10 research outputs found

    The Error and Repair Catastrophes: A Two-Dimensional Phase Diagram in the Quasispecies Model

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    This paper develops a two gene, single fitness peak model for determining the equilibrium distribution of genotypes in a unicellular population which is capable of genetic damage repair. The first gene, denoted by σvia \sigma_{via} , yields a viable organism with first order growth rate constant k>1 k > 1 if it is equal to some target ``master'' sequence σvia,0 \sigma_{via, 0} . The second gene, denoted by σrep \sigma_{rep} , yields an organism capable of genetic repair if it is equal to some target ``master'' sequence σrep,0 \sigma_{rep, 0} . This model is analytically solvable in the limit of infinite sequence length, and gives an equilibrium distribution which depends on \mu \equiv L\eps , the product of sequence length and per base pair replication error probability, and \eps_r , the probability of repair failure per base pair. The equilibrium distribution is shown to exist in one of three possible ``phases.'' In the first phase, the population is localized about the viability and repairing master sequences. As \eps_r exceeds the fraction of deleterious mutations, the population undergoes a ``repair'' catastrophe, in which the equilibrium distribution is still localized about the viability master sequence, but is spread ergodically over the sequence subspace defined by the repair gene. Below the repair catastrophe, the distribution undergoes the error catastrophe when μ \mu exceeds \ln k/\eps_r , while above the repair catastrophe, the distribution undergoes the error catastrophe when μ \mu exceeds lnk/fdel \ln k/f_{del} , where fdel f_{del} denotes the fraction of deleterious mutations.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Natural selection promotes antigenic evolvability

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    The hypothesis that evolvability - the capacity to evolve by natural selection - is itself the object of natural selection is highly intriguing but remains controversial due in large part to a paucity of direct experimental evidence. The antigenic variation mechanisms of microbial pathogens provide an experimentally tractable system to test whether natural selection has favored mechanisms that increase evolvability. Many antigenic variation systems consist of paralogous unexpressed ‘cassettes’ that recombine into an expression site to rapidly alter the expressed protein. Importantly, the magnitude of antigenic change is a function of the genetic diversity among the unexpressed cassettes. Thus, evidence that selection favors among-cassette diversity is direct evidence that natural selection promotes antigenic evolvability. We used the Lyme disease bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, as a model to test the prediction that natural selection favors amino acid diversity among unexpressed vls cassettes and thereby promotes evolvability in a primary surface antigen, VlsE. The hypothesis that diversity among vls cassettes is favored by natural selection was supported in each B. burgdorferi strain analyzed using both classical (dN/dS ratios) and Bayesian population genetic analyses of genetic sequence data. This hypothesis was also supported by the conservation of highly mutable tandem-repeat structures across B. burgdorferi strains despite a near complete absence of sequence conservation. Diversification among vls cassettes due to natural selection and mutable repeat structures promotes long-term antigenic evolvability of VlsE. These findings provide a direct demonstration that molecular mechanisms that enhance evolvability of surface antigens are an evolutionary adaptation. The molecular evolutionary processes identified here can serve as a model for the evolution of antigenic evolvability in many pathogens which utilize similar strategies to establish chronic infections

    Mate choice assays and mating propensity differences in natural yeast populations

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    In sexual microbes, mating occurs by fusion of individual cells. This complete fitness investment suggests that cell behaviour could potentially mediate prezygotic isolation between microbial species, a topic about which very little is known. To investigate this possibility, we conducted individual cell mate choice trials and mass-culture mating propensity assays with isolates from sympatric natural populations of the closely related yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus. Although we found no evidence for active species recognition in mate choice, we observed a marked difference in mating propensity between these two species. We briefly discuss the possibility that this mating propensity difference may contribute to reproductive isolation between S. cerevisiae and S. paradoxus in nature

    Fen Bilgisi ve Ortaokul Matematik Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilimsel Süreç Becerileri

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    . Whilst the rate at which mutations occur in artificial evolutionary systems has received considerable attention, there has been little analysis of the mutation operators themselves. Here attention is drawn to the possibility that inherent biases within such operators might artefactually affect the direction of evolutionary change. Biases associated with several mutation operators are detailed and attempts to alleviate them are discussed. Natural evolution is then shown to be subject to analogous mutation "biases". These tendencies are explicable in terms of (i) selection pressure for low mutation rates, and (ii) selection pressure to avoid parenting non-viable offspring. It is concluded that attempts to eradicate mutation biases from artificial evolutionary systems may lead to evolutionary dynamics that are more unnatural, rather than less. Only through increased awareness of the character of mutation biases, and analyses of our models' sensitivity to them, can we guard ..

    Eukaryotic microbes, species recognition and the geographic limits of species: examples from the kingdom Fungi

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    The claim that eukaryotic micro-organisms have global geographic ranges, constituting a significant departure from the situation with macro-organisms, has been supported by studies of morphological species from protistan kingdoms. Here, we examine this claim by reviewing examples from another kingdom of eukaryotic microbes, the Fungi. We show that inferred geographic range of a fungal species depends upon the method of species recognition. While some fungal species defined by morphology show global geographic ranges, when fungal species are defined by phylogenetic species recognition they are typically shown to harbour several to many endemic species. We advance two non-exclusive reasons to explain the perceived difference between the size of geographic ranges of microscopic and macroscopic eukaryotic species when morphological methods of species recognition are used. These reasons are that microbial organisms generally have fewer morphological characters, and that the rate of morphological change will be slower for organisms with less elaborate development and fewer cells. Both of these reasons result in fewer discriminatory morphological differences between recently diverged lineages. The rate of genetic change, moreover, is similar for both large and small organisms, which helps to explain why phylogenetic species of large and small organisms show a more similar distribution of geographic ranges. As a consequence of the different rates in fungi of genetic and morphological changes, genetic isolation precedes a recognizable morphological change. The final step in speciation, reproductive isolation, also follows genetic isolation and may precede morphological change

    Darwinian ‘blind’ hypothesis formation revisited

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    Kronfeldner M. Darwinian ‘blind’ hypothesis formation revisited. Synthese. 2009;175(2):193-218.Over the last four decades arguments for and against the claim that creative hypothesis formation is based on Darwinian "blind" variation have been put forward. This paper offers a new and systematic route through this long-lasting debate. It distinguishes between undirected, random, and unjustified variation, to prevent widespread confusions regarding the meaning of undirected variation. These misunderstandings concern Lamarckism, equiprobability, developmental constraints, and creative hypothesis formation. The paper then introduces and develops the standard critique that creative hypothesis formation is guided rather than blind, integrating developments from contemporary research on creativity. On that basis, I discuss three compatibility arguments that have been used to answer the critique. These arguments do not deny guided variation but insist that an important analogy exists nonetheless. These compatibility arguments all fail, even though they do so for different reasons: trivialisation, conceptual confusion, and lack of evidence respectively. Revisiting the debate in this manner not only allows us to see where exactly a "Darwinian" account of creative hypothesis formation goes wrong, but also to see that the debate is not about factual issues, but about the interpretation of these factual issues in Darwinian terms