466 research outputs found

    Comprehension of demoulding mechanisms at the formwork/oil/concrete interface

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    The implementation of concrete and its association with a release agent influence the aesthetics of the concrete facings. The mineral oils tend to be replaced by vegetable formulations, to reduce the impact of the substances spilled in the environment. From a technical point of view, it is important to characterize the action of these new formulations at the interface concrete/oil/formwork. Two performing techniques have been used to study the physicochemical processes, the tribometry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The correlation of the results obtained allowed to improve the understanding of the mechanisms involved at the interface mould/oil, in connection with the use of an acidifier in the formulation

    Haemodynamics and flow modification stents for peripheral arterial disease:a review

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    Endovascular stents are widely used for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). However, the development of in-stent restenosis and downstream PAD progression remain a challenge. Stent revascularisation of PAD causes arterial trauma and introduces abnormal haemodynamics, which initiate complicated biological processes detrimental to the arterial wall. The interaction between stent struts and arterial cells in contact, and the blood flow field created in a stented region, are highly affected by stent design. Spiral flow is known as a normal physiologic characteristic of arterial circulation and is believed to prevent the development of flow disturbances. This secondary flow motion is lost in atheromatous disease and its re-introduction after endovascular treatment of PAD has been suggested as a method to induce stabilised and coherent haemodynamics. Stent designs able to generate spiral flow may support endothelial function and therefore increase patency rates. This review is focused on secondary flow phenomena in arteries and the development of flow modification stent technologies for the treatment of PAD

    Resource utilization and outcome at a university versus a community teaching hospital in tPA treated stroke patients: a retrospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Comparing patterns of resource utilization between hospitals is often complicated by biases in community and patient populations. Stroke patients treated with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) provide a particularly homogenous population for comparison because of strict eligibility criteria for treatment. We tested whether resource utilization would be similar in this homogenous population between two hospitals located in a single Midwestern US community by comparing use of diagnostic testing and associated outcomes following treatment with t-PA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Medical records from 206 consecutive intravenous t-PA-treated stroke patients from two teaching hospitals (one university, one community-based) were reviewed. Patient demographics, clinical characteristics and outcome were analyzed, as were the frequency of use of CT, MRI, MRA, echocardiography, angiography, and EEG.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Seventy-nine and 127 stroke patients received t-PA at the university and community hospitals, respectively. The two patient populations were demographically similar. There were no differences in stroke severity. All outcomes were similar at both hospitals. Utilization of CT scans, and non-invasive carotid and cardiac imaging studies were similar at both hospitals; however, brain MR, TEE, and catheter angiography were used more frequently at the university hospital. EEG was obtained more often at the community hospital.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Utilization of advanced brain imaging and invasive diagnostic testing was greater at the university hospital, but was not associated with improved clinical outcomes. This could not be explained on the basis of stroke severity or patient characteristics. This variation of practice suggests substantial opportunities exist to reduce costs and improve efficiency of diagnostic resource use as well as reduce patient exposure to risk from diagnostic procedures.</p

    Transcriptomal profiling of the cellular response to DNA damage mediated by Slug (Snai2)

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    Snai2-deficient cells are radiosensitive to DNA damage. The function of Snai2 in response to DNA damage seems to be critical for its function in normal development and cancer. Here, we applied a functional genomics approach that combined gene-expression profiling and computational molecular network analysis to obtain global dissection of the Snai2-dependent transcriptional response to DNA damage in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), which undergo p53-dependent growth arrest in response to DNA damage. Although examination of the response showed that overall expression of p53 target gene expression patterns was similarly altered in both control and Snai2-deficient cells, we have identified and validated candidate Snai2 target genes linked to Snai2 gene function in response to DNA damage. This work defines for the first time the effect of Snai2 on p53 target genes in cells undergoing growth arrest, elucidates the Snai2-dependent molecular network induced by DNA damage, points to novel putative Snai2 targets, and suggest a mechanistic model, which has implications for cancer management

    Balancing the dilution and oddity effects: Decisions depend on body size

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    Background Grouping behaviour, common across the animal kingdom, is known to reduce an individual's risk of predation; particularly through dilution of individual risk and predator confusion (predator inability to single out an individual for attack). Theory predicts greater risk of predation to individuals more conspicuous to predators by difference in appearance from the group (the ‘oddity’ effect). Thus, animals should choose group mates close in appearance to themselves (eg. similar size), whilst also choosing a large group. Methodology and Principal Findings We used the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a well known model species of group-living freshwater fish, in a series of binary choice trials investigating the outcome of conflict between preferences for large and phenotypically matched groups along a predation risk gradient. We found body-size dependent differences in the resultant social decisions. Large fish preferred shoaling with size-matched individuals, while small fish demonstrated no preference. There was a trend towards reduced preferences for the matched shoal under increased predation risk. Small fish were more active than large fish, moving between shoals more frequently. Activity levels increased as predation risk decreased. We found no effect of unmatched shoal size on preferences or activity. Conclusions and Significance Our results suggest that predation risk and individual body size act together to influence shoaling decisions. Oddity was more important for large than small fish, reducing in importance at higher predation risks. Dilution was potentially of limited importance at these shoal sizes. Activity levels may relate to how much sampling of each shoal was needed by the test fish during decision making. Predation pressure may select for better decision makers to survive to larger size, or that older, larger fish have learned to make shoaling decisions more efficiently, and this, combined with their size relative to shoal-mates, and attractiveness as prey items influences shoaling decisions

    FUS-DDIT3 Prevents the Development of Adipocytic Precursors in Liposarcoma by Repressing PPARγ and C/EBPα and Activating eIF4E

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    FUS-DDIT3 is a chimeric protein generated by the most common chromosomal translocation t(12;16)(q13;p11) linked to liposarcomas, which are characterized by the accumulation of early adipocytic precursors. Current studies indicate that FUS-DDIT3- liposarcoma develops from uncommitted progenitors. However, the precise mechanism whereby FUS-DDIT3 contributes to the differentiation arrest remains to be elucidated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we have characterized the adipocyte regulatory protein network in liposarcomas of FUS-DITT3 transgenic mice and showed that PPARgamma2 and C/EBPalpha expression was altered. Consistent with in vivo data, FUS-DDIT3 MEFs and human liposarcoma cell lines showed a similar downregulation of both PPARgamma2 and C/EBPalpha expression. Complementation studies with PPARgamma but not C/EBPalpha rescued the differentiation block in committed adipocytic precursors expressing FUS-DDIT3. Our results further show that FUS-DDIT3 interferes with the control of initiation of translation by upregulation of the eukaryotic translation initiation factors eIF2 and eIF4E both in FUS-DDIT3 mice and human liposarcomas cell lines, explaining the shift towards the truncated p30 isoform of C/EBPalpha in liposarcomas. Suppression of the FUS-DDIT3 transgene did rescue this adipocyte differentiation block. Moreover, eIF4E was also strongly upregulated in normal adipose tissue of FUS-DDIT3 transgenic mice, suggesting that overexpression of eIF4E may be a primary event in the initiation of liposarcomas. Reporter assays showed FUS-DDIT3 is involved in the upregulation of eIF4E in liposarcomas and that both domains of the fusion protein are required for affecting eIF4E expression. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, this study provides evidence of the molecular mechanisms involve in the disruption of normal adipocyte differentiation program in liposarcoma harbouring the chimeric gene FUS-DDIT3.Research in ISG group is supported partially by FEDER and by MEC (SAF2006-03726), Junta de Castilla y León (CSI03A05), FIS (PI050087, PI050116), Fundación de Investigación MMA, Federación de Cajas de Ahorro Castilla y León (I Convocatoria de Ayudas para Proyectos de Investigación Biosanitaria con Células Madre), CDTEAM project (CENIT-Ingenio 2010) and MEC Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (Ref. CSD2007-0017).Research in ISG group is supported partially by FEDER and by MEC (SAF2006-03726 and PETRI N° 95-0913.OP), Junta de Castilla y León (CSI03A05), FIS (PI050087, PI050116), Fundación de Investigación MMA, Federación de Cajas de Ahorro Castilla y León (I Convocatoria de Ayudas para Proyectos de Investigación Biosanitaria con Células Madre), CDTEAM project (CENIT-Ingenio 2010) and MEC Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (Ref. CSD2007-0017). MSM is supported by the Ramon y Cajal Scientific Spanish Program, Fondo Investigacion Sanitaria (FIS PI04-1271), Junta de Castilla y León (SA085A06) and Fundación Manuel Solorzano, University of Salamanca.Peer reviewe

    Phylogenetic and Morphologic Analyses of a Coastal Fish Reveals a Marine Biogeographic Break of Terrestrial Origin in the Southern Caribbean

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    Marine allopatric speciation involves interplay between intrinsic organismal properties and extrinsic factors. However, the relative contribution of each depends on the taxon under study and its geographic context. Utilizing sea catfishes in the Cathorops mapale species group, this study tests the hypothesis that both reproductive strategies conferring limited dispersal opportunities and an apparent geomorphologic barrier in the Southern Caribbean have promoted speciation in this group from a little studied area of the world.Mitochondrial gene sequences were obtained from representatives of the Cathorops mapale species group across its distributional range from Colombia to Venezuela. Morphometric and meristic analyses were also done to assess morphologic variation. Along a approximately 2000 km transect, two major lineages, Cathorops sp. and C. mapale, were identified by levels of genetic differentiation, phylogenetic reconstructions, and morphological analyses. The lineages are separated by approximately 150 km at the Santa Marta Massif (SMM) in Colombia. The northward displacement of the SMM into the Caribbean in the early Pleistocene altered the geomorphology of the continental margin, ultimately disrupting the natural habitat of C. mapale. The estimated approximately 0.86 my divergence of the lineages from a common ancestor coincides with the timing of the SMM displacement at approximately 0.78 my.Results presented here support the hypothesis that organismal properties as well as extrinsic factors lead to diversification of the Cathorops mapale group along the northern coast of South America. While a lack of pelagic larval stages and ecological specialization are forces impacting this process, the identification of the SMM as contributing to allopatric speciation in marine organisms adds to the list of recognized barriers in the Caribbean. Comparative examination of additional Southern Caribbean taxa, particularly those with varying life history traits and dispersal capabilities, will determine the extent by which the SMM has influenced marine phylogeography in the region

    Sustainability and Long Term-Tenure: Lion Trophy Hunting in Tanzania

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    It is argued that trophy hunting of large, charismatic mammal species can have considerable conservation benefits but only if undertaken sustainably. Social-ecological theory suggests such sustainability only results from developing governance systems that balance financial and biological requirements. Here we use lion (Panthera leo) trophy hunting data from Tanzania to investigate how resource ownership patterns influence hunting revenue and offtake levels. Tanzania contains up to half of the global population of free-ranging lions and is also the main location for lion trophy hunting in Africa. However, there are concerns that current hunting levels are unsustainable. The lion hunting industry in Tanzania is run by the private sector, although the government leases each hunting block to companies, enforces hunting regulation, and allocates them a species-specific annual quota per block. The length of these leases varies and theories surrounding property rights and tenure suggest hunting levels would be less sustainable in blocks experiencing a high turnover of short-term leases. We explored this issue using lion data collected from 1996 to 2008 in the Selous Game Reserve (SGR), the most important trophy hunting destination in Tanzania. We found that blocks in SGR with the highest lion hunting offtake were also those that experienced the steepest declines in trophy offtake. In addition, we found this high hunting offtake and the resultant offtake decline tended to be in blocks under short-term tenure. In contrast, lion hunting levels in blocks under long-term tenure matched more closely the recommended sustainable offtake of 0.92 lions per 1000 km2. However, annual financial returns were higher from blocks under short-term tenure, providing 133perkm2ofgovernmentrevenueascomparedto133 per km2 of government revenue as compared to 62 per km2 from long-term tenure blocks. Our results provide evidence for the importance of property rights in conservation, and support calls for an overhaul of the system in Tanzania by developing competitive market-based approaches for block allocation based on long-term tenure of ten years