1,090 research outputs found

    Identifying the ejected population from disintegrating multiple systems

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    Kinematic studies of the Hipparcos catalogue have revealed associations that are best explained as disintegrating multiple systems, presumably resulting from a dynamical encounter between single/multiple systems in the field (Li et al. 2009). In this work we explore the possibility that known ultra-cool dwarfs may be components of disintegrating multiple systems, and consider the implications for the properties of these objects. We will present here the methods/techniques that can be used to search for and identify disintegrating benchmark systems in three database/catalogues: Dwarf Archive, the Hipparcos Main Catalogue, and the Gliese-Jahrei{\ss} Catalogue. Placing distance constraints on objects with parallax or colour-magnitude information from spectrophotometry allowed us to identify common distance associations. Proper motion measurements allowed us to separate common proper motion multiples from our sample of disintegrating candidates. Moreover, proper motion and positional information allowed us to select candidate systems based on relative component positions that were tracked back and projected forward through time. Using this method we identified one candidate disintegrating quadruple association, and two candidate disintegrating binaries, all of them containing one ultra-cool dwarf.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, proceeding of The 19th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Su

    Nouvelle découverte d'empreintes laissées par des dinosaures dans la formation des couches rouges (bassin de Cuzco-Sicuani, Sud du Pérou) : conséquences stratigraphiques et tectoniques

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    La dĂ©couverte d'empreintes laissĂ©es par le dinosaures vers le sommet de la formation des Couches Rouges permet de prĂ©ciser la stratigraphie du Sud du PĂ©rou. La durĂ©e de la sĂ©dimentation continentale du bassin de Cuzco-Sicuani n'excĂ©derait pas 20 Ma (santonien - palĂ©ocĂšne) et non plus 45 Ma, comme cela Ă©tait jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent admis. Le bassin d'avant-pays de Cuzco-Sicuani est caractĂ©risĂ© par une dĂ©formation synsĂ©dimentaire essentiellement compressive pendant toute la durĂ©e de la sĂ©dimentation des "Couches Rouges". En consĂ©quence, une durĂ©e Ă©quivalente Ă  celle de cette sĂ©dimentation peut ĂȘtre retenue pour ces Ă©vĂ©nements tectoniques qui marquent ici le dĂ©but de la surrection de la chaĂźne andine. La phase pĂ©ruvienne, traditionnellement placĂ©e vers 85 Ma, reprĂ©senterait ainsi le dĂ©but de ces Ă©vĂ©nements tectoniques. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Life cycle environmental analysis of a hydrogen-based energy storage system for remote applications

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    Energy storage systems are required to address the fluctuating behaviour of variable renewable energy sources. The environmental sustainability of energy storage technologies should be carefully assessed, together with their techno-economic feasibility. In this work, an environmental analysis of a renewable hydrogen-based energy storage system has been performed, making use of input parameters made available in the framework of the European REMOTE project. The analysis is applied to the case study of the Froan islands (Norway), which are representative of many other insular microgrid sites in northern Europe. The REMOTE solution is compared with other scenarios based on fossil fuels and submarine connections to the mainland grid. The highest climate impacts are found in the diesel-based configuration (1,090.9 kgCO2eq/MWh), followed by the REMOTE system (148.2 kgCO2eq/MWh) and by the sea cable scenario (113.7 kgCO2eq/MWh). However, the latter is biased by the very low carbon intensity of the Norwegian electricity. A sensitivity analysis is then performed on the length of the sea cable and on the CO2 emission intensity of electricity, showing that local conditions have a strong impact on the results. The REMOTE system is also found to be the most cost-effective solution to provide electricity to the insular community. The in-depth and comparative (with reference to possible alternatives) assessment of the renewable hydrogen-based system aims to provide a comprehensive overview about the effectiveness and sustainability of these innovative solutions as a support for off-grid remote areas

    Experimental Characterization of the Wettability of Coated and Uncoated Plates for Indirect Evaporative Cooling Systems

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    Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) is a very promising technology to substitute and/or integrate traditional air conditioning systems, due to its ability to provide cooling capacity with limited power consumption. Literature studies proved that a higher wettability of the IEC plates corresponds to better performance of the system. In this work, wettability of three different surfaces used for IEC systems plates—uncoated aluminum alloy (AL), standard epoxy coating (STD), and a hydrophilic lacquer (HPHI)—is studied and characterized in terms of static and dynamic contact angles. The static contact angle resulted to be the lowest for the HPHI surface (average 69°), intermediate for the STD surface (average 75°), and the highest for the AL surface (average 89°). The analysis of the dynamic contact angles showed that their transient behavior is similar for all the surfaces, and the advancing and receding contact angles obtained are consistent with the results of the static analysis. These results will be useful as input parameters in models aimed at predicting the IEC system performance, also using computational fluid dynamics

    The brightest pure-H ultracool white dwarf

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    We report the identification of LSR J0745+2627 in the United Kingdom InfraRed Telescope Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Large Area Survey (LAS) as a cool white dwarf with kinematics and age compatible with the thick-disk/halo population. LSR J0745+2627 has a high proper motion (890 mas/yr) and a high reduced proper motion value in the J band (H_J=21.87). We show how the infrared-reduced proper motion diagram is useful for selecting a sample of cool white dwarfs with low contamination. LSR J0745+2627 is also detected in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). We have spectroscopically confirmed this object as a cool white dwarf using X-Shooter on the Very Large Telescope. A detailed analysis of its spectral energy distribution reveals that its atmosphere is compatible with a pure-H composition model with an effective temperature of 3880+-90 K. This object is the brightest pure-H ultracool white dwarf (Teff<4000 K) ever identified. We have constrained the distance (24-45 pc), space velocities and age considering different surface gravities. The results obtained suggest that LSR J0745+2627 belongs to the thick-disk/halo population and is also one of the closest ultracool white dwarfs.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter


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    Parallaxes and Infrared Photometry of three Y0 dwarfs

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We have followed up the three Y0 dwarfs WISEPA J041022.71+150248.5, WISEPA J173835.53+273258.9 and WISEPC J205628.90+145953.3 using the UKIRT/WFCAM telescope/instruments. We find parallaxes that are more consistent and accurate than previously published values. We estimate absolute magnitudes in photometric pass-bands from YY to W3W3 and find them to be consistent between the three Y0 dwarfs indicating the inherent cosmic absolute magnitude spread of these objects is small. We examine the MKO JJ magnitudes over the four year time line and find small but significant monotonic variations. Finally we estimate physical parameters from a comparison of spectra and parallax to equilibrium and non-equilibrium models finding values consistent with solar metallicity, an effective temperature of 450-475\,K and log~g of 4.0-4.5.Peer reviewe

    Life cycle assessment of a renewable energy system with hydrogen-battery storage for a remote off-grid community

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    Remote areas usually do not have access to electricity from the national grid. The energy demand is often covered by diesel generators, resulting in high operating costs and significant environmental impacts. With reference to the case study of Ginostra (a village on a small island in the south of Italy), this paper analyses the environmental sustainability of an innovative solution based on Renewable Energy Sources (RES) integrated with a hybrid hydrogen-battery energy storage system. A comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been carried out to evaluate if and to what extent the RES-based system could bring environmental improvements compared to the current diesel-based configuration. The results show that the impact of the RES-based system is less than 10% of that of the current diesel-based solution for almost all impact categories (climate change, ozone depletion, photochemical ozone formation, acidification, marine and terrestrial eutrophication and fossil resource use). The renewable solution has slightly higher values only for the following indicators: use of mineral and metal resources, water use and freshwater eutrophication. The climate change category accounts for 0.197 kg CO2 eq./kWh in the renewable scenario and 1.73 kg CO2 eq./kWh in the diesel-based scenario, which corresponds to a reduction in GHG emissions of 89%. By shifting to the RES-based solution, about 6570 t of CO2 equivalent can be saved in 25 years (lifetime of the plant). In conclusion, the hydrogen-battery system could provide a sustainable and reliable alternative for power supply in remote areas

    The beginning of senior career in team sport is affected by relative age effect

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    Many previous studies in national team sports did not report evidence about relative age effect (RAE) in senior categories. This study aimed for the ïŹrst time to determine if the RAE may speciïŹcally affect the early, but not the late, phase of senior career in elite team sports. A total of 3,319 birthdates (basketball: n = 642; rugby: n = 572; soccer: n = 1318; volleyball: n = 337; water polo: n = 450) of elite senior players were analyzed. Senior players with an age lower or equal to the 25 percentile of age were considered as early phase players while the others as late phase players. Separate Poisson regression models were applied to investigate the RAE in each sport (overall, and for early phase and late phase subgroups). Considering the overall sample, players born close to the beginning of the year were 1.57, 1.34, 2.69, 1.48, and 1.45 times more likely to reach ïŹrst and second Italian division of basketball, rugby, soccer, volleyball, and water polo respectively, than those born in the last part of the year. RAE was present in all early phase subgroups. Differently, in the late phase subgroups the RAE was present only in soccer. Data highlighted a bias in the selection of senior teams, which may limit the chance to identify talented players born late in the second part of the year. Italian sport federations should promote the talent development of relatively younger players by equally promoting the joining of young players to senior teams
