491 research outputs found

    Home range and habitat use of the endangered grey partridge (perdix perdix) in the Irish midlands.

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    O’GORMAN, E.C., KAVANAGH, B. and ROCHFORD,J.: HOME RANGE AND HABITAT USE BY THE ENDANGERED GREY PARTRIDGE (Perdix perdix) IN THE IRISH MIDLANDS: The last potentially viable population of native Irish Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) is located over a 25 km2 area at Boora bog, Co. Offaly, in the Irish midlands. The habitat is a mosaic of cutaway bogland, coniferous forestry, newly created farmland and wetlands. Since 1996 a combination of predation control and the provision of habitat strips has been the focus of conservation efforts in Boora in an attempt to increase partridge numbers in the short-term. The aim of this study is to provide baseline information on partridge movements and habitat use in the conservation site. The result of two years fieldwork is presented. An area of 18 km2 was mapped during the course of fielwork. Nine male birds were radio-tracked. The biological time periods (B.T.P.) calculated for breeding pairs were Exploration, Prelay, Lay, Incubation, Brood rearing, Primary and Secondqary covey movements. The home range varied in size and location from one B.T.P. to the next. This was linked to habitat availability. Breeding attempts occurred in young forestry plantations and newly created habitat strips within the cutaway bog area. The coveys left the cutaway bog area in late summer to feed on nerby pasture. A second movement in late Autumn was made to utilise winter stubbles on adjacent farmland. Birds returned to breeding sites in the cutaway bog area the following spring. The practical applications of the findings to the conservation effort are discussed

    Ordered growth of vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc) on an iron phthalocyanine (FePc) monolayer

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    The growth and characterisation of a non-planar phthalocyanine (Vanadyl Phthalocyanine, VOPc) on a complete monolayer (ML) of a planar phthalocyanine (Iron (II) Phthalocyanine, FePc) on an Au (111) surface, has been investigated using ultra-high vacuum (UHV) scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). The surface mesh of the initial FePc monolayer has been determined and shown to correspond to an incommensurate overlayer, not commensurate as previously reported. Ordered islands of VOPc, with (1x1) epitaxy, grow on the FePc layer at submonolayer coverages. The individual VOPc molecules occupy sites directly atop the underlying FePc molecules, indicating that significant intermolecular bonding must occur. It is proposed that this interaction implies that the V=O points down into the surface, allowing a Fe-O bond to form. The detailed appearance of the STM images of the VOPc molecules is consistent with previous studies in other VOPc growth studies in which this molecular orientation has been proposed

    The coupling of valence shell and particle-hole degrees of freedom in a partial random phase approximation

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    It is well known that the random phase approximation breaks down in the absence of a substantial energy gap between occupied and unoccupied single-particle states. Particle-hole excitations are then inevitably accompanied by substantial rearrangements of the particles in the neighbourhood of the Fermi surface. To accommodate this situation, a partial RPA is introduced which corresponds to replacing only the particle-hole degrees of freedom by bosons but leaving the valence space degrees of freedom intact. The PRPA is therefore a mapping of the many-fermion dynamics into the dynamics of a coupled boson-valence space. In application of the PRPA, algebraic methods, of either a fermionic or Lie algebra type, can be introduced, if desired, to facilitate the treatment of the valence space degrees of freedom. Results of applications are presented in which the valence space particles are treated in the rotational and SU(3) models, and are coupled strongly to giant dipole and quadrupole resonances.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/26774/1/0000326.pd

    Structural templating in a nonplanar phthalocyanine using single crystal copper iodide

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    Solution-grown copper iodide crystals are used as substrates for the templated growth of the nonplanar vanadyl phthalocyanine using organic molecular beam deposition. Structural characterization reveals a single molecular orientation produced by the (111) Miller plane of the copper iodide crystals. These fundamental measurements show the importance of morphology and structure in templating interactions for organic electronics applications

    Comparison of 2-D Magnetic Designs of Selected Coil Configurations for the Next European Dipole (NED)

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    The Next European Dipole (NED) activity is developing a high-performance Nb3_{3}Sn wire (aiming at a non-copper critical current density of 1500 A/mm2 at 4.2 K and 15 T), within the framework of the Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe (CARE) project. This activity is expected to lead to the fabrication of a large aperture, high field dipole magnet. In preparation for this phase, a Working Group on Magnet Design and Optimization (MDO) has been established to propose an optimal design. Other parallel Work Packages are concentrating on relevant topics, such as quench propagation simulation, innovative insulation techniques, and heat transfer measurements. In a first stage, the MDO Working Group has selected a number of coil configurations to be studied, together with salient parameters and features to be considered during the evaluation: the field quality, the superconductor efficiency, the conductor peak field, the stored magnetic energy, the Lorentz Forces and the fabrication difficulties. 2-D magnetic calculations have been performed, and the results of this comparison between the different topologies are presented in this paper. The 2-D mechanical computations are ongoing and the final stage will be 3-D magnetic and mechanical studies

    Donor–acceptor co-adsorption ratio controls the structure and electronic properties of two-dimensional alkali–organic networks on Ag(100)

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    P.T.P.R. and P.J.B. acknowledge financial support from Diamond Light Source and EPSRC. G.C. acknowledges financial support from the EU through the ERC Grant “VISUAL-MS” (Project ID: 308115). B.S. and R.J.M. acknowledge doctoral studentship funding from the EPSRC and the National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF). R.J.M. acknowledges financial support via a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (MR/S016023/1).The results are presented of a detailed combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the influence of coadsorbed electron-donating alkali atoms and the prototypical electron acceptor molecule 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) on the Ag(100) surface. Several coadsorption phases were characterized by scanning tunneling microscopy, low-energy electron diffraction, and soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Quantitative structural data were obtained using normal-incidence X-ray standing wave (NIXSW) measurements and compared with the results of density functional theory (DFT) calculations using several different methods of dispersion correction. Generally, good agreement between theory and experiment was achieved for the quantitative structures, albeit with the prediction of the alkali atom heights being challenging for some methods. The adsorption structures depend sensitively on the interplay of molecule–metal charge transfer and long-range dispersion forces, which are controlled by the composition ratio between alkali atoms and TCNQ. The large difference in atomic size between K and Cs has negligible effects on stability, whereas increasing the ratio of K/TCNQ from 1:4 to 1:1 leads to a weakening of molecule–metal interaction strength in favor of stronger ionic bonds within the two-dimensional alkali–organic network. A strong dependence of the work function on the alkali donor–TCNQ acceptor coadsorption ratio is predicted.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Matching structure and bargaining outcomes in buyer–seller networks

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    We examine the relationship between the matching structure of a bipartite (buyer-seller) network and the (expected) shares of the unit surplus that each connected pair in this network can create. We show that in different bargaining environments, these shares are closely related to the Gallai-Edmonds Structure Theorem. This theorem characterizes the structure of maximum matchings in an undirected graph. We show that the relationship between the (expected) shares and the tructure Theorem is not an artefact of a particular bargaining mechanism or trade centralization. However, this relationship does not necessarily generalize to non-bipartite networks or to networks with heterogeneous link values
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