103 research outputs found

    A New GaAs Laser Radar for Atmospheric Measurements

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    A special GaAs lidar using fiber coupled diode lasers was constructed for the purpose of measuring the extinction coefficient distribution within a large atmospheric volume at a rate compatible with atmospheric kinematics. The technique is based on taking backscatter signature ratios over spatial increments after the returns are normalized by pulse integration. Essential aspects of the lidar design are beam pulse power, repetition rate, detection system dynamic range and decay linearity. It was necessary to preclude the possibility of eye hazard under any operating conditions, including directly viewing the emitting aperture at close distance with a night-adapted eye. The electronic signal processing and control circuits were built to allow versatile operations. Extinction coefficient measurements were made in fog and clouds using a low-power laboratory version of the lidar, demonstrating feasibility. Data are presented showing range squared corrected backscatter profiles converted to extinction coefficient profiles, temporal signal fluctuations, and solar induced background noise. These results aided in the design of the lidar which is described. Functional tests of this lidar and the implications relevant to the design of a prototype model are discussed. This work was jointly sponsored by Sperry Rand Corporation under its Independent Research and Development program; the Air Force Avionics Laboratory, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio; and the Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane, Indiana

    New Trends in Beverage Packaging Systems: A Review

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    New trends in beverage packaging are focusing on the structure modification of packaging materials and the development of new active and/or intelligent systems, which can interact with the product or its environment, improving the conservation of beverages, such as wine, juice or beer, customer acceptability, and food security. In this paper, the main nutritional and organoleptic degradation processes of beverages, such as oxidative degradation or changes in the aromatic profiles, which influence their color and volatile composition are summarized. Finally, the description of the current situation of beverage packaging materials and new possible, emerging strategies to overcome some of the pending issues are discussed

    An ultra-compact leaky-integrate-and-fire model for building spiking neural networks

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    International audienceWe introduce an ultra-compact electronic circuit that realizes the leaky-integrate-and-fire model of artificial neurons. Our circuit has only three active devices, two transistors and a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR). We demonstrate the implementation of biologically realistic features, such as spike-frequency adaptation, a refractory period and voltage modulation of spiking rate. All characteristic times can be controlled by the resistive parameters of the circuit. We built the circuit with out-of-the-shelf components and demonstrate that our ultra-compact neuron is a modular block that can be associated to build multi-layer deep neural networks. We also argue that our circuit has low power requirements, as it is normally off except during spike generation. Finally, we discuss the ultimate ultra-compact limit, which may be achieved by further replacing the SCR circuit with Mott materials. We are currently witnessing an ongoing technological revolution. The longstanding promise of artificial intelligent systems realized in neural networks is beginning to materialize 1. Significant milestones have been overcome such as, for instance, the deep neural network algorithm AlphaGo beating the world champion of the board game go. A neural network is a system of interconnected units, which is inspired by the mammalian brain. The units, called neurons, perform a simple basic non-linear process, and their inter-connections are called synapses 2. Neural network systems are implemented by either running software on a conventional (super) computer, as AlphaGo 3 , or directly in hardware by dedicated integrated CMOS (VLSI) circuits 4. A notable example of the latter is the chip TrueNorth, whose circuits emulate both, synaptic and neuronal functionalities 5. However, both strategies suffer from significant bottlenecks to achieve the massive scale needed to compete with a mammalian brain. It is often quoted the amazing power efficiency of the human brain, which counts 10 11 neurons and 10 15 synapses and requires just about 20 W to function. In contrast, running AlphaGo on a digital supercomputer requires the order of hundreds of kWs. Nevertheless, conventional electronics is not to be blamed for lack of efficiency, as the last generation of microprocessors in modern digital computers and smartphones can integrate 10 10 transistors and consume less than 10 W. Moreover, the brain-inspired chip TrueNorth counts 5.4 × 10 9 transistors and consumes less than 0.07 W 5. While this is impressive, the implementation of a circuit that emulates neuronal function currently requires a large number of transistors. In TrueNorth, each of its 4096 cores has 1.2 million transistors that implement 256 neurons. Hence, a neuron requires about 10 4 transistors. This indicates that there is a need to explore ways of building efficient neuromorphic circuits with a significant reduction in the number of components. Such compact neuron models have been proposed, which typically require tens of transistors 6,7. Here, we present a significant improvement along this direction and introduce an ultra-compact neuron model that brings the count of active devices down to three, two transistors and a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), also called thyristor. We identify the non-linear I-V characteristics and the gate of the SCR as the key features which enable a simple implementation of an electronic neuron with the leaky-integrate-and-fire (LIF) model functionality 8

    Implementation of a Minimal Recurrent Spiking Neural Network in a Solid-State Device

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    International audienceWe study the minimal recurrent spiking neural network of a single neuron with an autaptic synapse. We implement the neural system in the solid state with a recently introduced ultracompact neuron (UCN) model, which is based on the memristive properties of a thyristor. The UCN is supplemented by a self-synaptic, autaptic, connection, where we control the feedback. Both excitatory and inhibitory cases are considered. We explore the systematic behavior as a function of autaptic intensity and feedback time delay. We realize a tunable dynamic memory, showing graded persistent activity, where short excitatory and inhibitory pulses allow the firing rate to be controlled. We finally reproduce recent experimentally observed behavior of a biological autapse measured in vivo, finding excellent qualitative agreement. Our work opens the way into the field of solid-state neuroscience, with the UCN as an accessible platform to implement and experimentally study the dynamic behavior of spiking neural networks

    Scaling of mobility in pentacene transistors and stabilization using alkanethiol treated gold electrodes

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    We investigate the scaling of field-effect mobility as a function of channel length in case of pentacene-based transistors with coplanar geometry. The apparent variation of mobility is mainly attributed to the effect of disorder at the metal-semiconductor interface and injection limited charge transport in case of smaller channel length. The scaling is modified using drain-source electrodes, treated with self-assembly monolayer of alkanethiol with varying carbon atoms. Copyright © 2007 Materials Research Society