497 research outputs found

    Repeatability of the European Standardized Method for Measuring Sound Reflection and Sound Insulation of Noise Barriers

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    The EN 1793-5 and EN 1793-6 standards have been in use for many years as a method for measuring the intrinsic characteristics of noise barriers installed along highways and railways. They require a sound source and a grid of microphones, to be placed near the barrier and in free field conditions, according to predetermined distances. In principle, small errors in positioning the sound source and microphone grid may affect the results obtained. An international round-robin test was carried out in 2012 to evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of the method, but until now no studies have been carried out to evaluate and compare the repeatability of laboratory versus in-place measurements performed with the same equipment and its variance when an imperfect positioning of sound source and microphones is taken into account. In the present work, multiple series of sound reflection index and sound insulation index measurements performed on noise barriers of the same kind installed in the laboratory or along a highway are presented. The measurements were repeated in different ways: (1) in the laboratory, leaving the source and microphones unmoved to assess the repeatability of the results and of the measurement system under controlled conditions; (2) in the laboratory, repositioning for each measurement the source and microphone grid to assess the robustness of the method under real conditions but in a controlled environment; (3) in situ, along a highway open to traffic, repositioning for each measurement the source and microphone grid to assess the repeatability of the method under real conditions in a critical environment. In both reflection index and sound insulation index measurements, the standard deviation on single-number ratings in all cases examined is well below the value presented in EN 1793-5 and EN 1793-6, which was obtained from statistical analysis of the international round-robin test performed a dozen years ago, suggesting that expert operators with state-of-the art equipment can achieve much better results now

    A Low-Cost System for Quick Measurements on Noise Barriers in Situ

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    This paper describes the development of a low-cost device for measuring the acoustic intrinsic characteristics of noise barriers. The system is based on the Teensy 4.1 microcontroller combined with a few other components. The measurements are carried out using a vertical linear microphone antenna housing 6 microphones and a lightweight loudspeaker, wireless connected to the main unit. Both the main system unit and the amplified loudspeaker are powered from normal 5 V USB battery packs, which are easily rechargeable and interchangeable. The system measures 6 impulse responses using an MLS signal and performs a series of calculations and frequency analyses to characterize the device under test, following a simplified version of the European standards EN 1793-5 and EN 1793-6 (commonly referred to as the ’Adrienne method’). One measurement takes few minutes, obtaining results comparable to those obtained with the Adrienne method, which requires a more complicated and heavy measuring equipment and is much more expensive and time consuming

    Energy performance of a ventilation system for an apartment according to the Italian regulation

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    According to recent regulations on energy saving in buildings, all new structures should guarantee high-energy performance. To this aim, the building envelope should be equipped with insulated walls and high-efficiency windows. This approach leads to considerable thermal insulation, but at the same time, in the absence of a suitable ventilation system, it results in a worsening of indoor air quality. A healthy quality of life requires good indoor air quality; especially in places where people spend most of their time, adequate air exchanges should be guaranteed and indoor pollution reduced to "acceptable" levels. In the present work, we performed a dynamic simulation of a ventilation system for an apartment using a mathematical model, i.e., the Trnsys commercial code. The model has been applied to an apartment of 66 m2 inside a condominium located in Bologna (Italy), but can also be used for other types of buildings as well. The variation of energy request due to different measurements of volume flow rate was evaluated

    advancements in sound reflection and airborne sound insulation measurement on noise barriers

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    The in-situ measurement of sound reflection and airborne sound insulation characteristics of a noise barrier in Europe are currently performed following the CEN/TS 1793-5 European standard guidelines (last revision published in 2003 [1]). After some years a large number of barriers measured, the original method has been significantly enhanced and validated in the frame of the EU funded QUIESST project, WP3 [2]. The sound reflection measurement method has been improved using a square 9-microphone grid not rigidly connected to the loudspeaker, an optimized alignment al- gorithm of free-field and reflected impulse responses, including fractional step shifts and least squares estimation of the best relative position, and a correction for geometrical divergence and sound source directivity. Each single measure- ment is then validated by means of the Reduction Factor calculation. The airborne sound insulation measurement method has not been markedly changed since 2003, because the procedure is robust and easily applicable as it is, but some problems may still be encountered when measuring highly insulating noise barriers, due to a poor signal to noise ratio of the transmitted impulse response. In those cases it is difficult to realize just after the measurement whether the obtained data are valid or not. A method, applicable on site, to overcome this problem is described here. It is based on the Signal to Noise Ratio estimation of critical parts of the acquired impulse responses and gives a strong validation criterion

    New limit for the half-life of double beta decay of 94^{94}Zr to the first excited state of 94^{94}Mo

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    Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay is a phenomenon of fundamental interest in particle physics. The decay rates of double beta decay transitions to the excited states can provide input for Nuclear Transition Matrix Element calculations for the relevant two neutrino double beta decay process. It can be useful as supplementary information for the calculation of Nuclear Transition Matrix Element for the neutrinoless double beta decay process. In the present work, double beta decay of 94^{94}Zr to the 21+2^{+}_{1} excited state of 94^{94}Mo at 871.1 keV is studied using a low background ∌\sim 230 cm3^3 HPGe detector. No evidence of this decay was found with a 232 g.y exposure of natural Zirconium. The lower half-life limit obtained for the double beta decay of 94Zr\rm^{94}Zr to the 21+2^{+}_{1} excited state of 94Mo\rm^{94}Mo is T1/2(0Îœ+2Îœ)>3.4×1019T_{1/2} (0\nu + 2\nu)> 3.4 \times 10^{19} y at 90% C.L., an improvement by a factor of ∌\sim 4 over the existing experimental limit at 90\% C.L. The sensitivity is estimated to be T1/2(0Îœ+2Îœ)>2.0×1019T_{1/2} (0\nu + 2\nu) > 2.0\times10^{19} y at 90% C.L. using the Feldman-Cousins method.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Accepted in Eur. Phys. J.


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    In addition to the European agricultural productivity tasks so-called ecosocial services being born locally, have to be worked out, cannot be imported. The agriculture and the rural population have to be compensated. For the above mentioned the perception and demands of the aforesaid led to the establishment of the multifunctional European agricultural model, the reform of the common agricultural and regional policy. One of the aims of the study is the objective analysis of the situation, the other is the environmental approach of the complex social – economic possibilities of agriculture and regional development

    Distribution of dwell times of a ribosome: effects of infidelity, kinetic proofreading and ribosome crowding

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    Ribosome is a molecular machine that polymerizes a protein where the sequence of the amino acid residues, the monomers of the protein, is dictated by the sequence of codons (triplets of nucleotides) on a messenger RNA (mRNA) that serves as the template. The ribosome is a molecular motor that utilizes the template mRNA strand also as the track. Thus, in each step the ribosome moves forward by one codon and, simultaneously, elongates the protein by one amino acid. We present a theoretical model that captures most of the main steps in the mechano-chemical cycle of a ribosome. The stochastic movement of the ribosome consists of an alternating sequence of pause and translocation; the sum of the durations of a pause and the following translocation is the time of dwell of the ribosome at the corresponding codon. We derive the analytical expression for the distribution of the dwell times of a ribosome in our model. Whereever experimental data are available, our theoretical predictions are consistent with those results. We suggest appropriate experiments to test the new predictions of our model, particularly, the effects of the quality control mechanism of the ribosome and that of their crowding on the mRNA track.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Physical Biology. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at DOI:10.1088/1478-3975/8/2/02600

    Stochastic Description of a Bistable Frustrated Unit

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    Mixed positive and negative feedback loops are often found in biological systems which support oscillations. In this work we consider a prototype of such systems, which has been recently found at the core of many genetic circuits showing oscillatory behaviour. Our model consists of two interacting species A and B, where A activates not only its own production, but also that of its repressor B. While the self-activation of A leads already to a bistable unit, the coupling with a negative feedback loop via B makes the unit frustrated. In the deterministic limit of infinitely many molecules, such a bistable frustrated unit is known to show excitable and oscillatory dynamics, depending on the maximum production rate of A which acts as a control parameter. We study this model in its fully stochastic version and we find oscillations even for parameters which in the deterministic limit are deeply in the fixed-point regime. The deeper we go into this regime, the more irregular these oscillations are, becoming finally random excitations whenever fluctuations allow the system to overcome the barrier for a large excursion in phase space. The fluctuations can no longer be fully treated as a perturbation. The smaller the system size (the number of molecules), the more frequent are these excitations. Therefore, stochasticity caused by demographic noise makes this unit even more flexible with respect to its oscillatory behaviour.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figure

    Combining the bulk transfer formulation and surface renewal analysis for estimating the sensible heat flux without involving the parameter KB-1

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    The single‐source bulk transfer formulation (based on the Monin‐Obukhov Similarity Theory, MOST) has been used to estimate the sensible heat flux, H, in the framework of remote sensing over homogeneous surfaces (HMOST). The latter involves the canopy parameter, , which is difficult to parameterize. Over short and dense grass at a site influenced by regional advection of sensible heat flux, HMOST with  = 2 (i.e., the value recommended) correlated strongly with the H measured using the Eddy Covariance, EC, method, HEC. However, it overestimated HEC by 50% under stable conditions for samples showing a local air temperature gradient larger than the measurement error, 0.4 km−1. Combining MOST and Surface Renewal analysis, three methods of estimating H that avoid dependency have been derived. These new expressions explain the variability of H versus , where is the friction velocity, is the radiometric surface temperature, and is the air temperature at height, z. At two measurement heights, the three methods performed excellently. One of the methods developed required the same readily/commonly available inputs as HMOST due to the fact that the ratio between and the ramp amplitude was found fairly constant under stable and unstable cases. Over homogeneous canopies, at a site influenced by regional advection of sensible heat flux, the methods proposed are an alternative to the traditional bulk transfer method because they are reliable, exempt of calibration against the EC method, and are comparable or identical in cost of application. It is suggested that the methodology may be useful over bare soil and sparse vegetation.This research was funded by CERESS project AGL2011–30498 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain, cofunded FEDER), CGL2012–37416‐C04‐01 (Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación of Spain), and CEI Iberus, 2014 (Proyecto financiado por el Ministerio de Educación en el marco del Programa Campus de Excelencia Internacional of Spain)
