331 research outputs found

    A relativistic Glauber approach to polarization transfer in 4He(\vec{e},e'\vec{p})

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    Polarization-transfer components for 4He(\vec{e},e'\vec{p})3H are computed within the relativistic multiple-scattering Glauber approximation (RMSGA). The RMSGA framework adopts relativistic single-particle wave functions and electron-nucleon couplings. The predictions with free and various parametrizations for the medium-modified electromagnetic form factors are compared to the world data.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure Proceedings of the Int. School on Nuclear Physics, 26th Course, Erice (Sicily), September 16th- 24th, 2004; To appear in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physic

    Extracting the Weinberg angle at intermediate energies

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    A recent experiment by the NuTeV collaboration resulted in a surprisingly high value for the weak mixing angle sin2θW\sin^2 \theta_W. The Paschos-Wolfenstein relation, relating neutrino cross sections to the Weinberg angle, is of pivotal importance in the NuTeV analysis. In this work, we investigate the sensitivity of the Paschos-Wolfenstein relation to nuclear structure aspects at neutrino energies in the few GeV range. Neutrino-nucleus cross sections are calculated for 16^{16}O and 56^{56}Fe target nuclei within a relativistic quasi-elastic nucleon-knockout model.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of International School of Nuclear Physics: 27th Course: "Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, Sicily, Italy, 16-24 Sep 200

    Strangeness content of the nucleon in quasielastic neutrino-nucleus reactions

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    We present a systematic study of the sensitivity of quasielastic neutrino-nucleus cross sections at intermediate energies to the strange quark sea of the nucleon. To this end, we investigate the impact of the weak strangeness form factors on the ratio of proton-to-neutron knockout, the ratio of neutral-to-charged current cross sections, on the Paschos-Wolfenstein relation, and on the longitudinal helicity asymmetry. The influence of axial as well as vector strangeness effects is discussed. For the latter, we introduce strangeness parameters from various hadron models and from a recent fit to data from parity violating electron scattering. In our model, the nuclear target is described in terms of a relativistic mean-field approach. The effects of final-state interactions on the outgoing nucleon are quantified within a relativistic multiple-scattering Glauber approach. Our results are illustrated with cross sections for the scattering of 1 GeV neutrinos and antineutrinos off a 12^{12}C target. Folding with a proposed FINeSSE (anti)neutrino energy-distribution has no qualitative influence on the overall sensitivity of the cross-section ratios to strangeness mechanisms. We show that vector strangeness effects are large and strongly Q2Q^2 dependent.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Impact of lens distrortions on strain measurements obtained with digital image correlation

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    The determination of strain fields based on displacements obtained via DIC at the micro-strain level is still a cumbersome task. In particular when high-strain gradients are involved, e.g. in composite materials with multidirectional fibre reinforcement, uncertainties in the experimental setup and errors in the derivation of the displacement fields can substantially hamper the strain identification process. In this contribution, the aim is to investigate the impact of lens distortions on strain measurements. To this purpose, we first perform pure rigid body motion experiments, revealing the importance of precise correction of lens distortions. Next, a uni-axial tensile test on a textile composite with spatially varying high strain gradients is performed, resulting in very accurate determined strains along the fibers of the materia

    Helicity asymmetries in neutrino-nucleus interactions

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    We investigate the helicity properties of the ejectile in quasi-elastic neutrino-induced nucleon-knockout reactions and consider the 12C target as a test case. A formalism based on a relativistic mean-field model is adopted. The influence of final-state interactions is evaluated within a relativistic multiple-scattering Glauber approximation (RMSGA) model. Our calculations reveal that the helicity asymmetries A_l in A(\overline{\nu},\overline{\nu}'N) processes are extremely sensitive to strange-quark contributions to the weak vector form-factors. Thereby, nuclear corrections, such as final-state interactions and off-shell ambiguities in the electroweak current operators, are observed to be of marginal importance. This facilitates extracting strange-quark information from the helicity asymmetry A_l.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 1 table submitted to PL

    Morphological and molecular characterisation of Scutellonema species from yam (Dioscorea spp.) and a key to the species of the genus

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    The yam nematode, Scutellonema bradys, is a major threat to yam (Dioscorea spp.) production across yam-growing regions. In West Africa, this species cohabits with many morphologically similar congeners and, consequently, its accurate diagnosis is essential for control and for monitoring its movement. In the present study, 46 Scutellonema populations collected from yam rhizosphere and yam tubers in different agro-ecological zones in Ghana and Nigeria were characterised by their morphological features and by sequencing of the D2-D3 region of the 28S rDNA gene and the mitochondrial COI genes. Molecular phylogeny, molecular species delimitation and morphology revealed S. bradys, S. cavenessi, S. clathricaudatum and three undescribed species from yam rhizosphere. Only S. bradys was identified from yam tuber tissue, however. For barcoding and identifying Scutellonema spp., the most suitable marker used was the COI gene. Additionally, 99 new Scutellonema sequences were generated using populations obtained also from banana, carrot, maize and tomato, including the first for S. paralabiatum and S. clathricaudatum, enabling the development of a dichotomous key for identification of Scutellonema spp. The implications of these results are discussed

    Relativistic models for quasi-elastic neutrino scattering

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    We present quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus cross sections in the energy range from 150 MeV up to 5 GeV for the target nuclei 12C and 56Fe. A relativistic description of the nuclear dynamics and the neutrino-nucleus coupling is adopted. For the treatment of final-state interactions (FSI) we rely on two frameworks succesfully applied to exclusive electron-nucleus scattering: a relativistic optical potential and a relativistic multiple-scattering Glauber approximation. At lower energies, the optical-potential approach is considered to be the optimum choice, whereas at high energies a Glauber approach is more natural. Comparing the results of both calculations, it is found that the Glauber approach yields valid results down to the remarkably small nucleon kinetic energies of 200 MeV. We argue that the nuclear transparencies extracted from A(e,e'p) measurements can be used to obtain realistic estimates of the effect of FSI mechanisms on quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus cross sections. We present two independent relativistic plane-wave impulse approximation (RPWIA) calculations of quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus cross sections. They agree at the percent level, showing the reliability of the numerical techniques adopted and providing benchmark RPWIA results.Comment: revised version,28 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Phys.Rev.

    Relativistic eikonal description of A(p,pN) reactions

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    The authors present a relativistic and cross-section factorized framework for computing quasielastic A(p,pN) observables at intermediate and high energies. The model is based on the eikonal approximation and can accomodate both optical potentials and the Glauber method for dealing with the initial- and final-state interactions (IFSI). At lower nucleon energies, the optical-potential philosophy is preferred, whereas at higher energies the Glauber method is more natural. This versatility in dealing with the IFSI allows one to describe A(p,pN) reactions in a wide energy range. Most results presented here use optical potentials as this approach is argued to be the optimum choice for the kinematics of the experiments considered in the present paper. The properties of the IFSI factor, a function wherein the entire effect of the IFSI is contained, are studied in detail. The predictions of the presented framework are compared with two kinematically different experiments. First, differential cross sections for quasielastic proton scattering at 1 GeV off 12C, 16O, and 40Ca target nuclei are computed and compared to data from PNPI. Second, the formalism is applied to the analysis of a 4He(p,2p) experiment at 250 MeV. The optical-potential calculations are found to be in good agreement with the data from both experiments, showing the reliability of the adopted model in a wide energy range.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.