77,861 research outputs found

    Binary evolution using the theory of osculating orbits: conservative Algol evolution

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    Our aim is to calculate the evolution of Algol binaries within the framework of the osculating orbital theory, which considers the perturbing forces acting on the orbit of each star arising from mass exchange via Roche lobe overflow (RLOF). The scheme is compared to results calculated from a `classical' prescription. Using our stellar binary evolution code BINSTAR, we calculate the orbital evolution of Algol binaries undergoing case A and case B mass transfer, by applying the osculating scheme. The velocities of the ejected and accreted material are evaluated by solving the restricted three-body equations of motion, within the ballistic approximation. This allows us to determine the change of linear momentum of each star, and the gravitational force applied by the mass transfer stream. Torques applied on the stellar spins by tides and mass transfer are also considered. Using the osculating formalism gives shorter post-mass transfer orbital periods typically by a factor of 4 compared to the classical scheme, owing to the gravitational force applied onto the stars by the mass transfer stream. Additionally, during the rapid phase of mass exchange, the donor star is spun down on a timescale shorter than the tidal synchronization timescale, leading to sub-synchronous rotation. Consequently, between 15 and 20 per cent of the material leaving the inner-Lagrangian point is accreted back onto the donor (so-called `self-accretion'), further enhancing orbital shrinkage. Self-accretion, and the sink of orbital angular momentum which mass transfer provides, may potentially lead to more contact binaries. Even though Algols are mainly considered, the osculating prescription is applicable to all types of interacting binaries, including those with eccentric orbits.Comment: A&A in press. Minor typos correcte

    Exobiology and Future Mars Missions

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    Scientific questions associated with exobiology on Mars were considered and how these questions should be addressed on future Mars missions was determined. The mission that provided a focus for discussions was the Mars Rover/Sample Return Mission

    Development of a surface isolation estimation technique suitable for application of polar orbiting satellite data

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    A technique is developed for the estimation of total daily insolation on the basis of data derivable from operational polar-orbiting satellites. Although surface insolation and meteorological observations are used in the development, the algorithm is constrained in application by the infrequent daytime polar-orbiter coverage

    Fabrication and surface characterization of composite refractory compounds suitable for thermionic converters

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    Thermal faceting was observed for the high index planes of LaB6. The (100), (110), and (111) planes were found to be the most thermodynamically stable faces in vacuum in a study of electrode materials for thermionic emitters. The properties of adsorbed carbon, cesium, and cesium-oxygen layers were investigated on LaB6 single crystal surfaces as well as on Zr/0/W(100) and W(100). Cesium was found to increase electron reflection near the collision threshold on LaB6(100) and W(100) and to decrease the reflection on Zr/0/W(100). This difference may be explained by the unusually high threshold reflection coefficient of Zr/0/W without adsorbed cesium

    Mariner Mars 1971 spacecraft destruct unit

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    Shaped charge destruct unit for Mariner Mars 1971 spacecraf

    Cosmological Perturbations of Quantum-Mechanical Origin and Anisotropy of the Microwave Background

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    Cosmological perturbations generated quantum-mechanically (as a particular case, during inflation) possess statistical properties of squeezed quantum states. The power spectra of the perturbations are modulated and the angular distribution of the produced temperature fluctuations of the CMBR is quite specific. An exact formula is derived for the angular correlation function of the temperature fluctuations caused by squeezed gravitational waves. The predicted angular pattern can, in principle, be revealed by the COBE-type observations.Comment: 9 pages, WUGRAV-92-17 Accepted for Publication in Phys. Rev. Letters (1993

    Program management aid for redundancy selection and operational guidelines

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    Although this criterion was developed specifically for use on the shuttle program, it has application to many other multi-missions programs (i.e. aircraft or mechanisms). The methodology employed is directly applicable even if the tools (nomographs and equations) are for mission peculiar cases. The redundancy selection criterion was developed to insure that both the design and operational cost impacts (life cycle costs) were considered in the selection of the quantity of operational redundancy. These tools were developed as aids in expediting the decision process and not intended as the automatic decision maker. This approach to redundancy selection is unique in that it enables a pseudo systems analysis to be performed on an equipment basis without waiting for all designs to be hardened

    Research program to develop a technology improvement program for closed die forging Final report

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    Upset forging tests on aluminum and titanium alloys and maraging steel using high temperature die

    Approximation for discrete Fourier transform and application in study of three-dimensional interacting electron gas

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    The discrete Fourier transform is approximated by summing over part of the terms with corresponding weights. The approximation reduces significantly the requirement for computer memory storage and enhances the numerical computation efficiency with several orders without loosing accuracy. As an example, we apply the algorithm to study the three-dimensional interacting electron gas under the renormalized-ring-diagram approximation where the Green's function needs to be self-consistently solved. We present the results for the chemical potential, compressibility, free energy, entropy, and specific heat of the system. The ground-state energy obtained by the present calculation is compared with the existing results of Monte Carlo simulation and random-phase approximation.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure