81 research outputs found

    A vulnerable generation? Youth agency facing work precariousness = ¿Una generación vulnerable? La agencia juvenil frente a la precariedad laboral

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    Agencia y vulnerabilidad no son t\ue9rminos alternativos; al contrario, su encuentro hace emerger una caracter\uedstica distintiva de la agencia: la del \uabd\ue9bil\ubb que se enfrenta con dificultad a las restricciones y que descubre nuevas oportunidades. Tras una discusi\uf3n te\uf3rica en torno a la relaci\uf3n entre agencia y vulnerabilidad y de las transformaciones de los procesos de subjetivaci\uf3n, este art\uedculo se centra en la situaci\uf3n espec\uedfica de vulnerabilidad en el mercado de trabajo que vive la actual generaci\uf3n de j\uf3venes. El texto analiza, apoy\ue1ndose en una investigaci\uf3n realizada en Italia entre 2013 y 2017, los l\uedmites y potencialidades de la agencia de los j\uf3venes como una obligaci\uf3n en un contexto de precariedad en el trabajo. El objetivo es recalcar c\uf3mo agencia y vulnerabilidad \u2014m\ue1s que ser caracter\uedsticas intr\uednsecas del individuo \u2014 han de entenderse en relaci\uf3n con posiciones temporales, en la intersecci\uf3n de categor\uedas y recursos, en condiciones situadas y elacionales. (Papel 203)Agency and vulnerability are not alternative terms; rather, their encounter designates a distinctive characteristic of agency: that of the \uabweaker\ubb struggling between constraints and the discovery of new opportunities. After theoretical discussion of the relation between agency and vulnerability, and of the transformations of subjectivation processes, this article focuses on the specific situation of vulnerability in the job market experienced by the current generation of young people. It analyses the limits and potentials of young people\u2019s agency as a duty in regard to work precariousness with the help of research conducted in Italy from 2013 to 2017. The aim is to highlight how agency and vulnerability \u2014more than being intrinsic characteristic of the individual\u2014 are related to temporary positions, as an intersection of categorizations and resources, in relational and situated conditions

    Italian Young People Coping with the Consequences of Economic Crisis : an Intersectional Analysis

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    The aim of this article is to investigate how the current economic crisis is affecting the daily lives and social positions of young people in Italy. On the one hand, starting from analysis of more general statistical evidence on the worsening situation in the labour market, we conduct an intersectional analysis \u2013 both intercategorical and intracategorical \u2013 of some indicators in order to shed light on educational and gender differences. On the other hand, we present the results of qualitative research conducted on the experiences and representations of the economic crisis among young people with low or high cultural capital in the city of Milan. The central hypothesis of our work is that \u2018the crisis\u2019 is not just a temporary economic conjuncture; it is also a social phenomenon reshaping the social positions of individuals in both structural and subjective terms. Showing how the crisis is affecting different young people in very different ways, the article investigates both structural evidence and subjective interpretations of the crisis

    Identificarsi attraverso gli oggetti : cultura materiale e pratiche di consumo tra i discendenti dei migranti

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    Il capitolo illustra i risultati della ricerca riguardo al rapporto che i figli dei migranti hanno con i consumi

    La violenza

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    Il libro affronta il problema della violenza illustrandone le caratteristiche fondamentali e analizzando le principali teorie che si sono confrontate con questo tema

    Alain Touraine : modernit\ue0, soggetto, movimenti

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    Il saggio presenta la teoria sociologica di Alain Touraine

    R\ue9flexions sur la violence juv\ue9nile. Un regard comparatif sur la situation fran\ue7aise et italienne

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    L'articolo presenta i risultati di una ricerca comparativa svolta nelle periferie delle citt\ue0 di Lione e di Milan

    Mercato, istituzioni e dinamiche di sviluppo delle medicine non convenzionali

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    Il capitolo analizza le attuali condizioni del mercato delle terapie non convenzional

    Introduction générale

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    Reti relazionali e significati delle scelte di acquisto

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    Il contributo introduce il tema dei significati delle scelte di acquisto responsabile e del consumo critico
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