21 research outputs found

    Kajian Kandungan Logam Berat Pada Sedimen Sungai Di Lokasi Penambangan Emas Tradisional, Desa Boto, Kecamatan Jatiroto

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    Traditional and small-scale gold mining, known as ASGM (Small Scale Gold Mining), has been approved forpollution of the environment specifically for watersheds. This research was conducted in Boto Village,Jatiroto Subdistrict, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province. This study discusses the analysis ofcomposition and heavy metals and the factors that support heavy metals in the study site. The samplestaken were 22 samples along the river flow in the upstream and downstream areas. Tests of content werenot carried out by the ICP-AES method. Laboratory test results on river sediment samples were thenanalyzed statistically, geoaccumulation index and enrichment factors were calculated. Laboratory test resultsshow that most do not have heavy metal content exceeding the average concentration of heavy metals inriver sediments. The spread of heavy metals in river sediments in the study sites was found to be varied withdifferences in the upstream and downstream areas. In general, upstream areas have higher metal reservescompared to downstream. Distribution of heavy metals for everything that has not been planned, isprocessed by natural processes or human activities. Traditional mining activities contribute significantly incontributing to the addition of Hg, as well as contributing to the increase of other metals, most of which are inthe mineralized area, which fully contains high metal reserves.Traditional and small-scale gold mining, known as ASGM (Small Scale Gold Mining), has been approved forpollution of the environment specifically for watersheds. This research was conducted in Boto Village,Jatiroto Subdistrict, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province. This study discusses the analysis ofcomposition and heavy metals and the factors that support heavy metals in the study site. The samplestaken were 22 samples along the river flow in the upstream and downstream areas. Tests of content werenot carried out by the ICP-AES method. Laboratory test results on river sediment samples were thenanalyzed statistically, geoaccumulation index and enrichment factors were calculated. Laboratory test resultsshow that most do not have heavy metal content exceeding the average concentration of heavy metals inriver sediments. The spread of heavy metals in river sediments in the study sites was found to be varied withdifferences in the upstream and downstream areas. In general, upstream areas have higher metal reservescompared to downstream. Distribution of heavy metals for everything that has not been planned, isprocessed by natural processes or human activities. Traditional mining activities contribute significantly incontributing to the addition of Hg, as well as contributing to the increase of other metals, most of which are inthe mineralized area, which fully contains high metal reserves


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    Guru yang profesional dapat dilihat dari kemampuannya dalam merencanakan pembelajaran, melaksanakan proses pembelajaran, dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melengkapi guru-guru di SMP Kristen Taabah agar dapat mendampingi siswa-siswi SMP Kristen Taabah sebagai anak remaja dalam menjalani masa pubertas, untuk memperlengkapi siswa-siswi agar menjalani masa pubertas dengan sebaiknya dan menjauhi perilaku menyimpang akibat masa pubertas dan untuk memperlengkapi guru-guru dengan materi mendesain media pembelajaran agar guru-guru yang baru selesai pendidikan dan direkrut untuk mengajar di SMP Kristen taabah bisa mendesain media pembelajaran dan mempermudah proses pembelajaran di kelas melalui media yang didesain oleh guru-guru di SMP Kristen taabah. Dalam pelaksana kegiatan ini menggunakan metode ceramah, demonstrasi, tanya jawab dan latihan. Hasil kegiatan yang dilakukan di SMP Kristen Tabaah berdasar hasil evaluasi melalui pengamatan maka kegiatan yang dilakukan berhasil yakni guru-guru memahami apa yang disampaikan dan mampu menerapkannya melalui latihan, anak remaja memahami dan berkomitmen untuk menerapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

    Pelindungan Hukum Pengetahuan Tradisional Terhadap Makanan Tradisional Cimpa Matah Sebagai Makanan Khas Suku Karo

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    Masalah yang ingin dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat setempat terhadap cimpa matah, pemerintah belum mendaftarkan cimpa matah ke Rektoral jendral Kemenkumham sebagai bentuk pelindungan hukum pengetahuan tradisional terhadap cimpa matah. Tidak terbudayakannya dengan baik cimpa matah sebagai salah satu makanan tradisional, dan startegi, pengembangan oleh pemerintah dalam membudidayakan cimpa matah sebagai makanan khas suku karo. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatahui bagaimana bentuk pelindungan hukum yang diberikan atas pengetahuan tradisional terhadap cimpa matah dan untuk menetahui strategi, upaya dalam pemanfaatan dan pembinaan Cimpa Matah sebagai salah satu suatu unsur kekayaan intelektual yaitu pengetahuan tradisional. pemerintah setempat dalam Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi yang berarti bagi masyarakat khusunya masyarakat suku karo baik secara teoritis maupun praktisnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Normatif-Empiris dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara terhadap responden dengan lokasi penelitian di Desa Suku Julu, Kecamatan Barusjahe, Kabupaten karo Provinsi Sumatera Utara, adapun teknik pengumpulan data dengan Reduksi data, display data dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian memproleh bahwasanya cimpa matah belum terlindungi secara hokum, pelindungan hokum pengetahuan tradisional terhadap cimpa matah belum didaftarkan dan dimohonkan pelindunganya kepada DKJI Kemenkumham RI. Selain hal tersebut terdadapat beberapa strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam pemberdayaan cimpa matah sebagai makanan khas suku karo yaitu dengan edukasi pendidikan terhadap pemuda setempat agar cimpa ini tersu terjaga kelesarianya, penegekan hokum terhadap pelindungan cimpa matah, pemasaran dan promosi oleh pemerintah setempat agar cimpa ini dapat dikenal tidak hanya disuku karo tetapi juga untuk masyarakat dan suku lainya.  Kata Kunci: Cimpa Matah, Makanan Khas karo Pelindungan Pengetahuan Tradisonal.

    Slip-Flow and Heat Transfer of a Non-Newtonian Nanofluid in a Microtube

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    The slip-flow and heat transfer of a non-Newtonian nanofluid in a microtube is theoretically studied. The power-law rheology is adopted to describe the non-Newtonian characteristics of the flow, in which the fluid consistency coefficient and the flow behavior index depend on the nanoparticle volume fraction. The velocity profile, volumetric flow rate and local Nusselt number are calculated for different values of nanoparticle volume fraction and slip length. The results show that the influence of nanoparticle volume fraction on the flow of the nanofluid depends on the pressure gradient, which is quite different from that of the Newtonian nanofluid. Increase of the nanoparticle volume fraction has the effect to impede the flow at a small pressure gradient, but it changes to facilitate the flow when the pressure gradient is large enough. This remarkable phenomenon is observed when the tube radius shrinks to micrometer scale. On the other hand, we find that increase of the slip length always results in larger flow rate of the nanofluid. Furthermore, the heat transfer rate of the nanofluid in the microtube can be enhanced due to the non-Newtonian rheology and slip boundary effects. The thermally fully developed heat transfer rate under constant wall temperature and constant heat flux boundary conditions is also compared

    Improved prediction accuracy of biomass heating value using proximate analysis with various ANN training algorithms

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    The conventional experimental methods to determine biomass heating value are laborious and costly. Numerous correlations to estimate biomass' higher heating values have been proposed using proximate analysis. Recently, the utilisation of artificial neural network (ANN) has been extensively applied to predict HHV. However, most studies of ANN to estimate the biomass’ HHV only use one algorithm to train a small number of biomass datasets. The specific objective of this study is to predict the HHV of 350 samples of biomass from the proximate analysis by developing an ANN model which was trained with 11 different algorithms. This study fills a gap in the research on how to predict the HHV of biomass using numerous ANN training algorithms utilising sizeable biomass datasets. Results show that the ANN trained with Levenberg-Marquardt gave the highest accuracy. The Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm shows the best fit giving the highest R and R2 values and the lowest MAD, MSE, RMSE and MAPE. Compared with previous biomass HHV prediction studies, the ANN model developed in this study provides improved prediction accuracy with higher R2 and lower RMSE. Results from this study have also indicated that the Levenberg-Marquardt should be the first-choice supervised algorithm for feedforward-backpropagation

    Characterization of mortar with pennisetum purpureum ashes as cement replacement material

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    In this study, the properties of mortar such as standard consistency, setting time, compressive strength, and water absorption rate were investigated. The cement was replaced with Pennisetum purpureum ashes (PPA) in different particle sizes and dosages. PPA was produced in greyish-white ash with total reactive oxides ranging from 37% to 41.1%. Pennisetum purpureum grass (PPG) was burned with a controlled process at 350 °C for the first 3 hours and 600 °C for another 3 hours at a heating rate of 10 °C/min. Then, PPG was ground in three different grinding durations (1, 3, and 6 hours) producing ashes with particle sizes of 10.58 µm, 10.25 µm, and 9.30 µm, respectively. The physical, chemical, and microstructural properties of PPA were evaluated through several tests; particle size analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, loss on ignition, and chemical composition. Results indicated that PPA is more suitable for use as filling material as a substitute for cement than pozzolanic material as its reactive oxides are less than 50%. The 15% 6H-PPA at 28 days was found to be the optimum PPA replacement dosage and grinding time with cement as it achieved the highest strength and lower water absorption rate among all samples at 7 and 28 days

    Controlled embryoid body formation via surface modification and avidin–biotin cross-linking

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    Cell–cell interaction is an integral part of embryoid body (EB) formation controlling 3D aggregation. Manipulation of embryonic stem (ES) cell interactions could provide control over EB formation. Studies have shown a direct relationship between EB formation and ES cell differentiation. We have previously described a cell surface modification and cross-linking method for influencing cell–cell interaction and formation of multicellular constructs. Here we show further characterisation of this engineered aggregation. We demonstrate that engineering accelerates ES cell aggregation, forming larger, denser and more stable EBs than control samples, with no significant decrease in constituent ES cell viability. However, extended culture ≥5 days reveals significant core necrosis creating a layered EB structure. Accelerated aggregation through engineering circumvents this problem as EB formation time is reduced. We conclude that the proposed engineering method influences initial ES cell-ES cell interactions and EB formation. This methodology could be employed to further our understanding of intrinsic EB properties and their effect on ES cell differentiation