478 research outputs found

    Kappa-contraction from SUq(2)SU_q(2) to EÎș(2)E_{\kappa}(2)

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    We present contraction prescription of the quantum groups: from SUq(2)SU_q(2) to EÎș(2)E_{\kappa}(2). Our strategy is different then one chosen in ref. [P. Zaugg, J. Phys. A {\bf 28} (1995) 2589]. We provide explicite prescription for contraction of a,b,ca, b, c and dd generators of SLq(2)SL_q(2) and arrive at ∗^* Hopf algebra EÎș(2)E_{\kappa}(2).Comment: 3 pages, plain TEX, harvmac, to be published in the Proceedings of the 4-th Colloqium Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems, Prague, June 1995, Czech. J. Phys. {\bf 46} 265 (1996

    Lumbar artery perforator (LAP) flap: a salvage tool for extended lumbo-sacral necrosis after bilateral internal iliac arteries embolization.

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    We report the case of a 52-year-old man presenting an extensive lumbosacral necrosis after bilateral internal iliac arteries embolization following unstable pelvic fracture. Coverage of the defect was performed using two extended lumbar artery perforator flaps in a propeller fashion. Good functional and esthetic result was achieved at one-year follow-up

    [Vaccinovigilance: Adverse reaction reports of animal vaccines in 2020].

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    The aim of the vigilance system in Switzerland is the evaluation and classification of reported suspected adverse reactions of immunological veterinary medicines (IVMP), including suspected lack of expected efficacy. The Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI) is the competent authority for marketing authorizations of immunological veterinary medicinal products in Switzerland and responsible for the vaccinovigilance system. In 2020, 130 adverse reaction reports were received (5% less compared to 2019). The reports mainly concerned dogs (41%) and cats (25%) followed by cattle (18%) and horses (7%). Many of the reports in dogs involved the application of combined vaccines against canine distemper, hepatitis, parvovirosis and parainfluenza in combination with canine leptospira components, in cats against cat flu and feline panleukopenia in combination with feline leukaemia virus infection. Causality assessments were done according to the international ABON system. In 27% of the reported cases, the causality assessments between the vaccination and the reaction described were evaluated as being probable (ABON A), in 44% as possible (ABON B)

    Off‐pump coronary artery bypass surgery: physiology and anaesthetic management†

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    Increasing interest is being shown in beating heart (off‐pump) coronary artery surgery (OPCAB) because, compared with operations performed with cardiopulmonary bypass, OPCAB surgery may be associated with decreased postoperative morbidity and reduced total costs. Its appears to produce better results than conventional surgery in high‐risk patient populations, elderly patients, and those with compromised cardiac function or coagulation disorders. Recent improvements in the technique have resulted in the possibility of multiple‐vessel grafting in all coronary territories, with a graft patency comparable with conventional surgery. During beating‐heart surgery, anaesthetists face two problems: first, the maintenance of haemodynamic stability during heart enucleation necessary for accessing each coronary artery; and second, the management of intraoperative myocardial ischaemia when coronary flow must be interrupted during grafting. The anaesthetic technique is less important than adequate management of these two major constraints. However, experimental and recent clinical data suggest that volatile anaesthetics have a marked cardioprotective effect against ischaemia, and might be specifically indicated. OPCAB surgery requires team work between anaesthetists and surgeons, who must be aware of each other's constraints. Some surgical aspects of the operation are reviewed along with physiological and anaesthetic data. Br J Anaesth 2004; 92: 400-1

    Cayley--Klein Contractions of Quantum Orthogonal Groups in Cartesian Basis

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    Spaces of constant curvature and their motion groups are described most naturally in Cartesian basis. All these motion groups also known as CK groups are obtained from orthogonal group by contractions and analytical continuations. On the other hand quantum deformation of orthogonal group SO(N)SO(N) is most easily performed in so-called symplectic basis. We reformulate its standard quantum deformation to Cartesian basis and obtain all possible contractions of quantum orthogonal group SOq(N)SO_q(N) both for untouched and transformed deformation parameter. It turned out, that similar to undeformed case all CK contractions of SOq(N)SO_q(N) are realized. An algorithm for obtaining nonequivalent (as Hopf algebra) contracted quantum groups is suggested. Contractions of SOq(N),N=3,4,5SO_q(N), N=3,4,5 are regarded as an examples.Comment: The statement of the basic theorem have correct. 30 pages, Latex. Report given at X International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics, August 13-19, 2003, Yerevan, Armenia. Submitted in Journal Physics of Atomic Nucle
