36,467 research outputs found

    The particle interpretation of N = 1 supersymmetric spin foams

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    We show that N = 1 supersymmetric BF theory in 3d leads to a supersymmetric spin foam amplitude via a lattice discretisation. Furthermore, by analysing the supersymmetric quantum amplitudes, we show that they can be re-interpreted as 3d gravity coupled to embedded fermionic Feynman diagrams.Comment: Pages: 16+1

    Analysis of β-globin chromatin micro-environment using a novel 3C variant, 4Cv

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    Copyright: © 2010 Pink et al.Higher order chromatin folding is critical to a number of developmental processes, including the regulation of gene expression. Recently developed biochemical techniques such as RNA TRAP and chromosome conformation capture (3C) have provided us with the tools to probe chromosomal structures. These techniques have been applied to the β-globin locus, revealing a complex pattern of interactions with regions along the chromosome that the gene resides on. However, biochemical and microscopy data on the nature of β-globin interactions with other chromosomes is contradictory. Therefore we developed a novel 4C variant, Complete-genome 3C by vectorette amplification (4Cv), which allows an unbiased and quantitative method to examine chromosomal structure. We have used 4Cv to study the microenvironment of the β-globin locus in mice and show that a significant proportion of the interactions of β-globin are inter-chromosomal. Furthermore, our data show that in the liver, where the gene is active, β-globin is more likely to interact with other chromosomes, compared to the brain where the gene is silent and is more likely to interact with other regions along the same chromosome. Our data suggest that transcriptional activation of the β-globin locus leads to a change in nuclear position relative to the chromosome territory.Ryan Pink is supported by a grant from Action Medical Research; Daniel Caley is supported by a grant from The Dunhill Medical Trust; David Carter is supported by a grant from the British Society for Haematology

    Partial breakdown of quantum thermalization in a Hubbard-like model

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    We study the possible breakdown of quantum thermalization in a model of itinerant electrons on a one-dimensional chain without disorder, with both spin and charge degrees of freedom. The eigenstates of this model exhibit peculiar properties in the entanglement entropy, the apparent scaling of which is modified from a "volume law" to an "area law" after performing a partial, site-wise measurement on the system. These properties and others suggest that this model realizes a new, non-thermal phase of matter, known as a quantum disentangled liquid (QDL). The putative existence of this phase has striking implications for the foundations of quantum statistical mechanics.Comment: As accepted to PR

    Crustal dynamics project session 4 validation and intercomparison experiments 1979-1980 report

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    As part of the Crustal Dynamics Project, an experiment was performed to verify the ability of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Very Long Baseline interferometry (VLBI) and Doppler Satellite Positioning System (Doppler) techniques to estimate the baseline distances between several locations. The Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) lasers were in operation at all five sites available to them. The ten baselines involved were analyzed using monthly orbits and various methods of selecting data. The standard deviation of the monthly SLR baseline lengths was at the 7 cm level. The GSFC VLBI (Mark III) data was obtained during three separate experiments. November 1979 at Haystack and Owens Valley, and April and July 1980 at Haystack, Owens Valley, and Fort Davis. Repeatability of the VLBI in determining baseline lengths was calculated to be at the 2 cm level. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) VLBI (Mark II) data was acquired on the Owens Valley to Goldstone baseline on ten occasions between August 1979 and November 1980. The repeatability of these baseline length determinations was calculated to be at the 5 cm level. National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Doppler data was acquired at all five sites in January 1980. Repeatability of the Doppler determined baseline lengths results were calculated at approximately 30 cm. An intercomparison between baseline distances and associated parameters was made utilizing SLR, VLBI, and Doppler results on all available baselines. The VLBI and SLR length determinations were compared on four baselines with a resultant mean difference of -1 cm and a maximum difference of 12 cm. The SLR and Doppler length determinations were compared on ten baselines with a resultant mean difference of about 30 cm and a maximum difference of about 60 cm. The VLBI and Doppler lengths from seven baselines showed a resultant mean difference of about 30 cm and maximum difference of about 1 meter. The intercomparison of baseline orientation parameters were consistent with past analysis

    Analisis Implementasi Sistem Informasi Pengadaan Obat Pada Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit (Studi Pada Rumah Sakit Umum Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang)

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    Penelitian ini Bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran implementasi sistem informasi pengadaan obat pada Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Umum Dr. Saiful Anwar dan kualitas implementasi sistem informasi pengadaan obat pada Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Umum Dr. Saiful Anwar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi sistem pengadaan obat di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Umum Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang yang telah dijalankan ternyata memiliki beberapa kelemahan yaitu dalam memberikan beberapa informasi ke bagian gudang. Dalam hal ini, pihak gudang masih menggunakan sistem secara manual dalam menyampaikan informasi ke bagian kantor, selain itu terdapat tugas yang merangkap dalam melakukan pekerjaannya. Sehingga perlu dilakukan analisa terhadap sistem pengadaan barang pada rumah sakit agar pihak farmasi dapat memperoleh informasi dengan lebih cepat dan akurat serta pembagian wewenang kerja yang jelas. Kata kunci : Analisis Implementasi Sistem Pengadaan Obat pada Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit The purpose of the research is to describe the implementation of information systems in the medicines supply Pharmaceutical Installation General Hospital Dr. Saiful Anwar and quality of implementation of information systems in the medicines supply Pharmaceutical Installation General Hospital Dr. Saiful Anwar. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. From the results concluded that the implementation of the drug supply system in Pharmacy Installation General Hospital Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang yang telah run turned out to have a few drawbacks, namely in providing some information to the warehouse. In this case, the warehouse still used manual systems to convey some information to the office, also there is a concurrent task when doing his job. Sehingga necessary to analyze the procurement system at the hospital so that the pharmacy can obtain information more quickly and accurately as well as a clear division of labor authority

    N=2 supersymmetric spin foams in three dimensions

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    We construct the spin foam model for N=2 supergravity in three dimensions. Classically, it is a BF theory with gauge algebra osp(2|2). This algebra has representations which are not completely reducible. This complicates the procedure when building a state sum. Fortunately, one can and should excise these representations. We show that the restricted subset of representations form a subcategory closed under tensor product. The resulting state-sum is once again a topological invariant. Furthermore, within this framework one can identify positively and negatively charged fermions propagating on the spin foam. These results on osp(2|2) representations and intertwiners apply more generally to spin network states for N=2 loop quantum supergravity (in 3+1 dimensions) where it allows to define a notion of BPS states.Comment: 12 page

    [OII] emitters in the GOODS field at z~1.85: a homogeneous measure of evolving star formation

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    We present the results of a deep, near-infrared, narrow band imaging survey at a central wavelength of 1.062 microns (FWHM=0.01 microns) in the GOODS-South field using the ESO VLT instrument, HAWK-I. The data are used to carry out the highest redshift search for [OII]3727 emission line galaxies to date. The images reach an emission line flux limit (5 sigma) of 1.5 x 10^-17 erg cm^-2 s^-1, additionally making the survey the deepest of its kind at high redshift. In this paper we identify a sample of [OII]3727 emission line objects at redshift z~1.85 in a co-moving volume of ~4100 Mpc^3. Objects are selected using an observed equivalent width (EW_obs) threshold of EW_obs = 50 angstroms. The sample is used to derive the space density and constrain the luminosity function of [OII] emitters at z=1.85. We find that the space density of objects with observed [OII] luminosities in the range log(L_[OII]) > 41.74 erg s^-1 is log(rho)=-2.45+/-0.14 Mpc^-3, a factor of 2 greater than the observed space density of [OII] emitters reported at z~1.4. After accounting for completeness and assuming an internal extinction correction of A_Halpha=1 mag (equivalent to A_[OII]=1.87), we report a star formation rate density of rho* ~0.38+/-0.06 Msun yr^-1 Mpc^-3. We independently derive the dust extinction of the sample using 24 micron fluxes and find a mean extinction of A_[OII]=0.98+/-0.11 magnitudes (A_Halpha=0.52). This is significantly lower than the A_Halpha=1 (A[OII]=1.86) mag value widely used in the literature. Finally we incorporate this improved extinction correction into the star formation rate density measurement and report rho*~0.24+/-0.06 Msun yr^-1 Mpc^-3.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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