370 research outputs found

    Direct evaluation of the isotope effect within the framework of density functional theory for superconductors

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    Within recent developments of density functional theory, its numerical implementation and of the superconducting density functional theory is nowadays possible to predict the superconducting critical temperature, Tc, with sufficient accuracy to anticipate the experimental verification. In this paper we present an analytical derivation of the isotope coefficient within the superconducting density functional theory. We calculate the partial derivative of Tc with respect to atomic masses. We verified the final expression by means of numerical calculations of isotope coefficient in monatomic superconductors (Pb) as well as polyatomic superconductors (CaC6). The results confirm the validity of the analytical derivation with respect to the finite difference methods, with considerable improvement in terms of computational time and calculation accuracy. Once the critical temperature is calculated (at the reference mass(es)), various isotope exponents can be simply obtained in the same run. In addition, we provide the expression of interesting quantities like partial derivatives of the deformation potential, phonon frequencies and eigenvectors with respect to atomic masses, which can be useful for other derivations and applications

    First-principles study of thin magnetic transition-metal silicide films on Si(001)

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    In order to combine silicon technology with the functionality of magnetic systems, a number of ferromagnetic (FM) materials have been suggested for the fabrication of metal/semiconductor heterojunctions. In this work, we present a systematic study of several candidate materials in contact with the Si surface. We employ density-functional theory calculations to address the thermodynamic stability and magnetism of both pseudomorphic CsCl-like MMSi (MM=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) thin films and Heusler alloy M2M_2MnSi (MM=Fe, Co, Ni) films on Si(001). Our calculations show that Si-termination of the MMSi films is energetically preferable during epitaxy since it minimizes the energetic cost of broken bonds at the surface. Moreover, we can explain the calculated trends in thermodynamic stability of the MMSi thin films in terms of the MM-Si bond-strength and the MM 3d orbital occupation. From our calculations, we predict that ultrathin MnSi films are FM with sizable spin magnetic moments at the Mn atoms, while FeSi and NiSi films are nonmagnetic. However, CoSi films display itinerant ferromagnetism. For the M2M_2MnSi films with Heusler-type structure, the MnSi termination is found to have the highest thermodynamic stability. In the FM ground state, the calculated strength of the effective coupling between the magnetic moments of Mn atoms within the same layer approximately scales with the measured Curie temperatures of the bulk M2M_2MnSi compounds. In particular, the Co2_2MnSi/Si(001) thin film has a robust FM ground state as in the bulk, and is found to be stable against a phase separation into CoSi/Si(001) and MnSi/Si(001) films. Hence this material is of possible use in FM-Si heterojunctions and deserves further experimental investigations.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Elemental Phosphorus: structural and superconducting phase diagram under pressure

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    Pressure-induced superconductivity and structural phase transitions in phosphorous (P) are studied by resistivity measurements under pressures up to 170 GPa and fully abinitioab-initio crystal structure and superconductivity calculations up to 350 GPa. Two distinct superconducting transition temperature (Tc_{c}) vs. pressure (PP) trends at low pressure have been reported more than 30 years ago, and for the first time we are able to reproduce them and devise a consistent explanation founded on thermodynamically metastable phases of black-phosphorous. Our experimental and theoretical results form a single, consistent picture which not only provides a clear understanding of elemental P under pressure but also sheds light on the long-standing and unsolved anomalousanomalous superconductivity trend. Moreover, at higher pressures we predict a similar scenario of multiple metastable structures which coexist beyond their thermodynamical stability range. Metastable phases of P experimentally accessible at pressures above 240 GPa should exhibit Tc_{c}'s as high as 15 K, i.e. three times larger than the predicted value for the ground-state crystal structure. We observe that all the metastable structures systematically exhibit larger transition temperatures than the ground-state ones, indicating that the exploration of metastable phases represents a promising route to design materials with improved superconducting properties.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Fermi-surface topological phase transition and horizontal order-parameter nodes in CaFe2_2As2_2 under pressure

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    Iron-based compounds (IBS) display a surprising variety of superconducting properties that seems to arise from the strong sensitivity of these systems to tiny details of the lattice structure. In this respect, systems that become superconducting under pressure, like CaFe2_2As2_2, are of particular interest. Here we report on the first directional point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy (PCARS) measurements on CaFe2_2As2_2 crystals under quasi-hydrostatic pressure, and on the interpretation of the results using a 3D model for Andreev reflection combined with ab-initio calculations of the Fermi surface (within the density functional theory) and of the order parameter symmetry (within a random-phase-approximation approach in a ten-orbital model). The almost perfect agreement between PCARS results at different pressures and theoretical predictions highlights the intimate connection between the changes in the lattice structure, a topological transition in the hole-like Fermi surface sheet, and the emergence on the same sheet of an order parameter with a horizontal node line.Comment: 13 pages, 8 color figures. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in Scientific Reports. The published version is available online, together with Supplementary Information, at http://www.nature.com/articles/srep2639

    Common effect of chemical and external pressures on the magnetic properties of RECoPO (RE = La, Pr)

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    We report a detailed investigation of RECoPO (RE = La, Pr) and LaCoAsO materials performed by means of muon spin spectroscopy. Zero-field measurements show that the electrons localized on the Pr3+^{3+} ions do not play any role in the static magnetic properties of the compounds. Magnetism at the local level is indeed fully dominated by the weakly-itinerant ferromagnetism from the Co sublattice only. The increase of the chemical pressure triggered by the different ionic radii of La3+^{3+} and Pr3+^{3+}, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in enhancing the value of the magnetic critical temperature and can be mimicked by the application of external hydrostatic pressure up to 24 kbar. A sharp discontinuity in the local magnetic field at the muon site in LaCoPO at around 5 kbar suggests a sizeable modification in the band structure of the material upon increasing pressure. This scenario is qualitatively supported by \emph{ab-initio} density-functional theory calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Low-temperature insulating phase of the Si(111)–7×7 surface

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    We investigated the electronic structure of the Si(111)-7 x 7 surface below 20 K by scanning tunneling and photoemission spectroscopies and by density functional theory calculations. Previous experimental studies have questioned the ground state of this surface, which is expected to be metallic in a band picture because of the odd number of electrons per unit cell. Our differential conductance spectra instead show the opening of an energy gap at the Fermi level and a significant temperature dependence of the electronic properties, especially for the adatoms at the center of the unfaulted half of the unit cell. Complementary photoemission spectra with improved correction of the surface photovoltage shift corroborate the differential conductance data and demonstrate the absence of surface bands crossing the Fermi level at 17 K. These consistent experimental observations point to an insulating ground state and contradict the prediction of a metallic surface obtained by density functional theory in the generalized gradient approximation. The calculations indicate that this surface has or is near a magnetic instability, but remains metallic in the magnetic phases even including correlation effects at mean-field level. We discuss possible origins of the observed discrepancies between experiments and calculations

    On h h -transforms of one-dimensional diffusions stopped upon hitting zero

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    For a one-dimensional diffusion on an interval for which 0 is the regular-reflecting left boundary, three kinds of conditionings to avoid zero are studied. The limit processes are h h -transforms of the process stopped upon hitting zero, where h h 's are the ground state, the scale function, and the renormalized zero-resolvent. Several properties of the h h -transforms are investigated

    Clarifying the apparent flattening of the graphene band near the van Hove singularity

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    Graphene band renormalization near the van Hove singularity (VHS) has been investigated by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on Li-doped quasifreestanding graphene on a cobalt (0001) surface. The absence of graphene band hybridization with the substrate, the doping contribution well represented by a rigid energy shift, and the excellent electron-electron interaction screening ensured by the metallic substrate offer a privileged point of view for such an investigation. A clear ARPES signal is detected along the KMK direction of the graphene Brillouin zone, giving rise to an apparent flattened band. By simulating the graphene spectral function from the density functional theory calculated bands, we demonstrate that the photoemission signal around the M point originates from the "tail"of the spectral function of the unoccupied band above the Fermi level. Such an interpretation puts forward the absence of any additional strong correlation effects near the VHS, reconciling the mean-field description of the graphene band structure even in a highly doped scenario