128 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Internal Markers for Estimating Duodenal Digesta Flow in Ruminants: Acid Detergent Fibre and Lignin Disappearance at the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract

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    Most of published studies carried out for estimating organic matter (OM) rumen digestibility (OMRD) use research an-imals fitted with simple t-type cannulas and an external or internal marker for estimating the duodenal digesta flow. Compared to external, the internal markers have the advan-tage of occurring naturally in diet and, consequently, they flow intimately associated with digesta (Titgemeyer 1997). Porter and Singleton (1971a) reported from a study with sheep fitted with re-entrant duodenal cannula that lignin degradation takes place entirely in the stomach. Thus, in digestibility studies where total faeces output is measured, duodenal digesta flow may be estimated based on both faeces output and the ratio of lignin concentration in faeces and in duodenal digesta. However, sulphuric acid lignin (ADL) is present in low concentrations in duodenal digesta and the precision of duodenal flow estimates is usually compromised. This study evaluated the disappearance at the lower gastrointestinal tract and, consequently, the po-tential use of acid detergent fibre (ADF), in comparison with ADL, as an internal marker for estimating duodenal digesta flow in cattle

    The Role of Bacteria and Fungi on Forage Degradation \u3ci\u3ein Vitro\u3c/i\u3e

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the interactive role of bacteria and fungi on forage degradation in vitro. Samples of Cynodon spp. were incubated in a 48-h in vitro gas assay with incubation medium containing or not antimicrobial substances. Treatments were: antibiotic (Ab), antifungal (Af), negative control (i.e. without antimicrobials) or positive control (i.e. with both Ab and Af). Three replicate assays were conducted and, in each assay the gas volume was measured at 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h of incubation. Data of cumulative gas production in each flask in each assay was fitted to a one-pool logistic model which generated three kinetic parameters: total gas production, rate of gas production and lag time. For statistical analysis, data of triplicates in each run were averaged and each run was considered a replicate. All variables were significantly affected by treatments (P \u3c 0.05). Compared to negative control treatment, Ab decreased total gas production and the rate of gas production by 26 and 13 %, respectively, and increased the lag time by 5.5 hours. The inclusion of Af also decreased total gas production and the rate of gas production by 5 and 29%, respectively, whereas decreased the lag time by 1 hour. When both Ab and Af were included in the incubation medium, gas production was almost completely inhibited and no convergent data of fermentation parameters was generated. In conclusion, bacteria had a major role on forage degradation what, however, was increased by fungi activity. The mechanisms by which fungi interact with bacteria for degrading forage into the rumen needs to be elucidated


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to characterise the resveratrol inclusion complex with β-cyclodextrin (RCD) and evaluate their toxicity in wistar rats.Methods: The RCD were prepared in ultra-turrax. For characterization of the RCD were used: Fourier transform infra-red Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray powder diffraction. The RCD and others 4 treatments were performed by the chronic oral administration in 35 rats during 60 ds. After the treatments they were euthanized and the serum blood were collected to analyzed some hemogram and biochemical parameters including aspartyl aminotransferase (AST); alanine aminotransferase (AST); phosphatase alkaline (ALP); total bilirubin (TB); direct bilirubin (DB); total protein (TP); total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerol (TAG), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), calcium, iron and phosphate using fully automated biochemistry analyzer.Results: The characterization results indicated a successful formation of the RCD. All hematological parameters analysed were within the normal values in all the groups. Furthermore, the hemogram and biochemical parameters were significantly (P>0.05) similar to the control group.Conclusion: The daily oral administration during 60 d of RCD are not harmful on blood parameters of Wistar rats. Thus, RCD can be used safely for treatment of some metabolic diseases

    Phytochemicals as antibiotic alternatives to promote growth and enhance host health

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    There are heightened concerns globally on emerging drug-resistant superbugs and the lack of new antibiotics for treating human and animal diseases. For the agricultural industry, there is an urgent need to develop strategies to replace antibiotics for food-producing animals, especially poultry and livestock. The 2nd International Symposium on Alternatives to Antibiotics was held at the World Organization for Animal Health in Paris, France, December 12-15, 2016 to discuss recent scientific developments on strategic antibiotic-free management plans, to evaluate regional differences in policies regarding the reduction of antibiotics in animal agriculture and to develop antibiotic alternatives to combat the global increase in antibiotic resistance. More than 270 participants from academia, government research institutions, regulatory agencies, and private animal industries from >25 different countries came together to discuss recent research and promising novel technologies that could provide alternatives to antibiotics for use in animal health and production; assess challenges associated with their commercialization; and devise actionable strategies to facilitate the development of alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) without hampering animal production. The 3-day meeting consisted of four scientific sessions including vaccines, microbial products, phytochemicals, immune-related products, and innovative drugs, chemicals and enzymes, followed by the last session on regulation and funding. Each session was followed by an expert panel discussion that included industry representatives and session speakers. The session on phytochemicals included talks describing recent research achievements, with examples of successful agricultural use of various phytochemicals as antibiotic alternatives and their mode of action in major agricultural animals (poultry, swine and ruminants). Scientists from industry and academia and government research institutes shared their experience in developing and applying potential antibiotic-alternative phytochemicals commercially to reduce AGPs and to develop a sustainable animal production system in the absence of antibiotics.Fil: Lillehoj, Hyun. United States Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service; ArgentinaFil: Liu, Yanhong. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Calsamiglia, Sergio. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Fernandez Miyakawa, Mariano Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Patobiología; ArgentinaFil: Chi, Fang. Amlan International; Estados UnidosFil: Cravens, Ron L.. Amlan International; Estados UnidosFil: Oh, Sungtaek. United States Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service; ArgentinaFil: Gay, Cyril G.. United States Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service; Argentin


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    Este artículo presenta resultados de dos proyectos de extensión desarrollados de manera integrada por profesores y alumnos del curso de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad Tecnológica Federal de Paraná, campus Campo Mourão-PR. Los objetivos de los proyectos fueron diagnosticar problemas en relación relacionados al suelo y el agua de tres fluentes del Río del Campo, ubicados en el distrito de Piquirivaí, municipio de Campo Mourão-PR. Una de estas fuentes es la responsable por el suministro de la zona urbana del distrito, mientras que el río es la principal fuente de abastecimiento de agua en la zona urbana del municipio. Las actividades de los proyectos involucraran la caracterización del medio físico y antrópico, trabajos de campo para realización de entrevistas, inventario de los problemas ambientales y registro fotográfico, muestro y análisis de agua, producción de material cartográfico y folleto educativo y conferencias. Los resultados obtenidos con el desarrollo de los proyectos fueran presentados en tres partes: situación geoambiental, perfil socioeconómico y ambiental y socialización del conocimiento. Es de señalar que el distrito tiene problemas significativos de erosión lineal, que han promovido problemas en la fuente que suministra la misma, demandando obras de infraestructura para captación el agua de lluvia, así como acciones de manejo que consideran el uso conservacionista del suelo. Palabras-clave: Extensión; Planificación; Uso y Conservación.Este artigo apresenta os resultados de dois projetos de extensão desenvolvidos de forma integrada por professores e alunos do curso de Engenharia Ambiental da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), câmpus Campo Mourão-PR. Os objetivos dos projetos foram diagnosticar problemas em relação ao solo e a água de três nascentes do rio do Campo localizadas no distrito de Piquirivaí, pertencente ao município de Campo Mourão-PR. Uma destas nascentes é responsável por abastecer a área urbana do distrito, enquanto que o rio é a principal fonte de abastecimento de água da área urbana do município. As atividades dos projetos envolveram caracterização do meio físico e antrópico, trabalhos de campo para realização de entrevistas, levantamento de problemas ambientais e registro fotográfico, coleta e análise de água, confecção de materiais cartográficos e de folder educativo e palestras. Os resultados obtidos com o desenvolvimento dos dois projetos são apresentados em três partes: situação geoambiental, perfil socioeconômico e ambiental e socialização do conhecimento. Destaca-seque o distrito apresenta significativos problemas de erosão linear, os quais têm promovido problemas na nascente que abastece o mesmo, carecendo de obras de infraestrutura para captação das águas pluviais, bem como de ações de manejo que contemplem o uso conservacionista do solo

    Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy in Brazilian Portuguese

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    Background: Estimates of unplanned pregnancy worldwide are of concern, especially in low and middle-income countries, including Brazil. Although the contraceptive prevalence rate is high in Brazil, almost half of all pregnancies are reported as unintended. The only source of nationally representative data about pregnancy intention is the Demographic and Health Survey, as with many other countries. In more recent years, however, it has been realized that concept of unintended pregnancy is potentially more complex and requires more sophisticated measurement strategies, such as the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy (LMUP). The LMUP has been translated and validated in other languages, but not Portuguese yet. In this study, we evaluate the psychometric properties of the LMUP in the Portuguese language, Brazilian version. Methods: A Brazilian Portuguese version of the LMUP was produced via translation and back-translation. After piloting, the mode of administration was changed from self-completion to interviewer-administration. The measure was field tested with pregnant, postpartum, and postabortion women recruited at maternity and primary health care services in Sao Paulo city. Reliability (internal consistency) was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and item-total correlations. Construct validity was assessed using principal components analysis and hypothesis testing. Scaling was assessed with Mokken analysis. Results: 759 women aged 15–44 completed the Brazilian Portuguese LMUP. There were no missing data. The measure was acceptable and well targeted. Reliability testing demonstrated good internal consistency (alpha = 0.81, all item-rest correlations >0.2). Validity testing confirmed that the measure was unidimensional and that all hypotheses were met: there were lower LMUP median scores among women in the extreme age groups (p<0.001), among non-married women (p<0.001) and those with lower educational attainment (p<0.001). The Loevinger H coefficient was 0.60, indicating a strong scale. Conclusion: The Brazilian Portuguese LMUP is a valid and reliable measure of pregnancy planning/intention that is now available for use in Brazil. It represents a useful addition to the public health research and surveillance toolkit in Brazil