6,843 research outputs found

    Produção de etanol: primeira ou segunda geração?

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    Tecnologia industrial.

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    Parâmetros de interesse industrial para sorgo sacarino e cana-de-açúcar; Colheita e processamento; Transporte do material; Preparo para extração; Extração: moagem e difusão; Análise de POL; Retirada das impurezas; Clarificação; Decantação; Preparo do mosto; Preparo do inóculo; Condução da fermentação; Rendimento; Controle de contaminações; Processo fermentativo; Produtos secundários; Separação do fermento; Destilação; Utilização da vinhaça; Considerações finais

    Quark core formation in spinning-down pulsars

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    Pulsars spin-down due to magnetic torque reducing its radius and increasing the central energy density. Some pulsar which are born with central densities close to the critical value of quark deconfinement may undergo a phase transition and structural re-arrengement. This process may excite oscillation modes and emmit gravitational waves. We determine the rate of quark core formation in neutron stars using a realistic population synthesis code.Comment: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics, to appear in IJMP

    Double fermiophobic Higgs boson production at the LHC and LC

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    We consider the phenomenology of a fermiophobic Higgs boson (h_f) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and a e+e- Linear Collider (LC). At both machines the standard production mechanisms which rely on the coupling h_fVV (V=W,Z) can be very suppressed at large tan beta. In such cases the complementary channels pp to H^\pm h_f, A^0 h_f and e+e- to A^0 h_f offer promising cross-sections. Together with the potentially large branching ratios for H^\pm to h_fW* and A^0 to h_fZ*, these mechanisms would give rise to double h_f production, leading to signatures of gamma gamma gamma gamma, gamma gamma VV and VVVV.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, expanded discussion, fig.1 changed slightly, version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Expected Coalescence Rate of Double Neutron Stars for Ground Based Interferometers

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    In this paper we present new estimates of the coalescence rate of neutron star binaries in the local universe and we discuss its consequences for the first generations of ground based interferometers. Our approach based on both evolutionary and statistical methods gives a galactic merging rate of 1.7 105^{-5} yr1^{-1}, in the range of previous estimates 106^{-6} - 104^{-4} yr1^{-1}. The local rate which includes the contribution of elliptical galaxies is two times higher, in the order of 3.4 105^{-5} yr1^{-1}. We predict one detection every 148 and 125 years with initial VIRGO and LIGO, and up to 6 events per year with their advanced configuration. Our recent detection rate estimates from investigations on VIRGO future improvements are quoted.Comment: talk given at the GWDAW9 (Annecy, 2004) to be published in CQ

    Guia prático para caracterização de enzimas.

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    Neste guia serão abordados os temas mais básicos que integram o estudo da cinética e termodinâmica de reações enzimáticas e, partindo de estudo hipotético, será demonstrado como planejar os experimentos e obter as informações requeridas de forma prática.bitstream/item/222428/1/Guia-pra769tico-para-a-caracterizac807a771o-de-enzimas.pd

    A bright nanowire single photon source based on SiV centers in diamond

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    The practical implementation of many quantum technologies relies on the development of robust and bright single photon sources that operate at room temperature. The negatively charged silicon-vacancy (SiV-) color center in diamond is a possible candidate for such a single photon source. However, due to the high refraction index mismatch to air, color centers in diamond typically exhibit low photon out-coupling. An additional shortcoming is due to the random localization of native defects in the diamond sample. Here we demonstrate deterministic implantation of Si ions with high conversion efficiency to single SiV- centers, targeted to fabricated nanowires. The co-localization of single SiV- centers with the nanostructures yields a ten times higher light coupling efficiency than for single SiV- centers in bulk diamond. This enhanced photon out-coupling, together with the intrinsic scalability of the SiV- creation method, enables a new class of devices for integrated photonics and quantum science.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure