25 research outputs found

    Asta de corzo como materia prima en el Período Huno-Sármata en el norte de Altái

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    Antler of Cervidae was an important part of the raw material base in traditional manufacturing in Northern Altai during the Hunno-Sarmatian period (the first half of the 1st millennium CE). Several seasonal migration routes of the roe deer cross this territory. The processing of roe deer antler during the Hunno-Sarmatian period is well documented at several archaeological sites in the inter-mountain valley of the lower Katun River. The assortment of antler products is composed inter alia of tools, composite bow elements, arrowheads and horse harnesses. The natural occurrence and high quantity of the specific antler material affects differences in the technology of manufacture. Generally, the assortment of antler items of the Hunno-Sarmatian period from the Northern Altai is typical of the broader region of Southern Siberia, Central Asia and the forest steppes of Eastern Europe.  El asta de cérvido ocupó un importante lugar como materia prima dentro del proceso de manufatura tradicional en la zona norte de Altái durante el Período Huno-Sármata (primera mitad del I milenio DC). Diversas rutas migratorias estacionales de corzos atraviesan este territorio. El procesamiento del asta de corzo durante el Período Huno- Sármata está bien documentado en varios yacimientos arqueológicos en el valle del curso bajo del Katun. El surtido de productos está compuesto, entre otros, por herramientas, elementos compuestos para arco, puntas de fleche y harneses de caballo. Laoccurrencia natural y gran cantidad de material específico de asta afecta a diferencias en la tecnología empleada para la manufactura. Generlmente, el conjunto de elementos de asta del Período Huno-Sármata del norte de Altái es típica de una región más amplia que abarca parte del sur de Siberia, Asia Central y las estepas boscosas del Este de Europa

    Газометанный \ газокислородный ракетный двигатель. Проектирование и разработка

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    Хімічні ракетні двигуни – є і будуть у майбутньому найбільш широко використовуваними рушіями для транспортування на орбіту Землі. Інформаційна потреба технологій, постійно зростаюче число супутників, які необхідно виводити на орбіту змушує виробників ракетної техніки будувати двигуни з більш широким діапазоном тяги і кращою якістю роботи. З іншого боку, для мінімізації впливу на навколишнє середовище в космічній промисловості, передбачається використання екологічнобезпечних видів палива. Одним з видів палива, що є екологічнобезпечним і гарантує якісну роботу, є метан. Це паливо знаходиться в області інтересів всесвітньої ракетної галузі. Однак, на сьогоднішній день, лише кілька двигунів, що використовують метан пройшли повну перевірку, що вказує на широку область можливих удосконалень цієї техніки.Головна мета статті полягає в тому, щоб проаналізувати можливість використання метану як палива для ракетних двигунів. Авторами з використанням методів чисельної газової динаміки (CFD) проведені обчислення експериментального ракетного двигуна. Проведений аналіз є основою для проектування експериментального зразка. Експериментальне дослідження роботи нового двигуна проведено з метою підтвердження правильності обчислень. У майбутньому планується випробовування системи охолодження двигуна, що буде завершенням даного проекту.Chemical rocket engines are still and will be in the foreseeable future the most widely used means of propulsion systems in transportation into the earth's orbit. What is more, information technologies need more and more satellites constellations to be replenished. This forces the rocket industry to build rocket engines with wider range of thrust and better performance. On the other hand, in order to minimize the influence on the environment, ecologically-safe propellants are considered to be used in space industry [1]. One of propellants, which is ecologically-safe and guarantees good overall performance is methane. This fuel is in area of interests of world's rocket industry. However, till today only a few methane rocket engines were tested, so it seems to be a wide area of possible improvements in this field. The main aim of the paper will be to analyze the possibility of using methane as a fuel for the rocket engine. The authors made the computations of a model rocket engine, fueled by methane, using CFD method. The analysis stands as the basis for the design of a model rocket engine. Experimental research to check the calculations’ validity as well as testing of its cooling system will complete the design.Химические ракетные двигатели являются и будут в обозримом будущем, наиболее широко используемыми двигательными установками для транспортирования на орбиту Земли. Информационная потребность технологий, постоянно растущее число спутников, которые необходимо выводить на орбиту, вынуждает производителей ракетной техники строить двигатели с более широким диапазоном тяги и лучшим качеством работы. С другой стороны, для минимизации влияния на окружающую среду в космической промышленности, предполагается использование экологически безопасных видов топлива. Одним из видов топлива, которое является экологически-безопасным и гарантирует качественную работу, является метан. Это топливо находится в области интересов всемирной ракетной отрасли. Однако, на сегодняшний день, лишь несколько двигателей, использующих метан, прошли полную проверку, что указывает на широкую область возможных усовершенствований этой техники. Главная цель статьи состоит в том, чтобы проанализировать возможность использования метана как топлива для ракетных двигателей. Авторами с использованием методов численной газовой динамики (CFD) проведены вычисления экспериментального ракетного двигателя. Проведенный анализ является основой для проектирования экспериментального образца. Экспериментальное исследование работы нового двигателя проведено с целью подтверждения правильности вычислений. В будущем планируется испытание системы охлаждения двигательной установки, которое будет являться завершением данного проекта

    The Origin of Culturally Diversified Individuals Buried in the Early Iron Age Barrow Cemetery at Chultukov Log-1 (Upper Altai) in Light of the Analysis of Stable Oxygen Isotopes

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    Chultukov Log-1 is a large barrow cemetery, located in the valley of Lower Katun river (Northern Altai, Russia), in which various cultural traditions of the Scythian era are represented (Pazyryk, Karakoba, Bystrianka). The main goal of this study was to determine whether the individuals buried in the cemetery and representing different cultural traditions are uniform in terms of their geographical origin. In order to reconstruction of origin of individuals an analysis of the isotopic composition of oxygen was performed within bone apatite phosphates from well preserved samples. To verify the state of preservation of human and animal osseous remains, diagenetic indices were calculated based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer spectra (FTIR). One of the most important conclusions is the identification in the cemetery of individuals probably originating from the north. The most probable scenario is population movements of the Bystrianka culture people from the steppe and piedmont zones to the south, to the mountainous valley of Lower Katun river in the Northern Altai, where they assimilated with the North Pazyryk communities. In the opposite, the contact of the inhabitansts of the Norhern Altai with the south was not connected with the people\u27s movements, but rather with the trade and the common genesis of the North Pazyryk groups and the Pazyryk culture from Central and South-Eastern Altai. Some people of local origin had different eschatological beliefs and accordingly buried their dead in stone boxes (Karakoba type)

    Production of coatings with use of gas detonation. engine parts production and regeneration applications

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    The first research studies on utilization of gas detonation in production of coatings on steel substrate were conducted in the fifties of the last century. In the first half of the 20th century the first constructions of the detonation guns were presented and patented and the first results of the production of coatings were published. Nowadays, the method is widely utilized in aircraft industry. One of the main advantages of the detonation method is that it enables production of various kinds of coatings with use of a wide range of materials in form of fine particles: metals, alloys, carbides, oxides and others. The coatings obtained with usage of the detonation method have low porosity and high adhesion and cohesion. Potentially, the detonation method produces coatings with unique features, impossible to obtain by use of other methods. However, the quality of the coatings strongly depends on properties of the coatings material particles jet generated by the detonation gun and processes taking place inside the detonation gun barrel during acceleration of the particles by the flow behind the detonation wave. The main aim of the paper is to present the general description and basic features of the detonation method of production of coatings and an original, Polish design of the detonation gun utilized in the process. The paper also presents results obtained with the use of the detonation gun and some examples of applications of the method


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    Monitoring of combustion processes in industrial burners using electrical capacitance tomography

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    The development of diagnostic methods suitable for the monitoring of practical flames is an important objective, which is receiving a growing attention and significant research efforts. This is motivated by the need to achieve a more precise description of the process and, ultimately, implement efficient and reliable control and optimization methods as a key step towards the development of more efficient, flexible, reliable and clean combustion systems. Many interesting attempts have been proposed, involving very different approaches in the use of various instruments and sensors. One of parameter difficult to control is distribution of reaction zone. Presently, such system which allows monitoring combustion process of industrial burners does not exist. Measurements of temperature or control of exist flame by using ionization probe provide only partial information about performance of combustion process. For that reason, new diagnostic methods should be developed. Many and interesting attempts have been proposed but one of interesting solution will be development of combustion process diagnostic methods by means of the Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT). Obtained results show that it will be a very good tool for research proposes, especially in development of a new combustion chamber operated at very high pressure, where installation of optical windows is very difficult and many time not possible

    Experimental research on influence of geometrical configuration on high pressure hydrogen outflow ignition process

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    Hydrogen is regarded as a potential future fuel for various kinds of vehicles: fuel cell cars, trucks, buses etc. Storing and transportation issues are the crucial safety problems concerned with utilization ofhydrogen. Because of its very łów density hydrogen needs to be stored under very high pressure, in range of 35 division sign 70 MPa, and this create hazard of sudden discharge of hydrogen leading to ignition and severe accident. The aim of the presented research is an experimental investigation of hydrogen ignition as a result of a compression and heating of air by shock wave generated by the discharge of the hydrogen. Mixing of the air heated up by the shock wave and expanding hydrogen can produce combustible mixture of sufficiently high temperature and can lead to ignition. The critical conditions for ignition depend mainly on hydrogen discharge pressure, geometrical configuration, parameters of the ambient air, obstacles, etc. Experimental research -was conducted on a facility specially constructed in Combustion Laboratory, the Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. The facility consists from the pressure tank and high pressure hydrogen installation. To allow visualization the observation section is equipped with high quality optical windows. Schlieren visualization system and high speed digital camera was used to register high pressure hydrogen outflow and potential ignition. The high speed digital camera was used to take Schlieren or direct pictures of the process. Additionally, the experiment is registered with use of conventional digital camera. Experiments were conducted for different discharge pressure of hydrogen and outflow to "open space " as well to specially prepared obstacles. Critical condition for which ignition occurs were evaluated for both cases. The high speed Schlieren and direct pictures taken during the experiments are presented in the paper. The influence of presence of obstacles on the feasibility of hydrogen ignition during outflow from high pressure installation is discussed and analyzed

    Ocena przebiegu spalania mieszanin oleju rzepakowego z benzyną w komorze badawczej

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    The European Union directive obliges to the usage of 6% bio-fuels approx in the year of 2010. Diesel fuel can be superseded by rapeseed oil esters with the properties similar to mineral fuel. However, the production of aliphatic oils esters is expensive and requires large expenditure of capital. Considering the costs of the rapeseed oil esters production, the tests were undertaken in many countries for the application as fuel to the non-stressed diesel engines, a raw rapeseed oil with the omission of esterification process. The application of the rapeseed oil as fuel has also this advantage, that it can be produced on the own needs in property farms and processing plants. Moreover remainder on the expression of oil in the shape of oilcakes, can be utilized as the animal feed or as energy source. The tests of the rapeseed oil application to the tractors engines of the agricultural and structural machines, were already performed in the 30's in Germany, Italy and Belgium. Also in United States, research was performed for utilization of palm oil and fish fat to fuel application. The rapeseed oil properties differ from the diesel fuel. The possibility exists of certain improvement of vegetable fuel attributes through the oil additives. The one of the possibilities for the improvement of the rapeseed oil properties as fuel are the gasoline admixtures. Such additions influence on the fuel - air mixture creation process course and combustion. The vaporize temperature of the rapeseed fuels is much higher then the diesel fuel vaporize temperature, that has essential influence on the creation of fuel-air mixture process and combustion. For the purpose of lowering of these temperatures to the rapeseed oil the U95 gasoline was added. The research of the combustion process for the mixtures of rapeseed oil with gasoline and rate of heat release during the combustion analysis was performed.Dyrektywa Unii Europejskiej zobowiązuje do stosowania w roku 2010 ok. 6% biopaliw. Olej napędowy może być zastąpiony estrami oleju rzepakowego o zbliżonych właściwościach do paliwa mineralnego. Produkcja estrów olejów tłuszczowych jest jednak kosztowna i wymaga dużych nakładów inwestycyjnych. Ze względu na koszty produkcji estrów oleju rzepakowego, w wielu krajach podjęto próby stosowania jako paliwa do niewysilonych silników Diesla, surowego oleju rzepakowego z pominięciem estryfikacji. Zastosowanie oleju rzepakowego jako paliwa ma również tę zaletę, że może być produkowane na potrzeby własne w gospodarstwach rolnych i zakładach przetwórczych. Ponadto pozostałości po tłoczeniu oleju w postaci makuchów, mogą być wykorzystywane do celów hodowlanych bądź energetycznych. Próby stosowania oleju rzepakowego do silników ciągników maszyn rolniczych i budowlanych, prowadzono już w latach trzydziestych w Niemczech, Włoszech i Belgii. Również w Stanach Zjednoczonych, prowadzono badania wykorzystania do celów paliwowych oleju palmowego i tłuszczów rybnych. Olej rzepakowy różni się swoimi właściwościami od oleju napędowego. Istnieją możliwości poprawy pewnych cech paliwa roślinnego przez dodatki. Jedną z możliwości poprawy właściwości oleju rzepakowego jako paliwa są domieszki benzyny. Dodatki takie wpływają na przebieg procesu tworzenia mieszaniny paliwowo-powietrznej oraz spalanie. Temperatura odparowania paliw rzepakowych jest znacznie wyższa od temperatur oleju napędowego, co ma istotny wpływ na proces tworzenia mieszaniny paliwowo-powietrznej i spalanie. W celu obniżenia tych temperatur do oleju rzepakowego dodano benzyny U95. Przeprowadzono badania procesu spalania mieszanin oleju rzepakowego z benzyną i dokonano analizy wywiązywania ciepła w czasie spalania