920 research outputs found

    Svježi proizvodi - jogurt, fermentirano mlijeko, sirna masa i svježi sir

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    Fresh fermented dairy products in general are the oldest milk products. In the early days they were home-made and served as basic food. The introduction of industrial food processing allowed great diversification and a large variety of products is now available to the consumer. The combination of milk, sweet or fermented, with other foods, primarily with fruits and herbs, as well as the development of processes which led to prolongation of the shelf life for up to several months, contributed to the popularity, i.e. to the increase of consumption of these products. According to the latest survey of IDF (1) on the consumption of dairy products in the world, fermented milks are very popular and, with increasing health consciousness of consumers worldwide, new fermented milks are being developed.Potrošnja fermentiranih svježih mliječnih proizvoda naročito jogurta u mnogim je zemljama 1992. bila znatna (podaci IDF). Najhitniji korak u razvoju ovih proizvoda predstavlja primjena selekcioniranih kultura mikroorganizama što je omogućilo bolju kontrolu njihove kvalitete. Uključivanje probiotskih mikroorganizama u kulture za fermentaciju ili dodavanje u samo fermentirano mlijeko najvažnije su modifikacije budućih postupaka proizvodnje. Uvođenje ultrafiltracije u mljekarsku industriju omogućilo je proizvodnju svježeg sira i sirne mase koji sadrže više bjelančevina sirutke. Takvi proizvodi mogu potrošačima stvarati specifične probleme uslijed povećanih količina laktoze i ß-laktoglobulina. Industrijska proizvodnja skute od ovčjeg mlijeka u Sjevernoj Americi je modificirana i proizvodi se od mlijeka smjese sirutke i obranog mlijeka te i/ili dodavanjem praha kisele sirutke. Postupak proizvodnje fermentiranih, svježih mliječnih proizvoda je učinkovita metoda konzerviranja većine prehrambenih, vrijednih sastojaka mlijeka tijekom nekoliko tjedana

    Computer Technology in the Biomechanical Analysis of Bar-Bell Lifting Motion Structures

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    An improper selection of muscle-building exercises or a technically poor execution of an exercise frequently leads to an inadvertent loading of the motion system of man, to injuries, to a poorer resulting achievement, or to a deceleration of the expected performance growth, to a disturbed dynamic stereotype and -last but not least-to motivation losses. In order to be able to cope with the problems outlined above, it was necessary to create a data collection and processing system for speedpower and technical parameters realized on a bar-bell. The information thus obtained allows for assessing a weight-lifter's performance in qualitative and quantitative terms, using a set of pre-defined criteria. Consequently, prerequisites for describing and correcting potential mistakes in an executed exercise, as well as for its optimization and economization, are provided

    Health Quality Control of Laboratory Anjmals 0f the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAV)

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    Around 300 million people all over the world at all age level suffer from asthma [1]. Patients with this disease have primarily difficult breathing with wheezing in respiratory sounds, cough and feeling of constricted chest. Therefore their physical activity is strongly limited [2]. Nowadays, there are several methods for asthma diagnosis, for example spirometry, measuring of peaks of expiratory velocity or measuring of bronchial reactivity. Although these methods are sufficiently reliable in most cases, they have also some imperfections, which are obvious especially by diagnosing of badly collaborating patients, e.g. small children aged up to three years. These infants can’t provide operations required for diagnosis, so results performed diagnosis are not reliable. For this reason, there is an idea of developing non invasive method of asthma diagnosis and other pulmonary diseases that would not need collaboration of patient [3]. One of the most probably working usable principles is comparison of air flow in airways of healthy and ill person. The difference of the air flow is caused by bronchial obstruction and constriction of airways of patient. There are other sounds and wheezing in the respiratory sounds detectable during breathing as a typical manifestation of the disease [4]. These phenomena can be detected by hearing of sound or by harmonic analysis

    Religion, Partisanship, and Attitudes Toward Science Policy

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    We examine issues involving science which have been contested in recent public debate. These “contested science” issues include human evolution, stem-cell research, and climate change. We find that few respondents evince consistently skeptical attitudes toward science issues, and that religious variables are generally strong predictors of attitudes toward individual issues. Furthermore, and contrary to analyses of elite discourse, partisan identification is not generally predictive of attitudes toward contested scientific issues

    Svježi proizvodi - jogurt, fermentirano mlijeko, sirna masa i svježi sir

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    Fresh fermented dairy products in general are the oldest milk products. In the early days they were home-made and served as basic food. The introduction of industrial food processing allowed great diversification and a large variety of products is now available to the consumer. The combination of milk, sweet or fermented, with other foods, primarily with fruits and herbs, as well as the development of processes which led to prolongation of the shelf life for up to several months, contributed to the popularity, i.e. to the increase of consumption of these products. According to the latest survey of IDF (1) on the consumption of dairy products in the world, fermented milks are very popular and, with increasing health consciousness of consumers worldwide, new fermented milks are being developed.Potrošnja fermentiranih svježih mliječnih proizvoda naročito jogurta u mnogim je zemljama 1992. bila znatna (podaci IDF). Najhitniji korak u razvoju ovih proizvoda predstavlja primjena selekcioniranih kultura mikroorganizama što je omogućilo bolju kontrolu njihove kvalitete. Uključivanje probiotskih mikroorganizama u kulture za fermentaciju ili dodavanje u samo fermentirano mlijeko najvažnije su modifikacije budućih postupaka proizvodnje. Uvođenje ultrafiltracije u mljekarsku industriju omogućilo je proizvodnju svježeg sira i sirne mase koji sadrže više bjelančevina sirutke. Takvi proizvodi mogu potrošačima stvarati specifične probleme uslijed povećanih količina laktoze i ß-laktoglobulina. Industrijska proizvodnja skute od ovčjeg mlijeka u Sjevernoj Americi je modificirana i proizvodi se od mlijeka smjese sirutke i obranog mlijeka te i/ili dodavanjem praha kisele sirutke. Postupak proizvodnje fermentiranih, svježih mliječnih proizvoda je učinkovita metoda konzerviranja većine prehrambenih, vrijednih sastojaka mlijeka tijekom nekoliko tjedana

    Electronic transport properties of the Al0.5TiZrPdCuNi alloy in the high-entropy alloy and metallic glass forms

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    High-entropy alloys (HEAs) are characterized by a simultaneous presence of a crystal lattice and an amorphous-type chemical (substitutional) disorder. In order to unravel the effect of crystal-glass duality on the electronic transport properties of HEAs, we performed a comparative study of the electronic transport coefficients of a 6-component alloy Al0.5TiZrPdCuNi that can be prepared either as a HEA or as a metallic glass (MG) at the same chemical composition. The HEA and the MG states of the Al0.5TiZrPdCuNi alloy both show large, negative-temperature-coefficient resistivity, positive thermopower, positive Hall coefficient and small thermal conductivity. The transport coefficients were reproduced analytically by the spectral conductivity model, using the Kubo-Greenwood formalism. For both modifications of the material (HEA and MG), contribution of phonons to the transport coefficients was found small, so that their temperature dependence originates predominantly from the temperature dependence of the Fermi-Dirac function and the variation of the spectral conductivity and the related electronic density of states with energy within the Fermi-level region. The very similar electronic transport coefficients of the HEA and the MG states point towards essential role of the immense chemical disorder

    Prognostic value of CA 19-9 level in resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

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    The prognosis in patients with pancreatic cancer is poor and some authors describe it as a lethal disease. At the time of diagnosis only 14% of patients could be surgically treated and up to 30% of them die within 12 months. Therefore, further clinical investigations on preoperative patient qualification are needed. A total of 81 patients were included into the study. The CA 19-9 concentration was measured before surgery by an automated, commercially available enzyme immunoassay in Axsym analyzer (Abott Diagnostics Laboratory). A value of 37 U/ml was used as the upper limit of normal levels. Tumors were staged according to the Union Against Cancer (UICC) of 2004 and graded during the histological evaluation according to the G0-G4 scale. All patients were monitored every three month via outpatient clinic visits. In the case of missing visit we contacted the families to establish the cause. We assessed perioperative, 12 month, 2 year and 5 year survival. Twelve moth, 2 year and 5 year survival were assessed in the whole studied population and in the group of patients with the exception of these who died during the perioperative period. The total five year survival was 6%. The median time of survival was 467 days (range: 163 - 586 days). The perioperative period was survived by 91.4% patients, 12 months were survived by 71.6% patients, 2 years were survived by 35.8% patients, 5 years were survived by 6.2% patients. The serum Ca 19-9 level was above the normal limit in 80.5% patients. ROC curve analysis revealed that CA 19-9 level of more than 106 U/ml was linked to 2 year survival with 79.3% sensitivity and 74.5% specificity. Preoperative level of CA 19-9 below 106U/ml represents a predictive factor of 2- and 5-year survival, independent of other factors, such as lower size of the tumor, absence of metastases to lymph nodes, female gender of patients. After exclusion of the patients who died in the perioperative period, no relationship could have been disclosed between preoperative CA 19-9 levels and one year survival. The observation points to the chance that patients with higher levels of CA 19-9 harbour micrometastases, the development of which is sufficiently slow to allow for a one-year survival of the patients but which increase the risk of death after two and five years

    A gold nanoparticles and hydroxylated fullerene water complex as a new product for cosmetics

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    Three types of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were synthesised with a custom-made Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis (USP) device, from aqueous solutions of gold (III) chloride (AuCl3) and gold (III) acetate (AuC6H12O6), with an initial concentration of Au 0.5 g/L. AuNPs were collected in suspensions of deionised (D.I.) water with the stabilisers polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) or polyethylene glycol (PEG), followed by the process of freeze drying the AuNPs to be useful as a new additive for the cream. The standard cream base was used as a matrix for preparation of three types of cream with AuNPs in the same concentration ratios. The third AuNPs cream was prepared with a patented hydroxylated fullerene water complex (3HFWC-W) matrix. To examine the effect of AuNPs as additive in creams, a six-week study of test creams was conducted on 33 volunteers with no dermatological diseases. During the study three main parameters of the skin where measured: Collagen quality, skin moisturisation and the epidermis-dermis function. The results of the study found improvements of collagen quality between 18-24 %, achieved due to the use of AuNPs in standard creams, while the cream with the combination of 3HFWC-W and AuNPs gave significantly higher improvements with a value of 45.7 %. It was also discovered that hydration of the skin (stratum cornum) increased by 6.4-9.6 % in standard creams with AuNPs, and 73.7 % in the 3HFWC/AuNPs' cream. Similar results were measured by the epidermisdermis function, where 24-28 % improvement for standard creams with AuNPs was identified, and 38.4 % for the cream 3HFWC-W/AuNPs

    Structure and superconductivity of tin-containing hftizrsnm (M = cu, fe, nb, ni) medium-entropy and high-entropy alloys

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    In an attempt to incorporate tin (Sn) into high-entropy alloys composed of refractory metals Hf, Nb, Ti and Zr with the addition of 3d transition metals Cu, Fe, and Ni, we synthesized a series of alloys in the system HfTiZrSnM (M = Cu, Fe, Nb, Ni). The alloys were characterized crystallographically, microstructurally, and compositionally, and their physical properties were determined, with the emphasis on superconductivity. All Sn-containing alloys are multi-phase mixtures of intermetallic compounds (in most cases four). A common feature of the alloys is a microstructure of large crystalline grains of a hexagonal (Hf, Ti, Zr)5Sn3 partially ordered phase embedded in a matrix that also contains many small inclusions. In the HfTiZrSnCu alloy, some Cu is also incorporated into the grains. Based on the electrical resistivity, specific heat, and magnetization measurements, a superconducting (SC) state was observed in the HfTiZr, HfTiZrSn, HfTiZrSnNi, and HfTiZrSnNb alloys. The HfTiZrSnFe alloy shows a partial SC transition, whereas the HfTiZrSnCu alloy is non-superconducting. All SC alloys are type II superconductors and belong to the Anderson class of “dirty” superconductors