546 research outputs found

    Intervention effects in wh-chains: the combined effect of syntax and processing

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    This study in experimental syntax investigates the factors affecting the acceptability of embedded clauses featuring a left-dislocated phrase below a fronted wh-phrase. Sixty native speakers of French took part in an on-line acceptability judgment task including 45 critical items (with an intervening XP) and 20 baseline items (including grammatical and ungrammatical sentences with an embedded wh-dependency). Using Random Forest and Ordinal Regression analyses we demonstrate that Clitic Left Dislocated (CLLD) objects yield stronger intervention effects (except when they are pronouns) than CLLDed subjects. We argue this is due to excessive processing demands incurred when a wh-dependency features a CLLD chain that is not fully within its scope. A processing account also explains why pronouns are not disruptive of wh-chains

    Multiperiodicity in the newly discovered mid-late Be star V2104 Cygni

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    We obtained the first long, homogenous time-series of V2104Cyg, consisting of 679 datapoints, with the uvbybeta photometers of Sierra Nevada and San Pedro Martir Observatories with the aim to detect and subsequently interpret the intrinsic frequencies of this previously unstudied variable star, which turned out to be a Be star. We try to figure out its place among the variable B stars on the upper Main Sequence. In order to obtain additional information on physical parameters we collected a few spectra with the ELODIE and FIES instruments. We searched for frequencies in the uvby passbands using 2 different frequency analysis methods and used the S/N>4 criterion to select the significant periodicities. We obtained an estimate of the physical parameters of the underlying B star of spectral type between B5 and B7, by correcting for the presence of a circumstellar disk, using a formalism based on the strenght of the Halpha line emission. We detected 3 independent frequencies with amplitudes below 0.01mag, f1 = 4.7126 c/d, f2 = 2.2342 c/d and f3 = 4.671 c/d, and discovered that V2104Cyg is a Be star. The fast rotation (vsini=290+/-10 km/s, and 27<i<45) hampered the investigation of the associated pulsational parameters l. Nevertheless, the most plausible explanation for the observed variability of this mid-late type Be star is a non-radial pulsation model. This paper is based on observations obtained at the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional San Pedro Martir (Mexico), Observatorio de Sierra Nevada (Spain), Observatoire de Haute Provence (France), and on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, Observatorio Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, A&A accepte

    Complex asteroseismology of the Slowly Pulsating B-type star HD74560

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    We present the results of complex seismic modelling of the Slowly Pulsating B-type star HD74560. The star pulsates in five frequencies detected in photometric observations. For all these frequencies, we identify the mode degree, \ell. For two of them, found also in spectroscopic data, we are able to derived the empirical values of the complex nonadiabatic parameter ff. We test effects of chemical composition and opacity data. Our results show that the properties of seismic models of SPB stars differ significantly from those of the more massive β\beta Cephei stars.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, conference proceedings, to appear in ASS

    MOST light-curve analysis of the gamma Dor pulsator HR 8799, showing resonances and amplitude variations

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    Context The central star of the HR 8799 system is a gamma Doradus-type pulsator. The system harbours four planetary-mass companions detected by direct imaging, and is a good solar system analogue. The masses of the companions are not known accurately, because the estimation depends strongly on the age of the system, which is also not known with sufficient accuracy. Asteroseismic studies of the star might help to better constrain the age of HR\,8799. We organized an extensive photometric and multi-site spectroscopic observing campaign for studying the pulsations of the central star. Aims The aim of the present study is to investigate the pulsation properties of HR 8799 in detail via the ultra-precise 47-d-long nearly continuous photometry obtained with the MOST space telescope, and to find as many independent pulsation modes as possible, which is the prerequisite of an asteroseismic age determination. Methods We carried out Fourier analysis of the wide-band photometric time series. Results e find that resonance and sudden amplitude changes characterize the pulsation of HR 8799. The dominant frequency is always at f_1 = 1.978 d^-1. Many multiples of one ninth of the dominant frequency appear in the Fourier spectrum of the MOST data: n/9 f_1, where n = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18\}. Our analysis also reveals that many of these peaks show strong amplitude decrease and phase variations even on the 47-d time-scale. The dependencies between the pulsation frequencies of HR 8799 make the planned subsequent asteroseismic analysis rather difficult. We point out some resemblance between the light curve of HR 8799 and the modulated pulsation light curves of Blazhko RR Lyrae stars

    High-Precision Spectroscopy of Pulsating Stars

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    We review methodologies currently available to interprete time series of high-resolution high-S/N spectroscopic data of pulsating stars in terms of the kind of (non-radial) modes that are excited. We illustrate the drastic improvement of the detection treshold of line-profile variability thanks to the advancement of the instrumentation over the past two decades. This has led to the opportunity to interprete line-profile variations with amplitudes of order m/s, which is a factor 1000 lower than the earliest line-profile time series studies allowed for.Comment: To appear in Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics, Eds . Pasquini, M. Romaniello, N.C. Santos, and A. Correia, Springer-Verlag series "ESO Astrophysics Symposia". 4 pages, 1 figur

    Probing the internal magnetic field of slowly pulsating B-stars through g modes

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    We suggest that high-order g modes can be used as a probe of the internal magnetic field of SPB (slowly pulsating B) stars. The idea is based on earlier work by the authors which analytically investigated the effect of a vertical magnetic field on p and g modes in a plane-parallel isothermal stratified atmosphere. It was found that even a weak field can significantly shift the g-mode frequencies -- the effect increases with mode order. In the present study we adopt the classical perturbative approach to estimate the internal field of a 4 solar mass SPB star by looking at its effect on a low-degree (l=1l=1) and high-order (n=20n=20) g mode with a period of about 1.5 d. We find that a polar field strength of about 110 kG on the edge of the convective core is required to produce a frequency shift of 1%. Frequency splittings of that order have been observed in several SPB variables, in some cases clearly too small to be ascribed to rotation. We suggest that they may be due to a poloidal field with a strength of order 100 kG, buried in the deep interior of the star.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics

    On the co-existence of chemically peculiar Bp stars, slowly pulsating B stars and constant B stars in the same part of the H-R diagram

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    Aims. In order to better model massive B-type stars, we need to understand the physical processes taking place in slowly pulsating B (SPB) stars, chemically peculiar Bp stars, and non-pulsating normal B stars co-existing in the same part of the H-R diagram. Methods. We carry out a comparative study between samples of confirmed and well-studied SPB stars and a sample of well-studied Bp stars with known periods and magnetic field strengths. We determine their evolutionary state using accurate HIPPARCOS parallaxes and Geneva photometry. We discuss the occurrence and strengths of magnetic fields as well as the occurrence of stellar pulsation among both groups. Further, we make a comparison of Geneva photometric variability for both kinds of stars. Results. The group of Bp stars is significantly younger than the group of SPB stars. Longitudinal magnetic fields in SPB stars are weaker than those of Bp stars, suggesting that the magnetic field strength is an important factor for B type stars to become chemically peculiar. The strongest magnetic fields appear in young Bp stars, indicating a magnetic field decay in stars at advanced ages. Rotation periods of Bp and pulsation periods of SPB stars are of the same order and the behaviour of Geneva photometric variability of some Bp stars cannot be distinguished from the variability of SPB stars, illustrating the difficulty to interpret the observed variability of the order of days for B-type stars. We consider the possibility that pulsation could be responsible for the variability among chemically peculiar stars. In particular, we show that a non-linear pulsation model is not excluded by photometry for the Bp star HD175362.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics on 29/01/2007, 8 pages, 9 figure

    Analysis of MERCATOR data Part I: variable B stars

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    We re-classified 31 variable B stars which were observed more than 50 times in the Geneva photometric system with the P7 photometer attached to the MERCATOR telescope (La Palma) during its first 3 years of scientific observations. HD89688 is a possible beta Cephei/slowly pulsating B star hybrid and the main mode of the COROT target HD180642 shows non-linear effects. The Maia candidates are re-classified as either ellipsoidal variables or spotted stars. Although the mode identification is still ongoing, all the well-identified modes so far have a degree l = 0, 1 or 2.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in: Proceedings of JENAM 2005 'Distant worlds', Communications in Asteroseismolog