4,146 research outputs found

    Closed-cycle, low-vibration 4 K cryostat for ion traps and other applications

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    In-vacuo cryogenic environments are ideal for applications requiring both low temperatures and extremely low particle densities. This enables reaching long storage and coherence times for example in ion traps, essential requirements for experiments with highly charged ions, quantum computation, and optical clocks. We have developed a novel cryostat continuously refrigerated with a pulse-tube cryocooler and providing the lowest vibration level reported for such a closed-cycle system with 1 W cooling power for a <5 K experiment. A decoupling system suppresses vibrations from the cryocooler by three orders of magnitude down to a level of 10 nm peak amplitudes in the horizontal plane. Heat loads of about 40 W (at 45 K) and 1 W (at 4 K) are transferred from an experimental chamber, mounted on an optical table, to the cryocooler through a vacuum-insulated massive 120 kg inertial copper pendulum. The 1.4 m long pendulum allows installation of the cryocooler in a separate, acoustically isolated machine room. In the laser laboratory, we measured the residual vibrations using an interferometric setup. The positioning of the 4 K elements is reproduced to better than a few micrometer after a full thermal cycle to room temperature. Extreme high vacuum on the 10−1510^{-15} mbar level is achieved. In collaboration with the Max-Planck-Intitut f\"ur Kernphysik (MPIK), such a setup is now in operation at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) for a next-generation optical clock experiment using highly charged ions

    Algorithmic Ground-state Cooling of Weakly-Coupled Oscillators using Quantum Logic

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    Most ions lack the fast, cycling transitions that are necessary for direct laser cooling. In most cases, they can still be cooled sympathetically through their Coulomb interaction with a second, coolable ion species confined in the same potential. If the charge-to-mass ratios of the two ion types are too mismatched, the cooling of certain motional degrees of freedom becomes difficult. This limits both the achievable fidelity of quantum gates and the spectroscopic accuracy. Here we introduce a novel algorithmic cooling protocol for transferring phonons from poorly- to efficiently-cooled modes. We demonstrate it experimentally by simultaneously bringing two motional modes of a Be+^{+}-Ar13+^{13+} mixed Coulomb crystal close to their zero-point energies, despite the weak coupling between the ions. We reach the lowest temperature reported for a highly charged ion, with a residual temperature of only T≲200 μKT\lesssim200~\mathrm{\mu K} in each of the two modes, corresponding to a residual mean motional phonon number of ⟨n⟩≲0.4\langle n \rangle \lesssim 0.4. Combined with the lowest observed electric field noise in a radiofrequency ion trap, these values enable an optical clock based on a highly charged ion with fractional systematic uncertainty below the 10−1810^{-18} level. Our scheme is also applicable to (anti-)protons, molecular ions, macroscopic charged particles, and other highly charged ion species, enabling reliable preparation of their motional quantum ground states in traps

    Plant roots steer resilience to perturbation of river floodplains

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    Freshwater ecosystems along river floodplains host among the greatest biodiversity on Earth and are known to respond to anthropic pressure. For water impounded systems, resilience to changes in the natural flow regime is believed to be bi-directional. Whether such resilience prevents the system from returning to pristine conditions after the flow regime changes reverse is as yet unclear, though widely documented. In this work we show that temporal irreversibility of river floodplains to recover their status may be explained by the dynamics of riparian water-tolerant plant roots. Our model is a quantitative tool that will benefit scientists and practitioners in predicting the impact of changing flow regimes on long-term river floodplain dynamics

    Ideally embedded space-times

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    Due to the growing interest in embeddings of space-time in higher-dimensional spaces we consider a specific type of embedding. After proving an inequality between intrinsically defined curvature invariants and the squared mean curvature, we extend the notion of ideal embeddings from Riemannian geometry to the indefinite case. Ideal embeddings are such that the embedded manifold receives the least amount of tension from the surrounding space. Then it is shown that the de Sitter spaces, a Robertson-Walker space-time and some anisotropic perfect fluid metrics can be ideally embedded in a five-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean space.Comment: layout changed and typos corrected; uses revtex

    Reducing multiphoton ionization in a linearly polarized microwave field by local control

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    We present a control procedure to reduce the stochastic ionization of hydrogen atom in a strong microwave field by adding to the original Hamiltonian a comparatively small control term which might consist of an additional set of microwave fields. This modification restores select invariant tori in the dynamics and prevents ionization. We demonstrate the procedure on the one-dimensional model of microwave ionization.Comment: 8 page

    Growth, Conductivity, and Vapor Response Properties of Metal Ion-Carboxylate linked Nanoparticle Films

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    Nanoparticles of metals (Au, Ag, Pd, alloys) in the size range 1–3 nm diameter can be stabilized against aggregation of the metal particles by coating the metal surface with a dense monolayer of ligands (thiolates). The stabilization makes it possible to analytically define the nanoparticle composition (for example, Au140(hexanethiolate)53, I) and to elaborate the chemical functionality of the protecting monolayer (for example, Au140(C6)35(MUA)18, II, where C6 = hexanethiolate and MUA = mercaptoundecanoic acid). Network polymer films (IIfilm) on interdigitated array electrodes can be prepared from II, based on cation coordination (i.e., Cu2+, Zn2+, Ag+, methyl viologen) by the carboxylates of MUA. The electronic conductivity of the IIfilm network polymer films occurs by electron hopping between the Au140 nanoparticle cores, and offers an avenue for investigation of metal-to-metal nanoparticle electron transfer chemistry. The report begins with a brief summary of what is known about metal nanoparticle electron transfer chemistry. The investigation goes on to assess factors that influence the dynamics of film formation as well as film conductivity, in the interest of better understanding the parameters affecting electron hopping rates in IIfilm network polymer films. Finally, sorption of organic vapors into IIfilm causes a decreased electronic conductivity and increased mass that can be assessed using quartz crystal microbalance measurements. The change in electronic conductivity can be exploited for the sensing of organic vapors
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