12,585 research outputs found

    Decoupling of the ϵ\epsilon-scalar mass in softly broken supersymmetry

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    It has been shown recently that the introduction of an unphysical ϵ\epsilon-scalar mass m~\tilde{m} is necessary for the proper renormalization of softly broken supersymmetric theories by dimensional reduction (\drbar). In these theories, both the two-loop β\beta-functions of the scalar masses and their one-loop finite corrections depend on m~2\tilde{m}^2. We find, however, that the dependence on m~2\tilde{m}^2 can be completely removed by slightly modifying the \drbar renormalization scheme. We also show that previous \drbar calculations of one-loop corrections in supersymmetry which ignored the m~2\tilde{m}^2 contribution correspond to using this modified scheme.Comment: 7 pages, LTH-336, NUB-3094-94TH, KEK-TH-40

    Simultaneous X-ray and Optical Observations of EX Hydrae

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    The intermediate polar, EX Hydrae, was the object of a large simultaneous multiwavelength observational campaign during 2000 May - June. Here we present the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer photometry and optical photometry and spectroscopy from ground-based observatories obtained as part of this campaign. Balmer line radial velocities and Doppler maps provide evidence for an extended bulge along the outer edge of the accretion disk and some form of extended/overflowing material originating from the hot spot. In addition, the optical binary eclipse possesses an extended egress shoulder, an indication that an additional source (other than the white dwarf) is coming out of eclipse. We also compare the X-ray and optical results with the results obtained from the EUV and UV observations from the multiwavelength data set.Comment: to appear in the Astronomical Journal, April 200

    Interface dynamics in Hele-Shaw flows with centrifugal forces. Preventing cusp singularities with rotation

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    A class of exact solutions of Hele-Shaw flows without surface tension in a rotating cell is reported. We show that the interplay between injection and rotation modifies drastically the scenario of formation of finite-time cusp singularities. For a subclass of solutions, we show that, for any given initial condition, there exists a critical rotation rate above which cusp formation is prevented. We also find an exact sufficient condition to avoid cusps simultaneously for all initial conditions. This condition admits a simple interpretation related to the linear stability problem.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Ultra-fast sampling of terahertz pulses from a quantum cascade laser using superconducting antenna-coupled NbN and YBCO detectors

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    We demonstrate the ultra-fast detection of terahertz pulses from a quantum cascade laser (QCL) using superconducting NbN and YBCO detectors. This has enabled both the intrapulse and interpulse dynamics of a THz QCL to be measured directly, including interpulse heating effects on sub-μs timescales

    Galaxy Cluster Scaling Relations between Bolocam Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and Chandra X-ray Measurements

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    We present scaling relations between the integrated Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect (SZE) signal, YSZY_{\rm SZ}, its X-ray analogue, YXMgasTXY_{\rm X}\equiv M_{\rm gas}T_{\rm X}, and total mass, MtotM_{\rm tot}, for the 45 galaxy clusters in the Bolocam X-ray-SZ (BOXSZ) sample. All parameters are integrated within r2500r_{2500}. Y2500Y_{2500} values are measured using SZE data collected with Bolocam, operating at 140 GHz at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO). The temperature, TXT_{\rm X}, and mass, Mgas,2500M_{\rm gas,2500}, of the intracluster medium are determined using X-ray data collected with Chandra, and MtotM_{\rm tot} is derived from MgasM_{\rm gas} assuming a constant gas mass fraction. Our analysis accounts for several potential sources of bias, including: selection effects, contamination from radio point sources, and the loss of SZE signal due to noise filtering and beam-smoothing effects. We measure the Y2500Y_{2500}--YXY_{\rm X} scaling to have a power-law index of 0.84±0.070.84\pm0.07, and a fractional intrinsic scatter in Y2500Y_{2500} of (21±7)%(21\pm7)\% at fixed YXY_{\rm X}, both of which are consistent with previous analyses. We also measure the scaling between Y2500Y_{2500} and M2500M_{2500}, finding a power-law index of 1.06±0.121.06\pm0.12 and a fractional intrinsic scatter in Y2500Y_{2500} at fixed mass of (25±9)%(25\pm9)\%. While recent SZE scaling relations using X-ray mass proxies have found power-law indices consistent with the self-similar prediction of 5/3, our measurement stands apart by differing from the self-similar prediction by approximately 5σ\sigma. Given the good agreement between the measured Y2500Y_{2500}--YXY_{\rm X} scalings, much of this discrepancy appears to be caused by differences in the calibration of the X-ray mass proxies adopted for each particular analysis.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figures, accepted by ApJ 04/11/2015. This version is appreciably different from the original submission: it includes an entirely new appendix, extended discussion, and much of the material has been reorganize

    Aluminum Hard Mask Technique for the Fabrication of High-Quality Submicron Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb Josephson Junctions

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    We have developed a combined photolithography and electron-beam lithography fabrication process for sub-\mum to \mum-size Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions. In order to define the junction size and protect its top electrode during anodic oxidation, we developed and used the new concept of an aluminum hard mask. Josephson junctions of sizes down to 0.5 \mum2 have been fabricated and thoroughly characterized. We found that they have a very high quality, which is witnessed by the IV curves with quality parameters Vm > 50 mV and Vgap = 2.8 mV at 4.2 K, as well as IcRN products of 1.75-1.93 mV obtained at lower temperatures. In order to test the usability of our fabrication process for superconducting quantum bits, we have also designed, fabricated and experimentally investigated phase qubits made of these junctions. We found a relaxation time of T1 = 26 ns and a dephasing time of T2 = 21 ns

    Polymer-mediated entropic forces between scale-free objects

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    The number of configurations of a polymer is reduced in the presence of a barrier or an obstacle. The resulting loss of entropy adds a repulsive component to other forces generated by interaction potentials. When the obstructions are scale invariant shapes (such as cones, wedges, lines or planes) the only relevant length scales are the polymer size R_0 and characteristic separations, severely constraining the functional form of entropic forces. Specifically, we consider a polymer (single strand or star) attached to the tip of a cone, at a separation h from a surface (or another cone). At close proximity, such that h<<R_0, separation is the only remaining relevant scale and the entropic force must take the form F=AkT/h. The amplitude A is universal, and can be related to exponents \eta governing the anomalous scaling of polymer correlations in the presence of obstacles. We use analytical, numerical and epsilon-expansion techniques to compute the exponent \eta for a polymer attached to the tip of the cone (with or without an additional plate or cone) for ideal and self-avoiding polymers. The entropic force is of the order of 0.1 pN at 0.1 micron for a single polymer, and can be increased for a star polymer.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, 4 eps figure

    Size induced metal insulator transition in nanostructured Niobium thin films: Intragranular and intergranular contributions

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    With a reduction in the average grain size in nanostructured films of elemental Nb, we observe a systematic crossover from metallic to weakly-insulating behavior. An analysis of the temperature dependence of the resistivity in the insulating phase clearly indicates the existence of two distinct activation energies corresponding to inter-granular and intra-granular mechanisms of transport. While the high temperature behavior is dominated by grain boundary scattering of the conduction electrons, the effect of discretization of energy levels due to quantum confinement shows up at low temperatures. We show that the energy barrier at the grain boundary is proportional to the width of the largely disordered inter-granular region, which increases with a decrease in the grain size. For a metal-insulator transition to occur in nano-Nb due to the opening up of an energy gap at the grain boundary, the critical grain size is ~ 8nm and the corresponding grain boundary width is ~ 1.1nm

    The Extended Shapes of Galactic Satellites

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    We are exploring the extended stellar distributions of Galactic satellite galaxies and globular clusters. For seven objects studied thus far, the observed profile departs from a King function at large r, revealing a ``break population'' of stars. In our sample, the relative density of the ``break'' correlates to the inferred M/L of these objects. We discuss opposing hypotheses for this trend: (1) Higher M/L objects harbor more extended dark matter halos that support secondary, bound, stellar ``halos''. (2) The extended populations around dwarf spheroidals (and some clusters) consist of unbound, extratidal debris from their parent objects, which are undergoing various degrees of tidal disruption. In this scenario, higher M/L ratios reflect higher degrees of virial non-equilibrium in the parent objects, thus invalidating a precept underlying the use of core radial velocities to obtain masses.Comment: 8 pages, including 2 figures Yale Cosmology Workshop: The Shapes of Galaxies and Their Halo