35 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Geophagic Materials and Their Associated Rocks and Soils from Anfoega, Ghana

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    This study was conducted to examine the physico-chemical and mineralogical properties of geophagic materials and their associated rocks and soils from Anfoega, Ghana. The geophagic materials were sampled from pits >10 m deep overlain by massive sandstones and shallow soils which were also sampled. The pH of the geophagic materials was strongly acid. The pH of the soils from the three sites was slightly to moderately acid, that of the fourth site was moderately acid in the surface but strongly acid in the lower layers. While the geophagic materials were enriched with clay, the soil samples contained high amounts of sand. The CEC of the geophagic materials (18.0 to 23.2 cmolc kg-1) was higher than that of the soils (5.3 to 22.6 cmolc kg-1). Thin sections of the rocks showed high amounts of quartz and accessory feldspars and sericite. The geophagic materials contained high amounts of clay (with >79% SiO2), quartz, feldspars and sericite. X-ray diffractograms of the geophagic materials, rocks and soils were dominated by quartz, kaolinite, muscovite and feldspars. The sialic minerals in the geophagic materials (shales) were probably leached from the overlying sandstones. The mineralogy of the soils indicated that they were formed in-situ from the underlying sandstones

    Socio-demographic and AIDS-related factors associated with tuberculosis stigma in southern Thailand: a quantitative, cross-sectional study of stigma among patients with TB and healthy community members

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the most important infectious diseases worldwide. A comprehensive approach towards disease control that addresses social factors including stigma is now advocated. Patients with TB report fears of isolation and rejection that may lead to delays in seeking care and could affect treatment adherence. Qualitative studies have identified socio-demographic, TB knowledge, and clinical determinants of TB stigma, but only one prior study has quantified these associations using formally developed and validated stigma scales. The purpose of this study was to measure TB stigma and identify factors associated with TB stigma among patients and healthy community members.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was performed in southern Thailand among two different groups of participants: 480 patients with TB and 300 healthy community members. Data were collected on socio-demographic characteristics, TB knowledge, and clinical factors. Scales measuring perceived TB stigma, experienced/felt TB stigma, and perceived AIDS stigma were administered to patients with TB. Community members responded to a community TB stigma and community AIDS stigma scale, which contained the same items as the perceived stigma scales given to patients. Stigma scores could range from zero to 30, 33, or 36 depending on the scale. Three separate multivariable linear regressions were performed among patients with TB (perceived and experience/felt stigma) and community members (community stigma) to determine which factors were associated with higher mean TB stigma scores.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only low level of education, belief that TB increases the chance of getting AIDS, and AIDS stigma were associated with higher TB stigma scores in all three analyses. Co-infection with HIV was associated with higher TB stigma among patients. All differences in mean stigma scores between index and referent levels of each factor were less than two points, except for incorrectly believing that TB increases the chance of getting AIDS (mean difference of 2.16; 95% CI: 1.38, 2.94) and knowing someone who died from TB (mean difference of 2.59; 95% CI: 0.96, 4.22).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that approaches addressing the dual TB/HIV epidemic may be needed to combat TB stigma and that simply correcting misconceptions about TB may have limited effects.</p

    Stereotyping of medical disability claimants' communication behaviour by physicians: towards more focused education for social insurance physicians

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    Background: Physicians who hold medical disability assessment interviews (social insurance physicians) are probably influenced by stereotypes of claimants, especially because they have limited time available and they have to make complicated decisions. Because little is known about the influences of stereotyping on assessment interviews, the objectives of this paper were to qualitatively investigate: (1) the content of stereotypes used to classify claimants with regard to the way in which they communicate; (2) the origins of such stereotypes; (3) the advantages and disadvantages of stereotyping in assessment interviews; and (4) how social insurance physicians minimise the undesirable influences of negative stereotyping. Methods: Data were collected during three focus group meetings with social insurance physicians who hold medical disability assessment interviews with sick-listed employees (i.e. claimants). The participants also completed a questionnaire about demographic characteristics. The data were qualitatively analysed in Atlas.ti in four steps, according to the grounded theory and the principle of constant comparison. Results: A total of 22 social insurance physicians participated. Based on their responses, a claimant's communication was classified with regard to the degree of respect and acceptance in the physician-claimant relationship, and the degree of dominance. Most of the social insurance physicians reported that they classify claimants in general groups, and use these classifications to adapt their own communication behaviour. Moreover, the social insurance physicians revealed that their stereotypes originate from information in the claimants' files and first impressions. The main advantages of stereotyping were that this provides a framework for the assessment interview, it can save time, and it is interesting to check whether the stereotype is correct. Disadvantages of stereotyping were that the stereotypes often prove incorrect, they do not give the complete picture, and the claimant's behaviour changes constantly. Social insurance physicians try to minimise the undesirable influences of stereotypes by being aware of counter transference, making formal assessments, staying neutral to the best of their ability, and being compassionate. Conclusions: We concluded that social insurance physicians adapt their communication style to the degree of respect and dominance of claimants in the physician-claimant relationship, but they try to minimise the undesirable influences of stereotypes in assessment interviews. It is recommended that this issue should be addressed in communication skills trainin

    Prejudice and misconceptions about tuberculosis and HIV in rural and urban communities in Ethiopia: a challenge for the TB/HIV control program

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Ethiopia, where HIV and tuberculosis (TB) are very common, little is known about the prejudice and misconceptions of rural communities towards People living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) and TB.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a cross sectional study in Gilgel Gibe Field Research area (GGFRA) in southwest Ethiopia to assess the prejudice and misconceptions of rural and urban communities towards PLHA and TB. The study population consisted of 862 randomly selected adults in GGFRA. Data were collected by trained personnel using a pretested structured questionnaire. To triangulate the findings, 8 focus group discussions among women and men were done.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 862 selected study participants, 750(87%) accepted to be interviewed. The mean age of the respondents was 31.2 (SD ± 11.0). Of the total interviewed individuals, 58% of them were females. More than half of the respondents did not know the possibility of transmission of HIV from a mother to a child or by breast feeding. For fear of contagion of HIV, most people do not want to eat, drink, and share utensils or clothes with a person living with HIV/AIDS. A higher proportion of females [OR = 1.5, (95% CI: 1.0, 2.2)], non-literate individuals [OR = 2.3, (95%CI: 1.4, 3.6)], rural residents [OR = 3.8, (95%CI: 2.2, 6.6)], and individuals who had poor knowledge of HIV/AIDS [OR = 2.8, (95%CI: 1.8, 2.2)] were more likely to have high prejudice towards PLHA than respectively males, literates, urban residents and individuals with good knowledge. Exposure to cold air was implicated as a major cause of TB. Literates had a much better knowledge about the cause and methods of transmission and prevention of TB than non-literates. More than half of the individuals (56%) had high prejudice towards a patient with TB. A larger proportion of females [OR = 1.3, (95% CI: 1.0, 1.9)] and non-literate individuals [OR = 1.4, (95% CI: 1.1, 2.0)] had high prejudice towards patients with TB than males and literate individuals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>TB/HIV control programs in collaboration with other partners should invest more in social mobilization and education of the communities to rectify the widespread prejudice and misconceptions.</p

    Barriers and enablers in the management of tuberculosis treatment in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a qualitative study

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease which causes about two million deaths each year. In 1993, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared TB to be a “Global Emergency” due to an increasing number of TB cases and a rise in multidrug resistant cases in the developed world. Treatment interruption was considered one of the major challenges. WHO introduced the current TB control program DOTS (directly observed treatment, short course) as the tool to control the disease. To prevent further development of resistance against anti-TB drugs it was decided to observe each patient taking their daily dose of medication. The overall aim of this thesis is to explore how patients and health workers perceive and manage TB symptoms and treatment in a high-endemic and a low-endemic setting in the era of DOT(S). The data is based on fieldwork, including in-depth interviews and focus groups with TB patients and health workers, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2001-2002) and in Oslo/Akershus, Norway (2007-2008). We found that people’s interpretation and management of TB symptoms is influenced by cultural, social and economic factors. TB was, in both contexts, associated with poverty, and subsequently with a disease that affects certain countries or certain segments of a population. TB was viewed as a severe disease in both contexts, but there was variation between individuals to what extent one considered oneself as a likely victim. In the absence of circumstantial causes, such as poverty, patients in a lowendemic setting like Norway, found it difficult to understand why they had developed the disease. There was scarce knowledge about the fact that the disease could be latent. Awareness of early symptoms, such as persistent cough, was low in both contexts. Perceptions of vulnerability, together with the presence or absence of socio-economic barriers or enablers influenced at what time patients would seek help. The study suggests that health personnel lacked awareness or misinterpreted early symptoms of TB. In Ethiopia, lay categorizations of early TB symptoms converged with diagnostic practices in parts of the professional health sector. The diagnostic process could endure for many months after patients’ first contact with the health services. Similarly, in Norway, we found that patients’ interpretations of early symptoms often were confirmed in the meeting with health personnel. The consequences were prolonged diagnostic processes. The study shows that patients’ ability to manage TB treatment is a product of dynamic processes, in which social and economic costs and other burdens interplay over time. A decision to interrupt treatment can be shaped by past struggles and accrued costs; in which seems financially, socially or emotionally unbearable at the moment of treatment interruption. The burdens related to DOT could also be significant, in patients who did not interrupt treatment. Patients in both Ethiopia and Norway experienced an authoritarian and rigid practice of DOT, which made it difficult to simultaneously attend to demands related to treatment and demands related to other areas of life. The most vulnerable patients, such as those without permanent jobs, suffered from high economic, social and emotional costs. In conclusion, health personal need more knowledge about typical and atypical symptoms of TB. In low-endemic settings doctors need to be trained to adjust their level of suspicion to the migration history of the patient. In high-endemic settings one should be aware that health personnel may understand and manage TB within a traditional perspective. Patients in both high- and low-endemic contexts need concrete information about the cause of TB, how it is transmitted, how symptoms can be manifested, how the disease can progress and how it can be cured. The study indicates that inequalities that predispose for TB may be reinforced in the patient’s interaction with the health services due to a rigid, disempowering practice of DOT. Subsequently, DOT per se may add to the chain of structural barriers that patients have to overcome to access and complete treatment. To ensure that TB patients complete treatment one must address the coexisting and interacting crises that follow a TB diagnosis. This could require TB programs to adopt a more holistic approach. Measures that secure early diagnosis may reduce some of the physical, psycho-social and economic costs patients face while undergoing treatment. Measures that empower patients to participate in their own health care may avoid disempowering and humiliating practices

    Socio-cultural determinants of timely and delayed treatment of Buruli ulcer: implications for disease control

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    INTRODUCTION: Public health programmes recommend timely medical treatment for Buruli ulcer (BU) infection to prevent pre-ulcer conditions from progressing to ulcers, to minimise surgery, disabilities and the socio-economic impact of BU. Clarifying the role of socio-cultural determinants of timely medical treatment may assist in guiding public health programmes to improve treatment outcomes. This study clarified the role of socio-cultural determinants and health system factors affecting timely medical treatment for BU in an endemic area in Ghana. METHODS: A semi-structured explanatory model interview based on the explanatory model interview catalogue (EMIC) was administered to 178 BU-affected persons. Based on research evidence, respondents were classified as timely treatment (use of medical treatment 3 months from awareness of disease) and delayed treatment (medical treatment 3 months after onset of disease and failure to use medical treatment). The outcome variable, timely treatment was analysed with cultural epidemiological variables for categories of distress, perceived causes of BU, outside-help and reasons for medical treatment in logistic regression models. The median time for the onset of symptoms to treatment was computed in days. Qualitative phenomenological analysis of respondents’ narratives clarified the meaning, context and dynamic features of the relationship of explanatory variables with timely medical treatment. RESULTS: The median time for initiating treatment was 25 days for pre-ulcers, and 204 days for ulcers. Income loss and use of herbalists showed significantly negative associations with timely treatment. Respondents’ use of herbalists was often motivated by the desire for quick recovery in order to continue with work and because herbalists were relatives and easily accessible. However, drinking unclean water was significantly associated with timely treatment and access to health services encouraged timely treatment (OR 8.5, p = 0.012). Findings show that health system factors of access are responsible for non-compliance to treatment regimes. CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight the importance of an integrated approach to BU control and management considering the social and economic features that influence delayed treatment and factors that encourage timely medical treatment. This approach should consider periodic screening for early case-detection, collaboration with private practitioners and traditional healers, use of mobile services to improve access, adherence and treatment outcomes