119 research outputs found


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    For the study, mulberry silk was used for different feeding seasons (spring, summer, autumn) and adverse environmental conditions (high temperature, low humidity, poor quality feed) using Atlas-1 and Atlas-2 lines.During the study, we calculated the selection and genetic parameters (selection variance (SD), genetic growth (R) and realized heritability (h2R) ratios) of the leading adaptive selection traits in successive generations of the Atlas-1 and Atlas-2 lines.As a result, compared to the line control population, the Atlas 1 line had a higher rate than the Atlas 2 line for the selection variance. Genetic growth was higher in F7 and F8 than the F6 lineage of the Atlas 1 line. The satin 2 line was the lowest in F7 and the highest in F7 and F8 generations.The biological parameters of both lines have a high barometric mass due to the hereditary coefficient, the barrel curtain mass is moderate, and the survival barrel silence is even lower.Generally, both lines have the ability to be inherited by biological indicators. The results from our selection experiments confirmed our theoretical provisions and made it clear that adaptive breeding carried out under pessimistic feeding of all generations would be beneficial.Исследование проводилось в различные периоды кормления (весна, лето, осень) и основывалось на неблагоприятные условия окружающей среды (высокая температура, низкая влажность, низкое качество корма) с использованием линий тутового шелкопряда Атлаз-1 и Атлаз-2.В ходе исследования были выполнены расчеты ведущих признаков адаптивного отбора, селекционных и генетических параметров (селекционных дифференциалов (SD), генетического воспроизводства (R) и реализованной наследственности (h2R)) в последовательных поколениях линий Атлаз-1 и Атлаз-2.В результате, по сравнению с контрольной популяцией линии, линия Атлаз-1 имела более высокую скорость, чем линия Атлаз-2.для дисперсии выбора. Генетический рост был выше у F7 и F8, чем у линии F6 линии Атлаз-1. Линия Атлаз-2 была самой низкой в F7 и самой высокой в поколениях F7 и F8.Биологические параметры обеих линий по коэффициенту наследственности были; масса живого кокона высокая, масса вуали кокона средняя, шелковистость живого кокона низкая, даже опускается до минусового показателя.Как правило, обе линии обладают способностью наследоваться по биологическим показателям. Результаты наших селекционных экспериментов подтвердили предложенные нами теоретические положения и дали понять, что адаптивное разведение, путем вскармливания всех поколений в пессимистических условиях, будет полезным

    Assessment of the functional results of hemiarthroplasty in geriatric individuals with unstable intertrochanteric femur fractures

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    Background: The objective of our study is to measure early weight bearing, mobilization, rapid rehabilitation, complications in unstable intertrochanteric femur after hemiarthroplasty fractures in elderly patients. Methods: Prospective and retrospective, non-randomized study was conducted to assess functional results of hemiarthroplasty in elderly individuals with unstable intertrochanteric femur fractures following surgery in patients who underwent surgery from 2019 to 2021 in department of orthopaedics of Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital, Aurangabad. Out of total 44 participants, there were 16 males and 28 females with mean age of 79.54 years of study participants. The patients were evaluated radiologically with routine X-rays i.e. pelvis with both hip joint anteroposterior (AP) view and affected side hip lateral view and clinically early weight bearing, mobilization, rapid rehabilitation and complication with Harris hip score. Results: In our study we observed good result of 86.53±5.73 mean Harris hip score at the end of 1 year was following surgery in 44 study participants who underwent hemiarthroplasty in unstable intertrochanteric femur fractures in elderly patients. Conclusions: Primary hemiarthroplasty offers an essentially pain-free movable joint and is a preferable mode of treatment for older osteoporotic patients who suffers from unstable intertrochanteric femur fractures. Hemiarthroplasty allows for early mobilization and offers rapid stability and mobility, preventing the issues associated with recumbency. Hemiarthroplasty has a lower rate of complications and revision surgery than fixation. According to the Harris hip score, primary bipolar hemiarthroplasty results in a good functional outcome, but long-term monitoring is necessary

    The urban form analysis through the morphological transformation study of the urban villages and city integration in Indian context

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    Urbanization is a continuous process. As city extends beyond its limit, the rural to urban transformation includes the various morphological, economic, social changes in peripheral area of the city. Villages and Peri-urban town around the city have their own morphological layout with their own functioning process and culture. The villages that included into the city are called urban villages and they are struggling for their existence. These villages are facing various challenges and transformation with its inclusion in city. New urban form is generated at the rural urban interface. The policies to regulate the urban transformation is still in evolving process and varies as per the context. Indian urbanisation is very complex having the various layers of urbanism; strong historical values, diverse context varies as per place, culture, mixed of many religions, economy, unique ecological and weather conditions etc. Indian Urbanisation process is slow and late comparative to European and other East Asian countries. The great Leader of nationalist movement 'Mahatma Gandhi' once quoted that 'Future of India lies in its villages'. At present about more than 600,000 villages are in India. The Mumbai metropolitan area consist of the Greater Mumbai and entirely planned new satellite city Navi Mumbai. Many villages are now part of Mumbai metropolitan area. In a research paper, we will discuss about the morphological transformation of urban villages in Mumbai metropolitan area through visual analysis and various mapping techniques. Simultaneously, we will analyse the urban form of the area through the morphological transformation of urban villages. This study will help to analyse various issues caused due to morphological changes. It will provide the basis for the policy formulation and morphological interventions for the area

    Mesilasvaha ja kärjemajandus

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    Mesilaspere hooldamisvõtete juures omab suurt tähtsust, kui hästi mesinik oskab mesilaspere vahaeritusvõimet ära kasutada ‒ varuda vajamineva hulga kärgi ja mittekõlblikud kärjed igal aastal vahaks sulatada ning vahetada saadud vaha omakorda kärjepõhjalehtedeks, pannes aluse kärjemajandusele kui olulisele tegurile mesilasperede arengu suunamisel. Käesolev trükis annab mesilasvahast tervikülevaate. Siin kirjeldatakse vaha omadusi, mesilaste poolt vaha eritamist ja kärgede ehitamist, kärjemajanduse tähtsust, kärgede sorteerimist ja säilitamist. Kärjed on mesilasperes aastas kasutusel keskmiselt 4 kuud (maist augustini), ülejäänud aja säilitatakse neid kärjehoidlas või selleks kohandatud panipaigas, kus kärgi võivad kahjustada kärjekahjurid ‒ põhiliselt kärjekoi (kärjeleedik, vahakoi), suiralest ja hiired. Sügisel, pärast mesilasperede koondamist ja talvepesade ettevalmistamist, kärjed sorteeritakse ning mittekõlblikud kärjed sulatatakse vahaks. Saadud vaha vahetatakse sügisel või talvel kärjemeistri valmistatud kärjepõhja (kunstkärje) vastu. Trükises kirjeldatakse kärgede sulatamise võimalusi ja antakse ülevaade ka kärjepõhjade (kunstkärgede) valmistamise meetoditest. Trükis on mõeldud tegutsevatele mesinikele, kutseõppeasutuste õpilastele, mesinike koolitajatele ja väliskirjanduse kasutajatele, samuti neile meetarbijatele, kes tunnevad mesilaspere elutegevuse vastu süvendatud huvi. Trükise koostamisel osalesid Eesti Maaülikooli teadur Reet Karise ning kogenud mesinikud-kärjemeistrid (kärjepõhjade valmistajad) Sergei Kozlov, Tiina Kiiker ja Allan Sarap. Mahemesinikud Aili ja Tõnis Taal kirjutavad mahevahast, sest mahemesinduses peab olema ka vaha mahe. Kärjekahjuritest teeb lühiülevaate mesindusõpetaja Marje Riis. Trükise koostajad soovivad mõnusat lugemist ja teadmiste täiendamist vaha kui väga olulise ja asendamatu mesindussaaduse kohta.Trükise väljaandmist toetab Euroopa Liit Eesti Mesindusprogrammi raames


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    Exploration for collecting genetic resources of vegetable plants focused on Cucurbitaceous and Solanaceous plants in Kenya was undertaken from 9 th September to 2 nd October. This exploration was carried out as collaborative research with KARI (Kenya Agricultural Research Institute). The exploration trip route and itinerary are shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1, respectively. The area explored was comprises five distinguished regions, Rift valley, the Southwest, the South, central region, and coastal region facing the Indian Ocean. Flora and vegetation varied among regions according to differences in geography and climate. The vegetation in Rift Valley and the South was generally poor because of drought. In the southwest around Lake Victoria, and the central region around Mt. Kenya had higher precipitation, the vegetation was rich, and many kinds of crop were grown. The total number of collected samples was 249, and seed samples of 239 accessions were introduced into Japan. The collected accessions consisted of 140 of Cucurbitaceae, 59 of Solanaceae, 3 of Cruciferae, 6 of Amaranthaceae, 14 of Leguminosae, 2 of Malvaceae and others (Table 2). Of the Cucurbitaceous species, broad diversity in Lagenaria siceraria and Cucurbita moschata were found, and some wild species belonged to genus Cucumis were collected. Of the Solanaceous species, tomato and sweet pepper were commonly cultivated, but the number of cultivar was a few. Solanum gilo and S. macrocarpon were field grown, and some wild species belonged to genus Solanum were also collected. In leafy vegetable, skuma (probably Brassica oleracea), amaranthus (Amaranthus mangostanus), Solanum nigram and spinach (chard, Beta vulgaris) were found, but seed sample of skuma and spinach could not collected because it was not the season for seed maturing. The great diversity was observed among Leguminosae crops

    Exploration of wild edible plants used by Gujjar and Bakerwal tribes of District Rajouri (J&K), India

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    The analysis of wild plant exploration was carried out to document the wild edible plants of district Rajouri (J&K), India. The present investigation of wild edible plants were based on extensive and intensive field survey during 2009- 2011. A total of 58 wild edible plant species belonging to 50 genera and 39 families have been reported from the area. Rosaceae was the dominant family that represented 7 taxa, while Brassiceae, Fabaceae, Moraceae and Poaceae represented with 3 taxa each and other 33 families have less representation. Tree make up was the highest proportion of the edible species 28 (41%) followed by 26 were herbs (38%) and 14 were shrubs (21%). Based on the requirements/edibility, majority of the plant species (26 species) are commonly used as fruits, 14 serve as vegetables, 1 species as flavoring agents (spices), roots, tubers of 3 species are eaten as raw and seeds/grains from 8 species for various substitute of food, whereas 2 species are used in making special drinks

    Harding Bulletin January 1960 (vol. 35, no. 10)

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    Publication distributed to alumni and friends of the university

    Effect of elephant browsing on selected species of Acacia along the great Ruaha River in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania

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    Elephant damage was assessed in 1,007 Acacia trees and responses between Acacia tortilis and A. kirkii in Ruaha National park were compared in 30 transects randomly placed in 38.8 km2 on the northern bank of Great Ruaha River (GRR) basing on six browsing categories and four debarking classes. There was no significant difference in browsing (F1, 10 = 0.6, p>0.05) and debarking (F1, 6 = 0.16, p > 0.05) between A. kirkii and A. tortilis. Trees were classified into three height and twelve diameter classes. About 3613 trees <1 m in height represented response in addition to coppices. The difference between the two species was observed only in regeneration potential (F1,58 = 41.4, p < 0.05). In addition, low regeneration potential, severely browsed trees and restricted distribution made A. kirkii more vulnerable to elephant feeding compared to A. tortilis. The high A. tortilis regeneration potential suggests that the study area could become an Acacia bushland or woodland if fire is controlled. Further studies need to investigate, the suppressed regeneration of Acacia trees at Msembe, variations in vegetation utilization along the GRR and effects of fire and small browsers on Acacia species including monitoring of vegetation and animal trends.Key words: Elephants, Acacia, Tree damage, Regeneration, Ruaha Rive