96 research outputs found

    Contextuality of misspecification and data-dependent losses

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    Analysis and Stochastic

    The minimum description length principle

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    The pdf file in the repository consists only if the preface, foreword and chapter 1; I am not allowed by the publisher to put the remainder of this book on the web. If you are a member of the CWI evaluation committee and yu read this: you are of course entitled to access the full book. If you would like to see it, please contact CWI (or, even easier, contact me directly), and we will be happy to give you a copy of the book for free

    Algorithmic information theory

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    Использование генераторного оборудования электростанций в качестве синхронных компенсаторов

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    Consider the set of all sequences of n outcomes, each taking one of m values, whose frequency vectors satisfy a set of linear constraints. If m is fixed while n increases, most sequences that satisfy the constraints result in frequency vectors whose entropy approaches that of the maximum entropy vector satisfying the constraints. This well-known entropy concentration phenomenon underlies the maximum entropy method. Existing proofs of the concentration phenomenon are based on limits or asymptotics and unrealistically assume that constraints hold precisely, supporting maximum entropy inference more in principle than in practice. We present, for the first time, non-asymptotic, explicit lower bounds on n for a number of variants of the concentration result to hold to any prescribed accuracies, with the constraints holding up to any specified tolerance, considering the fact that allocations of discrete units can satisfy constraints only approximately. Again unlike earlier results, we measure concentration not by deviation from the maximum entropy value, but by the ℓ1 and ℓ2 distances from the maximum entropy-achieving frequency vector. One of our results holds independently of the alphabet size m and is based on a novel proof technique using the multi-dimensional Berry-Esseen theorem. We illustrate and compare our results using various detailed examples

    A tight excess risk bound via a unified PAC-Bayesian-Rademacher-Shtarkov-MDL complexity

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    We present a novel notion of complexity that interpolates between and generalizes some classic existing complexity notions in learning theory: for estimators like empirical risk minimization (ERM) with arbitrary bounded losses, it is upper bounded in terms of data-independent Rademacher complexity; for generalized Bayesian estimators, it is upper bounded by the data-dependent information complexity (also known as stochastic or PAC-Bayesian, KL(posterior∥prior) complexity. For (penalized) ERM, the new complexity reduces to (generalized) normalized maximum likelihood (NML) complexity, i.e. a minimax log-loss individual-sequence regret. Our first main result bounds excess risk in terms of the new complexity. Our second main result links the new complexity via Rademacher complexity to L2(P) entropy, thereby generalizing earlier results of Opper, Haussler, Lugosi, and Cesa-Bianchi who did the log-loss case with L∞. Together, these results recover optimal bounds for VC- and large (polynomial entropy) classes, replacing localized Rademacher complexity by a simpler analysis which almost completely separates the two aspects that determine the achievable rates: 'easiness' (Bernstein) conditions and model complexity

    A Tight Excess Risk Bound via a Unified PAC-Bayesian-Rademacher-Shtarkov-MDL Complexity

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    We present a novel notion of complexity that interpolates between and generalizes some classic existing complexity notions in learning theory: for estimators like empirical risk minimization (ERM) with arbitrary bounded losses, it is upper bounded in terms of data-independent Rademacher complexity; for generalized Bayesian estimators, it is upper bounded by the data-dependent information complexity (also known as stochastic or PAC-Bayesian, KL(posterior∥prior) complexity. For (penalized) ERM, the new complexity reduces to (generalized) normalized maximum likelihood (NML) complexity, i.e. a minimax log-loss individual-sequence regret. Our first main result bounds excess risk in terms of the new complexity. Our second main result links the new complexity via Rademacher complexity to L2(P) entropy, thereby generalizing earlier results of Opper, Haussler, Lugosi, and Cesa-Bianchi who did the log-loss case with L∞. Together, these results recover optimal bounds for VC- and large (polynomial entropy) classes, replacing localized Rademacher complexity by a simpler analysis which almost completely separates the two aspects that determine the achievable rates: 'easiness' (Bernstein) conditions and model complexity

    Minimum Description Length Revisited

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    This is an up-to-date introduction to and overview of the Minimum Description Length (MDL) Principle, a theory of inductive inference that can be applied to general problems in statistics, machine learning and pattern recognition. While MDL was originally based on data compression ideas, this introduction can be read without any knowledge thereof. It takes into account all major developments since 2007, the last time an extensive overview was written. These include new methods for model selection and averaging and hypothesis testing, as well as the first completely general definition of {\em MDL estimators}. Incorporating these developments, MDL can be seen as a powerful extension of both penalized likelihood and Bayesian approaches, in which penalization functions and prior distributions are replaced by more general luckiness functions, average-case methodology is replaced by a more robust worst-case approach, and in which methods classically viewed as highly distinct, such as AIC vs BIC and cross-validation vs Bayes can, to a large extent, be viewed from a unified perspective

    Toetsen als Gokken

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    De laatste tijd is er in de media veel aandacht geweest voor het feit dat veel wetenschappelijke resultaten niet reproduceerbaar zijn. Behalve bij de betreffende vakgebieden zit er volgens onderzoeker Peter Grünwald van het CWI en Universiteit Leiden ook een substantieel probleem bij de gebruike wiskunde: p -waarden doen maar zeer ten dele wat ze horen te doen. In dit artikel gaat hij in op bezwaren die kleven aan de standaardmethode voor statistisch onderzoek, en laat zien dat er een veelbelovend alternatief bestaat

    Accumulation Bias in meta-analysis: The need to consider time in error control

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    Studies accumulate over time and meta-analyses are mainly retrospective. These two characteristics introduce dependencies between the analysis time, at which a series of studies is up for meta-analysis, and results within the series. Dependencies introduce bias — Accumulation Bias — and invalidate the sampling distribution assumed for p-value tests, thus inflating type-I errors. But dependencies are also inevitable, since for science to accumulate efficiently, new research needs to be informed by past results. Here, we investigate various ways in which time influences error control in meta-analysis testing. We introduce an Accumulation Bias Framework that allows us to model a wide variety of practically occurring dependencies, including study series accumulation, meta-analysis timing, and approaches to multiple testing in living systematic reviews. The strength of this framework is that it shows how all dependencies affect p-value-based tests in a similar manner. This leads to two main conclusions. First, Accumulation Bias is inevitable, and even if it can be approximated and accounted for, no valid p-value tests can be constructed. Second, tests based on likelihood ratios withstand Accumulation Bias: they provide bounds on error probabilities that remain valid despite the bias. We leave the reader with a choice between two proposals to consider time in error control: either treat individual (primary) studies and meta-analyses as two separate worlds — each with their own timing — or integrate individual studies in the meta-analysis world. Taking up likelihood ratios in either approach allows for valid tests that relate well to the accumulating nature of scientific knowledge. Likelihood ratios can be interpreted as betting profits, earned in previous studies and invested in new ones, while the meta-analyst is allowed to cash out at any time and advise against future studies