1,469 research outputs found

    Star Formation, Supernovae Feedback and the Angular Momentum Problem in Numerical CDM Cosmogony: Half Way There?

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    We present a smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulation that reproduces a galaxy that is a moderate facsimile of those observed. The primary failing point of previous simulations of disk formation, namely excessive transport of angular momentum from gas to dark matter, is ameliorated by the inclusion of a supernova feedback algorithm that allows energy to persist in the model ISM for a period corresponding to the lifetime of stellar associations. The inclusion of feedback leads to a disk at a redshift z=0.52z=0.52, with a specific angular momentum content within 10% of the value required to fit observations. An exponential fit to the disk baryon surface density gives a scale length within 17% of the theoretical value. Runs without feedback, with or without star formation, exhibit the drastic angular momentum transport observed elsewhere.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Photometric evolution of dusty starburst mergers:On the nature of ultra-luminous infrared galaxies

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    By performing N-body simulations of chemodynamical evolution of galaxies with dusty starbursts, we investigate photometric evolution of gas-rich major mergers in order to explore the nature of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) with the total infrared luminosity (LIRL_{\rm IR} for 8∼10008\sim 1000 μ\mum) of ∼\sim 101210^{12} L⊙L_{\odot}. Main results are the following three. (1) Global colors and absolute magnitudes the during dusty starburst of a major merger do not change with time significantly, because interstellar dust heavily obscures young starburst populations that could cause rapid evolution of photometric properties of the merger. (2) Dust extinction of stellar populations in a galaxy merger with large infrared luminosity (LIRL_{\rm IR} >> 101110^{11} L⊙L_{\odot}) is selective in the sense that younger stellar populations are preferentially obscured by dust than old ones. This is because younger populations are located in the central region where a larger amount of dusty interstellar gas can be transferred from the outer gas-rich regions of the merger. (3) Both LIRL_{\rm IR} and the ratio of LIRL_{\rm IR} to BB band luminosity (LB(L_{\rm B}) increases as the star formation rate increase during the starburst of the present merger model, resulting in the positive correlation between LIRL_{\rm IR} and LIR/LBL_{\rm IR}/L_{\rm B}.Comment: 32 pages 25 figures,2001,ApJ,in press. For all 25 PS figures (including fig25.ps), see http://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/~bekki/res.dir/paper.dir/apj06.dir/fig.tar.g

    Working Healthy Enrollees Report New and Persisting Challenges

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    Working Healthy participants are sent an annual satisfaction survey to evaluate their experiences with the program. Participants have consistently said that Working Healthy is a good program that allows them to work and maintain their health benefits, which reduces their stress and eliminates worry about whether or not they will be able to afford the health care and medication they need. Working Healthy not only benefits the state through premium collection and increased taxes paid, participants say it improves their mental health and quality of lif

    Bostonia. Volume 13

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    Founded in 1900, Bostonia magazine is Boston University's main alumni publication, which covers alumni and student life, as well as university activities, events, and programs

    On Compact Routing for the Internet

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    While there exist compact routing schemes designed for grids, trees, and Internet-like topologies that offer routing tables of sizes that scale logarithmically with the network size, we demonstrate in this paper that in view of recent results in compact routing research, such logarithmic scaling on Internet-like topologies is fundamentally impossible in the presence of topology dynamics or topology-independent (flat) addressing. We use analytic arguments to show that the number of routing control messages per topology change cannot scale better than linearly on Internet-like topologies. We also employ simulations to confirm that logarithmic routing table size scaling gets broken by topology-independent addressing, a cornerstone of popular locator-identifier split proposals aiming at improving routing scaling in the presence of network topology dynamics or host mobility. These pessimistic findings lead us to the conclusion that a fundamental re-examination of assumptions behind routing models and abstractions is needed in order to find a routing architecture that would be able to scale ``indefinitely.''Comment: This is a significantly revised, journal version of cs/050802

    The Rest-Frame UV Luminosity Density of Star-Forming Galaxies at Redshifts z>3.5

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    We have measured the rest--frame lambda~1500 Ang comoving specific luminosity density of star--forming galaxies at redshift 3.5<z<6.5 from deep images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)and the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), obtained as part of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS). We used color selection criteria to construct samples of star--forming galaxies at redshifts z~4, 5 and 6, identified by the signature of the 912 Ang Lyman continuum discontinuity and Lyman-alpha forest blanketing in their rest--frame UV colors (Lyman--break galaxies). The ACS samples cover ~0.09 square degree, and are also relatively deep, reaching between 0.2 and 0.5 L_3^*, depending on the redshift, where L3∗L_3^* is the characteristic UV luminosity of Lyman--break galaxies at z~3. The specific luminosity density of Lyman--break galaxies appears to be nearly constant with redshift from z~3 to z~6, although the measure at z~6 remains relatively uncertain, because it depends on the accurate estimate of the faint counts of the z~6 sample. If Lyman--break galaxies are fair tracers of the cosmic star formation activity, our results suggest that at z~6 the universe was already producing stars as vigorously as it did near its maximum several Gyr later, at 1<~z<~3. Thus, the onset of large--scale star formation in the universe is to be sought at around z~6 or higher, namely at less than ~7% of the current cosmic age.Comment: AAS LaTeX macros 4.0, 11 pages, 1 postscript figure. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, Letter. Minor changes to the figure caption. The data and the GOODS-group papers can be found at http://www.stsci.edu/science/goods

    The HI Content of Local Late-Type Galaxies

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    We present a solid relationship between the neutral hydrogen (HI) disk mass and the stellar disk mass of late-type galaxies in the local universe. This relationship is derived by comparing the stellar disk mass function from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the HI mass function from the HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS). We find that the HI mass in late-type galaxies tightly correlates with the stellar mass over three orders of magnitude in stellar disk mass. We cross-check our result with that obtained from a sample of HIPASS objects for which the stellar mass has been obtained by inner kinematics. In addition, we derive the HI versus halo mass relationship and the dependence of all the baryonic components in spirals on the host halo mass. These relationships bear the imprint of the processes ruling galaxy formation, and highlight the inefficiency of galaxies both in forming stars and in retaining their pristine HI gas.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Match to the published version. References update

    On the distribution of initial masses of stellar clusters inferred from synthesis models

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    The fundamental properties of stellar clusters, such as the age or the total initial mass in stars, are often inferred from population synthesis models. The predicted properties are then used to constrain the physical mechanisms involved in the formation of such clusters in a variety of environments. Population synthesis models cannot, however, be applied blindy to such systems. We show that synthesis models cannot be used in the usual straightforward way to small-mass clusters (say, M < few times 10**4 Mo). The reason is that the basic hypothesis underlying population synthesis (a fixed proportionality between the number of stars in the different evolutionary phases) is not fulfilled in these clusters due to their small number of stars. This incomplete sampling of the stellar mass function results in a non-gaussian distribution of the mass-luminosity ratio for clusters that share the same evolutionary conditions (age, metallicity and initial stellar mass distribution function). We review some tests that can be carried out a priori to check whether a given cluster can be analysed with the fully-sampled standard population synthesis models, or, on the contrary, a probabilistic framework must be used. This leads to a re-assessment in the estimation of the low-mass tail in the distribution function of initial masses of stellar clusters.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in ``Young Massive Star Clusters - Initial Conditions and Environments'', 2008, Astrophysics & Space Science, eds. E. Perez, R. de Grijs, R. M. Gonzalez Delgad

    Modeling the dynamical evolution of the M87 globular cluster system

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    We study the dynamical evolution of the M87 globular cluster system (GCS) with a number of numerical simulations. We explore a range of different initial conditions for the GCS mass function (GCMF), for the GCS spatial distribution and for the GCS velocity distribution. We confirm that an initial power-law GCMF like that observed in young cluster systems can be readily transformed through dynamical processes into a bell-shaped GCMF. However,only models with initial velocity distributions characterized by a strong radial anisotropy increasing with the galactocentric distance are able to reproduce the observed constancy of the GCMF at all radii.We show that such strongly radial orbital distributions are inconsistent with the observed kinematics of the M87 GCS. The evolution of models with a bell-shaped GCMF with a turnover similar to that currently observed in old GCS is also investigated. We show that models with this initial GCMF can satisfy all the observational constraints currently available on the GCS spatial distribution,the GCS velocity distribution and on the GCMF properties.In particular these models successfully reproduce both the lack of a radial gradient of the GCS mean mass recently found in an analysis of HST images of M87 at multiple locations, and the observed kinematics of the M87 GCS.Our simulations also show that evolutionary processes significantly affect the initial GCS properties by leading to the disruption of many clusters and changing the masses of those which survive.The preferential disruption of inner clusters flattens the initial GCS number density profile and it can explain the rising specific frequency with radius; we show that the inner flattening observed in the M87 GCS spatial distribution can be the result of the effects of dynamical evolution on an initially steep density profile. (abridged)Comment: 15 pages,14 figures;accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The CORALS Survey I: New Estimates of the Number Density and Gas Content of Damped Lyman Alpha Systems Free from Dust Bias

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    (Abridged) We present the first results from the Complete Optical and Radio Absorption Line System (CORALS) survey. We have compiled a homogeneous sample of radio-selected QSOs from the Parkes Catalogue and searched for damped Lyman alpha systems (DLAs) towards every target, irrespective of its optical magnitude. This approach circumvents selection effects -- particularly from intervening dust -- which have long been suspected to affect DLA surveys in optically-selected, magnitude-limited QSO samples. The CORALS data set consists of 66 z_em > 2.2 QSOs in which 22 DLAs with absorption redshifts 1.8 < z_abs < z_em have been identified over a total redshift interval Delta z = 55.46. In this first paper of the CORALS series we describe the sample, present intermediate resolution spectroscopy and determine the population statistics of DLAs. We deduce a value of the neutral gas mass density traced by DLAs (expressed as a fraction of the closure density) log Omega_DLA h = -2.59^{+0.17}_{-0.24}, and a number density of DLAs per unit redshift n(z) = 0.31^{+0.09}_{-0.08}, both at a mean redshift = 2.37. Taking into account the errors, we conclude that dust-induced bias in previous surveys may have led to an underestimate of these quantities by at most a factor of two and we have not uncovered a previously unrecognised population of high column density DLAs in front of faint QSOs.Comment: 25 pages, accepted for publication in A&
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