311 research outputs found

    Capitalizing On Diversity: Interpersonal Congruence In Small Work Groups

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    We examine interpersonal congruence, the degree to which group members see others in the group as others see themselves, as a moderator of the relationship between diversity and group effectiveness. A longitudinal study of 83 work groups revealed that diversity tended to improve creative task performance in groups with high interpersonal congruence, whereas diversity undermined the performance of groups with low interpersonal congruence. This interaction effect also emerged on measures of social integration, group identification, and relationship conflict. By eliciting self-verifying appraisals, members of some groups achieved enough interpersonal congruence during their first ten minutes of interaction to benefit their group outcomes four months later. In contrast to theories of social categorization, the interpersonal congruence approach suggests that group members can achieve harmonious and effective work processes by expressing rather than suppressing the characteristics that make them unique.Managemen

    Avaliação do modelo CANEGRO/DSSAT para quatro cultivares de cana-de-açúcar.

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    A parametrização do modelo DSSAT/CANEGRO para a realidade brasileira é de grande importância para a obtenção de uma ferramenta para o monitoramento de safras agrícolas e para a elaboração de cenários agrícolas futuros. O presente trabalho enfocou as cultivares R570, NCo376, RB72-454 e SP83-2847 nas condições de Piracicaba/SP. Os dados biométricos foram coletados no Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira, comparando-se os valores observados com as simulações para as seguintes variáveis: perfilhamento, altura de colmo, IAF, número de folhas verdes; e a fitomassa da parte aérea. O modelo apresentou resultados satisfatórios para todas as cultivares testadas, com exceção da NCo376, para a qual houve subestimativa da massa seca da parte aérea (-32%) e índice de área foliar (-13%).CBA 2009

    Thin Slices of Workgroups

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.In this paper, we explore whether perceivers can accurately assess the effectiveness of groups, the group properties perceivers use in their judgement, and the contextual and individual differences that allow some perceivers to be more accurate. Across seven studies, we present consistent evidence that perceivers can judge workgroup effectiveness in videos of different lengths—60, 30, and 10 seconds—and in 10-second silent videos and 10-second audio clips. We find that perceptions of collective properties of groups, including cohesion, affective trust, and cognitive trust partially mediate perceivers’ ability to accurately judge groups. Furthermore, increased attentional focus improves perceivers’ ability to judge group effectiveness. Finally, we find that perceivers with higher levels of social sensitivity are more accurate at judging group effectiveness. We discuss the implications of these findings for the groups literature and social perception literature

    Angiogenic gene expression and vascular density are reflected in ultrasonographic features of synovitis in early Rheumatoid Arthritis: an observational study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Neovascularization contributes to the development of sustained synovial inflammation in the early stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Ultrasound (US) provides an indirect method of assessing synovial blood flow and has been shown to correlate with clinical disease activity in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. This study examines the relationship of US determined synovitis with synovial vascularity, angiogenic/lymphangiogenic factors and cellular mediators of inflammation in a cohort of patients with early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients prior to therapeutic intervention with disease modifying therapy or corticosteroids. METHODS: An ultrasound guided synovial biopsy of the supra-patella pouch was performed in 12 patients with early RA prior to treatment. Clinical, US and biochemical assessments were undertaken prior to the procedure. Ultrasound images and histological samples were obtained from the supra-patella pouch. Histological samples were stained for Factor VIII and a-SMA (a-smooth muscle actin). Using digital imaging analysis a vascular area score was recorded. QT-PCR (quantitative-PCR) of samples provided quantification of angiogenic and lymphangiogenic gene expression and immunohistochemistry stained tissue was scored for macrophage, T cell and B cell infiltration using an existing semi-quantitative score. RESULTS: Power Doppler showed a good correlation with histological vascular area (Spearman r--0.73) and angiogenic factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A), Angiopoietin 2 and Tie-2. In addition, lymphangiogenic factors such as VEGF-C and VEGF-R3 correlated well with US assessment of synovitis. A significant correlation was also found between power Doppler and synovial thickness, pro-inflammatory cytokines and sub-lining macrophage infiltrate. Within the supra-patella pouch there was no significant difference in US findings, gene expression or inflammatory cell infiltrate between any regions of synovium biopsied. CONCLUSION: Ultrasound assessment of synovial tissue faithfully reflects synovial vascularity. Both grey scale and power Doppler synovitis in early RA patients correlate with a pro-angiogenic and lymphangiogenic gene expression profile. In early RA both grey scale and power Doppler synovitis are associated with a pro-inflammatory cellular and cytokine profile providing considerable validity in its use as an objective assessment of synovial inflammation in clinical practice
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