1,138 research outputs found

    ALMA imaging of SDP.81 - I. A pixelated reconstruction of the far-infrared continuum emission

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    We present a sub-50 pc-scale analysis of the gravitational lens system SDP.81 at redshift 3.042 using Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) science verification data. We model both the mass distribution of the gravitational lensing galaxy and the pixelated surface brightness distribution of the background source using a novel Bayesian technique that fits the data directly in visibility space. We find the 1 and 1.3 mm dust emission to be magnified by a factor of u_tot = 17.6+/-0.4, giving an intrinsic total star-formation rate of 315+/-60 M_sol/yr and a dust mass of 6.4+/-1.5*10^8 M_sol. The reconstructed dust emission is found to be non-uniform, but composed of multiple regions that are heated by both diffuse and strongly clumped star-formation. The highest surface brightness region is a ~1.9*0.7 kpc disk-like structure, whose small extent is consistent with a potential size-bias in gravitationally lensed starbursts. Although surrounded by extended star formation, with a density of 20-30+/-10 M_sol/yr/kpc^2, the disk contains three compact regions with densities that peak between 120-190+/-20 M_sol/yr/kpc^2. Such star-formation rate densities are below what is expected for Eddington-limited star-formation by a radiation pressure supported starburst. There is also a tentative variation in the spectral slope of the different star-forming regions, which is likely due to a change in the dust temperature and/or opacity across the source.Comment: MNRAS accepted 2015 April 1

    ALMA imaging of SDP.81 - II. A pixelated reconstruction of the CO emission lines

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    We present a sub-100 pc-scale analysis of the CO molecular gas emission and kinematics of the gravitational lens system SDP.81 at redshift 3.042 using Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) science verification data and a visibility-plane lens reconstruction technique. We find clear evidence for an excitation dependent structure in the unlensed molecular gas distribution, with emission in CO (5-4) being significantly more diffuse and structured than in CO (8-7). The intrinsic line luminosity ratio is r_8-7/5-4 = 0.30 +/- 0.04, which is consistent with other low-excitation starbursts at z ~ 3. An analysis of the velocity fields shows evidence for a star-forming disk with multiple velocity components that is consistent with a merger/post-coalescence merger scenario, and a dynamical mass of M(< 1.56 kpc) = 1.6 +/- 0.6 x 10^10 M_sol . Source reconstructions from ALMA and the Hubble Space Telescope show that the stellar component is offset from the molecular gas and dust components. Together with Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array CO (1-0) data, they provide corroborative evidence for a complex ~2 kpc-scale starburst that is embedded within a larger ~15 kpc structure.Comment: MNRAS accepted, 6th July 201

    Probing Cool and Warm Infrared Galaxies using Photometric and Structural Measures

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    We have analyzed a sample of nearby cool and warm infrared (IR) galaxies using photometric and structural parameters. The set of measures include far-infrared color (C=log10[S60μm/S100μm]C = \log_{10}[S_{60\mu m}/S_{100\mu m}]), total IR luminosity (LTIRL_{TIR}), radio surface brightness as well as radio, near-infrared, and optical sizes. In a given luminosity range cool and warm galaxies are considered as those sources that are found approximately 1σ1 \sigma below and above the mean color in the far-infrared CLTIRC - L_{TIR} diagram. We find that galaxy radio surface brightness is well correlated with color whereas size is less well correlated with color. Our analysis indicates that IR galaxies that are dominated by cool dust are large, massive spirals that are not strongly interacting or merging and presumably the ones with the least active star formation. Dust in these cool objects is less centrally concentrated than in the more typical luminous and ultra-luminous IR galaxies that are dominated by warm dust. Our study also shows that low luminosity early type unbarred and transitional spirals are responsible for the large scatter in the CLTIRC - L_{TIR} diagram. Among highly luminous galaxies, late type unbarred spirals are predominately warm, and early type unbarred and barred are systematically cooler. We highlight the significance of CLTIRC - L_{TIR} diagram in terms of local and high redshifts sub-millimeter galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 2006, 23 pages, 3 postscript figures, 1 table. The table can be obtained on request from the author

    CO excitation in the Seyfert galaxy NGC7130

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    We present a coherent multi-band modelling of the CO Spectral Energy Distribution of the local Seyfert Galaxy NGC7130 to assess the impact of the AGN activity on the molecular gas. We take advantage of all the available data from X-ray to the sub-mm, including ALMA data. The high-resolution (~0.2") ALMA CO(6-5) data constrain the spatial extension of the CO emission down to ~70 pc scale. From the analysis of the archival CHANDRA and NuSTAR data, we infer the presence of a buried, Compton-thick AGN of moderate luminosity, L_2-10keV ~ 1.6x10^{43} ergs-1. We explore photodissociation and X-ray-dominated regions (PDRs and XDRs) models to reproduce the CO emission. We find that PDRs can reproduce the CO lines up to J~6, however, the higher rotational ladder requires the presence of a separate source of excitation. We consider X-ray heating by the AGN as a source of excitation, and find that it can reproduce the observed CO Spectral Energy Distribution. By adopting a composite PDR+XDR model, we derive molecular cloud properties. Our study clearly indicates the capabilities offered by current-generation of instruments to shed light on the properties of nearby galaxies adopting state-of-the art physical modelling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Far-infrared line spectra of active galaxies from the Herschel/PACS Spectrometer: the complete database

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    We present a coherent database of spectroscopic observations of far-IR fine-structure lines from the Herschel/PACS archive for a sample of 170 local AGN, plus a comparison sample of 20 starburst galaxies and 43 dwarf galaxies. Published Spitzer/IRS and Herschel/SPIRE line fluxes are included to extend our database to the full 10-600 μm\mu m spectral range. The observations are compared to a set of CLOUDY photoionisation models to estimate the above physical quantities through different diagnostic diagrams. We confirm the presence of a stratification of gas density in the emission regions of the galaxies, which increases with the ionisation potential of the emission lines. The new [OIV]25.9μm\mu m/[OIII]88μm\mu m vs [NeIII]15.6μm\mu m/[NeII]12.8μm\mu m diagram is proposed as the best diagnostic to separate: i)i) AGN activity from any kind of star formation; and ii)ii) low-metallicity dwarf galaxies from starburst galaxies. Current stellar atmosphere models fail to reproduce the observed [OIV]25.9μm\mu m/[OIII]88μm\mu m ratios, which are much higher when compared to the predicted values. Finally, the ([NeIII]15.6μm\mu m + [NeII]12.8μm\mu m)/([SIV]10.5μm\mu m + [SIII]18.7μm\mu m) ratio is proposed as a promising metallicity tracer to be used in obscured objects, where optical lines fail to accurately measure the metallicity. The diagnostic power of mid- to far-infrared spectroscopy shown here for local galaxies will be of crucial importance to study galaxy evolution during the dust-obscured phase at the peak of the star formation and black-hole accretion activity (1<z<41 < z < 4). This study will be addressed by future deep spectroscopic surveys with present and forthcoming facilities such as JWST, ALMA, and SPICA.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ

    Self-tuned quantum dot gain in photonic crystal lasers

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    We demonstrate that very few (1 to 3) quantum dots as a gain medium are sufficient to realize a photonic crystal laser based on a high-quality nanocavity. Photon correlation measurements show a transition from a thermal to a coherent light state proving that lasing action occurs at ultra-low thresholds. Observation of lasing is unexpected since the cavity mode is in general not resonant with the discrete quantum dot states and emission at those frequencies is suppressed. In this situation, the quasi-continuous quantum dot states become crucial since they provide an energy-transfer channel into the lasing mode, effectively leading to a self-tuned resonance for the gain medium.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Re

    Star formation properties of sub-mJy radio sources

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    We investigate the star formation properties of ~800 sources detected in one of the deepest radio surveys at 1.4 GHz. Our sample spans a wide redshift range (~0.1 - 4) and about four orders of magnitude in star formation rate (SFR). It includes both star forming galaxies (SFGs) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs), further divided into radio-quiet and radio-loud objects. We compare the SFR derived from the far infrared luminosity, as traced by Herschel, with the SFR computed from their radio emission. We find that the radio power is a good SFR tracer not only for pure SFGs but also in the host galaxies of RQ AGNs, with no significant deviation with redshift or specific SFR. Moreover, we quantify the contribution of the starburst activity in the SFGs population and the occurrence of AGNs in sources with different level of star formation. Finally we discuss the possibility of using deep radio survey as a tool to study the cosmic star formation history.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 1 table (available in its entirety as ancillary data

    Controlling the dynamics of a coupled atom-cavity system by pure dephasing : basics and potential applications in nanophotonics

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    The influence of pure dephasing on the dynamics of the coupling between a two-level atom and a cavity mode is systematically addressed. We have derived an effective atom-cavity coupling rate that is shown to be a key parameter in the physics of the problem, allowing to generalize the known expression for the Purcell factor to the case of broad emitters, and to define strategies to optimize the performances of broad emitters-based single photon sources. Moreover, pure dephasing is shown to be able to restore lasing in presence of detuning, a further demonstration that decoherence can be seen as a fundamental resource in solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics, offering appealing perspectives in the context of advanced nano-photonic devices.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure