1,244 research outputs found

    Strategies for estimating human exposure to mycotoxins via food

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    In this review, five strategies to estimate mycotoxin exposure of a (sub-) population via food, including data collection, are discussed with the aim to identify the added values and limitations of each strategy for risk assessment of these chemicals. The well-established point estimate, observed individual mean, probabilistic and duplicate diet strategies are addressed, as well as the emerging human biomonitoring strategy. All five exposure assessment strategies allow the estimation of chronic (long-term) exposure to mycotoxins, and, with the exception of the observed individual mean strategy, also acute (short-term) exposure. Methods for data collection, i.e. food consumption surveys, food monitoring studies and total diet studies are discussed. In food monitoring studies, the driving force is often enforcement of legal limits, and, consequently, data are often generated with relatively high limits of quantification and targeted at products suspected to contain mycotoxin levels above these legal limits. Total diet studies provide a solid base for chronic exposure assessments since they provide mycotoxin levels in food based on well-defined samples and including the effect of food preparation. Duplicate diet studies and human biomonitoring studies reveal the actual exposure but often involve a restricted group of human volunteers and a limited time period. Human biomonitoring studies may also include exposure to mycotoxins from other sources than food, and exposure to modified mycotoxins that may not be detected with current analytical methods. Low limits of quantification are required for analytical methods applied for data collection to avoid large uncertainties in the exposure due to high numbers of left censored data, i.e. with levels below the limit of quantification

    Simulated coal spill causes mortality and growth inhibition in tropical marine organisms

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    Coal is a principal fossil fuel driving economic and social development, and increases in global coal shipments have paralleled expansion of the industry. To identify the potential harm associated with chronic marine coal contamination, three taxa abundant in tropical marine ecosystems (the coral Acropora tenuis, the reef fish Acanthochromis polyacanthus and the seagrass Halodule uninervis) were exposed to five concentrations (0–275 mg coal l−1) of suspended coal dust (<63 μm) over 28 d. Results demonstrate that chronic coal exposure can cause considerable lethal effects on corals, and reductions in seagrass and fish growth rates. Coral survivorship and seagrass growth rates were inversely related to increasing coal concentrations (≥38 mg coal l−1) and effects increased between 14 and 28 d, whereas fish growth rates were similarly depressed at all coal concentrations tested. This investigation provides novel insights into direct coal impacts on key tropical taxa for application in the assessment of risks posed by increasing coal shipments in globally threatened marine ecosystems

    Integrated Array Tomography for 3D Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy

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    Volume electron microscopy (EM) of biological systems has grown exponentially in recent years due to innovative large-scale imaging approaches. As a standalone imaging method, however, large-scale EM typically has two major limitations: slow rates of acquisition and the difficulty to provide targeted biological information. We developed a 3D image acquisition and reconstruction pipeline that overcomes both of these limitations by using a widefield fluorescence microscope integrated inside of a scanning electron microscope. The workflow consists of acquiring large field of view fluorescence microscopy (FM) images, which guide to regions of interest for successive EM (integrated correlative light and electron microscopy). High precision EM-FM overlay is achieved using cathodoluminescent markers. We conduct a proof-of-concept of our integrated workflow on immunolabelled serial sections of tissues. Acquisitions are limited to regions containing biological targets, expediting total acquisition times and reducing the burden of excess data by tens or hundreds of GBs

    Integrated Array Tomography for 3D Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy

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    Volume electron microscopy (EM) of biological systems has grown exponentially in recent years due to innovative large-scale imaging approaches. As a standalone imaging method, however, large-scale EM typically has two major limitations: slow rates of acquisition and the difficulty to provide targeted biological information. We developed a 3D image acquisition and reconstruction pipeline that overcomes both of these limitations by using a widefield fluorescence microscope integrated inside of a scanning electron microscope. The workflow consists of acquiring large field of view fluorescence microscopy (FM) images, which guide to regions of interest for successive EM (integrated correlative light and electron microscopy). High precision EM-FM overlay is achieved using cathodoluminescent markers. We conduct a proof-of-concept of our integrated workflow on immunolabelled serial sections of tissues. Acquisitions are limited to regions containing biological targets, expediting total acquisition times and reducing the burden of excess data by tens or hundreds of GBs.</p

    Climate change doubles sedimentation-induced coral recruit mortality

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    Coral reef replenishment is threatened by global climate change and local water-quality degradation, including smothering of coral recruits by sediments generated by anthropogenic activities. Here we show that the ability of Acropora millepora recruits to remove sediments diminishes under future climate conditions, leading to increased mortality. Recruits raised under future climate scenarios for fourteen weeks (highest treatment: +1.2 °C, pCO2: 950 ppm) showed twofold higher mortality following repeated sediment deposition (50% lethal sediment concentration LC50: 14–24 mg cm−2) compared to recruits raised under current climate conditions (LC50: 37–51 mg cm−2), depending on recruit age at the time of sedimentation. Older and larger recruits were more resistant to sedimentation and only ten-week-old recruits grown under current climate conditions survived sediment loads possible during dredging operations. This demonstrates that water-quality guidelines for managing sediment concentrations will need to be climate-adjusted to protect future coral recruitment

    Effect of Disorder on Ultrafast Exciton Dynamics Probed by Single Molecule Spectroscopy

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    We present a single-molecule study unraveling the effect of static disorder on the vibrational-assisted ultrafast exciton dynamics in multichromophoric systems. For every single complex, we probe the initial exciton relaxation process by an ultrafast pump-probe approach and the coupling to vibrational modes by emission spectra, while fluorescence lifetime analysis measures the amount of static disorder. Exploiting the wide range of disorder found from complex to complex, we demonstrate that static disorder accelerates the dephasing and energy relaxation rate of the exciton

    Effects of climate change and light limitation on coral recruits

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    Climate change impacts and light attenuation from suspended sediments due to runoff, natural resuspension or dredging, can both impede the replenishment of coral populations. Here we tested the independent and combined impacts of climate change (current temperature and dissolved CO2, and two future climate scenarios) and a one-month-long light attenuation period at 5 different light levels (0.1 to 4 mol photons m−2 d−1) on early Acropora millepora recruits. Additionally, we evaluated whether the effects were age dependent by comparing responses of recruits that were one-month-old (‘early attenuation’) vs two months old (‘late attenuation’). Recruit survival, size and Symbiodiniaceae densities increased slightly under moderate future climate conditions (current temperature +0.44°C, 692 ppm pCO2), but decreased under a more severe climate scenario (+0.94°C, 985 ppm pCO2). Light attenuation significantly decreased recruit survival, size and Symbiodiniaceae densities only for recruits exposed to the late attenuation, suggesting an increasing reliance on photosynthesis as recruits age. Under the more severe climate scenario tested, recruit survival was diminished by both climate change (≤ 18 ± 4 [SE]% in the early attenuation) and light limitation (≤ 32 ± 6% in the late attenuation) compared with controls. However, there was no interaction between future climate scenarios and light attenuation indicating these effects were additive. This study demonstrates the potential effects of light limitation and future climate conditions on coral recruitment success and highlights the need to manage the timing of sediment-generating activities near reefs to optimise light availability for several months post-settlement

    Shape-Induced Frustration of Hexagonal Order in Polyhedral Colloids\ud

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    The effect of a nonspherical particle shape and shape polydispersity on the structure of densely packed hard colloidal particles was studied in real space by confocal microscopy. We show that the first layer at the wall of concentrated size-monodisperse but shape-polydisperse polyhedral colloids exhibits significant deviations from a hexagonal lattice. These deviations are identified as bond-orientational fluctuations which lead to percolating “mismatch lines.” While the shape-induced geometrical frustration of the hexagonal symmetry suppresses translational order, bond-orientational order is clearly retained, indicating a hexaticlike structure of the polyhedral colloid

    Retarding Field Integrated Fluorescence and Electron Microscope

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    The authors present the application of a retarding field between the electron objective lens and sample in an integrated fluorescence and electron microscope. The retarding field enhances signal collection and signal strength in the electron microscope. This is beneficial for samples prepared for integrated fluorescence and electron microscopy as the amount of staining material added to enhance electron microscopy signal is typically lower compared to conventional samples in order to preserve fluorescence. We demonstrate signal enhancement through the applied retarding field for both 80-nm post-embedding immunolabeled sections and 100-nm in-resin preserved fluorescence sections. Moreover, we show that tuning the electron landing energy particularly improves imaging conditions for ultra-thin (50 nm) sections, where optimization of both retarding field and interaction volume contribute to the signal improvement. Finally, we show that our integrated retarding field setup allows landing energies down to a few electron volts with 0.3 eV dispersion, which opens new prospects for assessing electron beam induced damage by in situ quantification of the observed bleaching of the fluorescence following irradiation