48 research outputs found

    Modulation of LDL receptor expression and promoter methylation in HepG2 cells treated with a Corylus avellana L. extract

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    Abstract The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of an ethanolic extract of C. avellana on the molecular pathway(s) regulating the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) in HepG2 cells, mainly in terms of epigenetics. We demonstrated that viability, proliferation and cell cycle distribution were not affected up to 72 h of treatment, whereas LDLR expression was stimulated as early as 24 h following administration (

    cytotoxicity genotoxicity and gene expression changes elicited by exposure of human hepatic cells to ginkgo biloba leaf extract

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    Abstract The use of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract as nutraceutical is becoming increasingly common. As a consequence, the definition of a reliable toxicological profile is a priority for its safe utilization. Recently, contrasting data have been reported on the carcinogenic potential of Ginkgo biloba extract in rodent liver. We measured viability, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), apoptosis, colony-forming efficiency, genotoxicity by comet assay, and gene expression changes associated with hepato-carcinogenicity in human cells of hepatic origin (HepG2 and THLE-2) treated with different concentrations (0.0005–1.2 mg/mL) of Ginkgoselect ® Plus. Our analyses highlighted a decrease of cell viability, not due to apoptosis, after treatment with high doses of the extract, which was likely due to ROS generation by a chemical reaction between extract polyphenols and some components of the culture medium. Comet assay did not detect genotoxic effect at any extract concentration. Finally, the array analysis detected a slight decrease in the expression of only one gene (IGFBP3) in Ginkgo-treated THLE-2 cells as opposed to changes in 28 genes in Aflatoxin B1 treated-cells. In conclusion, our results did not detect any significant genotoxic or biologically relevant cytotoxic effects and gross changes in gene expression using the Ginkgo extract in the hepatic cells tested

    Approaches for identifying germ cell mutagens: Report of the 2013 IWGT workshop on germ cell assays☆

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    This workshop reviewed the current science to inform and recommend the best evidence-based approaches on the use of germ cell genotoxicity tests. The workshop questions and key outcomes were as follows. (1) Do genotoxicity and mutagenicity assays in somatic cells predict germ cell effects? Limited data suggest that somatic cell tests detect most germ cell mutagens, but there are strong concerns that dictate caution in drawing conclusions. (2) Should germ cell tests be done, and when? If there is evidence that a chemical or its metabolite(s) will not reach target germ cells or gonadal tissue, it is not necessary to conduct germ cell tests, notwithstanding somatic outcomes. However, it was recommended that negative somatic cell mutagens with clear evidence for gonadal exposure and evidence of toxicity in germ cells could be considered for germ cell mutagenicity testing. For somatic mutagens that are known to reach the gonadal compartments and expose germ cells, the chemical could be assumed to be a germ cell mutagen without further testing. Nevertheless, germ cell mutagenicity testing would be needed for quantitative risk assessment. (3) What new assays should be implemented and how? There is an immediate need for research on the application of whole genome sequencing in heritable mutation analysis in humans and animals, and integration of germ cell assays with somatic cell genotoxicity tests. Focus should be on environmental exposures that can cause de novo mutations, particularly newly recognized types of genomic changes. Mutational events, which may occur by exposure of germ cells during embryonic development, should also be investigated. Finally, where there are indications of germ cell toxicity in repeat dose or reproductive toxicology tests, consideration should be given to leveraging those studies to inform of possible germ cell genotoxicity

    Interlaboratory comparison study of the Colony Forming Efficiency assay for assessing cytotoxicity of nanomaterials

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    Nanotechnology has gained importance in the past years as it provides opportunities for industrial growth and innovation. However, the increasing use of manufactured nanomaterials (NMs) in a number of commercial applications and consumer products raises also safety concerns and questions regarding potential unintended risks to humans and the environment. Since several years the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) is putting effort in the development, optimisation and harmonisation of in vitro test methods suitable for screening and hazard assessment of NMs. Work is done in collaboration with international partners, in particular the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This report presents the results from an interlaboratory comparison study of the in vitro Colony Forming Efficiency (CFE) cytotoxicity assay performed in the frame of OECD's Working Party of Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN). Twelve laboratories from European Commission, France, Italy, Japan, Poland, Republic of Korea, South Africa and Switzerland participated in the study coordinated by JRC. The results show that the CFE assay is a suitable and robust in vitro method to assess cytotoxicity of NMs. The assay protocol is well defined and is easily and reliably transferable to other laboratories. The results obtained show good intra and interlaboratory reproducibility of the assay for both the positive control and the tested nanomaterials. In conclusion the CFE assay can be recommended as a building block of an in vitro testing battery for NMs toxicity assessment. It could be used as a first choice method to define dose-effect relationships for other in vitro assays.JRC.I.4-Nanobioscience

    Environmental Impact on DNA Methylation in the Germline: State of the Art and Gaps of Knowledge

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    The epigenome consists of chemical changes in DNA and chromatin that without modifying the DNA sequence modulate gene expression and cellular phenotype. The epigenome is highly plastic and reacts to changing external conditions with modifications that can be inherited to daughter cells and across generations. Whereas this innate plasticity allows for adaptation to a changing environment, it also implies the potential of epigenetic derailment leading to so-called epimutations. DNA methylation is the most studied epigenetic mark. DNA methylation changes have been associated with cancer, infertility, cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, immunologic, and neurodegenerative pathologies. Experiments in rodents demonstrate that exposure to a variety of chemical stressors, occurring during the prenatal or the adult life, may induce DNA methylation changes in germ cells, which may be transmitted across generations with phenotypic consequences. An increasing number of human biomonitoring studies show environmentally related DNA methylation changes mainly in blood leukocytes, whereas very few data have been so far collected on possible epigenetic changes induced in the germline, even by the analysis of easily accessible sperm. In this paper, we review the state of the art on factors impinging on DNA methylation in the germline, highlight gaps of knowledge, and propose priorities for future studies

    Environmental Impact on DNA Methylation in the Germline: State of the Art and Gaps of Knowledge

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    The epigenome consists of chemical changes in DNA and chromatin that without modifying the DNA sequence modulate gene expression and cellular phenotype. The epigenome is highly plastic and reacts to changing external conditions with modifications that can be inherited to daughter cells and across generations. Whereas this innate plasticity allows for adaptation to a changing environment, it also implies the potential of epigenetic derailment leading to so-called epimutations. DNA methylation is the most studied epigenetic mark. DNA methylation changes have been associated with cancer, infertility, cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, immunologic, and neurodegenerative pathologies. Experiments in rodents demonstrate that exposure to a variety of chemical stressors, occurring during the prenatal or the adult life, may induce DNA methylation changes in germ cells, which may be transmitted across generations with phenotypic consequences. An increasing number of human biomonitoring studies show environmentally related DNA methylation changes mainly in blood leukocytes, whereas very few data have been so far collected on possible epigenetic changes induced in the germline, even by the analysis of easily accessible sperm. In this paper, we review the state of the art on factors impinging on DNA methylation in the germline, highlight gaps of knowledge, and propose priorities for future studies

    Bisphenol A Effects on Mammalian Oogenesis and Epigenetic Integrity of Oocytes: A Case Study Exploring Risks of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

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    Bisphenol A (BPA), originally developed as a synthetic oestrogen, is nowadays extensively used in the production of polymeric plastics. Under harsh conditions, these plastics may release BPA, which then can leach into the environment. Detectable concentrations of BPA have been measured in most analysed samples of human serum, plasma, or urine, as well as in follicular fluid, foetal serum, and amniotic fluid. Here we summarize the evidence about adverse BPA effects on the genetic and epigenetic integrity of mammalian oocytes. We conclude that increasing evidence supports the notion that low BPA concentrations adversely affect the epigenome of mammalian female germ cells, with functional consequences on gene expression, chromosome dynamics in meiosis, and oocyte development. Specific time windows, during which profound chromatin remodelling occurs and maternal imprints are established or protected, appear particularly vulnerable to epigenetic deregulation by BPA. Transgenerational effects have been also observed in the offspring of BPA-treated rodents, although the epigenetic mechanisms of inheritance still need to be clarified. The relevance of these findings for human health protection still needs to be fully assessed, but they warrant further investigation in both experimental models and humans