8 research outputs found

    Personality characteristics in a Swedish national sample of identifiable oocyte donors

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    Objective To study the personality characteristics of identifiable oocyte donors in a national sample in comparison with normal values. Design Descriptive study. Setting All Swedish donation programmes. Sample In total, 181 women out of 221 donors recruited during 2005-2008. Methods Standardised questionnaires were used to measure personality characteristics. Main outcome measure Demographics, temperament and character inventory (TCI). Results The majority (69%) of the donors had biological children of their own. The results from the TCI indicate that the oocyte donors were all within the normal range of character. With regard to personality, a significant difference was evident between the two groups: oocyte donors showed lower means for harm avoidance and higher scores for persistence than the controls. This indicates that the donors felt less worried, and displayed a lower level of fear of uncertainty, shyness and fatiguability, and a higher level of persistence, than the controls. In the present sample, 29 (16%) of the donors were so-called known donors, that is the recipient couples and the donors were known to each other. Known donors displayed a mature and stable character. Conclusion We found that the women who had been accepted for inclusion in this nationwide oocyte donor programme were all well adjusted and mature.This is the authors’ version of the following article:Gunilla Sydsjö, C. Lampic, S. Brandstrom, J. Gudmundsson, P.O. Karlstrom, N.G. Solensten, A. Thurin-Kjellberg and A.S. Svanberg, Personality characteristics in a Swedish national sample of identifiable oocyte donors, 2011, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, (118), 9, 1067-1072.which has been published in final form at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0528.2011.02953.xCopyright: Wiley-Blackwellhttp://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Brand/id-35.htm

    La Psicoterapia Dinamica basata sul Modello Dinamico-Maturativo.

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    Un vantaggio del Modello Dinamico-Maturativo (DMM) \ue8 che considera tre livelli distinti del funzionamento umano, ognuno dei quali pu\uf2 essere oggetto specifico di trattamenti anche diversi (Crittenden, 2008a): le distorsioni di pensieri e affetti, che possono comportare inadeguatezze del comportamento, gli aspetti relazionali (in particolare quelli familiari) e le strategie utilizzate per proteggersi dal pericolo. Le stesse tecniche di valutazione del DMM, poi, in quanto esperienze relazionali, oltre a fornire informazioni fondamentali sulla configurazione di attaccamento del paziente possono costituire una prima occasione di trattamento e di sviluppo di un\u2019alleanza terapeutica. Le innovazioni introdotte dalla teoria dell\u2019attaccamento e dal DMM risultano quindi straordinariamente utili e compatibili con una psicoterapia di tipo psicoanalitico, per cui oggi si pu\uf2 parlare di una \u201cPsicoterapia Dinamica basata sul DMM\u201d (DMM based Dynamic Psychotherapy o DMM-DP) (Baldoni, 2011)

    I livelli di ragionamento genitoriale e funzionamento familiare

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    The origins of Odense – new aspects of early urbanisation in southern Scandinavia

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    The article presents an updated study of the centuries prior to Odense’s traditional ‘birth certificate’ of AD 988, resulting in a new model for the urbanisation of Odense. The conclusion reached is that there was activity of a permanent and possibly urban character in Odense from the end of the late eighth century until the late tenth century. The town’s development can be followed through three phases. Phases 1 and 2 cover the periods AD 700–900 and AD 900–100, respectively, while phase 3 covers the period AD 1000-1101. During phases 1 and 2, the proto-town develops through bottomup processes, such as network, crafts and possibly trade. After AD 1000, Odense develops into a town proper, under royal influence. The model from Odense provides the background for a fresh view of urbanisation in southern Scandinavia in general. A three-phase model is proposed. Phase 0 constitutes the emporia of the eighth–ninth century, which perhaps primarily is satellites in a trading network controlled from the south. Phase 1 takes the form of locally initiated and based incipient urbanisation extending from the end of the eighth century until the tenth century. Phase 2 comprises the royally established towns from around AD 1000 onwards


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