720 research outputs found

    The cathode region of a quasi-steady magnetoplasmadynamic arcjet, supplement 8

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    Electric and magnetic field measurements in cathode region of quasi-steady magnetoplasmadynamic arcje

    Phase transformation B1 to B2 in TiC, TiN, ZrC and ZrN under pressure

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    Phase stability of various phases of MX (M = Ti, Zr; X = C, N) at equilibrium and under pressure is examined based on first-principles calculations of the electronic and phonon structures. The results reveal that all B1 (NaCl-type) MX structures undergo a phase transition to the B2-structures under high pressure in agreement with the previous total-energy calculations. The B1-MX structures are dynamically stable under very high pressure (210-570 GPa). The pressure-induced B2 (CsCl-type) MC phases are dynamically unstable even at high pressures, and TiN and ZrN are found to crystallize with the B2-structure only at pressures above 55 GPa. The first-order B1-to-B2 phase transition in these nitrides is not related to the softening of phonon modes, and the dynamical instability of B2-MX is associated with a high density of states at the Fermi level.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    The Effects of Magnetic Nozzle Configurations on Plasma Thrusters

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    Over the course of eight years, the Ohio State University has performed research in support of electric propulsion development efforts at the NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH. This research has been largely devoted to plasma propulsion systems including MagnetoPlasmaDynamic (MPD) thrusters with externally-applied, solenoidal magnetic fields, hollow cathodes, and Pulsed Plasma Microthrusters (PPT's). Both experimental and theoretical work has been performed, as documented in four master's theses, two doctoral dissertations, and numerous technical papers. The present document is the final report for the grant period 5 December 1987 to 31 December 1995, and summarizes all activities. Detailed discussions of each area of activity are provided in appendices: Appendix 1 - Experimental studies of magnetic nozzle effects on plasma thrusters; Appendix 2 - Numerical modeling of applied-field MPD thrusters; Appendix 3 - Theoretical and experimental studies of hollow cathodes; and Appendix 4 -Theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of pulsed plasma thrusters. Especially notable results include the efficacy of using a solenoidal magnetic field downstream of a plasma thruster to collimate the exhaust flow, the development of a new understanding of applied-field MPD thrusters (based on experimentally-validated results from state-of-the art, numerical simulation) leading to predictions of improved performance, an experimentally-validated, first-principles model for orificed, hollow-cathode behavior, and the first time-dependent, two-dimensional calculations of ablation-fed, pulsed plasma thrusters

    Characterizing dynamics with covariant Lyapunov vectors

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    A general method to determine covariant Lyapunov vectors in both discrete- and continuous-time dynamical systems is introduced. This allows to address fundamental questions such as the degree of hyperbolicity, which can be quantified in terms of the transversality of these intrinsic vectors. For spatially extended systems, the covariant Lyapunov vectors have localization properties and spatial Fourier spectra qualitatively different from those composing the orthonormalized basis obtained in the standard procedure used to calculate the Lyapunov exponents.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review letter


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    This project enhanced our theoretical capabilities geared towards establishing the basic science of a high-throughput protocol for the development of advanced nuclear fuel that should couple modern computational materials modeling and simulation tools, fabrication and characterization capabilities, and targeted high throughput performance testing experiments. The successful conclusion of this ER project allowed us to upgrade state-of-the-art modeling codes, and apply these modeling tools to ab initio energetics and thermodynamic assessments of phase diagrams of various mixtures of actinide alloys, propose a tool for optimizing composition of complex alloys for specific properties, predict diffusion behavior in diffusion couples made of actinide and transition metals, include one new equation in the LLNL phase-field AMPE code, and predict microstructure evolution during alloy coring. In FY11, despite limited funding, the team also initiated an experimental activity, with collaboration from Texas A&M University by preparing samples of nuclear fuels in bulk forms and for diffusion couple studies and metallic matrices, and performing preliminary characterization

    Report on Characterization of U-10 wt.% Zr Alloy

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    This report summarizes the chemical and structural characterization results for a U-10 wt.% Zr alloy to be used in an ultra-high burn-up nuclear fuel concept. The as-cast alloy material was received from Texas A and M University. Characterization and an initial heat treatment of the alloy material were conducted at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The as-received ingot was sectioned for X-ray analysis, metallography, SEM, TEM, and heat treatments, as shown in Figure 1

    Tackling Prejudice and Discrimination Towards Families with Same-Sex Parents: An Exploratory Study in Italy

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    Though studies have shown that the sexual orientation of parents does not influence their parenting skills or the well-being of their children, prejudice against same-sex families is still very widespread. Research has not sufficiently explored the ways in which parents tackle this prejudice. Using qualitative methodologies, in particular textual analyses, this study has analysed the discourse used by same-sex families to handle the prejudices that they face. The results highlighted that conflicts, which may even be ideological in nature, are sometimes created between traditional families and “atypical” families. These often result in estrangement and isolation from their own family and the communities to which they belong, in turn damaging the growth of the children involved. Furthermore, means for moving beyond conflict, sharing experiences and effectively tackling prejudices are also discussed

    An Assessment of the Net Value of CSP Systems Integrated with Thermal Energy Storage

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    AbstractWithin this study, we evaluate the operational and capacity value—or total system value—for multiple concentrating solar power (CSP)plant configurations under an assumed 33% renewable penetration scenario in California. We calculate the first-year bid price for two CSP plants, including a 2013 molten-salt tower integrated with a conventional Rankine cycle and a hypothetical 2020 molten-salt tower system integrated with an advanced supercritical carbon-dioxide power block. The overall benefit to the regional grid, defined in this study as the net value, is calculated by subtracting the first-year bid price from the total system value.Re--sults of this study indicate a positive net value for a variety of scenarios, depending on technology assumptions and assumed values for natural gas price and tax incentives. We provide results for the 2013 and 2020 CSP configurations as a function of thermal energy storage capacity and solar field size. We provide a sensitivity of these results to natural gas price, which influence the operation value and thus the total system value. We also investigate the sensitivity of the net value to current and anticipated tax incentives

    High accuracy short-term PWV operational forecast at the VLT and perspectives for sky background forecast

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    In this paper we present the first results ever obtained by applying the autoregressive (AR) technique to the precipitable water vapour (PWV). The study is performed at the Very Large Telescope. The AR technique has been recently proposed to provide forecasts of atmospheric and astroclimatic parameters at short time scales (up to a few hours) by achieving much better performances with respect to the 'standard forecasts' provided early afternoon for the coming night. The AR method uses the real-time measurements of the parameter of interest to improve the forecasts performed with atmospherical models. We used here measurements provided by LHATPRO, a radiometer measuring continuously the PWV at the VLT. When comparing the AR forecast at 1h to the standard forecast, we observe a gain factor of \sim 8 (i.e. \sim 800 per cent) in terms of forecast accuracy. In the PWV \leq 1 mm range, which is extremely critical for infrared astronomical applications, the RMSE of the predictions is of the order of just a few hundredth of millimetres (0.04 mm). We proved therefore that the AR technique provides an important benefit to VLT science operations for all the instruments sensitive to the PWV. Besides, we show how such an ability in predicting the PWV can be useful also to predict the sky background in the infrared range (extremely appealing for METIS). We quantify such an ability by applying this method to the NEAR project (New Earth in the Alpha Cen region) supported by ESO and Breakthrough Initiatives