441 research outputs found

    Cooperative heterogeneous facilitation: multiple glassy states and glass-glass transition

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    The formal structure of glass singularities in the mode-coupling theory (MCT) of supercooled liquids dynamics is closely related to that appearing in the analysis of heterogeneous bootstrap percolation on Bethe lattices, random graphs and complex networks. Starting from this observation one can build up microscopic on lattice realizations of schematic MCT based on cooperative facilitated spin mixtures. I discuss a microscopic implementation of the F13 schematic model including multiple glassy states and the glass-glass transition. Results suggest that our approach is flexible enough to bridge alternative theoretical descriptions of glassy matter based on the notions of quenched disorder and dynamic facilitation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Out-of-equilibrium dynamical fluctuations in glassy systems

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    In this paper we extend the earlier treatment of out-of-equilibrium mesoscopic fluctuations in glassy systems in several significant ways. First, via extensive simulations, we demonstrate that models of glassy behavior without quenched disorder display scalings of the probability of local two-time correlators that are qualitatively similar to that of models with short-ranged quenched interactions. The key ingredient for such scaling properties is shown to be the development of a critical-like dynamical correlation length, and not other microscopic details. This robust data collapse may be described in terms of a time-evolving Gumbel-like distribution. We develop a theory to describe both the form and evolution of these distributions based on a effective sigma-model approach.Comment: 20 pages, RevTex, 9 figure

    Shear-thickening and entropy-driven reentrance

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    We discuss a generic mechanism for shear-thickening analogous to entropy-driven phase reentrance. We implement it in the context of non-relaxational mean-field glassy systems: although very simple, the microscopic models we study present a dynamical phase diagram with second and first order stirring-induced jamming transitions leading to intermittency, metastability and phase coexistence as seen in some experiments. The jammed state is fragile with respect to change in the stirring direction. Our approach provides a direct derivation of a Mode-Coupling theory of shear-thickening.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, minor changes, references adde

    Free-volume kinetic models of granular matter

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    We show that the main dynamical features of granular media can be understood by means of simple models of fragile-glass forming liquid provided that gravity alone is taken into account. In such lattice-gas models of cohesionless and frictionless particles, the compaction and segregation phenomena appear as purely non-equilibrium effects unrelated to the Boltzmann-Gibbs measure which in this case is trivial. They provide a natural framework in which slow relaxation phenomena in granular and glassy systems can be explained in terms of a common microscopic mechanism given by a free-volume kinetic constraint.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Radiative impacts of the Australian bushfires 2019–2020 – Part 2: Large-scale and in-vortex radiative heating

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    Record-breaking wildfires ravaged south-eastern Australia during the fire season 2019–2020. The intensity of the fires reached its paroxysmal phase at the turn of the year 2019–2020, when large pyro-cumulonimbi developed. Pyro-convective activity injected biomass burning aerosols and gases in the upper-troposphere–lower-stratosphere (UTLS), producing a long-lasting perturbation to the atmospheric composition and the stratospheric aerosol layer. The large absorptivity of the biomass burning plume produced self-lofting of the plume and thus modified its vertical dynamics and horizontal dispersion. Another effect of the in-plume absorption was the generation of compact smoke-charged anticyclonic vortices which ascended up to 35 km altitude due to diabatic heating. We use observational and modelling description of this event to isolate the main vortex from the dominant Southern Hemispheric biomass burning aerosol plume. Entering this information into an offline radiative transfer model, and with hypotheses on the absorptivity and the angular scattering properties of the aerosol layer, we estimate the radiative heating rates (HRs) in the plume and the vortex. We found that the hemispheric-scale plume produced a HR of 0.08±0.05 K d−1 (from 0.01 to 0.15 K d−1, depending on the assumption on the aerosol optical properties), as a monthly average value for February 2020, which is strongly dependent on the assumptions on the aerosol optical properties and therefore on the plume ageing. We also found in-vortex HRs as large as 15–20 K d−1 in the denser sections of the main vortex (8.4±6.1 K d−1 on average in the vortex). Our results suggest that radiatively heated ascending isolated vortices are likely dominated by small-sized strongly absorbing black carbon particles. The hemispheric-scale and in-vortex HR estimates are consistent with the observed ensemble self-lofting (a few kilometres in 4 months) and the main isolated vortex rise (∌ 20 km in 2 months). Our results also show evidence of the importance of longwave emission in the net HR of biomass burning plumes.</p

    Facilitated spin models on Bethe lattice: bootstrap percolation, mode-coupling transition and glassy dynamics

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    We show that facilitated spin models of cooperative dynamics introduced by Fredrickson and Andersen display on Bethe lattices a glassy behaviour similar to the one predicted by the mode-coupling theory of supercooled liquids and the dynamical theory of mean-field disordered systems. At low temperature such cooperative models show a two-step relaxation and their equilibration time diverges at a finite temperature according to a power-law. The geometric nature of the dynamical arrest corresponds to a bootstrap percolation process which leads to a phase space organization similar to the one of mean-field disordered systems. The relaxation dynamics after a subcritical quench exhibits aging and converges asymptotically to the threshold states that appear at the bootstrap percolation transition.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, minor changes, final version to appear in Europhys. Let

    A robust numerical methodology for fatigue damage evolution simulation in composites

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    Composite materials, like metals, are subject to fatigue effects, representing one of the main causes for component collapse in carbon fiber‐reinforced polymers. Indeed, when subject to low stress cyclic loading, carbon fiber‐reinforced polymers exhibit gradual degradation of the mechanical properties. The numerical simulation of this phenomenon, which can strongly reduce time and costs to market, can be extremely expensive in terms of computational effort since a very high number of static analyses need to be run to take into account the real damage propagation due the fatigue effects. In this paper, a novel cycle jump strategy, named Smart Cycle strategy, is introduced in the numerical model to avoid the simulation of every single cycle and save computational resources. This cycle jump strategy can be seen as an enhancement of the empirical model proposed by Shokrieh and Lessard for the evaluation of the fatigue‐induced strength and stiffness degradation. Indeed, the Smart Cycle allows quickly obtaining a preliminary assessment of the fatigue behavior of composite structures. It is based on the hypothesis that the stress redistribution, due to the fatigue‐induced gradual degradation of the material properties, can be neglected until sudden fiber and/or matrix damage is verified at element/lamina level. The numerical procedure has been implemented in the commercial finite element code ANSYS MECHANICAL, by means of Ansys Parametric Design Languages (APDL). Briefly, the Smart Cycle routine is able to predict cycles where fatigue failure criteria are likely to be satisfied and to limit the numerical simulation to these cycles where a consistent damage propagation in terms of fiber and matrix breakage is expected. The proposed numerical strategy was preliminarily validated, in the frame of this research study, on 30° fiber‐oriented unidirectional coupons subjected to tensile– tensile fatigue loading conditions. The numerical results were compared with literature experimental data in terms of number of cycles at failure for different percentage of the static strength. Lastly, in order to assess its potential in terms of computational time saving on more complex structures and different loading conditions, the proposed numerical approach was used to investigate the fatigue behavior of a cross‐ply open‐hole composite panel under tension–tension fatigue loading conditions

    Singularities in ternary mixtures of k-core percolation

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    Heterogeneous k-core percolation is an extension of a percolation model which has interesting applications to the resilience of networks under random damage. In this model, the notion of node robustness is local, instead of global as in uniform k-core percolation. One of the advantages of k-core percolation models is the validity of an analytical mathematical framework for a large class of network topologies. We study ternary mixtures of node types in random networks and show the presence of a new type of critical phenomenon. This scenario may have useful applications in the stability of large scale infrastructures and the description of glass-forming systems.Comment: To appear in Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Proceedings of CompleNet 201
