81 research outputs found

    Direct Interactions in Relativistic Statistical Mechanics

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    Directly interacting particles are considered in the multitime formalism of predictive relativistic mechanics. When the equations of motion leave a phase-space volume invariant, it turns out that the phase average of any first integral, covariantly defined as a flux across a 7n7n-dimensional surface, is conserved. The Hamiltonian case is discussed, a class of simple models is exhibited, and a tentative definition of equilibrium is proposed.Comment: Plain Tex file, 26 page

    Playing with Fire. The Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian Leviathan

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    After the fall of Mubarak, the Muslim Brotherhood decided to act as a stabilising force, to abandon the street and to lend democratic legitimacy to the political process designed by the army. The outcome of this strategy was that the MB was first ‘burned’ politically and then harshly repressed after having exhausted its stabilising role. The main mistakes the Brothers made were, first, to turn their back on several opportunities to spearhead the revolt by leading popular forces and, second, to keep their strategy for change gradualist and conservative, seeking compromises with parts of the former regime even though the turmoil and expectations in the country required a much bolder strategy

    The Relativistic N-body Problem in a Separable Two-Body Basis

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    We use Dirac's constraint dynamics to obtain a Hamiltonian formulation of the relativistic N-body problem in a separable two-body basis in which the particles interact pair-wise through scalar and vector interactions. The resultant N-body Hamiltonian is relativistically covariant. It can be easily separated in terms of the center-of-mass and the relative motion of any two-body subsystem. It can also be separated into an unperturbed Hamiltonian with a residual interaction. In a system of two-body composite particles, the solutions of the unperturbed Hamiltonian are relativistic two-body internal states, each of which can be obtained by solving a relativistic Schr\"odinger-like equation. The resultant two-body wave functions can be used as basis states to evaluate reaction matrix elements in the general N-body problem. We prove a relativistic version of the post-prior equivalence which guarantees a unique evaluation of the reaction matrix element, independent of the ways of separating the Hamiltonian into unperturbed and residual interactions. Since an arbitrary reaction matrix element involves composite particles in motion, we show explicitly how such matrix elements can be evaluated in terms of the wave functions of the composite particles and the relevant Lorentz transformations.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figures, in LaTe

    Relativistic Calculation of the Meson Spectrum: a Fully Covariant Treatment Versus Standard Treatments

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    A large number of treatments of the meson spectrum have been tried that consider mesons as quark - anti quark bound states. Recently, we used relativistic quantum "constraint" mechanics to introduce a fully covariant treatment defined by two coupled Dirac equations. For field-theoretic interactions, this procedure functions as a "quantum mechanical transform of Bethe-Salpeter equation". Here, we test its spectral fits against those provided by an assortment of models: Wisconsin model, Iowa State model, Brayshaw model, and the popular semi-relativistic treatment of Godfrey and Isgur. We find that the fit provided by the two-body Dirac model for the entire meson spectrum competes with the best fits to partial spectra provided by the others and does so with the smallest number of interaction functions without additional cutoff parameters necessary to make other approaches numerically tractable. We discuss the distinguishing features of our model that may account for the relative overall success of its fits. Note especially that in our approach for QCD, the resulting pion mass and associated Goldstone behavior depend sensitively on the preservation of relativistic couplings that are crucial for its success when solved nonperturbatively for the analogous two-body bound-states of QED.Comment: 75 pages, 6 figures, revised content

    Jamming non-local quantum correlations

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    We present a possible scheme to tamper with non-local quantum correlations in a way that is consistent with relativistic causality, but goes beyond quantum mechanics. A non-local ``jamming" mechanism, operating within a certain space-time window, would not violate relativistic causality and would not lead to contradictory causal loops. The results presented in this Letter do not depend on any model of how quantum correlations arise and apply to any jamming mechanism.Comment: 10 pp, LaTe

    A Tale of Three Equations: Breit, Eddington-Guant, and Two-Body Dirac

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    G.Breit's original paper of 1929 postulates the Breit equation as a correction to an earlier defective equation due to Eddington and Gaunt, containing a form of interaction suggested by Heisenberg and Pauli. We observe that manifestly covariant electromagnetic Two-Body Dirac equations previously obtained by us in the framework of Relativistic Constraint Mechanics reproduce the spectral results of the Breit equation but through an interaction structure that contains that of Eddington and Gaunt. By repeating for our equation the analysis that Breit used to demonstrate the superiority of his equation to that of Eddington and Gaunt, we show that the historically unfamiliar interaction structures of Two-Body Dirac equations (in Breit-like form) are just what is needed to correct the covariant Eddington Gaunt equation without resorting to Breit's version of retardation.Comment: 15 pages latex, published in Foundations of Physics, Vol 27, 67 (1997

    Interpretation of the evolution parameter of the Feynman parametrization of the Dirac equation

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    The Feynman parametrization of the Dirac equation is considered in order to obtain an indefinite mass formulation of relativistic quantum mechanics. It is shown that the parameter that labels the evolution is related to the proper time. The Stueckelberg interpretation of antiparticles naturally arises from the formalism.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex, no figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Reformism, Economic Liberalisation and Popular Mobilisation in Iran

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    Whereas in other MENA countries the impact of neo-liberal policies has been the subject of intense debate, there are at present few voices that directly analyse or critique its social and political consequences in Iran. This article seeks to address this lacuna by analysing the dynamics of reformism, economic liberalisation and popular mobilisation in Iran. It charts the country’s move from a post-revolutionary populism to a liberalised yet increasingly exclusivist model of politics and compares this to trajectories of economic liberalisation in Egypt. Two distinct outcomes of economic reform are analysed in the first part of the article: Socio-economic exclusion; and the contraction of political rights. In the second half, I investigate the ways successive post-war governments in Iran have packaged neo-liberal reforms, and how their re-imagining of the role of the state has led to differing levels of popular resistance. Finally I argue that under the present administration, political elites increasingly are oriented toward strengthening the state and seeking to limit opposition to their policies. However, the absence of neo-liberal hegemony in Iran means that growing mobilization on socio-economic issues is challenging these policies. The Right in Iranian politics is utilizing this mobilisation to present a populist challenge to the reformists in power

    Energy and decay width of the pi-K atom

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    The energy and decay width of the pi-K atom are evaluated in the framework of the quasipotential-constraint theory approach. The main electromagnetic and isospin symmetry breaking corrections to the lowest-order formulas for the energy shift from the Coulomb binding energy and for the decay width are calculated. They are estimated to be of the order of a few per cent. We display formulas to extract the strong interaction S-wave pi-K scattering lengths from future experimental data concerning the pi-K atom.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures, uses Axodra

    Classical relativistic statistical mechanics: The case of a hot dilute plasma

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    Starting from predictive relativistic mechanics we develop a classical relativistic statistical mechanics. For a system of N particles, the basic distribution function depends, in addition to the 6N coordinates and velocities, on N times, instead of a single one as in the usual statistical mechanics. This generalized distribution function obeys N (instead of 1) continuity equations, which give rise to N Liouville equations in the case of a dilute plasma (i.e., to lowest, nonzero order in the charges). Hence, the Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon hierarchy for the reduced generalized distribution functions is derived. A relativistic Vlasov equation is obtained in this way. Thermal equilibrium is then considered for a dilute plasma. The calculation is explicitly worked out for a weakly relativistic plasma, up to order 1/c2, and known results are recovered
