44 research outputs found

    Opportunities to accelerate extracellular vesicle research with cell-free synthetic biology

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid-membrane nanoparticles that are shed or secreted by many different cell types. The extracellular vesicle (EV) research community has rapidly expanded in recent years and are leading efforts to deepen our understanding of EV biological functions in human physiology and pathology. These insights are also providing a foundation on which future EV-based diagnostics and therapeutics are poised to positively impact human health. However, current limitations in our understanding of EV heterogeneity, cargo loading mechanisms and the nascent development of EV metrology are all areas that have been identified as important scientific challenges. The field of synthetic biology is also contending with the challenge of understanding biological complexity as it seeks to combine multidisciplinary scientific knowledge with engineering principles, to build useful and robust biotechnologies in a responsible manner. Within this context, cell-free systems have emerged as a powerful suite of in vitro biotechnologies that can be employed to interrogate fundamental biological mechanisms, including the study of aspects of EV biogenesis, or to act as a platform technology for medical biosensors and therapeutic biomanufacturing. Cell-free gene expression (CFE) systems also enable in vitro protein production, including membrane proteins, and could conceivably be exploited to rationally engineer, or manufacture, EVs loaded with bespoke molecular cargoes for use in foundational or translational EV research. Our pilot data herein, also demonstrates the feasibility of cell-free EV engineering. In this perspective we discuss the opportunities and challenges for accelerating EV research and healthcare applications with cell-free synthetic biology

    High-pressure characterization of multifunctional CrVO4

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    [EN] The structural stability and physical properties of CrVO(4)under compression were studied by x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, optical absorption, resistivity measurements, andab initiocalculations up to 10 GPa. High-pressure x-ray diffraction and Raman measurements show that CrVO(4)undergoes a phase transition from the ambient pressure orthorhombic CrVO4-type structure (Cmcm space group, phase III) to the high-pressure monoclinic CrVO4-V phase, which is proposed to be isomorphic to the wolframite structure. Such a phase transition (CrVO4-type -> wolframite), driven by pressure, also was previously observed in indium vanadate. The crystal structure of both phases and the pressure dependence in unit-cell parameters, Raman-active modes, resistivity, and electronic band gap, are reported. Vanadium atoms are sixth-fold coordinated in the wolframite phase, which is related to the collapse in the volume at the phase transition. Besides, we also observed drastic changes in the phonon spectrum, a drop of the band-gap, and a sharp decrease of resistivity. All the observed phenomena are explained with the help of first-principles calculations.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Grants MAT2016-75586-C4-1/2-P, FIS2017-83295-P and RED2018-102612-T (MALTA Consolider-Team network) and by Generalitat Valenciana under Grant Prometeo/2018/123 (EFIMAT). PB and AV acknowledge the Kempe Foundation and the Knut och Alice Wallenberg Foundation for their financial support. JAS also acknowledges Ramon y Cajal program for funding support through RYC-2015-17482. The x-ray diffraction measurements were carried out with the support of the Diamond Light Source at the I15 beamline under proposal no. 683. The authors thank A Kleppe for technical support during the experiments. SL-M thanks CONACYT of Mexico for financial support through the program 'Catedras para jovenes Investigadores'. Also, SL-M gratefully acknowledges the computing time granted by LANCAD and CONACYT on the supercomputer Miztli at LSVP DGTIC UNAM. Besides, some of the computing for this project was performed with the resources of the IPICYT Supercomputing National Center for Education & Research, Grant TKII-R2020-SLM1.Botella, P.; López-Moreno, S.; Errandonea, D.; Manjón, F.; Sans-Tresserras, JÁ.; Vie, D.; Vomiero, A. (2020). High-pressure characterization of multifunctional CrVO4. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 32(38):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/ab9408S114323


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    X-ray nanoimaging of Nd3+ optically active ions embedded in Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 nanocrystals

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    [EN] The spatial distribution of Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 nanocrystals is analyzed in a borate-based glass-ceramic by a synchrotron hard X-ray nanoimaging tool. Based on X-ray excited optical luminescence, we examined 2D projections of the Nd3+ optically active ions in the Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 nanocrystals, as well as in the glassy phase where they are embedded. Our findings reveal areas of agglomerations and/or clusters of nanocrystals ascribed to the diffusion coefficients of their constituent elements. They are characterized by high Nd3+ concentrations that may act as heterogeneous agents for the nucleation and growth of these nanocrystals. (C) 2017 Optical Society of AmericaMINECO, EU-FEDER and CSIC through the projects MAT2013-46649-C4-4-P, MAT201571070-REDC, MAT2016-75586-C4-2-P, MAT2016-75586-C4-4-P, 201550I021 and 201660I001, respectively. JAS acknowledges the Spanish Program Ramón y Cajal for his fellowship. We also thank the ESRF for the beam time allocated and experimental facilities.Martínez-Criado, G.; Alén, B.; Sans-Tresserras, JÁ.; Lozano-Gorrín, A.; Haro-González, P.; Martin, I.; Lavin, V. (2017). X-ray nanoimaging of Nd3+ optically active ions embedded in Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 nanocrystals. Optical Materials Express. 7(7):2424-2431. https://doi.org/10.1364/OME.7.002424S2424243177Nagata, K., Yamamoto, Y., Igarashi, H., & Okazaki, K. (1981). Properties of the hot-pressed strontium barium niobate ceramics. Ferroelectrics, 38(1), 853-856. doi:10.1080/00150198108209556Imai, T., Yagi, S., Yamazaki, H., & Ono, M. (1999). Effects of Heat Treatment on Photorefractive Sensitivity of Ce- and Eu-Doped Strontium Barium Niobate. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38(Part 1, No. 4A), 1984-1988. doi:10.1143/jjap.38.1984Volk, T., Isakov, D., Salobutin, V., Ivleva, L., Lykov, P., Ramzaev, V., & Wöhlecke, M. (2004). Effects of Ni doping on properties of strontium–barium–niobate crystals. Solid State Communications, 130(3-4), 223-226. doi:10.1016/j.ssc.2004.01.039Romero, J. J., Andreeta, M. R. B., Andreeta, E. R. M., Bausá, L. E., Hernandes, A. C., & García Solé, J. (2004). Growth and characterization of Nd-doped SBN single crystal fibers. Applied Physics A, 78(7), 1037-1042. doi:10.1007/s00339-003-2151-3Chayapiwut, N., Honma, T., Benino, Y., Fujiwara, T., & Komatsu, T. (2005). Synthesis of Sm3+-doped strontium barium niobate crystals in glass by samarium atom heat processing. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 178(11), 3507-3513. doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2005.09.002Haro-González, P., Martín, I. R., Martín, L. L., León-Luis, S. F., Pérez-Rodríguez, C., & Lavín, V. (2011). Characterization of Er3+ and Nd3+ doped Strontium Barium Niobate glass ceramic as temperature sensors. Optical Materials, 33(5), 742-745. doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2010.11.026Ivleva, L. I., Volk, T. R., Isakov, D. V., Gladkii, V. V., Polozkov, N. M., & Lykov, P. A. (2002). Growth and ferroelectric properties of Nd-doped strontium–barium niobate crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth, 237-239, 700-702. doi:10.1016/s0022-0248(01)01997-2Marcinkevičius, A., Juodkazis, S., Watanabe, M., Miwa, M., Matsuo, S., Misawa, H., & Nishii, J. (2001). Femtosecond laser-assisted three-dimensional microfabrication in silica. Optics Letters, 26(5), 277. doi:10.1364/ol.26.000277Sato, R., Benino, Y., Fujiwara, T., & Komatsu, T. (2001). YAG laser-induced crystalline dot patterning in samarium tellurite glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 289(1-3), 228-232. doi:10.1016/s0022-3093(01)00736-0Haro-González, P., Martín, L. L., González-Pérez, S., & Martín, I. R. (2010). Formation of Nd3+ doped Strontium Barium Niobate nanocrystals by two different methods. Optical Materials, 32(10), 1389-1392. doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2010.03.011Haro-González, P., Martín, I. R., & Creus, A. H. (2010). Nanocrystals distribution inside the writing lines in a glass matrix using Argon laser irradiation. Optics Express, 18(2), 582. doi:10.1364/oe.18.000582Haro-González, P., Martín, I. R., Arbelo-Jorge, E., González-Pérez, S., Cáceres, J. M., & Núñez, P. (2008). Laser irradiation in Nd3+ doped strontium barium niobate glass. Journal of Applied Physics, 104(1), 013112. doi:10.1063/1.2952011Kowalska, D., Haro-González, P., Martín, I. R., & Cáceres, J. M. (2010). Analysis of the optical properties of Er3+-doped strontium barium niobate nanocrystals using time-resolved laser spectroscopy. Applied Physics A, 99(4), 771-776. doi:10.1007/s00339-010-5716-yPellicer-Porres, J., Segura, A., Martínez-Criado, G., Rodríguez-Mendoza, U. R., & Lavín, V. (2012). Formation of nanostructures in Eu3+doped glass–ceramics: an XAS study. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25(2), 025303. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/2/025303Martínez-Criado, G., Alén, B., Sans, J. A., Homs, A., Kieffer, I., Tucoulou, R., … Yi, G. (2012). Spatially resolved X-ray excited optical luminescence. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 284, 36-39. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2011.08.013Martínez-Criado, G., Sans, J. A., Segura-Ruiz, J., Tucoulou, R., Solé, A. V., Homs, A., … Alén, B. (2011). X-ray excited optical luminescence imaging of InGaN nano-LEDs. physica status solidi (c), 9(3-4), 628-630. doi:10.1002/pssc.201100430Villanova, J., Segura-Ruiz, J., Lafford, T., & Martinez-Criado, G. (2012). Synchrotron microanalysis techniques applied to potential photovoltaic materials. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 19(4), 521-524. doi:10.1107/s0909049512021383Smith, J., Akbari-Sharbaf, A., Ward, M. J., Murphy, M. W., Fanchini, G., & Kong Sham, T. (2013). Luminescence properties of defects in nanocrystalline ZnO. Journal of Applied Physics, 113(9), 093104. doi:10.1063/1.4794001Armelao, L., Heigl, F., Jürgensen, A., Blyth, R. I. R., Regier, T., Zhou, X.-T., & Sham, T. K. (2007). X-ray Excited Optical Luminescence Studies of ZnO and Eu-Doped ZnO Nanostructures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111(28), 10194-10200. doi:10.1021/jp071379fMartínez-Criado, G., Villanova, J., Tucoulou, R., Salomon, D., Suuronen, J.-P., Labouré, S., … Morse, J. (2016). ID16B: a hard X-ray nanoprobe beamline at the ESRF for nano-analysis. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 23(1), 344-352. doi:10.1107/s1600577515019839Jamieson, P. B., Abrahams, S. C., & Bernstein, J. L. (1968). Ferroelectric Tungsten Bronze‐Type Crystal Structures. I. Barium Strontium Niobate Ba0.27Sr0.75Nb2O5.78. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 48(11), 5048-5057. doi:10.1063/1.1668176Haro-González, P., Martín, I. R., & Hernández Creus, A. (2011). Nanocrystals formation on Ho3+ doped strontium barium niobate glass. Journal of Luminescence, 131(4), 657-661. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2010.11.011Lavı́n, V., Rodrı́guez-Mendoza, U. R., Martı́n, I. R., & Rodrı́guez, V. D. (2003). Optical spectroscopy analysis of the Eu3+ ions local structure in calcium diborate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 319(1-2), 200-216. doi:10.1016/s0022-3093(02)01914-2Chernaya, T. S., Volk, T. R., Verin, I. A., Ivleva, L. I., & Simonov, V. I. (2002). Atomic structure of (Sr0.50Ba0.50)Nb2O6 single crystals in the series of (SrxBa1 − x )Nb2O6 compounds. Crystallography Reports, 47(2), 213-216. doi:10.1134/1.1466494Erbil, A., Cargill III, G. S., Frahm, R., & Boehme, R. F. (1988). Total-electron-yield current measurements for near-surface extended x-ray-absorption fine structure. Physical Review B, 37(5), 2450-2464. doi:10.1103/physrevb.37.2450Solé, V. A., Papillon, E., Cotte, M., Walter, P., & Susini, J. (2007). A multiplatform code for the analysis of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectra. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 62(1), 63-68. doi:10.1016/j.sab.2006.12.002Martínez-Criado, G., Homs, A., Alén, B., Sans, J. A., Segura-Ruiz, J., Molina-Sánchez, A., … Yi, G.-C. (2012). Probing Quantum Confinement within Single Core–Multishell Nanowires. Nano Letters, 12(11), 5829-5834. doi:10.1021/nl303178uMartínez-Criado, G., Segura-Ruiz, J., Alén, B., Eymery, J., Rogalev, A., Tucoulou, R., & Homs, A. (2014). Exploring Single Semiconductor Nanowires with a Multimodal Hard X-ray Nanoprobe. Advanced Materials, 26(46), 7873-7879. doi:10.1002/adma.201304345Shyu, J.-J., & Wang, J.-R. (2000). Crystallization and Dielectric Properties of SrO-BaO-Nb2O5-SiO2Tungsten-Bronze Glass-Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 83(12), 3135-3140. doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.2000.tb01694.

    Structural and Lattice-Dynamical Properties of Tb2O3 under Compression: A Comparative Study with Rare Earth and Related Sesquioxides

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    [EN] We report a joint experimental and theoretical investigation of the high pressure structural and vibrational properties of terbium sesquioxide (Tb2O3). Powder X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements show that cubic Ia (3 ) over bar (C-type) Tb2O3 undergoes two phase transitions up to 25 GPa. We observe a first irreversible reconstructive transition to the monoclinic C2/m (B-type) phase at similar to 7 GPa and a subsequent reversible displacive transition from the monoclinic to the trigonal P (3) over bar m1 (A-type) phase at similar to I-2 GPa. Thus, Tb2O3 is found to follow the well- known C -> B -> A phase transition sequence found in other cubic rare earth sesquioxides with cations of larger atomic mass than Tb. Our ab initio theoretical calculations predict phase transition pressures and bulk moduli for the three phases in rather good agreement with experimental results. Moreover, Raman-active modes of the three phases have been monitored as a function of pressure, while lattice-dynamics calculations have allowed us to confirm the assignment of the experimental phonon modes in the C- and A-type phases as well as to make a tentative assignment of the symmetry of most vibrational modes in the B-type phase. Finally, we extract the bulk moduli and the Raman-active mode frequencies together with their pressure coefficients for the three phases of Tb2O3 . These results are thoroughly compared and discussed in relation to those reported for rare earth and other related sesquioxides as well as with new calculations for selected sesquioxides. It is concluded that the evolution of the volume and bulk modulus of all the three phases of these technologically relevant compounds exhibit a nearly linear trend with respect to the third power of the ionic radii of the cations and that the values of the bulk moduli for the three phases depend on the filling of the f orbitals.The authors are thankful for the financial support of Generalitat Valenciana under Project PROMETEO 2018/123-EFIMAT and of the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under Projects MAT2015-71035-R, MAT2016-75586-C4-2/3/4-P, and FIS2017-2017-83295-P as well as MALTA Consolider Team research network under project RED2018-102612-T. J.A.S. also acknowledges the Ramon y Cajal program for funding support through RYC-2015-17482. A.M. and P.R.-H. acknowledge computing time provided by Red Española de Supercomputación (RES) and the MALTA Consolider Team cluster. HP-XRD experiments were performed at MPSD beamline of Alba Synchrotron (experiment no. 2016071772). We would like to thank Oriol Blázquez (Universitat de Barcelona) for his contribution to the Raman measurements.Ibañez, J.; Sans-Tresserras, JÁ.; Cuenca-Gotor, VP.; Oliva, R.; Gomis, O.; Rodríguez-Hernández, P.; Muñoz, A.... (2020). Structural and Lattice-Dynamical Properties of Tb2O3 under Compression: A Comparative Study with Rare Earth and Related Sesquioxides. Inorganic Chemistry. 59(14):9648-9666. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c00834S964896665914Pan, T.-M., Chen, F.-H., & Jung, J.-S. (2010). Structural and electrical characteristics of high-k Tb2O3 and Tb2TiO5 charge trapping layers for nonvolatile memory applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(7), 074501. doi:10.1063/1.3490179Kao, C. H., Liu, K. C., Lee, M. H., Cheng, S. N., Huang, C. H., & Lin, W. K. (2012). High dielectric constant terbium oxide (Tb2O3) dielectric deposited on strained-Si:C. Thin Solid Films, 520(8), 3402-3405. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2011.10.173Gray, N. W., Prestgard, M. C., & Tiwari, A. (2014). 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    Standardized Outcome Measurement for Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: Consensus From the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM)

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) outcomes consistently improve when they are routinely measured and provided back to physicians and hospitals. The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) established a Working Group to define a standard set of outcome measures and risk factors of CAD care. Members were drawn from 4 continents and 6 countries. Using a modified Delphi method, the Group defined who should be tracked, what should be measured, and when such measurements should be performed. Thirteen specific outcomes were chosen, including acute complications occurring within 30 days of acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, or percutaneous coronary intervention; and longitudinal outcomes for up to 5 years for patient‐reported health status (Seattle Angina Questionnaire [SAQ‐7], elements of Rose Dyspnea Score, and Patient Health Questionnaire [PHQ‐2]), cardiovascular hospital admissions, cardiovascular procedures, renal failure, and mortality. Baseline demographic, cardiovascular disease, and comorbidity information is included to improve the interpretability of comparisons

    Structural, vibrational and electronic properties of alpha'-Ga2S3 under compression

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    [EN] We report a joint experimental and theoretical study of the low-pressure phase of ¿¿-Ga2S3 under compression. Theoretical ab initio calculations have been compared to X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements under high pressure carried out up to 17.5 and 16.1 GPa, respectively. In addition, we report Raman scattering measurements of ¿¿-Ga2S3 at high temperature that have allowed us to study its anharmonic properties. To understand better the compression of this compound, we have evaluated the topological properties of the electron density, the electron localization function, and the electronic properties as a function of pressure. As a result, we shed light on the role of the Ga¿S bonds, the van der Waals interactions inside the channels of the crystalline structure, and the single and double lone electron pairs of the sulphur atoms in the anisotropic compression of ¿¿-Ga2S3. We found that the structural channels are responsible for the anisotropic properties of ¿¿-Ga2S3 and the A¿(6) phonon, known as the breathing mode and associated with these channels, exhibits the highest anharmonic behaviour. Finally, we report calculations of the electronic band structure of ¿¿-Ga2S3 at different pressures and find a nonlinear pressure behaviour of the direct band gap and a pressure-induced direct-to-indirect band gap crossover that is similar to the behaviour previously reported in other ordered-vacancy compounds, including ß-Ga2Se3. The importance of the single and, more specially, the double lone electron pairs of sulphur in the pressure dependence of the topmost valence band of ¿¿-Ga2S3 is stressed.The authors thank the financial support from the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) under projects MALTA Consolider Team network (RED2018-102612-T) and projects MAT2016-75586-C4-2/3-P, FIS2017-83295-P, PID2019-106383GB-42/43, and PGC2018-097520-A-100, as well as from Generalitat Valenciana under Project PROMETEO/2018/123 (EFIMAT). A. M. and P. R.-H. acknowledge computing time provided by Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES) and MALTA-Cluster and E. L. D. S. acknowledges Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant No. 785789-COMEX from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. J. A. S. also wants to thank the Ramon y Cajal fellowship (RYC-2015-17482) for financial support. We also thank the ALBA synchrotron light source for funded experiment 2017022088 at the MSPD-BL04 beamline.Gallego-Parra, S.; Vilaplana Cerda, RI.; Gomis, O.; Lora Da Silva, E.; Otero-De-La-Roza, A.; Rodríguez-Hernández, P.; Muñoz, A.... (2021). Structural, vibrational and electronic properties of alpha'-Ga2S3 under compression. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 23(11):6841-6862. https://doi.org/10.1039/d0cp06417cS68416862231

    Experimental and Theoretical Study of Bi2O2Se Under Compression

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    [EN] We report a joint experimental and theoretical study of the structural, vibrational, elastic, optical, and electronic properties of the layered high-mobility semiconductor Bi2O2Se at high pressure. A good agreement between experiments and ab initio calculations is observed for the equation of state, the pressure coefficients of the Raman-active modes and the bandgap of the material. In particular, a detailed description of the vibrational properties is provided. Unlike other Sillen-type compounds which undergo a tetragonal to collapsed tetragonal pressure-induced phase transition at relatively low pressures, Bi2O2Se shows a remarkable structural stability up to 30 GPa; however, our results indicate that this compound exhibits considerable electronic changes around 4 GPa, likely related to the progressive shortening and hardening of the long and weak Bi-Se bonds linking the Bi2O2 and Se atomic layers. Variations of the structural, vibrational, and electronic properties induced by these electronic changes are discussed.This work was supported by Brazilian Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) under project 201050/2012-9, by Spanish MINECO projects MAT2015-71070-REDC, MAT2016-75586-C4-1/2/3-P and CTQ2015-65207-P and by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA CR) under project 16-07711S. Supercomputer time has been provided by the Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES) and the MALTA cluster. D.S.-P. and J.A.S. acknowledge the "Ramon y Cajal" fellowship program (RYC-2015-17482) and Spanish Mineco Projects (2014-15643 and 2017-83295-P). J.R.-F. acknowledge the "Juan de la Cierva" program (IJCI-2014-20513) for financial support.Pereira, A.; Santamaría Pérez, D.; Ruiz Fuertes, J.; Manjón, F.; Cuenca Gotor, VP.; Vilaplana Cerda, RI.; Gomis, O.... (2018). Experimental and Theoretical Study of Bi2O2Se Under Compression. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 122(16):8853-8867. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b02194S885388671221

    Pressure-induced phase transition and band-gap collapse in the wide-band-gap semiconductor InTaO4

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    A pressure-induced phase transition, associated with an increase of the coordination number of In and Ta, is detected beyond 13 GPa in InTaO4 by combining synchrotron x-ray diffraction and Raman measurements in a diamond-anvil cell with ab initio calculations. High-pressure optical-absorption measurements were also carried out. The high-pressure phase has a monoclinic structure that shares the same space group with the low-pressure phase (P2/c). The structure of the high-pressure phase can be considered as a slight distortion of an orthorhombic structure described by space group Pcna. The phase transition occurs together with a unit-cell volume collapse and an electronic band-gap collapse observed by experiments and calculations. Additionally, a band crossing is found to occur in the low-pressure phase near 7 GPa. The pressure dependence of all the Raman-active modes is reported for both phases as well as the pressure dependence of unit-cell parameters and the equations of state. Calculations also provide information on infrared-active phonons and bond distances. These findings provide insights into the effects of pressure on the physical properties of InTaO4.This paper was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) under Grants No. MAT2013-46649-C04-01/02/03 and No. MAT2015-71070-REDC (MALTA Consolider). The XRD experiments were performed at the MSPD-BL04 beamline at ALBA Synchrotron with the collaboration of ALBA staff. We thank S. Agouram from SC-SIE at Universitat de Valencia for technical support with the transmission electron microscope measurements.Errandonea, D.; Popescu, C.; Garg, A.; Botella, P.; Martinez García, D.; Pellicer Porres, J.; Rodríguez Hernández, P.... (2016). Pressure-induced phase transition and band-gap collapse in the wide-band-gap semiconductor InTaO4. 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