136 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Bandlimited Functions from Unsigned Samples

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    We consider the recovery of real-valued bandlimited functions from the absolute values of their samples, possibly spaced nonuniformly. We show that such a reconstruction is always possible if the function is sampled at more than twice its Nyquist rate, and may not necessarily be possible if the samples are taken at less than twice the Nyquist rate. In the case of uniform samples, we also describe an FFT-based algorithm to perform the reconstruction. We prove that it converges exponentially rapidly in the number of samples used and examine its numerical behavior on some test cases

    On the inconsistency of the Bohm-Gadella theory with quantum mechanics

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    The Bohm-Gadella theory, sometimes referred to as the Time Asymmetric Quantum Theory of Scattering and Decay, is based on the Hardy axiom. The Hardy axiom asserts that the solutions of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation are functionals over spaces of Hardy functions. The preparation-registration arrow of time provides the physical justification for the Hardy axiom. In this paper, it is shown that the Hardy axiom is incorrect, because the solutions of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation do not act on spaces of Hardy functions. It is also shown that the derivation of the preparation-registration arrow of time is flawed. Thus, Hardy functions neither appear when we solve the Lippmann-Schwinger equation nor they should appear. It is also shown that the Bohm-Gadella theory does not rest on the same physical principles as quantum mechanics, and that it does not solve any problem that quantum mechanics cannot solve. The Bohm-Gadella theory must therefore be abandoned.Comment: 16 page

    Self-adjoint Lyapunov variables, temporal ordering and irreversible representations of Schroedinger evolution

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    In non relativistic quantum mechanics time enters as a parameter in the Schroedinger equation. However, there are various situations where the need arises to view time as a dynamical variable. In this paper we consider the dynamical role of time through the construction of a Lyapunov variable - i.e., a self-adjoint quantum observable whose expectation value varies monotonically as time increases. It is shown, in a constructive way, that a certain class of models admit a Lyapunov variable and that the existence of a Lyapunov variable implies the existence of a transformation mapping the original quantum mechanical problem to an equivalent irreversible representation. In addition, it is proved that in the irreversible representation there exists a natural time ordering observable splitting the Hilbert space at each t>0 into past and future subspaces.Comment: Accepted for publication in JMP. Supercedes arXiv:0710.3604. Discussion expanded to include the case of Hamiltonians with an infinitely degenerate spectru

    The Weiss conjecture on admissibility of observation operators for contraction semigroups

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    We prove the conjecture of George Weiss for contraction semigroups on Hilbert spaces, giving a characterization of infinite-time admissible observation functionals for a contraction semigroup, namely that such a functional C is infinite-time admissible if and only if there is an M > 0 such that parallel to IC(sI - A)(-1)parallel to less than or equal to M/root Re s for all s in the open right half-plane. Here A denotes the infinitesimal generator of the semigroup. The result provides a simultaneous generalization of several celebrated results from the theory of Hardy spaces involving Carleson measures and Hankel operators

    Strong Spherical Asymptotics for Rotor-Router Aggregation and the Divisible Sandpile

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    The rotor-router model is a deterministic analogue of random walk. It can be used to define a deterministic growth model analogous to internal DLA. We prove that the asymptotic shape of this model is a Euclidean ball, in a sense which is stronger than our earlier work. For the shape consisting of n=ωdrdn=\omega_d r^d sites, where ωd\omega_d is the volume of the unit ball in Rd\R^d, we show that the inradius of the set of occupied sites is at least r−O(log⁥r)r-O(\log r), while the outradius is at most r+O(rα)r+O(r^\alpha) for any α>1−1/d\alpha > 1-1/d. For a related model, the divisible sandpile, we show that the domain of occupied sites is a Euclidean ball with error in the radius a constant independent of the total mass. For the classical abelian sandpile model in two dimensions, with n=πr2n=\pi r^2 particles, we show that the inradius is at least r/3r/\sqrt{3}, and the outradius is at most (r+o(r))/2(r+o(r))/\sqrt{2}. This improves on bounds of Le Borgne and Rossin. Similar bounds apply in higher dimensions.Comment: [v3] Added Theorem 4.1, which generalizes Theorem 1.4 for the abelian sandpile. [v4] Added references and improved exposition in sections 2 and 4. [v5] Final version, to appear in Potential Analysi

    The rigged Hilbert space approach to the Lippmann-Schwinger equation. Part II: The analytic continuation of the Lippmann-Schwinger bras and kets

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    The analytic continuation of the Lippmann-Schwinger bras and kets is obtained and characterized. It is shown that the natural mathematical setting for the analytic continuation of the solutions of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation is the rigged Hilbert space rather than just the Hilbert space. It is also argued that this analytic continuation entails the imposition of a time asymmetric boundary condition upon the group time evolution, resulting into a semigroup time evolution. Physically, the semigroup time evolution is simply a (retarded or advanced) propagator.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure

    The Beurling--Malliavin Multiplier Theorem and its analogs for the de Branges spaces

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    Let ω\omega be a non-negative function on R\mathbb{R}. We are looking for a non-zero ff from a given space of entire functions XX satisfying (a)∣fâˆŁâ‰€Ï‰or(b)∣fâˆŁâ‰Ï‰.(a) \quad|f|\leq \omega\text{\quad or\quad(b)}\quad |f|\asymp\omega. The classical Beurling--Malliavin Multiplier Theorem corresponds to (a)(a) and the classical Paley--Wiener space as XX. We survey recent results for the case when XX is a de Branges space \he. Numerous answers mainly depend on the behaviour of the phase function of the generating function EE.Comment: Survey, 25 page

    Multipoint Schur algorithm and orthogonal rational functions: convergence properties, I

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    Classical Schur analysis is intimately connected to the theory of orthogonal polynomials on the circle [Simon, 2005]. We investigate here the connection between multipoint Schur analysis and orthogonal rational functions. Specifically, we study the convergence of the Wall rational functions via the development of a rational analogue to the Szeg\H o theory, in the case where the interpolation points may accumulate on the unit circle. This leads us to generalize results from [Khrushchev,2001], [Bultheel et al., 1999], and yields asymptotics of a novel type.Comment: a preliminary version, 39 pages; some changes in the Introduction, Section 5 (Szeg\H o type asymptotics) is extende

    Quantal time asymmetry: mathematical foundation and physical interpretation

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    For a quantum theory that includes exponentially decaying states and Breit-Wigner resonances, which are related to each other by the lifetime-width relation τ=ℏΓ\tau=\frac{\hbar}{\Gamma}, where τ\tau is the lifetime of the decaying state and Γ\Gamma the width of the resonance, one has to go beyond the Hilbert space and beyond the Schwartz-Rigged Hilbert Space Ω⊂H⊂Ω×\Phi\subset\mathcal{H}\subset\Phi^\times of the Dirac formalism. One has to distinguish between prepared states, using a space \Phi_-\subset\mat hcal{H}, and detected observables, using a space Ί+⊂H\Phi_+\subset\mathcal{H}, where −(+)-(+) refers to analyticity of the energy wave function in the lower (upper) complex energy semiplane. This differentiation is also justified by causality: A state needs to be prepared first, before an observable can be measured in it. The axiom that will lead to the lifetime-width relation is that Ί+\Phi_+ and Ω−\Phi_- are Hardy spaces of the upper and lower semiplane, respectively. Applying this axiom to the relativistic case for the variable \s=p_\mu p^\mu leads to semigroup transformations into the forward light cone (Einstein causality) and a precise definition of resonance mass and width.Comment: Plenary talk at the 5th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, July 22-28, 2007, Valladolid, Spai

    BMO spaces associated with semigroups of operators

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    We study BMO spaces associated with semigroup of operators and apply the results to boundedness of Fourier multipliers. We prove a universal interpolation theorem for BMO spaces and prove the boundedness of a class of Fourier multipliers on noncommutative Lp spaces for all 1 < p < \infty, with optimal constants in p.Comment: Math An
