bottom-up browsing and search interface for quick discovery of topics and research resources. We apply this method on two recently released publications datasets (Dimensions' COVID-19 dataset and the Allen Institute for AI's CORD-19). The results reveal intriguing information including increased efforts in topics such as social distancing; cross-domain initiatives (e.g. mental health and education); evolving research in medical topics; and the unfolding trajectory of the virus in different territories through publications. The results also demonstrate the need to quickly and automatically enable search and browsing of large corpora. We believe our methodology will improve future large volume visualisation and discovery systems but also hope our visualisation interfaces will currently aid scientists, researchers, and the general public to tackle the numerous issues in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.Comment: 11 pages. 10 figures. Preprint paper made available here prior to submission. Update: special characters correcte

    Diseño hidráulico de la defensa ribereña en el tramo de Independencia del río Pisco usando los softwares HEC-RAS y River para el control de inundaciones en épocas del fenómeno El Niño

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    Debido a una amenaza inminente a causa del fenómeno El Niño, que trae consigo crecidas de los ríos y generando inundaciones las cuales afectan a los cultivos, estructuras aledañas, zonas pobladas, se ha desarrollado un diseño de dique enrocado, para así poder brindar protección a las zonas aledañas de cultivo en el margen izquierdo del río Pisco en el tramo de Independencia. Para ello, en el presente estudio se analizó los caudales máximos y periodos de retorno desde el año 1933 hasta el 2019 debido a que en este lapso de tiempo se encuentran los periodos donde se registraron las crecidas de cauce más altos. Luego se desarrolló un estudio de suelos donde se clasifico e identifico el tipo de suelo presente en la zona a estudiar, para así proceder con el diseño de la defensa enrocada mediante el software River, finalizando con la modelación hidráulica con la ayuda del software Hec-Ras. En el mes de marzo del año 2017, se evidenció una crecida considerablemente en el río Pisco, teniendo una profundidad de hasta 12.50 metros y una velocidad de hasta 23.73 m/s. En el desarrollo del diseño del dique enrocado, se utilizó información brindado por diferentes instituciones nacionales e internacionales, como el ANA y Alaska Satellite Facility.Due to an imminent threat caused by the El Niño phenomenon, which brings with it river floods and generates floods that affect crops, surrounding structures and populated areas, a rockfill dike design has been developed to provide protection to the surrounding cultivation areas on the left bank of the Pisco River in the Independencia section. For this purpose, the present study analyzed the maximum flows and return periods from 1933 to 2019, since this is the period when the highest river floods were recorded. Then a soil study was carried out to classify and identify the type of soil present in the area to be studied, in order to proceed with the design of the castellated defense using the River software, ending with the hydraulic modeling with the help of the Hec-Ras software. In the month of March 2017, a considerable flood was evidenced in the Pisco River, having a depth of up to 12.50 meters and a speed of up to 23.73 m/s. Information provided by different national and international institutions, such as the ANA and Alaska Satellite Facility, was used in the development of the design of the dike.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona
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