121 research outputs found

    Constraints on the interactions between dark matter and baryons from the x-ray quantum calorimetry experiment

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    Although the rocket-based x-ray quantum calorimetry (XQC) experiment was designed for x-ray spectroscopy, the minimal shielding of its calorimeters, its low atmospheric overburden, and its low-threshold detectors make it among the most sensitive instruments for detecting or constraining strong interactions between dark matter particles and baryons. We use Monte Carlo simulations to obtain the precise limits the XQC experiment places on spin-independent interactions between dark matter and baryons, improving upon earlier analytical estimates. We find that the XQC experiment rules out a wide range of nucleon-scattering cross sections centered around 1 b for dark matter particles with masses between 0.01 and 105GeV. Our analysis also provides new constraints on cases where only a fraction of the dark matter strongly interacts with baryons

    The Cyborg Astrobiologist: Testing a Novelty-Detection Algorithm on Two Mobile Exploration Systems at Rivas Vaciamadrid in Spain and at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah

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    (ABRIDGED) In previous work, two platforms have been developed for testing computer-vision algorithms for robotic planetary exploration (McGuire et al. 2004b,2005; Bartolo et al. 2007). The wearable-computer platform has been tested at geological and astrobiological field sites in Spain (Rivas Vaciamadrid and Riba de Santiuste), and the phone-camera has been tested at a geological field site in Malta. In this work, we (i) apply a Hopfield neural-network algorithm for novelty detection based upon color, (ii) integrate a field-capable digital microscope on the wearable computer platform, (iii) test this novelty detection with the digital microscope at Rivas Vaciamadrid, (iv) develop a Bluetooth communication mode for the phone-camera platform, in order to allow access to a mobile processing computer at the field sites, and (v) test the novelty detection on the Bluetooth-enabled phone-camera connected to a netbook computer at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah. This systems engineering and field testing have together allowed us to develop a real-time computer-vision system that is capable, for example, of identifying lichens as novel within a series of images acquired in semi-arid desert environments. We acquired sequences of images of geologic outcrops in Utah and Spain consisting of various rock types and colors to test this algorithm. The algorithm robustly recognized previously-observed units by their color, while requiring only a single image or a few images to learn colors as familiar, demonstrating its fast learning capability.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Astrobiolog

    Negotiating the inhuman: Bakhtin, materiality and the instrumentalization of climate change

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    The article argues that the work of literary theorist Mikhail M. Bakhtin presents a starting point for thinking about the instrumentalization of climate change. Bakhtin’s conceptualization of human–world relationships, encapsulated in the concept of ‘cosmic terror’, places a strong focus on our perception of the ‘inhuman’. Suggesting a link between the perceived alienness and instability of the world and in the exploitation of the resulting fear of change by political and religious forces, Bakhtin asserts that the latter can only be resisted if our desire for a false stability in the world is overcome. The key to this overcoming of fear, for him, lies in recognizing and confronting the worldly relations of the human body. This consciousness represents the beginning of one’s ‘deautomatization’ from following established patterns of reactions to predicted or real changes. In the vein of several theorists and artists of his time who explored similar ‘deautomatization’ strategies – examples include Shklovsky’s ‘ostranenie’, Brecht’s ‘Verfremdung’, Artaud’s emotional ‘cruelty’ and Bataille’s ‘base materialism’ – Bakhtin proposes a more playful and widely accessible experimentation to deconstruct our ‘habitual picture of the world’. Experimentation is envisioned to take place across the material and the textual to increase possibilities for action. Through engaging with Bakhtin’s ideas, this article seeks to draw attention to relations between the imagination of the world and political agency, and the need to include these relations in our own experiments with creating climate change awareness

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor Levels During Pregnancy in the Cow are Affected by Protein Supplementation in the Maternal Diet

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    To determine if dietary protein supplementation in early pregnancy alters total circulating insulinlike growth factor (IGF) levels, genetically similar heifers were fed diets containing different levels of protein in the first and second trimesters of gestation. The groups were: low/low (L/L), fed a diet containing 7% crude protein (CP) per kg/DM (low protein) in the first and second trimesters; high/high (H/H), fed a diet containing 14% CP per kg/DM (high protein) in the first and second trimesters; low/high (L/H), fed low protein in the first trimester and high in the second trimester and vice versa for the high/low (H/L) group. At day 62 of gestation, there was a significant difference (

    Spin dependent scattering of a domain-wall of controlled size

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    Magnetoresistance measurements in the CPP geometry have been performed on single electrodeposited Co nanowires exchange biased on one side by a sputtered amorphous GdCo layer. This geometry allows the stabilization of a single domain wall in the Co wire, the thickness of which can be controlled by an external magnetic field. Comparing magnetization, resistivity, and magnetoresistance studies of single Co nanowires, of GdCo layers, and of the coupled system, gives evidence for an additional contribution to the magnetoresistance when the domain wall is compressed by a magnetic field. This contribution is interpreted as the spin dependent scattering within the domain wall when the wall thickness becomes smaller than the spin diffusion length.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Diagnostische Bedeutung der Proteinbindung von Plasmacortisol, bestimmt durch Dextrangelfiltration

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    1. Mittels Dextrangelfiltration wurde nach Inkubation von markiertem Cortisol und Plasma der proteingebundene und der sog. freie Anteil (%) des endogenen Plasmacortisols ermittelt und bei gleichzeitiger fluorimetrischer Bestimmung der 11-OHCS auch die Menge proteingebundenen, bzw. sog. freien Cortisols (”g-%) berechnet. 2. Die diagnostische Brauchbarkeit der Methode wurde bei Patienten mit Nebennierenrindeninsuffizienz, mit Hypophysentumoren, nach Hypophysektomie, mit Cushing-Syndrom mit der fluorimetrischen Bestimmung der 11-OHCS verglichen. Die einfache Bestimmung der Cortisolbindung war bei hypophysektomierten Patienten der Bestimmung der 11-OHCS ĂŒberlegen und entsprach der aufwendigeren ACTH-Belastung. 3. Falsch hohe fluorimetrische 11-OHCS-Spiegel im Plasma unter Spirolacton- oder Oestrogenbehandlung und in der GraviditĂ€t lassen sich durch Bestimmung der Cortisolbindung klĂ€ren. Bei SchilddrĂŒsenĂŒberfunktion war das sog. freie Cortisol im Plasma relativ und absolut vermehrt, bei SchilddrĂŒsenunterfunktion fand sich eine Zunahme des plasmaproteingebundenen Cortisols.1. Following incubation of labeled cortisol and plasma the percentages of protein bound and socalled free endogenous cortisol were determined by means of dextran gel filtration. 2. The diagnostic value of this method was compared with fluorimetric determinations of 11-OHCS for patients with adrenal insufficiency, Cushing-Syndrome, pituitary tumors and after hypophysectomy. In hypophysectomized patients the simple determination of protein bound cortisol was found to correlate well with diagnostic ACTH-infusion tests and to be more sensitive than fluorimetric determinations of 11-OHCS in 9 a.m. plasma. 3. Falsely elevated fluorimetric values of plasma 11-OHCS in patients treated with spirolactone or estrogens, resp. during pregnancy may be recognized through determination of cortisol binding. — In thyrotoxicosis socalled free cortisol was elevated, both relatively and absolutely; in hypothyroidism an increase of protein bound cortisol was found
