1,552 research outputs found

    Optimization Approaches for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone

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    The fast and cost-efficient home delivery of goods ordered online is logistically challenging. Many companies are looking for new ways to cross the last-mile to their customers. One technology-enabled opportunity that recently has rec

    Spin injection and electric field effect in degenerate semiconductors

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    We analyze spin-transport in semiconductors in the regime characterized by T∌<TFT\stackrel{<}{\sim}T_F (intermediate to degenerate), where TFT_F is the Fermi temperature. Such a regime is of great importance since it includes the lightly doped semiconductor structures used in most experiments; we demonstrate that, at the same time, it corresponds to the regime in which carrier-carrier interactions assume a relevant role. Starting from a general formulation of the drift-diffusion equations, which includes many-body correlation effects, we perform detailed calculations of the spin injection characteristics of various heterostructures, and analyze the combined effects of carrier density variation, applied electric field and Coulomb interaction. We show the existence of a degenerate regime, peculiar to semiconductors, which strongly differs, as spin-transport is concerned, from the degenerate regime of metals.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Selected nucleon form factors and a composite scalar diquark

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    A covariant, composite scalar diquark, Fadde'ev amplitude model for the nucleon is used to calculate pseudoscalar, isoscalar- and isovector-vector, axial-vector and scalar nucleon form factors. The last yields the nucleon sigma-term and on-shell sigma-nucleon coupling. The calculated form factors are soft, and the couplings are generally in good agreement with experiment and other determinations. Elements in the dressed-quark-axial-vector vertex that are not constrained by the Ward-Takahashi identity contribute ~20% to the magnitude of g_A. The calculation of the nucleon sigma-term elucidates the only unambiguous means of extrapolating meson-nucleon couplings off the meson mass-shell.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX, 5 figures, epsfi

    Spin-Polarized Electron Transport at Ferromagnet/Semiconductor Schottky Contacts

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    We theoretically investigate electron spin injection and spin-polarization sensitive current detection at Schottky contacts between a ferromagnetic metal and an n-type or p-type semiconductor. We use spin-dependent continuity equations and transport equations at the drift-diffusion level of approximation. Spin-polarized electron current and density in the semiconductor are described for four scenarios corresponding to the injection or the collection of spin polarized electrons at Schottky contacts to n-type or p-type semiconductors. The transport properties of the interface are described by a spin-dependent interface resistance, resulting from an interfacial tunneling region. The spin-dependent interface resistance is crucial for achieving spin injection or spin polarization sensitivity in these configurations. We find that the depletion region resulting from Schottky barrier formation at a metal/semiconductor interface is detrimental to both spin injection and spin detection. However, the depletion region can be tailored using a doping density profile to minimize these deleterious effects. For example, a heavily doped region near the interface, such as a delta-doped layer, can be used to form a sharp potential profile through which electrons tunnel to reduce the effective Schottky energy barrier that determines the magnitude of the depletion region. The model results indicate that efficient spin-injection and spin-polarization detection can be achieved in properly designed structures and can serve as a guide for the structure design.Comment: RevTex

    Dynamic programming approaches for the traveling salesman problem with drone

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    A promising new delivery model involves the use of a delivery truck that collaborates with a drone to make deliveries. Effectively combin

    Critical scaling of the a.c. conductivity for a superconductor above Tc

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    We consider the effects of critical superconducting fluctuations on the scaling of the linear a.c. conductivity, \sigma(\omega), of a bulk superconductor slightly above Tc in zero applied magnetic field. The dynamic renormalization- group method is applied to the relaxational time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity, with \sigma(\omega) calculated via the Kubo formula to O(\epsilon^{2}) in the \epsilon = 4 - d expansion. The critical dynamics are governed by the relaxational XY-model renormalization-group fixed point. The scaling hypothesis \sigma(\omega) \sim \xi^{2-d+z} S(\omega \xi^{z}) proposed by Fisher, Fisher and Huse is explicitly verified, with the dynamic exponent z \approx 2.015, the value expected for the d=3 relaxational XY-model. The universal scaling function S(y) is computed and shown to deviate only slightly from its Gaussian form, calculated earlier. The present theory is compared with experimental measurements of the a.c. conductivity of YBCO near Tc, and the implications of this theory for such experiments is discussed.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Oscillatory wave fronts in chains of coupled nonlinear oscillators

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    Wave front pinning and propagation in damped chains of coupled oscillators are studied. There are two important thresholds for an applied constant stress FF: for ∣F∣<Fcd|F|<F_{cd} (dynamic Peierls stress), wave fronts fail to propagate, for Fcd<∣F∣<FcsF_{cd} < |F| < F_{cs} stable static and moving wave fronts coexist, and for ∣F∣>Fcs|F| > F_{cs} (static Peierls stress) there are only stable moving wave fronts. For piecewise linear models, extending an exact method of Atkinson and Cabrera's to chains with damped dynamics corroborates this description. For smooth nonlinearities, an approximate analytical description is found by means of the active point theory. Generically for small or zero damping, stable wave front profiles are non-monotone and become wavy (oscillatory) in one of their tails.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, 2 column revtex. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electric-field dependent spin diffusion and spin injection into semiconductors

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    We derive a drift-diffusion equation for spin polarization in semiconductors by consistently taking into account electric-field effects and nondegenerate electron statistics. We identify a high-field diffusive regime which has no analogue in metals. In this regime there are two distinct spin diffusion lengths. Furthermore, spin injection from a ferromagnetic metal into a semiconductor is enhanced by several orders of magnitude and spins can be transported over distances much greater than the low-field spin diffusion length.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figure

    Moving lattice kinks and pulses: an inverse method

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    We develop a general mapping from given kink or pulse shaped travelling-wave solutions including their velocity to the equations of motion on one-dimensional lattices which support these solutions. We apply this mapping - by definition an inverse method - to acoustic solitons in chains with nonlinear intersite interactions, to nonlinear Klein-Gordon chains, to reaction-diffusion equations and to discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger systems. Potential functions can be found in at least a unique way provided the pulse shape is reflection symmetric and pulse and kink shapes are at least C2C^2 functions. For kinks we discuss the relation of our results to the problem of a Peierls-Nabarro potential and continuous symmetries. We then generalize our method to higher dimensional lattices for reaction-diffusion systems. We find that increasing also the number of components easily allows for moving solutions.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure
