1,828 research outputs found

    Remarks on E11 approach

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    We consider a few topics in E11E_{11} approach to superstring/M-theory: even subgroups (Z2Z_2 orbifolds) of EnE_{n}, n=11,10,9 and their connection to Kac-Moody algebras; EE11EE_{11} subgroup of E11E_{11} and coincidence of one of its weights with the l1l_1 weight of E11E_{11}, known to contain brane charges; possible form of supersymmetry relation in E11E_{11}; decomposition of l1l_1 w.r.t. the SO(10,10)SO(10,10) and its square root at first few levels; particle orbit of l1⋉E11l_1 \ltimes E_{11}. Possible relevance of coadjoint orbits method is noticed, based on a self-duality form of equations of motion in E11E_{11}.Comment: Two references adde

    Eisenstein series and automorphic representations

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    We provide an introduction to the theory of Eisenstein series and automorphic forms on real simple Lie groups G, emphasising the role of representation theory. It is useful to take a slightly wider view and define all objects over the (rational) adeles A, thereby also paving the way for connections to number theory, representation theory and the Langlands program. Most of the results we present are already scattered throughout the mathematics literature but our exposition collects them together and is driven by examples. Many interesting aspects of these functions are hidden in their Fourier coefficients with respect to unipotent subgroups and a large part of our focus is to explain and derive general theorems on these Fourier expansions. Specifically, we give complete proofs of the Langlands constant term formula for Eisenstein series on adelic groups G(A) as well as the Casselman--Shalika formula for the p-adic spherical Whittaker function associated to unramified automorphic representations of G(Q_p). In addition, we explain how the classical theory of Hecke operators fits into the modern theory of automorphic representations of adelic groups, thereby providing a connection with some key elements in the Langlands program, such as the Langlands dual group LG and automorphic L-functions. Somewhat surprisingly, all these results have natural interpretations as encoding physical effects in string theory. We therefore also introduce some basic concepts of string theory, aimed toward mathematicians, emphasising the role of automorphic forms. In particular, we provide a detailed treatment of supersymmetry constraints on string amplitudes which enforce differential equations of the same type that are satisfied by automorphic forms. Our treatise concludes with a detailed list of interesting open questions and pointers to additional topics which go beyond the scope of this book.Comment: 326 pages. Detailed and example-driven exposition of the subject with highlighted applications to string theory. v2: 375 pages. Substantially extended and small correction

    Representations of G+++ and the role of space-time

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    We consider the decomposition of the adjoint and fundamental representations of very extended Kac-Moody algebras G+++ with respect to their regular A type subalgebra which, in the corresponding non-linear realisation, is associated with gravity. We find that for many very extended algebras almost all the A type representations that occur in the decomposition of the fundamental representations also occur in the adjoint representation of G+++. In particular, for E8+++, this applies to all its fundamental representations. However, there are some important examples, such as An+++, where this is not true and indeed the adjoint representation contains no generator that can be identified with a space-time translation. We comment on the significance of these results for how space-time can occur in the non-linear realisation based on G+++. Finally we show that there is a correspondence between the A representations that occur in the fundamental representation associated with the very extended node and the adjoint representation of G+++ which is consistent with the interpretation of the former as charges associated with brane solutions.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figures, 9 tables, te

    Sugawara-type constraints in hyperbolic coset models

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    In the conjectured correspondence between supergravity and geodesic models on infinite-dimensional hyperbolic coset spaces, and E10/K(E10) in particular, the constraints play a central role. We present a Sugawara-type construction in terms of the E10 Noether charges that extends these constraints infinitely into the hyperbolic algebra, in contrast to the truncated expressions obtained in arXiv:0709.2691 that involved only finitely many generators. Our extended constraints are associated to an infinite set of roots which are all imaginary, and in fact fill the closed past light-cone of the Lorentzian root lattice. The construction makes crucial use of the E10 Weyl group and of the fact that the E10 model contains both D=11 supergravity and D=10 IIB supergravity. Our extended constraints appear to unite in a remarkable manner the different canonical constraints of these two theories. This construction may also shed new light on the issue of `open constraint algebras' in traditional canonical approaches to gravity.Comment: 49 page

    A reduction principle for Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms

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    In this paper we analyze a general class of Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms on reductive adelic groups G(AK)\mathbf{G}(\mathbb{A}_\mathbb{K}) and their covers. We prove that any such Fourier coefficient is expressible through integrals and sums involving 'Levi-distinguished' Fourier coefficients. By the latter we mean the class of Fourier coefficients obtained by first taking the constant term along the nilradical of a parabolic subgroup, and then further taking a Fourier coefficient corresponding to a K\mathbb{K}-distinguished nilpotent orbit in the Levi quotient. In a follow-up paper we use this result to establish explicit formulas for Fourier expansions of automorphic forms attached to minimal and next-to-minimal representations of simply-laced reductive groups.Comment: 35 pages. v2: Extended results and paper split into two parts with second part appearing soon. New title to reflect new focus of this part. v3: Minor corrections and updated reference to the second part that has appeared as arXiv:1908.08296. v4: Minor corrections and reformulation

    E10 and SO(9,9) invariant supergravity

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    We show that (massive) D=10 type IIA supergravity possesses a hidden rigid SO(9,9) symmetry and a hidden local SO(9) x SO(9) symmetry upon dimensional reduction to one (time-like) dimension. We explicitly construct the associated locally supersymmetric Lagrangian in one dimension, and show that its bosonic sector, including the mass term, can be equivalently described by a truncation of an E10/K(E10) non-linear sigma-model to the level \ell<=2 sector in a decomposition of E10 under its so(9,9) subalgebra. This decomposition is presented up to level 10, and the even and odd level sectors are identified tentatively with the Neveu--Schwarz and Ramond sectors, respectively. Further truncation to the level \ell=0 sector yields a model related to the reduction of D=10 type I supergravity. The hyperbolic Kac--Moody algebra DE10, associated to the latter, is shown to be a proper subalgebra of E10, in accord with the embedding of type I into type IIA supergravity. The corresponding decomposition of DE10 under so(9,9) is presented up to level 5.Comment: 1+39 pages LaTeX2e, 2 figures, 2 tables, extended tables obtainable by downloading sourc

    A group model for stable multi-subject ICA on fMRI datasets

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    Spatial Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is an increasingly used data-driven method to analyze functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data. To date, it has been used to extract sets of mutually correlated brain regions without prior information on the time course of these regions. Some of these sets of regions, interpreted as functional networks, have recently been used to provide markers of brain diseases and open the road to paradigm-free population comparisons. Such group studies raise the question of modeling subject variability within ICA: how can the patterns representative of a group be modeled and estimated via ICA for reliable inter-group comparisons? In this paper, we propose a hierarchical model for patterns in multi-subject fMRI datasets, akin to mixed-effect group models used in linear-model-based analysis. We introduce an estimation procedure, CanICA (Canonical ICA), based on i) probabilistic dimension reduction of the individual data, ii) canonical correlation analysis to identify a data subspace common to the group iii) ICA-based pattern extraction. In addition, we introduce a procedure based on cross-validation to quantify the stability of ICA patterns at the level of the group. We compare our method with state-of-the-art multi-subject fMRI ICA methods and show that the features extracted using our procedure are more reproducible at the group level on two datasets of 12 healthy controls: a resting-state and a functional localizer study

    Generalised BPS conditions

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    We write down two E11 invariant conditions which at low levels reproduce the known half BPS conditions for type II theories. These new conditions contain, in addition to the familiar central charges, an infinite number of further charges which are required in an underlying theory of strings and branes. We comment on the application of this work to higher derivative string corrections


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    No Abstract.African Journal of Marine Science Vol.25(1) 2003: pp. 25-3
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