15,425 research outputs found

    (Never) Mind your p's and q's: Von Neumann versus Jordan on the Foundations of Quantum Theory

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    In two papers entitled "On a new foundation [Neue Begr\"undung] of quantum mechanics," Pascual Jordan (1927b,g) presented his version of what came to be known as the Dirac-Jordan statistical transformation theory. As an alternative that avoids the mathematical difficulties facing the approach of Jordan and Paul A. M. Dirac (1927), John von Neumann (1927a) developed the modern Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics. In this paper, we focus on Jordan and von Neumann. Central to the formalisms of both are expressions for conditional probabilities of finding some value for one quantity given the value of another. Beyond that Jordan and von Neumann had very different views about the appropriate formulation of problems in quantum mechanics. For Jordan, unable to let go of the analogy to classical mechanics, the solution of such problems required the identication of sets of canonically conjugate variables, i.e., p's and q's. For von Neumann, not constrained by the analogy to classical mechanics, it required only the identication of a maximal set of commuting operators with simultaneous eigenstates. He had no need for p's and q's. Jordan and von Neumann also stated the characteristic new rules for probabilities in quantum mechanics somewhat differently. Jordan (1927b) was the first to state those rules in full generality. Von Neumann (1927a) rephrased them and, in a subsequent paper (von Neumann, 1927b), sought to derive them from more basic considerations. In this paper we reconstruct the central arguments of these 1927 papers by Jordan and von Neumann and of a paper on Jordan's approach by Hilbert, von Neumann, and Nordheim (1928). We highlight those elements in these papers that bring out the gradual loosening of the ties between the new quantum formalism and classical mechanics.Comment: New version. The main difference with the old version is that the introduction has been rewritten. Sec. 1 (pp. 2-12) in the old version has been replaced by Secs. 1.1-1.4 (pp. 2-31) in the new version. The paper has been accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Assumptions that imply quantum dynamics is linear

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    A basic linearity of quantum dynamics, that density matrices are mapped linearly to density matrices, is proved very simply for a system that does not interact with anything else. It is assumed that at each time the physical quantities and states are described by the usual linear structures of quantum mechanics. Beyond that, the proof assumes only that the dynamics does not depend on anything outside the system but must allow the system to be described as part of a larger system. The basic linearity is linked with previously established results to complete a simple derivation of the linear Schrodinger equation. For this it is assumed that density matrices are mapped one-to-one onto density matrices. An alternative is to assume that pure states are mapped one-to-one onto pure states and that entropy does not decrease.Comment: 10 pages. Added references. Improved discussion of equations of motion for mean values. Expanded Introductio

    Quantum Discord and Quantum Computing - An Appraisal

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    We discuss models of computing that are beyond classical. The primary motivation is to unearth the cause of nonclassical advantages in computation. Completeness results from computational complexity theory lead to the identification of very disparate problems, and offer a kaleidoscopic view into the realm of quantum enhancements in computation. Emphasis is placed on the `power of one qubit' model, and the boundary between quantum and classical correlations as delineated by quantum discord. A recent result by Eastin on the role of this boundary in the efficient classical simulation of quantum computation is discussed. Perceived drawbacks in the interpretation of quantum discord as a relevant certificate of quantum enhancements are addressed.Comment: To be published in the Special Issue of the International Journal of Quantum Information on "Quantum Correlations: entanglement and beyond." 11 pages, 4 figure

    Einstein and Jordan frames reconciled: a frame-invariant approach to scalar-tensor cosmology

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    Scalar-Tensor theories of gravity can be formulated in different frames, most notably, the Einstein and the Jordan one. While some debate still persists in the literature on the physical status of the different frames, a frame transformation in Scalar-Tensor theories amounts to a local redefinition of the metric, and then should not affect physical results. We analyze the issue in a cosmological context. In particular, we define all the relevant observables (redshift, distances, cross-sections, ...) in terms of frame-independent quantities. Then, we give a frame-independent formulation of the Boltzmann equation, and outline its use in relevant examples such as particle freeze-out and the evolution of the CMB photon distribution function. Finally, we derive the gravitational equations for the frame-independent quantities at first order in perturbation theory. From a practical point of view, the present approach allows the simultaneous implementation of the good aspects of the two frames in a clear and straightforward way.Comment: 15 pages, matches version to be published on Phys. Rev.

    Thermal correlators of anyons in two dimensions

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    The anyon fields have trivial α\alpha-commutator for α\alpha not integer. For integer α\alpha the commutators become temperature-dependent operator valued distributions. The nn-point functions do not factorize as for quasifree states.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX (misprints corrected, a reference added

    Fast quantum algorithm for numerical gradient estimation

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    Given a blackbox for f, a smooth real scalar function of d real variables, one wants to estimate the gradient of f at a given point with n bits of precision. On a classical computer this requires a minimum of d+1 blackbox queries, whereas on a quantum computer it requires only one query regardless of d. The number of bits of precision to which f must be evaluated matches the classical requirement in the limit of large n.Comment: additional references and minor clarifications and corrections to version

    Role of interactions in ferrofluid thermal ratchets

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    Orientational fluctuations of colloidal particles with magnetic moments may be rectified with the help of external magnetic fields with suitably chosen time dependence. As a result a noise-driven rotation of particles occurs giving rise to a macroscopic torque per volume of the carrier liquid. We investigate the influence of mutual interactions between the particles on this ratchet effect by studying a model system with mean-field interactions. The stochastic dynamics may be described by a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation for the collective orientation of the particles which we solve approximately by using the effective field method. We determine an interval for the ratio between coupling strength and noise intensity for which a self-sustained rectification of fluctuations becomes possible. The ratchet effect then operates under conditions for which it were impossible in the absence of interactions.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Density perturbations in Kaluza--Klein theories during a de Sitter phase

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    In the context of Kaluza-Klein theories, we consider a model in which the universe is filled with a perfect fluid described by a barotropic equation of state. An analysis of density perturbations employing the synchronous gauge shows that there are cases where these perturbations have an exponential growth during a de Sitter phase evolution in the external space.Comment: LaTex file, 10 pages. To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit
