951 research outputs found

    Greenhouse Robot Navigation Using KLT Feature Tracking for Visual Odometry

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    A visual odometer was developed for an autonomous greenhouse sprayer to estimate vehicle translation and rotation relative to the world coordinate system during navigation. Digital images were taken from a CCD camera mounted on the robot. 7 x 7 pixel features were selected in the image using the KLT algorithm (Csetverikov, 2004). Features were tracked from image to image by finding the best 7 x 7 pixel match of the feature within a 25 x 25 pixel search box. By analyzing the movement of these features, vehicle rotation and translation were estimated. Five features were tracked with the odometer. Tests were run to verify the visual odometer’s accuracy during translation, rotation, and on various surfaces. The visual odometer ran at an average of 10 Hz during experimentation. Translation tests of the odometer in a lab environment gave an average error of 4.85 cm for a 30.5 cm forward translation and 12.4 cm average error for a 305 cm translation. Rotation tests of the odometer in a lab environment gave an average error of 1° for a 45° rotation and an 8° error for a 180° rotation about the vehicle z-axis. Tests completed on concrete, sand, and gravel demonstrated adaptability of the odometer on different ground surfaces that are common in greenhouses. The visual odometer was successfully integrated into a visual navigation system for intersection navigation of an autonomous greenhouse sprayer

    Sio: A spatioimageomics pipeline to identify prognostic biomarkers associated with the ovarian tumor microenvironment

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    Stromal and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME) have been shown to directly affect high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) malignant phenotypes, however, how these cells interact to influence HGSC patients’ survival remains largely unknown. To investigate the cell-cell communication in such a complex TME, we developed a SpatioImageOmics (SIO) pipeline that combines imaging mass cytometry (IMC), location-specific transcriptomics, and deep learning to identify the distribution of various stromal, tumor and immune cells as well as their spatial relationship in TME. The SIO pipeline automatically and accurately segments cells and extracts salient cellular features to identify biomarkers, and multiple nearest-neighbor interactions among tumor, immune, and stromal cells that coordinate to influence overall survival rates in HGSC patients. In addition, SIO integrates IMC data with microdissected tumor and stromal transcriptomes from the same patients to identify novel signaling networks, which would lead to the discovery of novel survival rate-modulating mechanisms in HGSC patients

    Impact of Allergic Reactions on Food-Specific IgE Concentrations and Skin Test Results

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    Although there is concern that food allergic reactions may negatively affect the natural history of food allergy, the impact of reactions on food-specific IgE (sIgE) or skin prick tests is unknown

    A Compton-vetoed germanium detector with increased sensitivity at low energies

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    The difficulty to directly detect plutonium in spent nuclear fuel due to the high Compton background of the fission products motivates the design of a Gamma detector with improved sensitivity at low energies. We have built such a detector by operating a thin high-purity Ge detector with a large scintillator Compton veto directly behind it. The Ge detector is thin to absorb just the low-energy Pu radiation of interest while minimizing Compton scattering of high energy radiation from the fission products. The subsequent scintillator is large so that forward scattered photons from the Ge detector interact in it at least once to provide an anti-coincidence veto for the Ge detector. For highest sensitivity, additional material in the line-of-sight is minimized, the radioactive sample is kept thin, and its radiation is collimated. We will discuss the instrument design, and demonstrate the feasibility of the approach with a prototype that employs two large CsI scintillator vetoes. Initial spectra of a thin Cs-137 calibration source show a background suppression of a factor of {approx}2.5 at {approx}100 keV, limited by an unexpectedly thick 4 mm dead layer in the Ge detector

    Students as ecologists: Strategies for successful mentorship of undergraduate researchers

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    Guiding undergraduates through the ecological research process can be incredibly rewarding and present opportunities to break down barriers to inclusion and diversity in scientific disciplines. At the same time, mentoring undergraduate researchers is a complicated process that requires time and flexibility. While many academics receive extensive guidance on how to be successful in research endeavors, we pay much less attention to training in mentorship and working collaboratively with undergraduate students. This paper seeks to provide a framework for successfully collaborating with undergraduates including initial recruitment, development of a contract, fostering student ownership of research projects, and submission of a polished manuscript.While institutions worldwide encourage undergraduate research and publication, little training and professional development are provided to potential mentors. Our paper fills a critical gap in knowledge and provides a framework for academic mentors of all career stages to successfully guide students from question to publication.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149365/1/ece35090_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149365/2/ece35090.pd

    The translucent molecular clouds toward hd 154368 .1. Extinction, abundances, and depletions

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    We report the results of a comprehensive analysis of a line of sight observed using the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), toward HD 154368, an 09.5 Iab star located about 800 pc away. The line of sight intersects translucent interstellar cloud material, having a color excess E(B - V) = 0.82 and known high molecular abundances from ground-based data. The HST observations consist of high-resolution spectra obtained with grating ECH-B at wavelengths longward of 1800 Angstrom, and moderate-resolution spectra from grating G160M at shorter wavelengths. We observed some 19 wavelength settings, covering the positions of numerous atomic and molecular transitions. We also incorporate IUE and ground-based data in the study, the latter coming from several observatories at visible and millimeter wavelengths. In this paper we report on the general goals and results of the study, with emphasis on the atomic abundances and depletions. We find that the column densities of most species are slightly higher, relative to the adopted total gas column density, than in some thinner clouds in which most of the absorption arises in a single dense component. Consequently the depletions of elements from the gas phase onto the dust are less than in ''typical'' diffuse clouds such as the one toward zeta Oph. Most of the gas toward HD 154368 resides in two main clouds, centered near -3.26 and -20.95 km s(-1) (heliocentric). Our profile analyses show that the depletions in these two clouds are similar. We discuss the possible relationship of this result to the ultraviolet extinction curve toward HD 154368, derived from IUE spectra

    Successful management of an aortoesophageal fistula caused by a fish bone – case report and review of literature

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    We report a case of aortoesophageal fistula (AEF) caused by a fish bone that had a successful outcome. Aortoesophageal fistula is a rare complication of foreign body ingestion from which few patients survive. Over one hundred cases of AEF secondary to foreign body ingestion have been documented but only seven, including our case, have survived over 12 months. Treatment involved stabilising the patient with a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube and insertion of a thoracic aortic endovascular stent-graft. Unfortunately the stent became infected and definitive open surgical repair involved removing the stent, replacing the aorta with a homograft and coverage with a left trapezius flap while under deep hypothermic arrest

    Auditor Change Disclosures as Signals of Earnings Management and Risk

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    Auditor resignations are considered more negative signals than auditor dismissals, but firms’ self-reported distinction between the two may not offer a complete or reliable representation of the nature of the auditor change. 8-K regulations require the disclosure of the adjournment of an audit engagement even if a successor auditor has not yet been named. In compliance with this requirement, some firms file two 8-k’s related to the same auditor change. Exploiting these dual 8-K filings, we create a new measure of the nature of auditor changes and show that 1) both self-reported auditor resignations and dual 8-K filings are related to measures of earnings management and risk; and 2) auditor changes identified as both self-reported resignations and dual 8-K filings are associated with the most negative economic implications (as reflected by the likelihood of financial statement manipulation and bankruptcy risk). We suggest that dual 8-K filings and self-reported resignations are complementary negative signals each capturing unique dimensions of the underlying economic factors
