3,968 research outputs found

    An unusual bilateral variation of musculocutaneous nerve.

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    Musculocutaneous nerve arises from the lateral cord (C5,6,7) of brachial plexus. Communications between the branches of brachial plexus are not so common. During routine dissection, we observed bilateral variation in 60-year-old female cadaver. In the present case, median nerve represented as a musculocutaneous nerve which supplied biceps brachii and brachialis, further continued into forearm as lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm on the right arm. This branch did not pass through coracobrachialis muscle but the coracobrachialis was innervated by a branch from lateral cord of brachial plexus. We also observed an abnormal communicating branch between the musculocutaneous and median nerve on left side of the arm. These kinds of variations are important for surgeons while performing surgeries of axilla and upperlimb

    On hydromagnetic flow due to a rotating disk with radiation effects

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    The effect of thermal radiation on the steady laminar convective hydromagnetic flow of a viscous and electrically conducting fluid due to a rotating disk of infinite extend is studied. The fluid is subjected to an external uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the disk. The governing Navier–Stokes and Maxwell equations of the hydromagnetic fluid, together with the energy equation, are transformed into nonlinear ordinary differential equations by using the von Karman similarity transformations. The resulting nonlinear ordinary differential equations are then solved numerically subject to the transformed boundary conditions by Runge–Kutta based shooting method. Comparisons with previously published works are performed and the results are found to be in excellent agreement. Numerical and graphical results for the velocity and temperature profiles as well as the skin friction and Nusselt number are presented and discussed for various parametric conditions

    Degree Associated Edge Reconstruction Number of Graphs with Regular Pruned Graph

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    An ecard of a graph GG is a subgraph formed by deleting an edge. A da-ecard specifies the degree of the deleted edge along with the ecard. The degree associated edge reconstruction number of a graph G, dern(G),G,~dern(G), is the minimum number of da-ecards that uniquely determines G.G. The adversary degree associated edge reconstruction number of a graph G,adern(G),G, adern(G), is the minimum number kk such that every collection of kk da-ecards of GG uniquely determines G.G. The maximal subgraph without end vertices of a graph GG which is not a tree is the pruned graph of G.G. It is shown that derndern of complete multipartite graphs and some connected graphs with regular pruned graph is 11 or 2.2. We also determine derndern and adernadern of corona product of standard graphs

    Degree Associated Reconstruction Parameters of Total Graphs

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    A card (ecard) of a graph G is a subgraph formed by deleting a vertex (an edge). A dacard (da-ecard) specifies the degree of the deleted vertex (edge) along with the card (ecard). The degree associated reconstruction number (degree associated edge reconstruction number ) of a graph G, drn(G) (dern(G)), is the minimum number of dacards (da-ecards) that uniquely determines G. In this paper, we investigate these two parameters for the total graph of certain standard graphs

    Degree Associated Reconstruction Parameters of Total Graphs

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    A card (ecard) of a graph G is a subgraph formed by deleting a vertex (an edge). A dacard (da-ecard) specifies the degree of the deleted vertex (edge) along with the card (ecard). The degree associated reconstruction number (degree associated edge reconstruction number ) of a graph G, drn(G) (dern(G)), is the minimum number of dacards (da-ecards) that uniquely determines G. In this paper, we investigate these two parameters for the total graph of certain standard graphs

    Kinetics of V(V) Oxidation of Piperidinols

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    Stronger reconstruction of distance-hereditary graphs

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    A graph is said to be set-reconstructible if it is uniquely determined up to isomorphism from the set S of its non-isomorphic one-vertex deleted unlabeled subgraphs. Harary’s conjecture asserts that every finite simple undirected graph on four or more vertices is set-reconstructible. A graph G is said to be distance-hereditary if for all connected induced subgraph F of G, dF (u, v) = dG(u, v) for every pair of vertices u, v ∈ V (F). In this paper, we have proved that the class of all 2-connected distance-hereditary graphs G with diam(G) = 2 or diam(G) = diam(Ḡ) = 3 are set-reconstructible.The second author is supported by the University Grants Commission, Government of India. (F./2017-18/NFO-2017-18-OBC-TAM-53159)Publisher's Versio