398 research outputs found

    Los costes socioeconómicos de la diabetes mellitus

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    ObjetivoEvaluar el impacto económico en términos de costes directos (costes de la asistencia sanitaria) y costes indirectos (efectos sobre la producción provocados por la mortalidad y morbilidad) de la diabetes mellitus (DM) en Canarias durante el año 1998.DiseñoEl enfoque que se ha utilizado es el método del coste de la enfermedad, considerando a las personas únicamente en una esfera productiva (capital humano). Los costes directos e indirectos se han estimado utilizando los costes de la prevalencia, es decir, los costes que se producen durante el año 1998.EmplazamientoLos costes directos se han desglosado en asistencia hospitalaria, atención primaria, consultas externas, fármacos y pruebas complementarias; los costes indirectos en mortalidad anticipada y bajas laborales.Mediciones y resultados principalesEl coste total de la DM ascendió a 6.468,76 millones de pesetas (38,88 millones de e) o el equivalente a 126.168 pesetas (758,28 e) anuales por cada paciente diabético conocido. El coste directo total atribuible a la DM fue de 4.011,51 millones de pesetas (24,11 millones de e), lo que supone el 2,13% del gasto sanitario en Canarias, o el equivalente a 78.240 pesetas (470,23 e) anuales por cada paciente diabético conocido. El coste directo de la asistencia sanitaria constituyó un 62% del coste total. El coste indirecto total fue de 2.457,25 millones de pesetas (14,77 millones de e), lo que constituye un 38% del coste totalConclusionesA pesar de haberse adoptado un enfoque conservador, dado que el estudio no incluye los costes asociados con el dolor y sufrimiento, invalidez permanente y la atención en el hogar por parte de los familiares, el elevado coste socioeconómico de los pacientes con DM abre un camino hacia estudios coste-efectividad que permitan un debate más transparente sobre este tema.ObjectiveTo evaluate the economic impact in terms of the direct costs (health care costs) and the indirect costs (effects on production caused by mortality and morbidity) of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the Canary Islands (Spain) during 1998.DesignThe approach used was to study the cost of the disease through looking only at people in the productive sphere (human capital). Direct and indirect costs were calculated by using costs of prevalence, i.e. the costs caused during 1998.SettingDirect costs were broken down into hospital care, primary care, out-patient consultations, drugs and further tests; indirect costs, into premature mortality and time off work.Measurements and main resultsThe total cost of DM amounted to 6468.76 million pesetas (38.88 millio e), or the equivalent of 126 168 pesetas (758.28 e) a year for each known diabetic patient. Total direct cost of DM was 4011.51 million pesetas (24.11 million e), which amounts to 2.13% of health expenditure in the Canaries; or the equivalent of 78 240 pesetas (470.23 e) a year for each known diabetic patient. Direct cost of health care was 62% of the total cost. Total indirect cost was 2457.25 million pesetas (14.77 million e), 38% of the total cost.ConclusionsDespite the conservatism of the approach, in that the study omitted costs linked to pain and suffering, permanent disability or home care by family members, the high social and economic cost of DM patients calls for cost-effectiveness studies that would permit a more transparent debate on this question

    Análisis de costes y ahorros potenciales relacionados con la utilización de pruebas preoperatorias en los hospitales de Canarias

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    ResumenObjetivosEstimar el ahorro potencial que podría tener lugar en el Servicio Canario de Salud (SCS), a partir de una utilización apropiada científica de las pruebas preoperatorias, haciendo uso de la información obtenida de los 5 hospitales universitarios de la red pública.MétodosUn total de 55 anestesiólogos (60%) del SCS cumplimentaron un cuestionario. En éste se prestó especial atención a las pruebas preoperatorias más frecuentemente utilizadas, como la radiografía de tórax, el electrocardiograma, las pruebas de laboratorio y la espirometría. Los costes unitarios medios para las diferentes pruebas preoperatorias se obtuvieron de 2 hospitales participantes en el estudio. Para calcular los ahorros potenciales derivados del uso apropiado de las pruebas preoperatorias se han considerado varios escenarios caracterizados por diferentes hipótesis o grados de cumplimiento de un protocolo basado en el conocimiento científico, considerado como parámetro de referencia.ResultadosEn el caso ideal de que se cumpliera el protocolo científico recomendado en el 100% de los 16.179 pacientes considerados ASA I y II, la repercusión económica sería notable, pues supondría una liberación de recursos sensible que podría ser utilizada para otros programas de salud. Estas cifras podrían alcanzar aproximadamente los 1,02 millones de euros, sin considerar el coste de la estancia preoperatoria. Esta cifra podría incrementarse hasta, aproximadamente, los 2,13 millones de euros si incluimos un día de estancia preoperatoria, y hasta los 3,24 millones de euros incluyendo 2 días de estancia preoperatoria.ConclusionesLa revisión reciente de la literatura científica y los resultados proporcionados por el cuestionario aplicado en el SCS indican que las pruebas preoperatorias alcanzan los mayores beneficios para los pacientes y para la sociedad si se guían por el conocimiento científico. Es posible, además, liberar recursos a partir de una mejor selección y utilización de las pruebas preoperatorias.AbstractObjectiveTo estimate the potential cost savings that might take place in the Canary Islands Health Service (CHS) through the appropriate scientific use of preoperative tests, using information obtained from five public university hospitals.MethodsA questionnaire was completed by 55 anesthesiologists, representing 60% of the total in the CHS. The questionnaire paid special attention to the most frequently used preoperative tests: chest radiograph, electrocardiogram, laboratory tests, and spirometry. The mean unit costs for the various preoperative tests were obtained from the two hospitals participating in the study. To calculate the potential cost savings derived from the appropriate use of preoperative tests, several scenarios were considered. These were characterized by different hypotheses or degrees of fulfillment of a protocol based on scientific knowledge and considered as the gold standard.ResultsIn the ideal scenario in which the recommended scientific protocol was fulfilled in 100% of the 16 179 patients with an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) grade of I-II, the economic impact would be notable, since it would free sensitive resources that could be used for other health programs. These figures could amount to approximately 1.02 million euros, without considering the cost of preoperative hospital stay. This figure could increase by up to approximately 2.13 million euros if one day of preoperative hospital stay were included and by up to 3.24 million euros if two days of preoperative hospital stay were included.ConclusionsThe recent literature review and the results of the questionnaire applied in the CHS indicate that preoperative tests are of greatest benefit to patients and to society if their use is guided by scientific knowledge. In addition, resources can be freed by better selection and utilization of preoperative tests

    Stakeholder involvement in systematic reviews: a protocol for a systematic review of methods, outcomes and effects

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    Background There is an expectation for stakeholders (including patients, the public, health professionals, and others) to be involved in research. Researchers are increasingly recognising that it is good practice to involve stakeholders in systematic reviews. There is currently a lack of evidence about (A) how to do this and (B) the effects, or impact, of such involvement. We aim to create a map of the evidence relating to stakeholder involvement in systematic reviews, and use this evidence to address the two points above. Methods We will complete a mixed-method synthesis of the evidence, first completing a scoping review to create a broad map of evidence relating to stakeholder involvement in systematic reviews, and secondly completing two contingent syntheses. We will use a stepwise approach to searching; the initial step will include comprehensive searches of electronic databases, including CENTRAL, AMED, Embase, Medline, Cinahl and other databases, supplemented with pre-defined hand-searching and contacting authors. Two reviewers will undertake each review task (i.e., screening, data extraction) using standard systematic review processes. For the scoping review, we will include any paper, regardless of publication status or study design, which investigates, reports or discusses involvement in a systematic review. Included papers will be summarised within structured tables. Criteria for judging the focus and comprehensiveness of the description of methods of involvement will be applied, informing which papers are included within the two contingent syntheses. Synthesis A will detail the methods that have been used to involve stakeholders in systematic reviews. Papers from the scoping review that are judged to provide an adequate description of methods or approaches will be included. Details of the methods of involvement will be extracted from included papers using pre-defined headings, presented in tables and described narratively. Synthesis B will include studies that explore the effect of stakeholder involvement on the quality, relevance or impact of a systematic review, as identified from the scoping review. Study quality will be appraised, data extracted and synthesised within tables. Discussion This review should help researchers select, improve and evaluate methods of involving stakeholders in systematic reviews. Review findings will contribute to Cochrane training resources

    A bi-directional relationship between obesity and health-related quality of life : evidence from the longitudinal AusDiab study

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    Objective: To assess the prospective relationship between obesity and health-related quality of life, including a novel assessment of the impact of health-related quality of life on weight gain.Design and setting: Longitudinal, national, population-based Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study, with surveys conducted in 1999/2000 and 2004/2005.Participants: A total of 5985 men and women aged 25 years at study entry.Main outcome measure(s): At both time points, height, weight and waist circumference were measured and self-report data on health-related quality of life from the SF-36 questionnaire were obtained. Cross-sectional and bi-directional, prospective associations between obesity categories and health-related quality of life were assessed.Results: Higher body mass index (BMI) at baseline was associated with deterioration in health-related quality of life over 5 years for seven of the eight health-related quality of life domains in women (all P0.01, with the exception of mental health, P&gt;0.05), and six out of eight in men (all P&lt;0.05, with the exception of role-emotional, P=0.055, and mental health, P&gt;0.05). Each of the quality-of-life domains related to mental health as well as the mental component summary were inversely associated with BMI change (all P&lt;0.0001 for women and P0.01 for men), with the exception of vitality, which was significant in women only (P=0.008). For the physical domains, change in BMI was inversely associated with baseline general health in women only (P=0.023).Conclusions: Obesity was associated with a deterioration in health-related quality of life (including both physical and mental health domains) in this cohort of Australian adults followed over 5 years. Health-related quality of life was also a predictor of weight gain over 5 years, indicating a bi-directional association between obesity and health-related quality of life. The identification of those with poor health-related quality of life may be important in assessing the risk of future weight gain, and a focus on health-related quality of life may be beneficial in weight management strategies.<br /

    Selecting and implementing overview methods: implications from five exemplar overviews

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from BioMed Central via the DOI in this record.Background Overviews of systematic reviews are an increasingly popular method of evidence synthesis; there is a lack of clear guidance for completing overviews and a number of methodological challenges. At the UK Cochrane Symposium 2016, methodological challenges of five overviews were explored. Using data from these five overviews, practical implications to support methodological decision making of authors writing protocols for future overviews are proposed. Methods Methods, and their justification, from the five exemplar overviews were tabulated and compared with areas of debate identified within current literature. Key methodological challenges and implications for development of overview protocols were generated and synthesised into a list, discussed and refined until there was consensus. Results Methodological features of three Cochrane overviews, one overview of diagnostic test accuracy and one mixed methods overview have been summarised. Methods of selection of reviews and data extraction were similar. Either the AMSTAR or ROBIS tool was used to assess quality of included reviews. The GRADE approach was most commonly used to assess quality of evidence within the reviews. Eight key methodological challenges were identified from the exemplar overviews. There was good agreement between our findings and emerging areas of debate within a recent published synthesis. Implications for development of protocols for future overviews were identified. Conclusions Overviews are a relatively new methodological innovation, and there are currently substantial variations in the methodological approaches used within different overviews. There are considerable methodological challenges for which optimal solutions are not necessarily yet known. Lessons learnt from five exemplar overviews highlight a number of methodological decisions which may be beneficial to consider during the development of an overview protocol.The overview conducted by Pollock [19] was supported by a project grant from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government. The overview conducted by McClurg [21] was supported by a project grant by the Physiotherapy Research Foundation. The overview by Hunt [22] was supported as part of doctoral programme funding by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care South West Peninsula (PenCLAHRC). The overview conducted by Estcourt [20] was supported by an NIHR Cochrane Programme Grant for the Safe and Appropriate Use of Blood Components. The overview conducted by Brunton [23] was commissioned by the Department of Health as part of an ongoing programme of work on health policy research synthesis. Alex Pollock is employed by the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (NMAHP) Research Unit, which is supported by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government. Pauline Campbell is supported by the Chief Nurses Office of the Scottish Government

    Sexual orientation and symptoms of common mental disorder or low wellbeing: combined meta-analysis of 12 UK population health surveys

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    Background Previous studies have indicated increased risk of mental disorder symptoms, suicide and substance misuse in lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults, compared to heterosexual adults. Our aims were to determine an estimate of the association between sexual orientation identity and poor mental health and wellbeing among adults from 12 population surveys in the UK, and to consider whether effects differed for specific subgroups of the population. Methods Individual data were pooled from the British Cohort Study 2012, Health Survey for England 2011, 2012 and 2013, Scottish Health Survey 2008 to 2013, Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 2009/10 and Understanding Society 2011/12. Individual participant meta-analysis was used to pool estimates from each study, allowing for between-study variation. Results Of 94,818 participants, 1.1 % identified as lesbian/gay, 0.9 % as bisexual, 0.8 % as ‘other’ and 97.2 % as heterosexual. Adjusting for a range of covariates, adults who identified as lesbian/gay had higher prevalence of common mental disorder when compared to heterosexuals, but the association was different in different age groups: apparent for those under 35 (OR = 1.78, 95 % CI 1.40, 2.26), weaker at age 35–54.9 (OR = 1.42, 95 % CI 1.10, 1.84), but strongest at age 55+ (OR = 2.06, 95 % CI 1.29, 3.31). These effects were stronger for bisexual adults, similar for those identifying as ‘other’, and similar for 'low wellbeing'. Conclusions In the UK, LGB adults have higher prevalence of poor mental health and low wellbeing when compared to heterosexuals, particularly younger and older LGB adults. Sexual orientation identity should be measured routinely in all health studies and in administrative data in the UK in order to influence national and local policy development and service delivery. These results reiterate the need for local government, NHS providers and public health policy makers to consider how to address inequalities in mental health among these minority groups

    Diversity in the Architecture of ATLs, a Family of Plant Ubiquitin-Ligases, Leads to Recognition and Targeting of Substrates in Different Cellular Environments

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    Ubiquitin-ligases or E3s are components of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) that coordinate the transfer of ubiquitin to the target protein. A major class of ubiquitin-ligases consists of RING-finger domain proteins that include the substrate recognition sequences in the same polypeptide; these are known as single-subunit RING finger E3s. We are studying a particular family of RING finger E3s, named ATL, that contain a transmembrane domain and the RING-H2 finger domain; none of the member of the family contains any other previously described domain. Although the study of a few members in A. thaliana and O. sativa has been reported, the role of this family in the life cycle of a plant is still vague. To provide tools to advance on the functional analysis of this family we have undertaken a phylogenetic analysis of ATLs in twenty-four plant genomes. ATLs were found in all the 24 plant species analyzed, in numbers ranging from 20–28 in two basal species to 162 in soybean. Analysis of ATLs arrayed in tandem indicates that sets of genes are expanding in a species-specific manner. To get insights into the domain architecture of ATLs we generated 75 pHMM LOGOs from 1815 ATLs, and unraveled potential protein-protein interaction regions by means of yeast two-hybrid assays. Several ATLs were found to interact with DSK2a/ubiquilin through a region at the amino-terminal end, suggesting that this is a widespread interaction that may assist in the mode of action of ATLs; the region was traced to a distinct sequence LOGO. Our analysis provides significant observations on the evolution and expansion of the ATL family in addition to information on the domain structure of this class of ubiquitin-ligases that may be involved in plant adaptation to environmental stress