89 research outputs found

    Management of small (T1–T2) anal margin squamous cell carcinoma: clinical outcomes following local excision alone

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    Aim Squamous cell carcinomas of the anus are normally treated with synchronous chemoradiotherapy (CRT). Small, localized anal margin tumours may be adequately treated by local excision (LE) alone. This study aims to investigate the outcomes of patients with anal margin tumours treated with LE alone, reserving the use of CRT for salvage on local recurrence (LR). Methods Patients with small, localized (stage I/IIA) anal margin tumours treated by LE from October 1999 to September 2018 were identified. The effect of tumour size and resection margin on LR risk was analysed. Outcomes of overall survival and disease-free survival were measured. Results Fifty-five patients with anal margin tumours were identified. Overall 5-year LR, overall survival and disease-free survival rates were 8%, 86% and 82% respectively. Of the seven LRs, five were successfully salvaged with CRT with no further recurrence and two were not fit for CRT. Resection margins in non-fragmented tumours and tumour size did not significantly influence LR risk. Conclusions Most small, localized anal margin tumours can be adequately treated by LE alone with low LR rates. Most patients who developed LR were salvaged using CRT, with no cancer-related deaths reported

    Discovery and Validation of Methylation Biomarkers for Ulcerative Colitis Associated Neoplasia

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    Abstract Background and aims Ulcerative colitis (UC) is associated with a higher background risk of dysplasia and/or neoplasia due to chronic inflammation. There exist few biomarkers for identification of patients with dysplasia, and targeted biopsies in this group of patients are inaccurate in reliably identifying dysplasia. We aimed to examine the epigenome of UC dysplasia and to identify and validate potential biomarkers Methods Colonic samples from patients with UC-associated dysplasia or neoplasia underwent epigenome-wide analysis on the Illumina 450K methylation array. Markers were validated by bisulphite pyrosequencing on a secondary validation cohort and accuracy calculated using logistic regression and receiver-operator curves. Results Twelve samples from 4 patients underwent methylation array analysis and 6 markers (GNG7, VAV3, KIF5C, PIK3R5, TUBB6, and ZNF583) were taken forward for secondary validation on a cohort of 71 colonic biopsy samples consisting of normal uninflamed mucosa from control patients, acute and chronic colitis, “field” mucosa in patients with dysplasia/neoplasia, dysplasia, and neoplasia. Methylation in the beta-tubulin TUBB6 correlated with the presence of dysplasia (P &amp;lt; 0.0001) and accurately discriminated between dysplasia and nondysplastic tissue, even in the apparently normal field mucosa downstream from dysplastic lesions (AUC 0.84, 95% CI 0.81–0.87). Conclusions Methylation in TUBB6 is a potential biomarker for UC- associated dysplasia. Further validation is needed and is ongoing as part of the ENDCAP-C study. </jats:sec

    Large cell neuroendocrine lung carcinoma: consensus statement from The British Thoracic Oncology Group and the Association of Pulmonary Pathologists

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    Over the past 10 years, lung cancer clinical and translational research has been characterised by exponential progress, exemplified by the introduction of molecularly targeted therapies, immunotherapy and chemo-immunotherapy combinations to stage III and IV non-small cell lung cancer. Along with squamous and small cell lung cancers, large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) now represents an area of unmet need, particularly hampered by the lack of an encompassing pathological definition that can facilitate real-world and clinical trial progress. The steps we have proposed in this article represent an iterative and rational path forward towards clinical breakthroughs that can be modelled on success in other lung cancer pathologies

    TP53 mutations, amplification of P63 and expression of cell cycle proteins in squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus from a low incidence area in Western Europe

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    In Europe, high incidence rates of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCCE) are observed in western France (Normandy and Brittany) and in north-eastern Italy. Analysis of TP53 mutations in tumours from these regions has shown a high prevalence of mutations at A:T basepairs that may result from DNA damage caused by specific mutagens. However, the spectrum of TP53 mutations in regions of low incidence is unknown. We report here TP53 mutation analysis in 33 SCCE collected in Lyon, an area of low incidence. These tumours were also examined for MDM2 and P63 amplification, and for expression of p16INK4a/CDKN2a, cyclin E, p27Kipland Cox2. TP53 mutations were detected in 36% of the cases (12/33). In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. P63 was amplified in 5/32 cases tested (15.5%). No amplification of MDM2 was found. Expression studies revealed frequent loss of p16INK4a/CDKN2a(46%) and p27Kipl(25%) expression, and frequent overexpression of Cyclin E (70%) and Cox2 (42%). Overall, these results indicate that in Europe, SCCE from areas of high and low incidence present a similar pattern of molecular alterations but differ by the type of TP53 mutations. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    The Wnt antagonist sFRP1 is downregulated in premalignant large bowel adenomas

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    Our previous studies have implicated the Wnt antagonist, sFRP1, as a tumour suppressor gene in advanced colorectal cancer. In this study, we set out to investigate the relationship between sFRP1 expression and large bowel adenomas, a precursor of colorectal cancer. The induction of β-catenin/TCF mediated transcription is both a frequent early event in colorectal neoplasia, and a key downstream effect of wnt growth factor signalling. Lithium treatment of a small bowel mucosal cell line (FHs 74 int) induced sFRP1 within 8 h, indicating that this gene is positively regulated by β-catenin, contrasting with the suppression of sFRP1 expression, we saw previously in advanced colorectal cancers. We therefore investigated a series of 12 adenomas and matched large bowel mucosa samples. Real-time RT–PCR analysis showed a reduction in sFRP1 expression in all 12 dysplastic lesions (median 485-fold, IQR 120- to 1500-fold), indicating factors other than β-catenin influence sFRP1 levels. In a second series of 11 adenomas, we identified methylation of the sFRP1 promotor region in all 11 samples, and this was increased compared with the surrounding normal mucosa in seven cases. Immunohistochemical analysis using a polyclonal antibody supported these findings, with sFRP1 expression reduced in many of the adenoma samples examined. sFRP1 staining in normal mucosa adjacent to the dysplastic tissue was also reduced compared with the normal controls, suggesting that sFRP1 expression may be suppressed in a field of mucosa rather than in individual cells. This study identifies sFRP1 inactivation at the premalignant stage of colorectal cancer development, indicating that these pathways may be useful targets for chemoprevention strategies in this common solid tumour

    Quantitative real-time RT-PCR validation of differential mRNA expression of SPARC, FADD, Fascin, COL7A1, CK4, TGM3, ECM1, PPL and EVPL in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is one of the most malignant tumors and typically presents at an advanced and rapidly fatal stage. To better understand the role of genetics in the etiology and prevention of ESCC and to identify potential susceptibility genes as well as early detection markers, we previously compared tumor and matched normal tissues from ESCC patients from a high-risk area of China using cDNA expression microarrays and identified 41 differentially-expressed genes (13 over-expressed and 28 under-expressed). METHODS: In the current study, we validated and quantitated differential mRNA expression in a sample of nine of these 41 genes, including four that were over-expressed (SPARC, FADD, Fascin, COL7A1), and five that were under-expressed (CK4, TGM3, ECM1, PPL, EVPL), in 75 new ESCC patients using quantitative Real-time RT-PCR and the 2(-ΔΔCT )method to examine both tumor and matched normal tissue. In addition, we examined expression patterns for these genes by selected demographic and clinical characteristics. RESULTS: Four previously over-expressed (tumor ≥2-fold normal) genes were all increased in the majority of new ESCC patients: SPARC was increased in 71% of patients, Fascin in 70%, FADD in 63%, and COL7A1 in 57%. Five previously under-expressed (tumor ≤0.5-fold normal) genes similarly showed decreased mRNA expression in two-thirds or more of patients: CK4 was decreased in 83% of patients, TGM3 in 77%, ECM1 in 73%, and PPL and EVPL in 67% each. In subset analyses, associations with age (for COL7A1), family history (for PPL and ECM1), and alcohol use (for SPARC and Fascin) were also noted. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that these nine genes have consistent differential mRNA expression, validating results of our previous cDNA array results, and affirming their potential role in the early detection of ESCC

    Extremely High Tp53 Mutation Load in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Golestan Province, Iran

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    Background: Golestan Province in northeastern Iran has one of the highest incidences of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in the world with rates over 50 per 100,000 person-years in both sexes. We have analyzed TP53 mutation patterns in tumors from this high-risk geographic area in search of clues to the mutagenic processes involved in causing ESCC. Methodology/Principal Findings: Biopsies of 119 confirmed ESCC tumor tissue from subjects enrolled in a case-control study conducted in Golestan Province were analyzed by direct sequencing of TP53 exons 2 through 11. Immunohistochemical staining for p53 was carried out using two monoclonal antibodies, DO7 and 1801. A total of 120 TP53 mutations were detected in 107/119 cases (89.9), including 11 patients with double or triple mutations. The mutation pattern was heterogeneous with infrequent mutations at common TP53 "hotspots" but frequent transversions potentially attributable to environmental carcinogens forming bulky DNA adducts, including 40 at bases known as site of mutagenesis by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Mutations showed different patterns according to the reported temperature of tea consumption, but no variation was observed in relation to ethnicity, tobacco or opium use, and alcoholic beverage consumption or urban versus rural residence. Conclusion/Significance: ESCC tumors in people from Golestan Province show the highest rate of TP53 mutations ever reported in any cancer anywhere. The heterogeneous mutation pattern is highly suggestive of a causative role for multiple environmental carcinogens, including PAHs. The temperature and composition of tea may also influence mutagenesis

    The transcriptional landscape of endogenous retroelements delineates esophageal adenocarcinoma subtypes

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    Most cancer types exhibit aberrant transcriptional activity, including derepression of retrotransposable elements (RTEs). However, the degree, specificity and potential consequences of RTE transcriptional activation may differ substantially among cancer types and subtypes. Representing one extreme of the spectrum, we characterize the transcriptional activity of RTEs in cohorts of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) and its precursor Barrett's esophagus (BE) from the OCCAMS (Oesophageal Cancer Clinical and Molecular Stratification) consortium, and from TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas). We found exceptionally high RTE inclusion in the EAC transcriptome, driven primarily by transcription of genes incorporating intronic or adjacent RTEs, rather than by autonomous RTE transcription. Nevertheless, numerous chimeric transcripts straddling RTEs and genes, and transcripts from stand-alone RTEs, particularly KLF5- and SOX9-controlled HERVH proviruses, were overexpressed specifically in EAC. Notably, incomplete mRNA splicing and EAC-characteristic intronic RTE inclusion was mirrored by relative loss of the respective fully-spliced, functional mRNA isoforms, consistent with compromised cellular fitness. Defective RNA splicing was linked with strong transcriptional activation of a HERVH provirus on Chr Xp22.32 and defined EAC subtypes with distinct molecular features and prognosis. Our study defines distinguishable RTE transcriptional profiles of EAC, reflecting distinct underlying processes and prognosis, thus providing a framework for targeted studies

    SDHA related tumorigenesis: a new case series and literature review for variant interpretation and pathogenicity

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    Purpose To evaluate the role of germline SDHA mutation analysis by (1) comprehensive literature review, (2) description of novel germline SDHA mutations and (3) in silico structural prediction analysis of missense substitutions in SDHA. Patients and methods A systematic literature review and a retrospective review of the molecular and clinical features of patients identified with putative germline variants in UK molecular genetic laboratories was performed. To evaluate the molecular consequences of SDHA missense variants, a novel model of the SDHA/B/C/D complex was generated and the structural effects of missense substitutions identified in the literature, our UK novel cohort and a further 32 “control missense variants” were predicted by the mCSM computational platform. These structural predictions were correlated with the results of tumor studies and other bioinformatic predictions. Results Literature review revealed reports of 17 different germline SDHA variants in 47 affected individuals from 45 kindreds. A further 10 different variants in 15 previously unreported cases (seven novel variants in eight patients) were added from our UK series. In silico structural prediction studies of 11 candidate missense germline mutations suggested that most (63.7%) would destabilize the SDHA protomer, and that most (78.1%) rare SDHA missense variants present in a control data set (ESP6500) were also associated with impaired protein stability. Conclusion The clinical spectrum of SDHA-associated neoplasia differs from that of germline mutations in other SDH-subunits. The interpretation of the significance of novel SDHA missense substitutions is challenging. We recommend that multiple investigations (e.g. tumor studies, metabolomic profiling) should be performed to aid classification of rare missense variants before genetic testing results are used to influence clinical management.We thank the following funding agencies NIHR (RC, ER, GC and ERM), European Research Council Advanced Researcher Award (ERM), the Newton Fund RCUK-CONFAP Grant awarded by The Medical Research Council (MRC) (DBA and DEVP), Fundaçao de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) (MR/M026302/1) (DEVP), NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship (APP1072476) (DBA), Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD Fellowship (RS) and the British Heart Foundation (GC, ERM), Sanofi Endocrinology Research Bursary Award (RC). GIST Support UK. (RG86004) (RC